Witch containment diary

Chapter 327 Women fighting is scary

"Liar." Lian Wu muttered.

Katie found it funny.

"Do you want to see the dragon egg? That one is so big, taller than you. My baby, ha, is Zhang Su's seed. Sure enough, she will be as strong as her father. We like this, tougher and more majestic, we can't let it go The children are too cowardly. Ouch! Let's soak the children in oil and burn them with fire. Zhang Su's seeds will definitely survive."

Katie looked down at the money in her hand.

Lian Wu has a lot of money. But he used to be richer than her. Katie thought.

Lianwu is just a newbie in the small country of Dongming, while the Mancias family has been a nobleman for two thousand years. As early as when the Indians prayed for rain, the Dragon Witch was their monarch. Dressed in the garb of Quetzalcoatl, he ruled half of the Americas and even created a Mexican vampire mask.


Lian Wu's voice was clear and firm.

"Liar? Me? What did you lie to?" Katie turned her head.

Lian Wu looked so sad, her eyes were red, as if she wanted to shout.

"Liar!" Lian Wu shouted.

"Oh...I'm not lying to you, calm down." Katie was annoyed and tried to persuade.

Comforting people has never been her strong point.

"Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar!" Lian Wu held the steering wheel with both hands and shouted towards the front, each sound getting louder and louder, almost roaring!

The attention of everyone around him was attracted, including the employees clocking in at Anxin Industrial and the security personnel at the door.

Katie glanced sideways.

Rumors can spread throughout the company in half a day. she thinks. She had to leave quickly, but she couldn't leave Lian Wu here like this.

"I'm not lying, Zhang Su loves me. True love gave birth to the witch's egg. I gave birth to it during hibernation and almost crushed it. Lianwu... What you have to do now is to exercise restraint." Katie tried to put her hand into the car window and pat it. Lotus mist on the seat.

Physical contact was her accustomed way of intimacy.

Lianwu was scared.

"Liar...!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Without additional instructions, this advanced sedan produced by Dongzhou Industrial entered the armed mode.

Katie heard a rattling sound inside the vehicle, automatic firearms ejected from the roof, and the energy shield generator began to operate!

What's even more fatal is that the bulletproof layer of the car window immediately rises, clamping the hand that Katie stretched out.

"Turn it off!" Katie shouted urgently.

"President! Are you in trouble?" When the security personnel of Anxin Industrial Company saw Lian Wu's car activating the security facilities, they immediately took out real guns and live ammunition, loaded the riot control device, and prepared to implement the emergency plan.

"It's not filming! The president is being held hostage!"

"Come to the door!"

A group of company soldiers wearing commercial power armor adjusted their positions, looking for the commanding heights, and prepared to snipe Katy with powerful containment rounds.

"Turn it off! I don't, I don't want to hurt you! I don't want to cause trouble! I took the money and left!" Katie's hand was stuck on the window.

The hydraulic device was still working, holding her arm firmly down.

Upon detecting the intrusion of a foreign object, the entire vehicle increases its horsepower. The metal edge of the bulletproof window layer was chopped upwards. He wanted to cut off Katie's arm directly.

It hurts so much and makes so much noise - Katie slapped the hood with her left hand, trying to get Lianwu to stop.

But Lianwu's eyes were red, her expression was empty and blank, and she just said nothing.

"Liar." Lian Wu said silently.

"I told you I didn't lie to you!" Katie said urgently, suppressing her anger. "Turn off the defense system quickly, otherwise I don't know... what I will do! Please!"

"Hey, that guy! Let go of the president!"

"We have notified the security station!" The security personnel aimed their guns at Katie.

"Liar...liar..." Lianwu seemed to be stimulated, and her whole body seemed to be in shock.

Katie's blood surged with anxiety. She didn't have time to conduct a psychological analysis on Lian Wu.

fraud? She is not a liar!

She kept calling her a liar, what did Katie say to lie to her?

"Stop her!" A large-caliber containment bullet hit Katie in the back of the heart.

"You think-" Katie growled, "you think you can stop me?"

She is a broken witch! A truly powerful witch!

Katie's right arm suddenly shook, her skin turned into dragon scales, her strength increased dramatically, and she broke the entire car window in an instant!

The bulletproof layer was blown to pieces. Scattered metal fragments hit Lian Wu like raindrops.

The alarm is set to full blast.

"Protect the president!" the security guard yelled.

Bullets shot at her from all around, but she felt no pain or itch. The bullets struck Cady's skin with a metallic crunch and bounced like popcorn.

The large-caliber automatic machine gun on the roof of the car opened fire on Katy, who climbed onto the roof of the car and smashed it to pieces with a claw like a toy.

"not good!"


"Help!" The security guard almost lost his mind.

Katie stood angrily on the roof of the car.

"Is this what you want? Huh?" Katie slapped the car roof cover with her hand, "This is what you want? Talk! Lianwu, talk! Do you like it? Huh? Do you like this? I've had enough. You! I didn’t lie to you! You are self-righteous and silent - you are a coward!"

It was only when he hit the third punch that the titanium alloy roof was dented that Katie came back to his senses.

Wait a moment.


The "liar" that Lian Wu kept muttering was referring to Zhang Su, not her.

Emergency meeting in the morning.

"What happened at the Gate of Hell in Hokkaido?" Zhang Su saw Yoshihuai Kazama on the other end of the video.

There are other mobile supervisors in the communications room. Their job descriptions are on par with or even slightly higher than Zhang Su's. They are all well-trained witch supervisors from Dongming Kingdom.

"Hokkaido has always been a weak point in the defense line. The marshal asked us to provide reinforcements in time." Kazama Yihuai seemed not surprised.

"Where is Takeshi Kono?" Zhang Su thought of him.

Kono is the witch supervisor of Hokkaido.

Last year at this time, he was scolded by Edith in a meeting and couldn't hold his head up, looking like he had a mental breakdown.

"I was under too much mental pressure and resigned. Hokkaido needs a new supervisor, one with strength. Kono originally said, 'Let that invincible man guard Hokkaido.' He quit." Kazama Yoshihuai glanced at Zhang Su. .

"Destroying Mount Kagurura does not mean that I can defeat Hokkaido. There are twice as many demons there but half the military strength." Zhang Su said.

Kagura Mountain is closer to New Tokyo and has to be guarded against. Hokkaido is a bitter cold frontier. Zhang Su shook his head in his heart.


"Edith had a great influence on the Dongming Kingdom before. I inherited the position and this influence, so I have to give full play to it. In order to protect human lives, I have authorized the nationwide conscription and mobilized 300,000 people. Go to Hokkaido to assist in defense." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

300,000 new soldiers went to carry the devil.

According to past experience, although Hokkaido encountered several crises, the thunder was loud and the rain was light. After all, the population there is sparsely populated, and even if the devil captures it, the gains outweigh the losses. Zhang Su thought silently.

It is estimated now that even though it is under heavy attack, the devil will not maintain its offensive.

Most likely a red herring.

"The Blade Order's crisis has not been resolved yet. With so many people mobilized to go all the way north, how can New Tokyo's defenses be supported?" Zhang Su asked.

"The purpose of deploying heavy troops to defend Hokkaido is to allow New Tokyo to live and work in peace and contentment. What's more, we need soldiers now. They are conducting rotation training at home, and most of them will go to assist in the South Pacific theater. Edith seems to be uneasy about the quality of the navy, and would rather Use islands as units to build fortresses, especially use the army to defend Australia." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

These plans are made with the best of intentions. Zhang Su thought silently.

"...I understand." Zhang Su said.

"Let the most capable people in Anxin Hospital prepare themselves. I want the witch to be demobilized. How is the mental health assessment of Xincheng Meiyu?" Kazama Yihuai said.

Separate Miyu Shinjo and Hana Komuro again? Can she accept it? Zhang Su couldn't guarantee it.

"I thought Xincheng Meiyu would never return to the front line." Zhang Su frowned.

"The verdict was given by Edith. Now I can withdraw the charges. Since she behaves well, she can return to Hokkaido, where she has been loyal to for half her life." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"I need time, and so do they. And I hope to locate the Blade Commander and other hidden demons as soon as possible." Zhang Su said.

He saw the expressions of several other mobile supervisors on the screen in the communications room. Their expressions were a little subtle.

"I admit that your insights are valuable." As soon as Kazama Yihuai spoke, Zhang Su knew that there was nothing to say, "But we have people who are responsible for tracking these projects, and this is not your concern."

"I'm not kidding." Even so, Zhang Su still wanted to give it a try, "Listen to me, before a monster like the Blade Order has been completely killed, it is a huge threat. And a powerful demon of its level can only We will choose the most densely populated places, such as New Tokyo! Even if we reduce business activities by two-thirds and make election speeches, we must ensure that we find those demons. They are the greatest threat to the world. Don't give them any opportunity. The opportunity..."

The case information popped up in the lower right corner of Zhang Su's screen.

[Katy Mancias violently destroyed property and endangered safety at the gate of Niigata City Anxin Industrial. ]

Kati is a broken witch, and Kazama Yoshihuai received an incident of this level at the same time.

He frowned, as did everyone else in the online meeting.

His eyes focused on Zhang Su.

They were all waiting to see how Zhang Su would solve it. If Zhang Su couldn't solve it satisfactorily, they would be happy to see his reputation be discredited. After all, there is currently a senior supervisor missing, either Zhang Su or one of them will fill in.

"Are you strict enough with them?" Kazama Yihuai asked, "We serve in the human defense program, and the peace and tranquility of human society is our first concern."

"I will handle it." Zhang Su stood up.

"You take care of your own land first," Kazama Yoshihuai said, "and then worry about New Tokyo with me in charge. Edith is not here, but they should be more afraid of me."

"It is said that you are the little princess of the Mancias family, right?"

"How is your relationship with your two sisters?"

"Why are you appearing in Niigata City, Tomei Province now?"

"What is the relationship between Miss Lianwu of Anxin Industrial Company and you?" Reporters had already surrounded Katie in the hospital, holding microphones and cameras and trying to interview her.

Katie was terrified and leaned against the wall.

She wants attention.

But not at this time and in this way!

Her eyes swept around, and she soon saw a figure that was much taller than an ordinary person, and he was striding towards her.

"Zhang, Zhang Su!" Katie shouted.

The reporters turned their heads and couldn't help being surprised and happy when they saw Zhang Su.

Zhang Su is also a low-key figure. His great achievement of pacifying the Gate of Hell in Kaguraku Mountain is definitely on the list, and he is famous throughout the country!

"Zhang Su!" They were overjoyed.

"Will you be interviewed?"

"Are you here to deal with Katie? What do you think of the witch's cruel and indifferent behavior towards humans? How will you punish her?"

"Did you instigate it?"

"Let's go." Zhang Su walked towards Katie.

They were about to step forward and say something, but suddenly they started to tremble all over.

Zhang Su passed over them, just like a giant beast stepping directly through the crowd!

A wave of air separated them first, preventing the reporters from moving forward.

Zhang Su is tall and strong, and others can only look up at him, like a wall that cannot be shaken and can only let him pass by.

"So high..."

"So strong... I saw it with my own eyes..."

"We can't let Zhang Su and the witch leave like this!"

"We need to deal with it openly!"

"Transparent process!" Some reporters still don't give up.

"I'm happy to chat with you for hours, really. I have so many wonderful and interesting stories to share with you!" Robot Roy bounced forward, the soybean expression on his chest changed to a smiley face, and talked with several Witch Countermeasures Bureau Agents and security department staff intercepted reporters.

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