Witch Brigade

Chapter 86: Secret treasure like fog pipe

Quinns stroked on the counter, and suddenly, the golden balance scale appeared.

"Balance Libra, I've introduced it to you before. This is the only medium we can trade. In addition, neither you nor me can be traded to each other."

"Now, put your trading item on the weighing pan on the right."

Michelia Dale hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, the mystery on her hand was originally for nothing, and now she won’t have this chance if she doesn’t take a gamble. Thinking of this, Michelia resolutely put her hand Things are placed on the weighing pan. Suddenly, the weighing pan sank down.

"Oh? It turned out to be a pipe." Quinnes nodded, and there was no response. Now he can't exert the slightest influence on the things in front of him, and the natural identification technique will not work.

With a gesture of please, Quinns said: "Please choose."

Michelia Daller looked at Quinns and studied it with the list in her hand. On this list, in addition to all the mystery knowledge of Quinnes during the first plane transaction, the secret secret of the golden conch is added. Not surprisingly, this secret will be in the future for a long time. , Are the most expensive mystical knowledge that Quinns sells, even if the value of stolen items is halved due to the balance rule. Quinns was self-aware of the secrets he had snatched. The golden conch is synonymous with the golden horn, and it is impossible for Quinnes to use the name of the Duke of Hell on it. This is a very obvious clue.

As for the mystery of being named the evil heart by him, Quinnes thought for a while and didn't put him on the sales list. The world was already in chaos, and he didn't want to create a few more causes of evil himself.

Three minutes later, Quinns looked at Michelia Dalle’s entangled face and sighed secretly. Although she is a smart city, she is only a little girl after all. Even if she knows some news about the mysterious world, she will not be too Many, so he said: "Do you need me to give you some advice."

Michelia Dale looked at Quince pitifully and nodded, and whispered, "Thank you!"

Quinns smiled and didn't care about the slyness that flashed in the little girl's eyes. This is a little bit of survival for the little man: "First of all, you have to determine the value of this mysterious pipe in order to make a reasonable choice."

Quinns could roughly estimate the first plane transaction because it was soul gold coins, but a mysterious pipe could only be tried slowly without the buyer's knowledge.

Quinnes picked out the contents of the Golden Conch Ring 1 from the list and placed it on the left weighing pan. The balance scale was only slightly lowered to the left, and Quinns gave a shock.

"What's the matter?" Michelia Dale asked nervously.

"Nothing? It's just that the value of your pipe is somewhat beyond my expectation." Quinnes had vaguely guessed that the origin of the little girl's transaction might be a bit unclean, so when he measured the mysterious pipe, he also used value reduction. Half secret golden conch.

After Quinnes successively put the contents of the gold conch 2 rings and 3 rings into the weighing pan, the left weighing pan was still tilted, and there was a difference of three marks between the two.

Quinns touched his chin for a moment and thought, "If I guess your pipe correctly, it's not a seventh-order strange thing, or a fifth-order artifact." The reason for making such a guess is naturally because of Kui. What Ince compares with is the mystery of truth, not the mystery of some influential schools. Putting aside the influence of the Secret of Truth in the multiverse, it can make the Golden Conch Secret of the 3rd ring less than three scales of the pipe, which shows its value.

"A Tier 6 wonder? A Tier 4 Secret Treasure?" Michelia Dale said as if nothing had happened.

Quinns nodded, ignoring Michelia Dalle’s expression and said: "Are you sure you still want to make this transaction? I need to remind you that in the trading rules, the ownership of the transaction does not belong to you. , The value of the transaction item will be halved. This is a rule I can’t escape. If you put this pipe in the mysterious world, you can definitely exchange it for mystical knowledge with more than double the value."

Quinnes gently reminded the little girl.

After a daze for a moment, Michelia Dalle shook her head firmly: "Just trade like this." She didn't even think about trading in the mysterious world, because she didn't even find the entrance to the trade. Moreover, she has seen a lot of misfortunes when she has no strength but carries a lot of treasures. So her consistent rule is that once something is "borrowed", no matter the value, she will quickly get rid of it. And some hot things, she is not without precedent for directly throwing away. This is the reason why she still survives in Labau in the Smart City.

"Very well, you are very decisive. In that case, I will introduce you to the first 3 rings of this golden conch secret. It is based on the cultivation of water elements, suitable for the blood side and the wizard side. Since you may not have the qualifications of a wizard , You don’t need some mysterious knowledge about wizards. But if you want to understand the golden conch, "Anders Multiverse Witchcraft" is indispensable, which not only introduces many generalizations of the mysterious world, but also inscription literature Preliminary study of, and several simple 0-level secret medicine formulas. The most important thing for you is to read the secret medicine formula. This is the key for you to learn the inscriptions and the golden conch." The reason why Quinnes talked a lot, What is fancy is the little girl's courage and heart.

Quinnes singled out the contents of ring 0 of "Anders Multiverse Witchcraft" and placed it on the weighing pan, and saw that the two sides were originally offset by three scales, and the offset was within one scale.

"Of course, I also recommend another option for you, directly choose the Tier 5 Thorn Sword Secret, which contains detailed and detailed content, and does not need to be as time-consuming and costly as learning golden conch." Quinnes said again.

After lowering her head in thought for a moment, Michelia Dale raised her head and asked: "I want to ask a question."

"Please speak."

"Which part of the two secrets can you practice most?"

"The Secret of the Thorn Sword can only practice up to the 5th ring. As for the Golden Conch, you can practice up to the highest 9th ring. But I want to remind you that unless you can meet me again in the future, it will be difficult to get the Golden Conch. difficult."

Michelia Dall suddenly looked up at Quins with red eyes: "I want to buy golden conch."

"you sure?"

Michelia Dall nodded her head.

"Very well, then I'll ask you," Quinnes said suddenly and solemnly, "Is this deal done?"


"Very well, I announce that this transaction is established." With Quinnes's announcement, the balance scale began to rotate, and the right side, like the actual weighing pan, turned to the left. In the process, the essence gradually turned into illusion. , The weighing pan on the left gradually turns into reality as it rotates. On the weighing pan, the memory light ball has turned into two mysterious books, one thick and one thin.

Quinns made a please gesture: "This is yours."

Seeing the magical scene in front of her with her own eyes, Michelia Dall believed a little bit what Quinnes said. Quickly picked up the two mystery books on the scale and flipped through it. The content description in the books looked like that. Michelia Dalle thought that even if he was deceived, he could see some mysterious knowledge. It's not a loss either.

"Thanks..." When she looked up to say thank you, Michelia Dale was shocked. There was no shadow of the mysterious businessman in front of her, as if everything she had experienced before was just illusion.

"Is it true that what he said before is true?" Michelia Dale took out two books again, telling her instinctively that they were all true, so she really used to steal I bought a secret of the stuff.

At this time, Michelia Dale would never have thought of how this experience of her would bring about drastic changes in her future life, completely changing her life.

Quinns walked out of the dimensional gate and watched the dimensional trading gate turned into a witchcraft card and was exiled to chaos. This time the situation was relatively bad and very fortunate. Fortunately, he had just entered the Dimensional Gate, and the trade partner came to the door, so he didn't have to wait as long as the previous time. But the experience is bad. Such a small and low place can be used as a trading place. This is the first time he has encountered it.

Taking out the pipe in hand, after actually holding it, Quinnes confirmed for the first time that the pipe in his hand turned out to be a secret treasure. When did the secret treasure rot? Even a thief girl can steal it on the street, well, on the street of a smart city.

No matter how much, he observed carefully before his eyes, and Quinns discovered that the pipe was polished by an unknown wood. The ivory-like texture was glowing with white jade-like luster, and there was a special fragrance in the warmth. .

The identification technique was hit on the ivory pipe, and soon, a piece of information came into Quinns’ mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~The elephant fog pipe, the 5th rank secret treasure, using different quality tobacco leaves, can impose different ranks of smoke. The highest level 5 smoke, smoke has the power of 5 elephants, side effects, and accelerates aging.

"Good guy!" This can be used as his own trump card at this stage, but the side effects of accelerated aging do not make Quinns very happy. Such a large side effect is destined to not become his usual ability, but it is really a critical moment. , Where can I care about aging and not aging, it is important to take care of life first. Immediately, Quinnes used a temporary sealing card to seal the elephant mist pipe in.

After finishing these preparations, Quinnes waited patiently. There was only one hour away from October. During the waiting process, Quinnes concentrated on meditation and condensed the three spirit crystals. Soon after, the spirit crystals would require a lot of consumption.

An hour later, after skillfully chanting the recall spell, the seven witchcraft cards returned to Quinnes again.

For the first time, Quinns summoned the Flintlock Library. A feeling as if the soul was wiped, made Quines's soul alive. This is the understanding and blessing of the characteristics of the Sui Ancient Library on him. This time, Quinnes will no longer rush to exchange the secrets, and now there is a lot of mysterious knowledge that he needs to learn and master. Moreover, with the blessing of understanding the characteristics, he is confident that in a month's time, he has just created the flower rune system, and each rune will be added with an inscription again to achieve a four-inscription fusion rune. Know that this is not an easy task. For every inscription added, in addition to considering a single rune, the biggest difficulty is the connection between three thousand runes.

After that, the Witchcraft Garden, the Familiar, the Gate of Dimensional Trading, the Alchemy Workshop, the Seal Card, and the Smelting of All Things were all summoned one by one.

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