Witch containment diary

Chapter 106 Forging the Darkest Edge

Miss Lianwu...that's so good. Zhang Su couldn't help but feel excited.

If the world were peaceful, it would be great if he and Miss Lianwu could stay together in peace and contentment. In the future, there would be no worries and a peaceful life.

When I'm in a good mood, the garden looks particularly peaceful and lovely now.

Summer has arrived, with deep purple hydrangeas and blue butterfly irises adorning the grass, and ripe raspberries and chia fruits hanging from the branches.

Majestic and tall pine trees stand throughout the garden, and their branches shade ponds, wells and mountain streams.

I still remember that when I first brought Xiaofeng, the garden of Anxinyuan was still a wasteland overgrown with weeds, the ancient well was filled with mud, and the pond was dry and dead.

But after half a year of operation, this place has become a comfortable place. Even just listening to the trickle of the stream is a soothing enjoyment.

After being alone and meditating, Zhang Su can quietly observe his soul. On the one hand, he is burdened with the cruel ending, and on the other hand, he has to shake off the pressure of memory and move on.

"I'm sorry -" a cautious voice came.

Zhang Su looked up and saw the witch prisoner Dong Mei coming.

She worked on the assembly line of Dongzhou Industrial. Now she has calluses on her hands, a short and lean figure, and a vigilant eye, which has developed the habit of being cautious.

"Good morning." Zhang Su greeted her.

"...You said you could let me make something or something, and now I'm here." Dongmei said, her hair was very messy.

"Yes, come with me." Zhang Su thought of those obsidian inventories, where demon weapons could be recast into human weapons.

He led Dongmei towards the warehouse and pushed the heavy warehouse door open with one hand.

The warehouse was originally very large, but Zhang Su expanded it and replaced it with modern metal shelves. There were signs hanging high above, just like a giant warehouse-style store, which could clearly classify the goods.

The air was filled with the lingering smell of alcohol, and Dongmei felt her mouth go dry.

She approached the shelf with the "Liquor" label full of expectation, but saw that it was completely empty, and there were piles of beer bottles, aluminum cans, foreign wine and red wine packages next to it.

Who...what drank all the wine in An Yin? I'm afraid he will die! Dongmei was shocked.

"These wines..." Dongmei looked at Zhang Su worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll clean out the garbage later and make up some more. You can apply for alcohol supply." Zhang Su knew it was Katie who drank it. She was deeply drunk and then fell asleep. This amount of alcohol was enough to keep her asleep for several days. .

"Yes." Dongmei licked her lips expectantly.

Zhang Su took Dongmei to the place where demon supplies were stored. The entire black box exuded an ominous and taboo atmosphere.

He opened the box. In addition to the obsidian fragments, there was also a demonic treasure inside. However, Dongmei was not good enough to recast the treasure. Only Priscilla could do that.

"Here you go, these things. I collected them all from the front line." Zhang Su spread his palms.

In his hand, lying quietly were obsidian daggers, blades, sword blades, as well as large and small fragments, the big ones were like pure source stones, and the small ones were like black synthetic jade.

Dongmei stared at these obsidian remnants. Obsidian is a weapon used by demons to fight. They are naturally able to accommodate souls. The more souls they swallow with it, the more pure and transparent the texture of obsidian becomes, like colorless glass...

Dongmei had only heard about this material before, but now that she saw it in person, she was deeply impressed. What's their story? How many people have you killed?

"Do you need a studio or tools?" Zhang Su asked.

"I am the 'casting' path, and my hands are the stove and forging hammer. I just want to untie my collar." Dongmei smiled bitterly.

"No problem." Zhang Su opened Dongmei's simple collar.

Once the magic power is blocked, it cannot circulate smoothly in the body. Dongmei is released and quickly guides the magic power through the neck and back to the brain.

The smart IQ returns to the high ground and sees things more clearly.

She raised her hand, and red light emitted, embedding these obsidian fragments like chains, as if creating a strong magnetic constraint field, they naturally levitated and followed Dongmei.

"Shall we go out?" Dongmei walked out, eager to show off her skills.

"You seem confident." Zhang Su felt that Dongmei was very confident.

"Although I haven't received my job transfer yet, I became the leader of the assembly line team within one year of working. I was hired when wages were high, and my boss didn't fire me." Dongmei is eager to give it a try.

The so-called "changeable water" is a special potion used by the casting witch to melt the raw materials, just like the casting witch's second life. Dongmei still needs to pass many tests before she has a chance to receive it from the Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

Arriving at the pond in the garden, Dongmei held her breath and began to heat the obsidian.

She felt excited, the magic flowing through her body to the obsidian material waiting to be forged. She hadn't felt this alive in a long time.

"What do you want to make?" Dongmei asked.

"A fighting knife." Zhang Su said.

This kind of sword is shorter than the tachi and is suitable for use in foot combat.

"That kind of knife is too small for you." Dongmei smiled.

"It's not for me." Zhang Su shook his head. He has the world-viewing pagoda.

Who would he give this knife to? Dongmei was curious. But I didn’t ask. Casting the knife is still important.

Dongmei continued to unleash her casting magic, soaking these glass-like black stones in fiery red light.

They have to be heated to over 2000°C before they melt, and soon they are all burning red, as if a volcano is about to burst out of them!

Gradually, they melted smoothly, like dark snow, and Dongmei breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Dongmei brought them together, imagining the subtle arc of the blade while manipulating the invisible casting magic power to hammer the blade embryo hard.


After a loud noise, flaws and cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the obsidian blade. The fragments shook violently and were as fragile as glass.

She frowned, readjusted her position, and tried to press again.


Now even Zhang Su could see the tiny cracks spreading on the obsidian blade.

There's no way to fight this kind of thing.

"It's not usually like this." Dongmei explained to Zhang Su, her eyes still falling on the flaming red obsidian blade in her hand.

Dongmei once easily made plastic, steel, and rubber products in the factory, and they molded into shape easily in her hands, adding to Dongzhou's industrial expansion.

The Forging Witch's thoughts and craftsmanship were comparable to those of the best human designers. She was confident, but the obsidian blade... Dongmei felt that it was desperately resisting the magic of casting.

"These materials have uneven texture and different grades." Zhang Su said.

"I know that some are secondary obsidian and some are flawless obsidian." Dongmei observed carefully and tried to adjust.

"Take a rest?" Zhang Su asked.

"No, no need." Dongmei was sweating profusely.

She wanted to prove herself in front of Zhang Su that she was here to work, not just for free.

Due to poverty, Dongmei could not afford to go to the witch education academy run by other cast witches. She studied at Dongming National College, but Dongmei has always had confidence in her craft!

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and thought about what she had learned in her life.

"Basics of Materials Science", "Basics of Engineering Materials and Mechanical Manufacturing", "Metal Materials and Heat Treatment", thermal properties, brittleness, phase transformation, deformation heat treatment, continuous casting, crystal structure...Give us strength!

Dongmei opened her eyes wide, and Zhang Su felt that her aura had changed!

She melted all the obsidian raw materials again, then stacked and welded them again, and stamped and forged them with casting magic.

Zhang Su observed attentively, and he believed that Dongmei would achieve a uniform distribution of obsidian materials and avoid excessive performance differences in different parts of the blade.

Her casting magic penetrates into the blade embryo and makes fine adjustments. The obsidian vibrates slightly, which is both strong and stable, and its color and texture undergo subtle changes.

Immediately afterwards, Dongmei transformed the casting magic power into a heavy hammer and slammed it on the blade embryo.


Zhang Su and Dong Mei were both excited.

The blade was flattened but not broken, and the quality was much better than last time!

Dongmei swallowed and started shaping.

boom! boom!

She was sweating profusely and repeatedly forging the shape of the knife. The sound was not harsh, but like the sound of a metal sonoration.

Over the course of an hour, the knocking sound sounded more than a thousand times. It was indeed a hard work and sparks flew everywhere.

When the shape of the knife appeared, Dongmei stabbed it into the pond to cool it down.

The moment the blade touched the water, countless smoke surged up, making a sizzling sound that made Dongmei cough.

If the blade is too thin, it will deform into a piece of scrap iron during quenching. Fortunately, Dongmei has reserved the thickness of the knife so that it does not crack or deform, and it is still tough.

Zhang Su watched attentively.

As the witch is cast, the obsidian weapons used by the demons will resonate with the magic power and transform into "demon-repelling alloys."

This is the best choice for human weapons. It will continue to become stronger after killing demons.

Dongmei polished it carefully, and her casting magic transformed into an incomparable cutting machine, grinding it extremely sharp.

"You should work for the human defense plan." Zhang Su felt that Dongmei's skills were already very good.

"The civil service exam for the Human Defense Project is too difficult." Dongmei wiped his sweat while polishing, "The business class is OK, but I can't write a little bit about current affairs and politics."

Dongmei thought of a question asking "What are the advantages of fighting against demons?" One option was "Human resources are extremely cheap", and she didn't know whether to choose it or not.

If she doesn't choose, she may not be loyal to the plan, but if she chooses, the plan will be extremely loyal.

Dongmei ground the blade to a perfect edge, then made a corrugated handle also made of obsidian, with a lotus-shaped blade attached, and assembled the components together to fit perfectly.

The knife is forged.

"It's ready!" Dongmei was covered in sweat, holding the knife high with trembling fingers.

Zhang Su stared carefully and took a deep breath.

This is a perfect alloy sword for exorcising demons. It is curved and its edge is sharp enough to cut the air out of blood. The blade is covered with ripple-like stripes and swirling patterns, making it almost a work of art. An invisible spiritual light spreads around the blade, making it appear and disappear.

"Do you still have magic power?" Zhang Su asked.

"One more thing, what should I do?" Dongmei didn't understand, "It's good enough, no need to strengthen it anymore?"

"I hope you will print your name on it, Dongmei. This is the knife you made." Zhang Su smiled slightly.

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