Witch containment diary

Chapter 215 Digging the Little Bee’s Lair

In the afternoon, Anxin courtyard garden.

Bees were buzzing around, and the place was overgrown with weeds. She used her little hands to cut off the overgrown branches.

Although she has the body of a girl, she behaves like a hard-working insect. The little bee flapped its delicate wings and leaped from one place to another, concentrating on its work.

Youfalin stared at Xiaofeng.

Not long ago she was just a little bug, and before that she was squirming flesh in my belly. Youfa Lin thought.

Although Little Bee has a tender body, Youfalin initially concluded that she was not suitable for labor, but now Little Bee is well fed and full of energy, and no task seems to be difficult for her.

In order to repair the relationship between mother and daughter, Youfalin decided to teach Xiaofeng how to dig holes.

"We bugs live in caves, it's time to prepare for the tunnel." Youfalin instructed Xiaofeng.

"So you want to dig a cave for us to live in?" Little Bee held an engineering shovel in his hand and looked at his mother suspiciously. The nanoworms taken from her mother were woven into exquisite underwear on her body.

"Yes, yes, but the Nydus Worms haven't been differentiated yet, so we can only do it ourselves." Youfa Lin encouraged.

Xiaofeng was doubtful, but started digging anyway.

They worked for more than an hour and dug a hole about one meter wide.

After taking a rest, Youfalin wiped the sweat from her forehead. The sun was shining directly on the garden of An's courtyard, making it unbearably hot.

She leaned against the shovel and looked at the small hole she and Bee had dug so far, Bee's wings drooping in the heat.

"Is that enough?" Xiaofeng stood in the pit and looked up at her mother outside.

"This hole needs to be dug again. Do you remember the insect nest we had in the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees, right? The area is more than ten kilometers wide." You Falin used the bone insect limbs behind her to prop herself up and let herself hang on the ground. Half a meter above the ground, overlooking my daughter.

"I remember." The little bee also wanted such a big nest.

She grabbed Youfa Lin's shovel. Before Youfalin could object, Xiaofeng jumped into the shallow pit and continued working stubbornly, shoveling out soil and throwing it outside the pit.

You Falin felt angry and funny.

"...be careful, don't waste your efforts, and don't tire yourself out," she said.

Youfa Lin digs with the help of the big and strong scythe limbs on her back, which is the standard equipment of the complete insect witch, while the mature wasp can only use its thin hands.

After the cave was dug deeper, Youfa Lin could also enter. She continued to demonstrate how to scoop up the soil correctly and pile it neatly behind her. Xiaofeng watched silently, and then imitated Youfalin's smooth movements. Two bugs, one big and one small, worked side by side, digging hard and gradually digging deeper into the hole.

At this time, Youfalin felt that the hostility between her and Xiaofeng had eased.

During her long life, Youfalin gave birth to many children, but none of them was like Bee. This guy has a lot of enthusiasm that belies such a petite frame. Even though she has grown up, her size is still not comparable to that of the insect witches of the same level.

Youfa Lin observed the little bee. She was now in the tunnel and could not fly, but her wings kept flapping while she was shoveling the soil, as if she was preparing to take off. In fact, it was just that I was too excited and furious.

Xiaofeng puts her heart and soul into everything she does.

"You seem to really want your own nest. I just mentioned it, but I didn't expect you to be so serious about it." Youfa Lin dug in the pit.

"I want to use these huge nest tunnels to place my babies." The little bee said stubbornly.

She waved the shovel in her hand seriously, with many mature thoughts hidden under her childish appearance.

"Oh, it seems there are colleagues digging tunnels." Hong Yan was startled by the sound of the shovel, and opened the crack in the space to look out, just like opening the curtains to see what the neighbors were doing.

"...Great Bodhisattva, come and help me." You Falin asked on Xiaofeng's behalf.

Hongyan likes to dig tunnels!

Although she no longer digs it herself, she likes to watch others dig it.

She and Youfa Lin retreated to the edge of the pit, pointing at the little bees digging holes below.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the Bodhisattva has given you blessings, and digging will be faster." Hongyan clapped his hands to soften the soil, so that even a low-quality shovel can dig solid blocks.

The little bee feels that the soil is indeed much softer. It used to be as hard as mud, but now it is as soft as sand.

"Okay!" Her enthusiasm was ignited again and she dug in quickly.

"There must be proper planning. It's deep enough and it's time to dig horizontally. The upper cave tunnel is used for food, the middle layer is for baby care and training, and the lower layer is the queen's room." Youfa Lin advised.

Xiaofeng dug frantically, the tunnel getting deeper and deeper, her body getting further and further away from the sun, and her hands full of dirt. For her petite body, such a big project would make her exhausted, but she refused to show her exhaustion.

Hong Yan's hands felt itchy after seeing it. She hadn't dug a tunnel for a long time, and the urge to dig tunnels kept surging in her veins.

Dig a tunnel! What a magnificent project.

First of all, not everyone can dig. If you dig up the ground casually or lift up the floor of your home, no one will be happy. So digging tunnels is definitely a very rare privilege and a kind of enjoyment.

Secondly, it is free. It is alone underground. It can dig wherever it wants. It has only the dark space and the shovel in its hand as its companions. It is also thrilling and thrilling. The tunnel behind it may collapse at any time. Faced with this danger, digging tunnels But he still doesn't relax and keeps moving forward, which is really awe-inspiring.

"Let me dig it!" Hongyan couldn't hold it any longer and ran over, crossed the ramp, and came to Xiaofeng's side.

"Okay! You help us dig." Xiaofeng was surprised and couldn't resist Hongyan's enthusiasm.

Hongyan's eyes were shining, and he held the handle of the shovel with both hands.

For a small person like her, the shovel was almost as tall as her entire body.

Youfa Lin watched with interest from behind as the little Red Flame Bodhisattva plunged into the hole and started working, shoveling the soil at an alarming speed.

"I dig dig dig dig dig -" The full power of the red flame burst out at this moment!

The majesty of the ascended witch!

Youfalin and Xiaofeng were stunned.

They watched in amazement as the red flames quickly drilled down. She swung the shovel wildly from left to right, her arms so fast that afterimages appeared and blurred, pushing the progress ruthlessly. The clods of soil flew crazily over her shoulders and fell behind her. .

"It's so fast!" Xiaofeng was surprised.

"This is...the authentic Bodhisattva!" You Falin was filled with awe.

Hongyan dug the soil at an astonishing speed. Originally, the hole was only four or five meters deep, but she dug another ten meters in one breath, and the sunlight from outside could no longer penetrate.

"Don't use too much force." You Falin was shocked, "Don't worry!"

Hongyan continued digging happily. It was much easier to dig into the soil of the world than to dig out fragments in the cracks of the world.

It would be great if her home could be dug so quickly. Then again, what are you trying to escape by digging so many tunnels? What's the comfort?

Hong Yan felt mixed emotions in her heart. She shoveled down and the earth and rock in front of her collapsed.


They saw from a distance that Hongyan was suddenly knocked down by something, followed by the sound of bursting water.

"What is that!" Xiaofeng was a little surprised and instinctively felt danger.

"The underground aquifer has been dug! This is a common thing..." Youfa Lin was shocked.

"It's shipped!" Hong Yan came back to his senses and was shocked, looking at the rock formation he smashed with his shovel.

The violent mountain water surged out from it. The underground pressure was already high, but now it surged out like a straight fountain.

"Come back quickly!" Youfalin shouted.

"It's okay, I'll support you!" Hong Yan quickly pressed her back against the crack.

Immediately afterwards, the cave wall cracked and more water poured out!

"Ouch!" Xiao Hongyan was knocked down by the rapids like this!

"Xiao Feng, go help her!" You Falin ordered subconsciously.

"Help me!" She was soaked all over and ran back, but the water rose rapidly and almost submerged her.

"I'll follow you!" Xiaofeng was driven by her mother, got into the tunnel, and stretched out her hand towards the embarrassed Hongyan.

"I, I can do it! I'm a master!" Hongyan was helped up from the whirlpool by Xiaofeng.

The red flame turned around to drive the magic power, commanding the flow of water to reverse. The underground water was blocked by the magic power, slowly retreated, and flowed in the tunnel, not as fast as before.

"The flooded tunnel must be abandoned, otherwise water will pour into the entire cave." Youfa Lin said.

"Huhu... I seem to be too excited." Hongyan thought deeply and walked out, "Hurry up and call the big guy to help."

When Zhang Su arrived, Youfa Lin, Xiao Feng and Hong Yan were worried about the deep hole they had dug. An unexpected underground spring gushes out and quickly floods the tunnel, with water gurgling from below.

They turned their heads, and Zhang Su's figure lit up their eyes.

"There seems to be some trouble?" Zhang Su looked down at the flooded cave entrance.

Hongyan jumped up immediately, pointing to the water below and stammering an explanation.

"...Anyway, I accidentally broke it! Follow me and fix it this afternoon." Hong Yan pulled Zhang Su's finger.

"It seems like water is seeping. It doesn't matter. We will seal the dripping tunnel with earth." Zhang Su took the shovel and jumped down.

"What should I do? Is it still possible?" Xiao Feng liked Zhang Su and followed him, her petite wings flapping nervously.

Youfalin pursed her lips, as if thinking about her next move. Although the red flames can control the water flow slightly, the gurgling aquifer can break at any time.

Hongyan lingered nearby, watching the water level rise while clenching his hands in an attempt to contain it.

"I dug too deep and got a little carried away!" Hongyan reflected on himself.

She worried that water would flood the carefully dug tunnels. If left unchecked, this place would turn into a pond, which would be a nuisance.

"It's okay." Zhang Su comforted, "It was just an accident."

Hongyan lay on Zhang Su's shoulder, stretched his right hand forward, and cast a spell to push the water back.

Zhang Su barely noticed the weight of the red flame, and he swung the shovel vigorously to widen the tunnel. When he reached the aquifer, he filled the cracks with heavy soil. The red flame re-bonded the mud, and the two worked together to prevent water from flooding the tunnel again.

After the soil was completely filled, Zhang Su stepped back inch by inch and stuffed the excavated soil back. The red flames maintained the water flow and allowed them to gradually disperse or be absorbed by the soil.

This place was originally too narrow. After Zhang Su widened it himself, the area of ​​the tunnel almost doubled.

So after they finished their work, they found that this place had turned into a very decent large crypt!

There is a very wide gap in the center. Except for the side leading to the underground water that is sealed, there is room for exploration in other directions.

"So...has it been dug?" Hongyan's eyes lit up.

"This is a success!" Little Bee cheered. This is her swarm's home.

She thought that in the future this place would be crawling with tiny wasps and filled with milky white insect eggs.

"As long as I can help." Zhang Su sat on the ground, feeling very shaded. If the children found out, they would definitely treat this as a secret base.

"This is a good place to make orange rice cakes." Hong Yan conjured up a big urn for smashing rice cakes in the middle of the cave.

When the time comes, she will personally wield the wooden hammer to smash the rice cakes until they are fragrant and soft.

Hong Yan climbed to a suitable place on Zhang Su's body and shoulders, then folded his two little feet and told the story of bribing the pursuers with orange rice cakes to escape with his life. Oranges don't grow in holes in the ground. This year she must make one for everyone to eat.

"...It's so good...there are orange rice cakes..." Xiaofeng looked at her mother and smiled slightly. Now living underground, in a space destined to become an insect nest, they are like a happy family for several generations.

Xiaofeng lay down happily and stretched her arms and legs. Ten years ago in the insect nest in the Aokigahara sea of ​​trees, she would be killed if she dared to stretch out her hand to take up more space. And now such a big wormhole belongs to her.

Xiaofeng smiled and looked at Youfalin, sincerely hoping that this trip to the tunnel would bring them closer. After all, Youfalin was her mother, and killing her would not change the fact.

"It's... so powerful." You Falin instinctively coveted Zhang Su's power and looked at him with evil eyes.

Xiaofeng's smile froze, and her expression instantly became extremely ugly. She let the nanoworms flow around her body. One thought prevailed, she wanted to make her mother regret having such covetous thoughts, and she wanted to declare that the relationship between Zhang Su and her was not allowed to get involved.

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