Witch containment diary

Chapter 311 Suspected Girlfriend’s Words

Princess Otohime's dragon tail is so strong that she can crawl directly on the ground. She climbed down smoothly along the wall of Yuehua Garden and looked around in Ansin Garden, full of curiosity about everything.

"This is grass! This is rock! This is concrete!" Hayao sat on Princess Otohime's tail for a ride, telling her what wonderful object she was crawling over.

"So bright..." Princess Otohime opened her mouth slightly, looking at the plants covered with ice crystals and light snow. She raised her head and immediately shrank, "There is a huge light in the sky, it is burning! It is going to burn me to death. Got it!"

"That's the sun, to be honest, he's also one of my brothers." Hayho looked around and saw Natsuki shooting a ball, "Silly boy, come here and accompany the princess on a tour, there will be something good."

"Oh?" Xia Xi turned around and called Zhao Bao over.

The two children ran with Princess Otohime.

"Just use your legs to watch King Saho hitch a ride." Saho made faces at them.

"I am the king!" Bakubo ran very fast.

"Speed ​​up, speed up!" Hayho patted Princess Otohime and asked her to crawl quickly.

"It's incredible here...there are so many sounds." Princess Otohime closed her eyes and snaked forward. "I heard a lot of things shouting, and the ground was shaking. It was so noisy."

"Ryuugong Castle is even more noisy, with the roaring and roaring sound of the water flowing." Hayho said.

"It's different. It's so noisy on the ground. I don't know how you can adapt to it. These sharp sounds are like the screams of demons." Princess Otohime said.

"Don't say such terrible things!" Hayho was nervous.

"Yes, I should be happy. It's so beautiful here. It's so good." Princess Otohime opened her arms and felt the things that the underwater Ryugu Castle did not have: the cool breeze and the warm sunshine. She looked around at these man-made buildings of Ansin, The wooden houses were incredible. “Are those all made of stone?”

"It's wood, it's cement, it's iron!" Zaho said with great interest.

For the first time in her life, she met someone who didn't understand anything and needed her careful teaching. She was happy to be this tour guide.

"Where's that one?" Princess Otohime slid across the open space of Anxinyuan and looked at the red flames at the entrance of the garden.

"That's the Red Flame Bodhisattva." Hayao said. Princess Otohime's tail whipped violently, throwing Hayao off, "Ouch!"

"Shoo-soo treatment." Natsuki toasted Soho with her warm hands.

"Slap, beat, beat." Bakubo slapped Haohui beside him.

"Uh... give me a pleasure..." Hayho fell down.

"Hongyan is an enemy and has betrayed us." Princess Otohime stood upright with a serious look.

"So tall..." Zhazhuang compared his height with Princess Otohime's. When will she grow so tall?

"Hongyan? Hongyan is not a bad child, she is also a good child." Hayho patted his butt, walked up to Princess Otohime, and invited her over.

Hongyan watched nervously.

She was most afraid that Princess Otohime would turn around and go back as soon as she saw her.

"It is recorded in the stone book that Hongyan is very selfish, very cowardly, and very timid." Princess Otohime said viciously.

"People will change for the better. Look, I'm living like a human being now." Saho said.

"The idiom is wrong!" Zhazhuang pointed out.

"It's absolutely right." Natsuki whispered.

"I won't pay attention to 'Red Flame' anyway." Princess Otohime said.

"She helped you. She dug a tunnel to Ryugu Castle, otherwise everything would be over." Hayho said.

"She may be planning something, with bad intentions, and is preparing to mock us." Princess Otohime turned her back and crawled away.

Hong Yan is looking forward to Princess Otohime going to the garden to see the Flowing Water Treasure Residence.

Seeing Princess Otohime's merciless back, Hongyan was already very sad, and now she burst into tears.

"She's already crying! Crying is the greatest immunity in the world. You have to let her go this time." Hayho held Princess Otohime's tail and was dragged by her to slide on the ground, "Just once!"

That child...can actually cry.

Princess Otohime turned her head and couldn't help but feel soft.

The evil red flames recorded in the books don't look like they would shed tears.

"Woooooooooooo..." Hongyan cried so hard that she was out of breath.

She walked over to visit Hong Yan, who was still wiping her tears with her hands. She looked up and saw Princess Otohime with blurry eyes, and suddenly overlapped little Otohime with the princess in her memory.

"It's not my fault -" Hongyan ran over and hugged Princess Otohime tightly, but Princess Otohime didn't have time to push her away. "They said they wanted a change of taste, so they took Hongyan Bodhisattva to be a rice cake hunter... If If I do it again, I will definitely stay in the Dragon Palace and live with you! It is better for us to grow old together and then die than for you to stay alone in the Dragon Palace..."

Princess Otohime turned around and touched Hongyan's hair.

The touch of that hand made Hongyan feel like he had returned to the Dragon Palace hundreds of years ago.

At that time, she walked into Ryugu Castle with her luggage on her back, and Princess Otohime touched her hair in the same way, and then...

"So you are Hongyan. I have heard your name for a long time." Princess Otohime said.

The past and the present overlap, the same face, the same blood, the same words.

Hongyan was almost fascinated, so she said the same words as before.

"Oh my God, you are so tall." Hongyan wiped away her tears, "Let's be friends, okay?"

The moonlight shines lightly.

The Blade Order leaned casually on the waves of the Pacific Ocean, and its broken arm barely healed.

In the confrontation with Zhang Su, its torso was hit hard. The fist is equipped with energy and can shatter the demon's body into pieces.

Such pure power of blood should not exist at all!

However, the Blade Order has undeniably recorded serious injuries, and its combat effectiveness has been reduced by about 30% compared to its heyday.

Instinct makes it reluctantly retreat and hide, ensuring that the souls of intelligent life are collected as necessary repair materials.

It has not yet landed on a certain land, but is waiting for its fellow demons lurking in this world. Now the time has come.

A golden door opened in the air, and three powerful demons emerged from it.

The Blade Order floated with them in the air for a brief secret meeting.

It is well aware of these cunning brethren.

The wealth demon Mr. Fortunado, the flesh demon Carmen, and the legion leader Nazmi.

Everyone seems to be lacking in soul, especially Nazmi, who has obviously just been reborn and is now very weak.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome." Mr. Fortunado said exaggeratedly, bowing again, "Welcome to this dimension called Earth, Blade Herald."

The Blade Heralds and even this series of blade demons have no real names, because they once angered the King of Slaughter in Hell, and then suffered the fate of being exterminated.

A demon with a name like Nazmi can be resurrected in hell after death, but once the Blade Order is defeated, there is no hope of rebirth.

"..." The Blade Commander raised three blades and saluted his fellow demons.

"Nice to see you, companion. We immediately collected your call for help and rushed to help." Mr. Fortunado was wearing a shining gold vest, and his voice was clear and authoritative. "It seems that fate Opportunities have been created, and the great cause of fighting intelligent creatures can still continue. Can I persuade you to go to a more suitable place to talk?"

"Where?" The Blade Commander issued a pleasant female voice.

"Neo-Tokyo," said the flesh demon Carmen, wearing an elegant gown, her six proliferated legs and four arms arranged neatly with sickly perfection.

"Why should I trust you?" Blade Commander asked.

"Look, we met here for a reason. A hundred coin tosses may not be perfect: we have both suffered losses at the hands of a human named Zhang Su. I, to be honest, am not a combat expert. , he beat him with a stick, but the curse of poverty still remains on him; Ms. Carmen, her meat feast was ruined by Zhang Su, and it was a mess; Mr. Nazmi, the entire team was wiped out, and all communication Your efforts for knowledge and welfare are in vain. And you, too, are missing an arm."

"Zhang Su..." The Blade Order now understood the enemy's name.

"I bought this from a dimension merchant. Some resources are helpful for key repair functions. The quality is a little too good for you, and I deeply apologize. I am naturally stingy, and I have to become a business partner with you in order to be honest with you. See you." Mr. Fortunado handed over a soul ball.

"Thank you." The Blade Order swallowed the soul ball, and the broken arm quickly began to grow.

It doesn't take kindly to gifts from fellow demons, but a broken arm is an inconvenient setback.

"Now is a plan. We will meet first, and then try to save your life. We will meet again in New Tokyo. We will briefly organize the resources at hand and formulate a battle plan. Don't expose your identity easily." Mr. Fortunado planned, "Ms. Carmen's current strength Strong, there is no need to worry about safety issues. Her loyalty to this operation is beyond reproach, especially when we have a common enemy," Mr. Fortunado said.

Carmen's face was buried behind a silver mask and she made no other movements.

"Try to save my life... No, I can kill half the planet in a few minutes." Blade Commander said.

"I'm sorry, times have changed, and due to some strange circumstances, we have to deal with our own..." Mr. Fortunado turned his head.

An inverted cross seal opened in the air, and Edith walked out of it.

"Are you trying to protect this guy... You seem to want to die." Edith looked at the four demons.

Carmen's mask shattered and her body swelled; Mr. Fortunado frowned and retreated behind the demons; Nazmi's huge insect body became stronger, and the Blade Order also revealed its only three remaining sharp edges.

Edith picked up the same-shaped inverted cross necklace around her neck.

"Birthdays are ruined." She said softly.

Peace of mind.

Zhang Su felt very calm when he saw Princess Otohime playing with Hongyan on her back on the roof of Flowing Water Residence. He sat on the bank and fell asleep on top of his head, so he didn't dare to move.

The phone rang and he picked it up. It was Edith.

"Hello?" Zhang Su said.

"Zhang Su..." Edith's voice was lazy and soft.

"Why are you talking in such a voice?" Zhang Su said.

"I am so tired……"

"It's not my business."

"I want to chat with you..." Edith said coquettishly.

Edith's voice made Zhang Su's hair stand on end. The last time I heard this voice was in my previous life, and it was the time when I was most affectionate.

"Isn't there anyone in the Pacific Theater office to chat with you? Isn't GPT good?" Zhang Su asked.

"Do you know why I went to the Pacific Theater?" Edith asked.

Use questions to answer questions! It seems to be their talent.

"I don't know." Zhang Su said.

"In New Tokyo, we still have a superior-subordinate relationship. At that time, there seemed to be a kind of responsibility and a kind of power and responsibility relationship that bound us. But now that we don't have jurisdiction over each other, it seems that I can get along with you more comfortably. This is The reason why I left New Tokyo." Edith said.

"So I still have to be grateful for this?" Zhang Su said.

"I want to get back together," Edith said.


"Tell me, in your memory, where we had our first date." Edith said.

Zhang Su pressed his temples.

"I don't know if you can understand. The first time we went was Jujukien in Asakusa District, where they have the best matcha ice cream in the world. You proposed it." Zhang Su said.

"Where was the first kiss?"

"At the Yaole Palace Hotel," Zhang Su said, "and most of our other firsts."

"The first time you killed someone for me?"

"Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro sent ninjas to follow you. I will kill him." Zhang Su said.

"Where's the first everlasting oath?"

"After three years of dating and twelve trials, you told me a lot about eternity, reincarnation, and love." Zhang Su said.

"There are more important things to say," Edith said.

Zhang Su's heart moved.

"You said I am irreplaceable." Zhang Su said.

"That's still in effect. I'll call you every day. If you don't answer private messages, use the public number. Failure to answer will be a crime. Don't worry, I won't say anything nasty, just relive the time of true love. It's all good for us..." Edith said.

"You were injured." Zhang Su reacted, "Who did it?"

Edith chuckled.

"No, I can't lose. But those four demons have now escaped to New Tokyo. Four demons who have a grudge against you. Prepare to become stronger. When they show up, the entire city will inevitably turn into nothingness. ." Edith said.

"I understand." Zhang Su was prepared. When the time came, he would have to settle things again.

"I will contact you tomorrow," Edith said, "just to rekindle the old relationship as someone I once loved. Because I believe you will save me like you did in the past, and save me at all costs."

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