Witch Brigade

Chapter 99: Goodbye to Tig with new witchcraft cards

The cleanup of the contaminated area of ​​the Iron Rose Mansion lasted three days before it gradually subsided.

With the strength of the three giants of the Investigation Division, it is natural to kill three monsters that mutated after obtaining Iron Rose petals, but what is annoying is that after the death of these three mutated monsters, a lot of residual gray mist still leaks out, combined The black mud breeds a large number of black mud flesh and blood monsters, scattered out of the polluted land.

The Investigation Division tried its best to intercept, but there were still sporadic black mud and flesh monsters rushing out of the contaminated land.

For the past three days, the investigators have had very limited sleep time each day, and they have been tracking down the monsters that rushed out of the contaminated land. Fortunately, the Investigation Section was fully prepared in advance, even if the black mud and flesh monster caused a storm in a small area, the wind was suppressed by the city hall.

A few days later, the aftermath of the cleanup of the polluted land slowly weakened. Quinnes did not participate in the subsequent clean-up work, but all the staff who participated in the clean-up received 100 points of credit, but it was a very generous return.

At this point, what Quinns had to do in Tieg City was basically completed, that is, the small tasks assigned by the Investigation Section, and he was able to push it. For the rest of the month, he has to make thorough preparations and arrangements for the trip to Taopavi, the capital of Saluna.

First of all, the most important thing is the red brick house that Quinns is now living in. He asked William to help find a buyer. This red brick house on the edge of the Sai Bies River is not worried about selling. , So Quinns can choose buyers leisurely and try to sell at a good price. The reason for the sale was not only because he needed a lot of money, but also because he didn't plan to return to Tieg City for permanent residence in the future.

Then came the last day of February. The witchcraft card Quinns that should be used fell down and used them one after another. After harvesting a wave of Tier 1 materials, they exchanged for the last of the six scheduled secrets, the Scepter of Elements.

It was also on this day that William heard the news that the Viper Gang under the control of the Earls Court was completely annexed by his Dock Gang. As for the boss of the Viper Gang and the murderer of his brother Quinn Dodd, it was long after the Page of Truth incident. Soon Quinns took time out for cooking.

After the Page of Truth incident, most of the major underground forces in Tige City, either actively or passively, withdrew from Tige, such as Earl Dodge Mansion. Except for the snake slave Earl Dodge, everyone else withdrew from Tige overnight. The city, whereabouts, can be guessed without guessing. It was also due to the fact that the strength of the Earls Court was greatly reduced, that Quinnes and William dared to directly use the Serpent's help to attack. Now that the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes revolves around the page of truth, there is no room for a gang under its control.

At the beginning of March, Quinns finally solidified the core witchcraft of the first ring of the Throne of Time, the time wheel, and then derived two witchcraft cards.

The burning candle of witchcraft cards derived from inventors, mind will and time throne.

A witchcraft card armor puppet derived from inventors, fate observers and time thrones.

Then Quinnes had already prepared advanced materials to advance to the 1st witchcraft card.

Name: Burning Candle

Level: 1 ring

Concept: burning, will

Carling: Wax

Features: cast candle

Ability: Candlelight (1 time/month)

Cost: 1/1

Explanation: The candlelight of the soul never goes out

Characteristic casting candles, using the host's distracting emotions as raw materials, casting different distracting mood candles. It can make the host feel the presence of distracting thoughts, but it will not affect the host.

Ability candlelight, an ability that can only be used when there is a distracted mood candle. Different distracted mood candles have different effects.

Name: Steel Guard

Level: 1 ring

Concept: steel, human form

Carling: Steel

Feature: Steel Defense

Ability: Absolute Defense (1 time/1 month)

Cost: 1/1

Explanation: Steel is the steel of the body and the steel of the will.

Features steel defense, super defense beyond ordinary steel armor.

Absolute defense, capable of absolute defense against any type of attack of +1 rank such as witchcraft cards.

Two witchcraft cards, and the effect of the burning candle, Quinns felt firsthand. In the past, when studying mysterious knowledge, although two thinking dimensions and understanding characteristics were greatly improved, he learned the mysterious knowledge and was exposed to advanced levels. It is inevitable that he will be upset when he has a mysterious knowledge, and many disturbing distracting thoughts will affect the efficiency of learning. However, after casting candles, many complicated impurity thoughts no longer trouble him.

He will still have sadness, happiness, madness, troubles, etc., but the burning candle is like an invisible barrier covering his soul. Once the distracting thoughts are active to a certain extent, they will touch the depths of their soul. , Will be absorbed by the card barrier of the Burning Candle, turning into drops of wax oil of the distracting mood candle. The efficiency of learning and research has doubled linearly, and even the speed of response to fighting is the same.

Quinns was extremely satisfied with this witchcraft card.

The steel guard, Quinns tried on the giant ax tauren, only one word can be used to describe it, like a tiger with wings, complement each other, the super defense makes the giant ax tauren's survivability straight up, even if it is a master of the 3rd ring , He is confident that the tauren draped in the steel guard can stalemate for a while.

The more important point is that although the steel guard has the word steel, it is more about its meaning than its form. After all, this is an armor born from a witchcraft card, and it is not restricted by the wizard's inability to wear armor. In other words, wizards like Quinns can also be worn without affecting the cast.

In addition to these two witchcraft cards, the last esoteric element scepter in the six esoterics, Quinns temporarily put aside other research projects, fully conquered the core witchcraft element pearl, and prepared to go to the capital Taopapi , Get the remaining four witchcraft cards, and prepare for the advanced level 2.

In fact, curing the last one-ring witchcraft elemental bead came much faster than Quinnes imagined. Perhaps with the help of the Burning Candle, he solidified smoothly in just over half a month. With the core witchcraft element beads, the remaining four witchcraft cards were successfully derived.

After spending a day to advance four witchcraft cards, Quinnes actually fulfilled all the requirements for the second stage, but he did not rush to advance. In a short period of time, several witchcraft cards were derived, which caused the soul soil in the Quinnes Psionic Crystal to expand rapidly, and even the Psionic Pool also expanded several times, with the upper limit of Psionic Power far exceeding that of ordinary wizards.

Quinnes's background on level 1 has greatly increased. Compared with ordinary level 1 wizards, it is at least three times more than theirs in terms of psionic pool and soul particles. But after all, time is not long, and he has not had enough time to settle and consolidate in Ring 1. Therefore, Quinnes’s idea is to take a small amount of time to consolidate the precipitation before going to Taopavi, and all the other time is allocated to the study of other mysterious knowledge.

Time was long, and March slipped quietly in Tieg’s calm and Quinns’ busyness.

At the end of March, Slar Railway Station.

Quinns was wearing a black trench coat and carrying a heavy suitcase in his hands. Beyonita beside her tightly grasped Quinnes's hem, her whole body wrapped tightly without revealing a trace of skin, and her lovely black silk hood covered her gradually plump face.

With people coming and going on the platform, Quinns found the bench in the train station and sat down, took out a book from his suitcase and read it pretendingly. Of course, what he really read was the contents of the Soul Witch Book.

The well-behaved Beyonita also took out a hand-written book from her pocket, and read it with gusto, learning Quinns’ appearance. Except for a small hand, which was holding Quinns tightly, almost It's exactly the same as Quinn's gesture.

Not long after, Buddy dangling into the train station with a calf leather bag behind his back, smoking a cigarette.

From a distance, Buddy greeted Quinns: "Queens, you really have become more and more scholarly. It is hard to imagine that you were an assassin not long ago."

"Oh! Isn't this Beyonita? Quinns, are you trying to cultivate a princess?" Buddy said slightly exaggerated.

Snapped! Snapped!

Quinnes and Beyonita closed the books one after another, ignoring Buddy's ridicule: "Since it's here, let's get in the station. It's almost time. Have you bought the train ticket?"

Buddy shrugged: "Just here."

Since Buddy figured it out, his temperament has become more and more arbitrary, and some of his previous bad habits have gradually returned, such as the cigarette that never leaves his hand. In more than a month, Quinns has learned a lot: "As expected, let's go. , I bought the noble box, let’s get on the train first."

The train ticket that Quinnes bought was not a single-person train ticket, but a small box of nobles, and a small box of train tickets could take four people.

Since it is called the small box of nobles, there are naturally middle bags and big bags. Large rows of noodles are everywhere among the nobles, and the middle bags and big bags came into being. The price of the noble small box is not cheap, and the price of 10 gold duo coins is definitely not affordable for ordinary people. In addition, if you want to buy a noble box, apart from having enough money, your identity is also essential. Even if you have money, you will be rejected. It's just that the conditions for buying small boxes are relatively loose ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as the social status is in the upper middle, you can buy them.

To Quinns, these are not problems.

Fifteen minutes later, the three Quinns brought salutes and, under the guidance of the train attendant, entered the noble box.

"Wow, delicate room. It's the first time I'm a noble box." Buddy watched the waiter turn on a concealed switch in the room. After a sound of mechanical gears in the empty room, there were four small pieces. The well-distributed beds are changed into four comfortable sofas.

After the waiter gave a dedicated demonstration and explained the mechanism, he respectfully exited the box.

After helping Beyonita put the salute, Quinns slammed onto the sofa. Beyonita sat beside him cleverly, while Buddy was studying the mechanism on the sofa enthusiastically.

Soon, the waiter who had just left the box knocked on the door of the dining car and entered.

"Three guests, this is your coffee."

Quinns waved his hand: "Let it go, you go down first."

After researching for a while, Buddy sat down opposite Quinns: "This mechanical mechanism is pretty clever."

Quinns: "In the eyes of you, a mechanical expert, it should be nothing."

Buddy: "Haha, of course, this mechanical sofa has at least three areas that can be improved. The person who designed this mechanical mechanism can only be regarded as second-rate."

Quinnes: "Second-rate is already pretty good, and it's not a high-end weapon. No one will waste that strength and time to improve."

Buddy: "That said."

Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!

The siren of the train sounded.

Buddy looked out the window and said, "I didn't expect that I would leave here again."

Goodbye, Tig!

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