Witch containment diary

Chapter 179 Beating Ryosuke Matsudaira

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Su settled everyone down. They were all very happy to see the idol's performance.

It was also thanks to Shang Shuqin that I had this opportunity.

Before falling asleep, Zhang Su thought about what happened during the day and the dozen or so times he had with her, and felt more and more that Shang Shuqin was indeed a good partner.

First of all, she is good-looking and charming. It is also very qualified as a gun mount and very durable.

Combined with her super long legs and silk feet, you really won’t get tired of it.

His family background is also very good, he is a Chinese businessman, rich and powerful. Zhang Su wanted to recruit Shang Shuqin to be his deputy. After all, it has been verified that the two parties are very compatible!

It's a pity that Zhang Su is not a senior supervisor yet. The human defense plan is classified according to H1~H15. Zhang Su is currently only an H5-supervisor. Only when he reaches the H9-senior supervisor level like Kazama Yoshihuai can he be called a witch.

It's better to take the children to continue playing, Zhang Su thought secretly, New Tokyo's holiday balance is insufficient.

Going back to An Hospital soon, Zhang Su checked the to-do list.

Visit the aquarium and university, buy souvenirs for Hongyan, take Mrs. Meiyu of Xincheng home, use antidote for Yuanzhi...

Zhang Su found that the beating of Matsudaira Ryousuke was not completed yet.

Songping Ryosuke, the former director of Anxinyuan, and Zhang Su are gearing up.

After this life is resurrected, many things have changed, but this one thing remains exactly the same. Never miss it! He must be beaten.

Zhang Su traced this person's resume, and after being transferred from An'an Hospital, he joined the Chamber of Commerce in Dongming Kingdom to assist in private education work.

He is also the director of the logistics department of a private education group. He wears many hats and makes money in many ways. However, it has now been merged into the Sun Group.

Because he has experience as a public official, people still give him some credit.

However, his luck ends here!

Zhang Su checked the address, and then he didn't sleep. He went to beat him first.

Ryosuke Matsudaira is 40 years old this year.

He felt that he couldn't really use his talents in public service, and it was the Qingshui Yamen that took in the witches.

Even the famous senior supervisor Kazama Yoshikaei is a poor person in his personal life, which Ryosuke Matsudaira cannot accept.

After being transferred back to New Tokyo, Ryosuke Matsudaira quickly began to seek to make extra money.

He strode into an elementary school in New Tokyo with his hands behind his back. His expensive casual leather shoes made a sound on the road. He was wearing a custom-made suit and his hair was neatly combed back.

He has always seen himself as an example of a successful businessman, a steadfast striver.

Entering the administrative building, he walked to the principal's office, knocked on the door arrogantly with the knuckles of his two fingers, and barged in without waiting for anyone to respond.

Principal Yoshinaga glanced at Matsudaira Ryosuke, raised his head from the stack of documents in front of him, stuffed optically enhanced pupil membranes into his eye sockets, and looked at the other person carefully.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm here to introduce Sun Group's new business." Ryosuke Matsudaira sat down on the chair opposite the office, crossed one leg over the other, his eyes bright, "Over the years, the students of our education group have I have been eating the same boring canteen food, but as a relevant member of the Family Committee and the person in charge of the Sun Group's 'Happy Homes' project, I feel it's time to make a change."

"What suggestions do you have for Sunrise Group's business?" the principal asked.

"Pre-prepared meals." Ryosuke Matsudaira said impatiently, "Our Sun Group can provide very high-quality pre-prepared meals, delivered on time three days a day, so that the quality of children's food can be upgraded to restaurant level."

"I don't know..." Principal Yoshinaga hesitated, "This is against the law."

"No, no, no, how could it be? Are prepared dishes illegal? Everything is in compliance with the rules, and all additives comply with European standards. Even if there are obstacles, Sunrise Group can eliminate them. Mr. Principal, don't you think about the children? Yes. Pre-prepared dishes include steak, nutritious milk, ramen and pizza every day, so the children can all be full." Ryosuke Matsudaira said with a smile.

"Are they all cheap frozen food?" Principal Yoshinaga asked.

"If we Dongming people keep resisting the food industry like this, we won't be able to eat one-euro fried chicken like Americans and Europeans do. This is the historical trend." Matsudaira Ryosuke said seriously.

"I have to see the sample." Principal Yoshinaga couldn't make up his mind.

"Let me show you." Ryosuke Matsudaira continued to promote. He took out a flat screen, which reflected a variety of prepared foods and related technologies promoted by Sun Group.

"Protein gel: Made of denatured collagen and soluble fiber, it keeps food in a fixed state for a long time and facilitates transportation."

"Food Grade Tartrate Spray: Helps create shine on food, giving it a pleasing appearance and extending shelf life."

"Imitation hemoglobin: a heme compound produced by fermentation that can replicate the color and flavor of real myoglobin, making plant-based meat taste like real meat."

"Augmented Reality AR Flavor Glasses: When worn, the unique fluorescent dye patented by Shengyang Group can be recognized, allowing people to feel the aroma and satiety before eating, which can reduce food consumption and create a simulated flavor."

Principal Yoshinaga was a little surprised when he saw it. Although the food for the children was not good food originally, these prepared dishes were amazing, and there were also equipment that could make the children think they were eating something.

"From now on, our school's food budget can be reduced to less than half of the original, and all meals will be provided by Sun Group." Matsudaira Ryosuke announced.

"What are those milky white things?" Principal Yoshinaga asked.

"Nutritional paste is also a major contribution that Suntech has made to mankind. It looks like a small, sticky paste, but it can meet people's daily needs. You only need to eat one stick of nutritional paste every day. You can be active all day long, with double the amount of protein, starch, salt and vitamins, which is more secure and nutritious than what we eat now, and by reducing the meal time to 1 second, it will change the shape of human civilization." Ryosuke Matsudaira boasted.

"Hmm..." Principal Yoshinaga pondered.

"Take this." Ryosuke Matsudaira handed the principal an envelope.

The principal knew before opening it that it contained a generous bribe. The thinner the envelope these days, the more valuable the contents were.

The principal did not refuse. Matsudaira Ryosuke pushed the envelope under the pile of paperwork, smiled softly, and then turned and left.

He had found out before he came that the principal liked whiskey and women. Next time, he would just strike while the iron was hot and the deal would be settled.

That night, Ryosuke Matsudaira went to the lower-level commercial street of New Tokyo to have fun.

The air was filled with the aroma of ramen noodles from the late-night cafeteria, and he strolled there happily, enjoying the indulgence after get off work.

He ducked into a narrow alley and knocked on an unmarked door, where a pretty girl looked at him with critical eyes until he pulled out a wad of banknotes before ducking inward, allowing him to go in and relax.

"Come on, come on, let's have a drink!" Several drunkards inside invited Matsudaira Ryosuke to come in and drink together. He opened his tie and threw himself into the party.

The waiter filled the cup with fine sake, and the mint-like liquid reflected the dim light seductively.

When he took his first sip, he felt like being embraced by a long-lost lover, smoky and smooth.

Closing his eyes, Ryosuke Matsudaira let the alcohol do its work, sinking into a free space where power and money didn't matter.

There, he could taste the joy of his own efforts.

Light rain fell, but was intercepted by the ceilings of high-rise buildings.

The lower streets of New Tokyo are always dark. Ryosuke Matsudaira spent more than 40,000 yen and left happily.

Even though it was late, New Tokyo was still full of energy.

Stray cats were looking for leftovers, drunk white-collar workers were sitting on the ground trying not to fall asleep, and Metropolitan Police agents dressed as high school girls were walking around talking and laughing, with pistols hidden under their uniforms.

Ryosuke Matsudaira stood dazedly.

He suddenly felt a sense of nervousness, and a cold consciousness climbed up his spine, making the hairs on his neck stand up.

Someone is following him?

Matsudaira Ryosuke turned around, feeling cold all over.

He hurried back to the small club where he was. The beautiful girl standing at the door was still staring at him.

Matsudaira Ryosuke touched his pockets and found that he had really run out of cash this time.

She pointed behind him, causing Ryosuke Matsudaira to turn away nervously.

Uneasy emotions tightly wrapped around Matsudaira Ryousuke.

The rain is getting heavier.

Eventually some rainwater fell over the tall buildings and fell to the ground.

Matsudaira Ryosuke vaguely saw a huge black figure standing on the street in the drizzle, as if waiting for him.

"What...what..." Ryosuke Matsudaira trembled all over, feeling like he had seen something wrong.

In an instant, the black shadow swooped over.

Matsudaira Ryosuke felt that his hand was almost torn off.

In an instant, he was dragged into a deserted garbage alley and fell to the ground.

"Wait - wait -" Ryosuke Matsudaira raised his hand, trembling all over, "I will give you whatever you want! I have money -"

Zhang Su's big hand grabbed Matsudaira Ryosuke's arm and twisted it hard.

With a cracking sound, his entire arm was twisted off. Matsudaira Ryousuke screamed in pain and curled up on the ground, with tears and runny nose streaming down his face.

He slapped Ryosuke Matsudaira on the chest again, sending energy throughout his body.

Zhang Su has been practicing for a long time, and has polished his energy to be smooth and silky, instantly crushing all the bones and tendons of Matsudaira Ryosuke along the way!

"Uh-ah-" Matsudaira Ryosuke couldn't make a sound, the pain penetrated into his nerves, like a big wave repeatedly beating his will, causing him to instantly lose all the strength to resist and shout.

His whole body seemed to be trapped in a ball of chaotic cotton - Matsudaira Ryousuke was extremely desperate.

Did you do something wrong? Ryosuke Matsudaira thought vaguely that he just bullied his classmates when he was a child, cheated on the college entrance exam, worked as a gangster for many years for a little money, killed stray animals with his car, and beat a girl named Saho in anger at the Anshin Institute. And selling cheap food to schools...

Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhang Su's two fingers turned into spears and stabbed him without hesitation!


It hurts...

Ryosuke Matsudaira's eyes were poked out, and then Zhang Su pulled out his fingers fiercely!

The blood fountain is flying...! Revenge has been avenged!

In this way, Ryosuke Matsudaira can experience what it feels like to be disabled and blind!

The sound of footsteps came.

The JK agents carrying backpacks are here. They are a special group in New Tokyo that suppresses criminals. Among them are reformed warriors who use mechanical hearts. Zhang Su pulled away and left, no need to pester him.

Undoubtedly, someone will come to Ryosuke Matsudaira's rescue and leave him with a bizarre and heavy medical debt.

This beast will be crushed by the rules of Neo-Tokyo.

Zhang Su clenched his fists.

He turned around and left, disappearing into the huge New Tokyo, like a drop of water returning to the sea of ​​people.

The city is endless, still hot, boiling, and chaotic, like a bright steamer.

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