Witch containment diary

Chapter 164 The Appearance of the Great Demon Cave

"Excuse me, Saburo-sama." Masako Asami saluted to Saburo Fujikawa.

She was wearing a very long gray double-breasted coat, which was bulging as if something was about to pour out at any moment.

An Yin's show looks haggard, but he strives to maintain tenacity and restraint.

Behind him, the eldest son Ryuichi looked around and stood upright, while the younger son Kyouji looked wary, as if he was afraid of such a bloody stage.

"...I know why you are here. It is to borrow money. We have a lot of money to give you to help you make a comeback!" Fujikawa Saburo said boldly.

Chiyo Fujikawa felt on pins and needles when she heard the news.

The famous Ansin family was reduced to asking the Fujikawa group to borrow money!

This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the entire Dongming Kingdom.

If it were originally true, the Fujikawa group would not be taken seriously by the Anshin family at all.

Even if Fujikawa Yuichi is reincarnated, Ansinin Hideyuki will not look at them twice. The difference in status and power between the two sides is too great.

"In that case, I'm really grateful, but as for the money, we have it." Masako Asami smiled lightly at Saburo Fujikawa.

"So, what are you here for?" Fujikawa Saburo was confused.

"On the contrary, we are here to lend you funds. We hope to reach deep financial cooperation with the Fujikawa Group and trade your food." Asami Masako said.

"You also want...ah, you also want to be as young as me." Saburo Fujikawa came back to his senses.

"We will have both wealth and longevity, which are the two most beloved characteristics of human beings, aren't they?" Masako Asami smiled.

"Serve, serve." Fujikawa Saburo was very happy to hear this.

He ordered several hall masters who were immersed in eating to get out of the way so that more food could be served on the table.

These hall masters ate so much that their entire faces were swollen and their bodies were bulging, as if tumors were about to burst out.

Several shirtless team members served fresh meat, freshly cut and without any seasoning.

"Hee... hee... hee... the food here is not poisonous." Fujikawa Saburo sat in his seat, watching the Ansin family look embarrassed at the raw food on the table.

Only Masako Asami can eat gracefully.

"Here we go, what a treat." She picked up a fork and stuffed a plate of white meat with an unknown texture into her mouth, chewed it slowly, and washed it down with sake.

"...We should discuss some business details, including how much money we will pay and how much food you will hand over." Ansuin Hideyuki raised his head and said in as elegant a tone as possible.

He is old. Fujikawa Chiyo looked at Ansuin Hideyuki. I'm afraid it was the mental pressure that made him feel that his end was approaching.

Anyuan Lianwu's father. I even wrote to him through letters. Fujikawa Chiyo secretly said.

"No, no, no, let's eat first. This is a meat sacrifice, to thank us for having something to eat, and to thank our bodies for being filled with fresh blood and meat. This is a festival, and we should free our minds and enjoy it to the fullest." Saburo Fujikawa He glanced at Yasashi Koike who was caught and unable to move, and Chiyo Fujikawa who was extremely uncomfortable in his seat.

He asked someone to serve exquisite yellowtail and salmon sashimi to the Ansin family so that Hideyuki and his two sons could eat a little.

Saburo Fujikawa himself continued to eat flesh and blood.

Fortunately... fortunately Lian Wu did not join the banquet. Fujikawa Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise this will become everyone’s most regretful memory.

The party continues.

Some beautiful women walked into the hall. They were so beautiful that you could clearly see the dragon or chrysanthemum tattoos on their bodies. They twisted, sang and danced to their heart's content, and provided songs and dances.

There was a bewitching power in their voices that made Fujikawa Chiyo feel dizzy.

Fujikawa Chiyo felt that the walls were about to melt into the blood stains, and all the pillars of the Naking Snake Commercial Building were turning into huge pieces of flesh.

"In order to commemorate our distinguished guests, the Anxinyuan family, I have prepared the appetizers!" Fujikawa Saburo clapped his hands.

Two members of Fujikawa's team tied up a panicked man.

"What are you doing? I'm here to eat!" he shouted.

Fujikawa Chiyo vaguely recognized him as Hidero Okura, the son of Okura Taizo, the president of Mitsubishi Corporation.

Twenty-two years old, young and promising, quite handsome, he is a member of Mitsubishi's board of directors and has a fortune worth hundreds of billions waiting to be inherited.

Now he was dragged into the middle of the bloody banquet.

"This - this is the son of the Okura family..." Ansuin Hideyuki and the others were obviously surprised.

He is indeed a business figure and has never seen gangsters working like this. Chiyo Fujikawa sighed secretly.

"I know your predicament very well. It is because of these plutocrats running rampant in Dongming that the Anxinyuan family was forced into a desperate situation. After the emergence of the 'Shengyang Group', all the properties of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce will be annexed... and I can help you. To fight, the premise is that you stand with me." Fujikawa Saburo said.

Fujikawa Chiyo realizes that Saburo intends to kill people with a borrowed knife, forcing the Ansin family to commit blood debt.

In this case, both parties will really have to cooperate forever.

The shirtless team member placed a samurai sword on the table in front of Ansinin Hideyuki. It was pity that he still had to do such a thing at his age. Fujikawa Chiyo watched silently.

"Go." Masako Asami encouraged.

"..." Ansinin Hideyuki nodded, picked up the knife in front of him, and walked towards Okura Hidero step by step.

"Hey! Uncle Hideyuki! Uncle Hideyuki! Don't kill me - Kyoji! Kyoji! Didn't we play together? Ryuichi! We are classmates!" Okura Hidero was trembling with fear.

Chiyo Fujikawa took a deep breath, but the people of the Ansin family did not dare to disobey. Killing Hidero Okura would prove reliable friendship and sincerity, which is also what the gang does.

Just when Ansinin Hideyuki approached with a pale face, Fujikawa Chiyo suddenly stood up and shouted: "Stop!"

"You-you are..." Ansuin Hideyuki only saw her now.

Saburo Fujikawa frowned, and other members of the Fujikawa family were also surprised. They did not expect Chiyo Fujikawa to come forward at this time.

"I am Fujikawa Yuichi's daughter, Fujikawa Chiyo. Killing is commonplace for me. This is our way of survival. No matter what cooperation you want to achieve with the Fujikawa group, I can do this for you." Fujikawa Chiyo took over. knife.

Ansuin Hideyuki was a little hesitant, wondering why Fujikawa Chiyo came to help him.

Fujikawa Chiyo turned to Okura Hidero.

"Why is this! We are all human! We are human, aren't you a human?" Yinglang cried sadly.

I'm not a human, I'm a witch...! Chiyo Fujikawa thought to herself as she stabbed Hidero's throat with a knife.

Blood spurts out.

Almost at the moment Chiyo Fujikawa killed Hidero, the air at the banquet became thicker with blood.

She pulled the knife back and it felt like she was cutting the flesh of the world and the air dripped with blood and she felt hungry.

"Chiyo! Chiyo! Chiyo!" The members of the Fujikawa group raised their cups one after another.

Take a sip of wine and eat a sip of meat!

Yinglang clutched his throat and fell back. Others looked at him like he was looking at food, and they became more and more appreciative.

Fujikawa Chiyo executed the appetizers for them, and the feast will continue.

The noisy party continues.

Saburo Fujikawa waved his hand, and Hidero was dragged down to divide.

When he came back, Okura Hidero had changed.

Fujikawa Saburo laughed and continued drinking, but his calculating eyes always remained on the Ansin family and Chiyo.

Chiyo Fujikawa returned to her seat holding the blood-stained knife.

"...Now that the dishes have been prepared, let's continue talking about cooperation. Hideyuki Aninin, what is the secret of your unbeaten investment for so many years." Saburo Fujikawa chewed bite after bite.

"Please don't pry, this is my father's secret." An Yuan Long Yi said loudly.

"Huh?" Sanlang glanced at Long Yi, who didn't change his expression.

The younger son Kyoji did not have the same courage as Ryuichi, but he lowered his head silently, as if to avoid all this horror.

Ansuin Hideyuki took a sip of wine and nodded to Long.

"Asami Masako... Masako, she..." Ansuin Hideyuki said slowly, "She has 'unusual talents'."

"I heard that your ex-wife left you because of this." Saburo Fujikawa continued to press, "She gave birth to three children for you, but Mrs. Masako Asami's talents are high enough to make you forget these things."

Asami Masako ate the meat on the plate and turned to look at Hideyuki Aninin with interest.

"Poverty makes me tremble all over. In my dream... I begged for someone to help me in my dream." Hideyuki Aninin said tremblingly.

"And I was sent to help him. 'All investments can win.' This is his investment perspective. He made the right bet... I am the rare treasure left by the mythical king of the Eastern Ming Dynasty in Mizuho Ashihara. Please give me Lord's command, come and share the wealth." Asami Masako stood up, her appearance was rapidly crumbling.

Her voice was high, with an eerie echo, and her charming smile disappeared.

Masako Asami's eyes cracked, her hair began to fall off, her head parted from the middle and sank, moving like a puppet, and there was a buzzing sound from her broad belly, like the crispness of pearls.

Immediately afterwards, her skin bag opened, revealing a gorgeous black lacquer box decorated with gold threads.

Fujikawa Chiyo's pupils shrank, the characters engraved on the surface symbolized infinite wealth.

In the room, countless pairs of greedy eyes were staring at the box.

When the box is opened, the other end seems to be connected to a mountain of gold and silver. Countless gold and silver jewels splash on the table, making a clanking sound!

Fujikawa Chiyo's body trembled.

In addition to the smell of meat, the banquet hall also had the pungent smell of copper. The eyes were covered with dazzling gold, piled together with the meat.

"You are here under orders, and I am following my lord's will to hold a banquet and attract companions, hee... hee... when the dinner is over, the sea of ​​blood will erupt from our cups..." Saburo Fujikawa stood up. The big felt cloth slipped down, and there were two, three... four... eight legs hidden under his clothes, four in front and four in back, supporting him like a sick spider.

The dancing beauties all show their prototypes, with prominent curved corners and graceful postures. They are all beautiful spirits!

The beautiful spirits and demons of New Tokyo are all here!

The big devil's cave, the big devil's cave.

Fujikawa Chiyo gritted her teeth, she had to stay awake, people could easily become servants of the devil.

She hid her katana under her clothes so she could pull it out of her chest when forced to defend herself.

Chiyo Fujikawa knew that this place was being surrounded and that the human special operations force would take action soon. They didn't know what kind of army had gathered outside and how many strong men were preparing to break through this place.


There was a thunder, and Fujikawa Chiyo felt that the magnetic field in her body was also rising upwards. How could the foundation left by her father be so corrupted and deteriorated?

She hoped from the bottom of her heart that this time she would be able to kill everyone, destroy the Ming She Commercial Building, and kill all the demons!

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