Witch containment diary

Chapter 141 Saving Xincheng Meiyu

"Muroka, Murohua? Murohua!" Xincheng Meiyu raised her eyes and saw Komurohua, immediately let out a sharp cry from her mouth, and then rushed towards her quickly.

When she was emotional, she stepped on the ground with her bare feet, dragging her shackles to make a sharp metal sound, and the tag around her neck jingled.

When Shihua heard his mother's voice, thunder suddenly exploded in his mind, and he was extremely excited!

"Mom! Mom! I'm here!" Shihua couldn't see it and could only stagger forward.

"Don't move rashly!" the masked guard shouted.

"Wait a minute -" Zhang Su raised his hand to block him.

Thanks to blocking him in advance, Zhang Su was able to prevent him from interfering with the reunion between Mrs. Meiyu in the new city and Hana Komuro.

"Shihua!" With a cry, Xincheng Meiyu picked up Shihua and hugged her tightly.

Komurohua sadly felt her mother's thin body and protruding ribs.

Why did mom become so thin?

She quickly reached out her hand and touched her mother's face to restore her mother's image.

Mom’s nose is like this, mom’s eye sockets are like this, mom’s face is like this…

"Mom...Mom...I miss you so much..." Shi Hua desperately recalled her mother's face.

Combined with the touch of her hands, she recreated her mother's appearance bit by bit, as if she were piecing together a sculpture from a dark desert.

"You can't see, Shihua, oh - Shihua..." Xincheng Meiyu closed her eyes and cried, her voice intertwined with sadness and guilt.

"It's okay." Shihua snuggled next to her mother, "It's okay...Mom...I can hear and smell now, and I have a puppy...I can move around, just like I can see. , I’m not afraid…”

Shinjo Miyu kissed Komuroka's forehead.

"You have grown so tall...so strong...Murohua...I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you...I didn't stay with you to take care of you...I caused you..." Shinjo Meiyu hugged Shihua tightly. .

Even if she is weak, she will hold up Komurohua and never put her down.

Shihua squeezed her mother's hand reassuringly.

"...Don't worry about me, mom..." Shi Hua said sensibly, "I'm very happy to come see you now. I will remember you firmly. Now that I know you are still alive, I am extremely grateful... "

"I will be released from prison soon, and then we will be together all the time." Xincheng Meiyu murmured.

Zhang Su calculated in his heart.

Xincheng Meiyu's sentence was still 4 years short of her sentence, and then the natural disaster came, and she was destined to be unable to catch up!

Unless Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu can be transferred to Anxinyuan to live.

"Is it you? Are you responsible for guarding Komurohua?" Xincheng Meiyu looked at Zhang Su.

"It's me." Zhang Su said.

"You - you..." Xincheng Meiyu stared at Zhang Su pleadingly, "Can you be merciful? Can you make an exception? I just want to protect Komurohua, take me to your prison, let me Stay with Komuro Hana... Even if you lock me up for a hundred years, two hundred years, or a lifetime, let me stay with Komuro Hana, okay?"

"It's okay...!" Murohua put her head close to Xincheng Meiyu's shoulder, already sobbing, "Mom... I live very well there! I'm waiting for you! I'm waiting for you to come out... You're waiting for me, too. Waiting to live with me, we will be a family again... Our family will be reunited!"

"Don't separate us... please..." Xincheng Meiyu knelt down in front of Zhang Su.

"Please don't do this!" Zhang Su quickly stepped forward and helped Xincheng Meiyu up.

Although Zhang Su's expression remained firm, he already felt sympathy in his heart.

Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu's voice sounded so painful that it resonated deeply in Zhang Su's heart.

If he were in power, he would never refuse such a sincere request, but it's a pity that he is not the director of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

By the way, Edith... in the end, it's all a matter of Edith's words.

"I will find a way." Zhang Su promised.

"Supervisor Zhang, Xincheng Shihua, Xincheng Meiyu, the time has come." The masked guard spoke, his tone was cold, Zhang Su suspected that the person under the mask was not a person at all.

Xincheng Meiyu's eyes sparkled with hope.

She stared at Zhang Su, as if she wanted to remember his appearance.

"Thank you," she whispered, before hugging Murohua tightly again.

"Mom...Mom...remember me...I also want to remember you...remember your appearance..." Komurohua touched her mother's face.

"I will remember Komuro Hana, I will remember Komuro Hana -" Shinjo Meiyu was taken away by the guards. As the distance grew further, her voice became higher and higher, almost screaming and roaring! "Muroka--Muroka--Muroka!--Muroka--"

Shihua burst into tears.

Zhang Su could only take her out of the reception room.

In the corridor outside, the children were silently beside Shihua.

They spontaneously took turns to hug Murohua.

"I...I'm about to cry..." Natsuki's eyes were red, holding the Yuanori kitten in her left hand, and Shihua in her right hand.

"Meow meow..." Yuanzhi Cat raised its paw and wiped Shihua's tears.

"Hey..." Saho hadn't felt this looming guilt for a long time.

If she hadn't caused the trouble, Shihua's eyes would still be big and bright now.

She also went up to hug Shihua. Saho was so sad that she almost hit herself on the head.

"Mrs. Miyu Shinjo will be released from prison soon, don't worry." Reio comforted Komuroka.

She didn't know how long Xincheng Meiyu would have to squat, so she could only comfort her casually. Reio's own mother was shot for a murder a long time ago, so Reio developed a cold character.

"Let's go. I'm sorry...for making everyone so sad..." Murohua didn't want others to be sad because of her.

"We are all a family, and your business is our business." Zhang Su led Shi Hua away.

If there were no children here to accompany him, Murohua would probably faint from sadness.

"Well! Actually, I'm not afraid when everyone is around. I always have hope in my heart. Let's go eat ice cream?" She actually thought of eating ice cream to dilute everyone's sadness.

"We don't want to eat, we want to buy it for you! Give you something to eat!" Xia Xi strode forward.

Everyone leaves together.

For Murohua, today is the most significant day among the many days he has spent in New Tokyo!

After losing her sight, she had almost forgotten her mother's appearance. Only at this moment could she remember it again through touch.

Mom looks very beautiful...

Murohua was reminiscing, while Natsuki was staring at the endless prison room in front of him.

It's so dark in here!

Natsuki clapped her hands and emitted a light in front to guide everyone.

The sun shines brightly, illuminating the endless shadows of New Tokyo's No. 1 Witch Prison.

Many witches who were trapped in dark cells vaguely saw a bright light shining in the corridor in the distance.

"It's sunshine...sunlight magic!"

"Haah...such a small ball of light...still a little witch..."

"What a beautiful light..."

"...I haven't seen it for a long time..."

"It's great...it's really light...I forgot that light existed in this world..."


"Sing! Shout!" They stared outside, and this ray of light seemed to burn into their hearts, making them feel warm.

Soon, Natsuki heard vague shouts, shouts and chants coming from the distance.

They were so excited to see the long-awaited light!

Natsuki didn't know what was happening yet, and thought there were monsters in the darkness on both sides, so she quickly rubbed the ball of sunshine in her hand even bigger.

The light becomes louder, and the sound from the distance becomes louder, like the singing and blessing of an infinite witch!

"Teacher, what is this?" Natsuki asked nervously.

"It's the witches imprisoned in the first prison. They haven't seen the light for a long time. They are thanking you." Zhang Su said.

"Ah!" Natsuki quickly continued to rub the light dumplings on her hands.

She felt a sense of solemnity. This was a very meaningful moment in her life, illuminating others.

Natsuki walked forward seriously, holding the sunshine ball high in both hands, feeling like she was holding the most precious thing in the world through the abyss.

When she left the witch prison, the sounds behind her gradually faded away.

Natsuki continued to reflect on the wonderful experience just now.

"...Why...Teacher, why do I feel so strange and powerful, as if I want to become bigger and sparkle?" Natsuki asked.

"Because this is the breaking ceremony of the Sun Path, but you haven't grown up yet." Zhang Su said.

New Tokyo, Witch Countermeasures Bureau headquarters office.

Edith looked indifferent, straightened her upper body, and connected to the video signal.

"Fujikawa Saburo, you tried to invade the Sky Tree, your plan failed, and now you are communicating with me again. What are you trying to make up for?" She said expressionlessly.

On the other side of the screen, Saburo Fujikawa looks kind, but his eyes are very sophisticated.

He himself was wearing a loose blue robe, looking particularly leisurely, and there was a pretty girl behind him, rubbing his back and shoulders.

"In the past ten years, I have seen with my own eyes how you poisoned this country. You raised litter after litter of hunting dogs, raped Dongming's bones and sucked out his marrow, and made accusations against Zhongliang. Hee... hee... I don't know how many people have been killed by you. Now I hold the Fujikawa Group in my hands, and there are 30 million Dark Zone residents who are turned a blind eye by you. This bottom-up anger will smash the beautiful crystal ball of New Tokyo to pieces." Fujikawa Saburo said in a low voice.

Edith ignored Fujikawa Saburo's anger and glanced at the nail polish on her hands casually.

"I have noticed your little temper. Now go back to the slums and dirty subways of old Tokyo. Adults have more important things to do." Edith said.

"Yes, there are old Tokyo and the subway. A place ignored by you, a place regarded as a 'dark zone'. The people here are invincible people. They have no jobs, no worries, no parents and no children. If they Everyone realizes that his 'mean life' can be exchanged for anyone on the ground. How long do you think the new Tokyo you built can shine?" Saburo Fujikawa sneered.

"Interesting," Edith said.

"How do you think desperate gang members, angry ronin, and ferocious unemployed people emerged? You treat them as slaves, and they treat you as enemies," Saburo Fujikawa said.

Edith didn't speak, but looked at the video screen.

No matter what Saburo Fujikawa said, Edith didn't reply.

Her expression was strangely calm, and Fujikawa Saburo felt that he was not communicating with Edith through the network signal, but that Edith was right in front of him.

This pressure made him cut off the signal first, and the picture in front of Edith turned into a black shadow.

Edith leaned back in her chair.

Senior Supervisor Solo watched the whole process. He leaned against the wall and his expression changed slightly.

"This is a very serious threat. I always think that your measures to abandon old Tokyo and rebuild new Tokyo are questionable." Soro said.

"My original intention was to blow up the old Tokyo and build a new one on the original site. Since you refused, I had no choice but to build the new Tokyo on the sea." Edith said.

"Fujikawa Saburo is sophisticated and may have been planning a large-scale security conflict. Although you work in the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, people here regard you as a higher-level existence than the Prime Minister. This also means that you are responsible for the people of New Tokyo. ." Solo warned.

"What's your opinion?" Edith looked a little weak.

"I suggest using this." Zoro waved his hand, following the hum of the machine.

A tall mechanical figure walked into the office, gleaming alloy armor covering its structure, and full-power firearms embedded in each arm.

"?" Edith frowned.

"The new products provided by Star Ring Technology Company have been deployed in many cities at risk of rebellion, such as Marseille, Glasgow and the Lion City. They can remove thousands of people in one second. After this meeting at King's Castle, Star Ring Representatives of Environmental Technology emphasized the importance of new technologies in strengthening security,” Soro explained.

"..." Edith tapped her forehead.

"As a test, I will purchase a battalion of these robots tomorrow to protect the lives of the citizens of New Tokyo. This is an excellent symbol, representing the invincible law and order. Regular soldiers are always at risk of mutiny, and the loyalty of robots always lies with us. In the palm of your hand." Zoro nodded.

The office door opened again.

Zhang Su came in with a stack of plans. It took him a long time to write the plan, and he planned to ask Edith to arrange for Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu to live in Anxinyuan. After all, Mount Kaguraku is also working on fighting demons. Mrs. Miyu Shinjo may be able to make meritorious deeds and protect everyone again.

"Director Edith, I'm here. This time it's for..." Zhang Su looked up.

"Take out that last sentence and my title," Edith interrupted.

She moved her fingers to the left and then to the right, as if she wanted to delete two unpleasant things in the world.

"Edith. I'm here." Zhang Su pinched the head and tail helplessly.

Hearing this, Edith smiled softly, as if she suddenly felt particularly relaxed, as if she had a chance to breathe again.

"Solo, I won't spend a penny on this kind of machine, because Zhang Su can eliminate threats and can easily dismantle your machine into scrap metal." Edith glanced at Solo.

"I met him at the debriefing meeting in May. He seems to be very good at fighting, but you can't compare humans with fine steel machines." Solo turned to Edith and ignored Zhang Su.

"To be honest, you'll know just by trying it. Mr. Solo just came back from King's Castle. I'm Echigo Witch Supervisor Zhang Su. Please give me your advice." Zhang Su put the plan on Edith's desk.

"It's such a waste to use it here." Zoro shook his head.

"That's right. Why damage the equipment?" Zhang Su said.

"'Equipment'? Why not give it a try? People say that robots are not perfect because they are afraid." A cold voice suddenly came, and they all turned to the robot. It was it that spoke.

"...Then let's test the actual combat effect." Zoro had no choice but to agree.

"Come on." Edith whispered to Zhang Su, her eyes full of tenderness.

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