Witch containment diary

Chapter 315 The Birth of Katie

"Woo..." Xia Xi doesn't like people calling her fat, but Qing Xiao has always been an outspoken baby.

"You should speak...tactfully and consider our feelings." Yuanzhi thought hard for a while and then told Qingxiao.

"Huh? Why should I consider your feelings?" Qing Xiao didn't understand, "When I can't see you, you don't exist."

"Ah?" Yuanzhi didn't understand.

"Look, I can feel the sound of you and the trees, as long as you hang around me. But once I don't care about you, you disappear from my senses. Just like now." Qing Xiao said.

She rooted her feet into the earth and transformed into a tree again. Scars similar to tree bark appeared on her skin, and her eyes were completely closed.

"Big tree monster!" Saho was startled.

"It turned into a tree again..." Yuanzhi touched Qingxiao's bark, "Sapling?"

"Little saplings don't say sad words." Natsuki put her hands on her hips.

"Qingxiao just said what everyone wanted to say. No one speaks more directly than Qingxiao. Maybe from a certain perspective, everything Qingxiao said is right." Mayumi said.

"Belly..." Natsuki patted her belly.

"Blast them off." Bakubo aimed at the fat on Natsuki's belly and made a pistol-like gesture with his hand.

"This is a tree. It is very different from the underwater forest. I really don't know how such a tree can grow." Princess Otohime was very curious.

After a while, they heard a squeaking sound.

Qingxiao pulled her feet out of the soil, then waved her little hands, returning to her girlish appearance.

"Look, I just closed my senses, and you no longer existed at that time. You disappeared from my world, which is a pity. So you can only exist when I care about you, and everything depends on me. Observation." Qing Xiao said.

"False truths." Hayho regarded anything he didn't understand as fallacies, "The world is the world!"

"No, just like in winter, half of the flowers and trees in the garden have withered. For those withered flowers, is there any point in cleaning the garden? So once we die, the world will have no meaning to us. or cease to exist. It’s not that the world abandoned us, but that we abandoned the world. The world was formed because we had the consciousness to observe it, so you also disappeared when I fell asleep." Qing Xiao said smoothly. .

Saho scratched his head, it was so itchy that he had to grow a brain.

"So when we sleep, the world disappears." Princess Otohime said.

"Yes, otherwise where would the world be? When we open our eyes, flowers, trees, sunshine, rain and dew, and people will begin to move." Qing Xiao said.

"You are on my side." Hayao pulled Princess Otohime.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Su came over carrying two boxes.

Mayumi quietly handed the winter vacation homework book to Saho, who shrunk and hid guilty to do his homework.

Qingxiao looked at Saho.

"Shh..." Saho gestured wildly, eager to survive.

"This child asked others to do her homework. It was Saho who asked Mayumi to do it." Qingxiao reported.

Zhang Su added one more exercise book for Saho and ten more for Mayumi. They were dejected and no longer dared to collude.

"Hmph, when you turn into a tree, I will pee on the roots." Hayho muttered.

"What a good boy with a fair attitude." Zhang Su praised Qing Xiao.

"It doesn't matter, I just explained what I saw truthfully." Qing Xiao said frankly.

"Let's see what you feed on." Zhang Su took out different substances to test Qingxiao's food intake.

"Packaged Mineral Water": "I like this, please spread it to me a lot until the water completely submerges me."

"Chocolate": "Never seen anything scarier than this. I could see them being melted and reshaped into cubes."

"Big Rice": "How many hardships have you gone through? My fruit may one day be peeled and steamed."

"Roast chicken": Qing Xiao was indifferent, as if looking at pure blankness.

"Cream Cake": Qing Xiao didn't care.

"Stir-fried vegetables": Qing Xiao looked horrified and quickly collected the plate.

"Undiluted high-efficiency fertilizer": "I love this, please sprinkle more on my feet."

"Scientifically proportioned and diluted fertilizer": "This is the sugar-free Coke you love to drink!"

"A tablespoon of raw fertilizer": "It's not a bad thing, I don't mind it, but I saw a very disgusted look on their faces."

After struggling for a while, Zhang Su figured out that Qingxiao's cultivation method was similar to cultivating plants.

She needs to put her feet firmly into the ground regularly and bask in the sun to absorb natural fertilizers. Qingxiao has no interest in animal-source protein, is very averse to dishes made from plants, and will eat grains and snacks in an extremely limited manner.

"No problem, Anxinyuan can fully afford Qingxiao's good child." Zhang Su nodded to Qingxiao, "But your growth and development speed is indeed very fast."

"Because another aspect of my growth is a beautiful environment." Qing Xiao said, "Everyone here is a good person. There are no selfish people or people with sinister intentions. There are only some prisoners with evil intentions. Especially you. , Supervisor Zhang Su, you are a responsible and enterprising person." Qing Xiao continued.

"And Mayumi, you are a very hard-working person. In addition to studying every day, you take a walk. You don't care about the world. You also accept everyone's requests and live a peaceful life."

"Yuanzhi, you take care of other people's children very carefully. It seems that you are willing to share the warmth in your heart with others. In this way, you can build a big family of mutual help and love. For this, you can voluntarily contribute or sacrifice a lot."

"Shihua, you put the interests of others above your own. I know that you will share the pain of others without hesitation. So I sense that you are very happy after regaining your sight. This is what you deserve. Nobility is who you are.”

"Natsuki, you are a carefree child. Now you say that I am direct and frank, but in fact you are the most 'own your own way'. This personality of mine is largely because of you. I want to be A free tree, just like you are a sunshine walking in the world."

"Zhangzhang, you are a poor baby. You have the power to blow this place up to the sky, so you feel sad and nervous about it. But you have behaved well from beginning to end and are willing to learn how to control this power."

"I am missing someone right now, Lian Yang. She is also a meticulous and responsible senior. I know she is indifferent on the surface, but she treats everyone with a sincere attitude in her heart."

"And you, beautiful mermaid lady, I heard the name Princess Otohime, is that your real name? It sounds like you are of noble birth. You do have your own courtesy, dignity and elegance. I am very happy to get to know you. "Qing Xiao said.

Everyone was shocked by Qing Xiao's comments.

They never thought that they would be so "bluntly" expressed their feelings and praised!

This made them feel happy.

It feels so good to have your positive qualities recognized!

They couldn't help but be moved by this situation. They couldn't help but walk towards Qing Xiao, kiss and hug her to express their sincere feelings.


"Xiao Qingxiao, what a good boy..." They were extremely moved. It turns out that during the past year's planting and growth, Qingxiao has been silently observing everyone and constantly getting to know them.

There were some details that they didn't even feel themselves, but now that Qing Xiao told them, it made them feel even more strange.

"?" Saho looked at them happily.

"In this way, Qing Xiao can smoothly integrate into everyone. Qing Xiao is really very observant. He can see so much even if he is rooted on the ground!" Zhang Su was very happy. He patted everyone on the outside and hoped that they would hug each other. Use too much force to avoid squeezing Qingxiao flat.

"?" Saho was shocked, "What about me??"

"What about you?" Qingxiao stuck her head out and looked at Haohui outside.

"Didn't you praise everyone just now?" Saho was shocked, "Even Senior Sister Reio is not here. What about me?"

"?" Everyone turned to look at Saho.

"I really can't think of how to describe you." Qingxiao looked at Saho seriously.

"??" Hayho spread his hands, his cheeks burning, "Yuanori Cat?"

"Ah? Don't cry, don't cry..." Yuanzhi comforted him first.

"Natsuki!" Saho looked at his first-generation teammates.

"Who are you?" Natsuki asked.

"Komuro Hana!" Hayho shouted.

"Hmm..." Shihua thought hard.

"Princess Otohime!" Hayho looked up at his new friend.

"Ah..." Princess Otohime held her chin with one hand, "You are, you are one by one..."

"Teacher Da Su!" Zaosui looked at Zhang Su with his last hope.

"You are very active, very brave, and very subjective." Zhang Su had to say something nice, otherwise Zaohui would lose his little pearl.

"Hmph! You guys stay with that tree spirit. I want...I want to change my appearance and become a cold and aloof...killer!" Haoho shouted, "Teacher Dasu, help me cut my hair!"

"Okay." Zhang Su followed Zaosui.

In the garden, Qingxiao and the other children gradually got along with each other.

"So I like you, I like you kind-hearted children. The strength in your hearts, the warmth called 'love' nourishes me. I can tell you that this is why I can thrive. It is all your laughter, The joy, selflessness and constant care warm me," Qing Xiao said.

"Then would you like to play with us? Let's play on the swings." Natsuki pointed to the toys on the playground.

"Okay." Qingxiao followed everyone, "If it is interesting to me, I will come to play every day. If it does not meet my expectations, I will leave." She hooked up with Natsuki.

"Are we going to find ways to meet Qingxiao's expectations in the future? She is very picky." Yuanzhi asked quietly.

"Don't we all try our best to make each other happy?" Mayumi disagreed.

"But Saho..." Yuori was worried about Saho.

"She should be used to it," Mayumi said.

"No, we shouldn't habitually exclude Saho. She is also a good child." Yuanzhi walked in the opposite direction to Qingxiao to find Saho, "We can't throw away Saho, absolutely not!"

Zhang Su took the scissors and cut off Saho's hair.

She looked at herself in the mirror now. After her long hair had fallen away, only short hair was left on her forehead. Zhang Su skillfully picked up Zaho's bangs and trimmed them slightly until her hair was trimmed cleanly.

"Looks decent." Haohui turned his head, a little happy, "Dasu, you really know how to cut hair, and you know how to cut my hair to make it look good. It's like you've cut it many times before."

"Indeed, I have cut it many times." Zhang Su thought of the things he did when he took care of Zaho in his previous life, "I will do the same in the future, helping you when you need it."

"Thank you! Now I have the confidence to face those naughty children outside." Saho said, "Qingxiao really can't speak."

"She is nature, part of the wild primitive wilderness. Why let her learn so many rules of communication in a civilized society." Zhang Su had an open attitude.

Saho wanted to say something when he suddenly heard a loud roar from the distance.

"Sister Kati!" Hayho jumped up, "Okay! Sister Kati is my real brother! She finally woke up!"

"Go and do your homework." Zhang Su grounded Zaosui, and with a sudden move in his heart, he hurried to the cave where Katie hibernated.

The sound of dragon roars continued to be heard in the huge cave, and Katie looked angry and restless.

"Carty!" Zhang Su quickly approached.

"Come in -" she roared, "there's... something else in the cave!"

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