Witch containment diary

Chapter 337 Early ears ripen three times a year

The aroma of elixir filled the place.

Hayho wandered for a while, then turned around to see Hongyan's hand pulling at the crack, and looked out shyly and curiously.

"This is the fairy delicacy, the last cup of the fairy delicacy." Hayho turned her back and quickly waved her hand to ask Natsuki to hide next to the crack. When Hong Yan was fooled, she would pull Hong Yan out.

Natsuki staggered around in a wide circle and hid next to the crack.

"The immortal delicacy is so delicious." Zaho danced on the spot, "Everyone is drinking, already in a daze, everyone is enjoying it."

"Yes! There is nothing more joyful than this. How is it made? It seems like a dozen different fragrances are blooming together, as if we have infinite life!" Princess Otohime fell into a certain A state of ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, she would be lucky enough to taste the fine wine from the spirit world mentioned in the Stone Book today!

Princess Otohime usually looks small, but when she erects all the dragon tails from the waist down, her entire body will immediately stand up to more than three meters high, which is very shocking.

The slender blue dragon tail has strong muscles, as if it can break walls.

"Wow..." Hayho was still trying to put on a show to attract Hongyan, but to his surprise, Princess Otohime did it for her.

She jumped!

Princess Otohime first rolled up the dragon's tail deeply, and then flicked it away violently. She jumped half a meter high in one go, and made a muffled sound when it hit the ground again.

"So they are all drinking something like this! People in the spirit world are so happy, no wonder everyone wants to ascend to the spirit world, I think, I want it too!" Princess Otohime said loudly.

The other children who had drunk the fairy delicacy also responded indiscriminately. They ran around in the garden, not tired at all, and planned to be happy until dawn.

"Hey! You've all passed out from drinking. You have to be more restrained. People in the spirit world are acting strangely because they drank too much immortal food." Hongyan slapped the crack with both hands and stretched his head outward, wanting to see everyone's faces. Condition, the sound is weak.

"Oh? I've already had a cup of fairy delicacy, but I still want to drink another cup. I still want to drink! This is the light of life and the source of happiness!" Hayho shouted.

"You can't drink it—" Hongyan leaned half forward and extended his hand to Haoho, "If you drink so much delicious food in one go, you will become a fool!"

"Then come and grab it from me!" Hayho swayed, kicking back and forth on the rocks.

"And that's where the Bodhisattva sits!" Hong Yan said angrily, "It's not for you to step on with your stinky feet!"

At this moment, Natsuki stood up from behind the crack and looked down at Hongyan.

"Huh?" Hong Yan felt something bright covering the moonlight. He looked up and saw Xia Xi's big, bright, innocent eyes. He was stunned for a moment, "Hey——!"

Natsuki lowered her hands, grabbed Hongyan's shoulders, and threw her away.

"Bodhisattva, I will follow you!" Hayho rushed forward with a lunge. The red flames were thrown out of the crack with a whine, and the big head fell down, just in time to collide with Hayho.


Hongyan and Hayho rolled on the ground, barely able to separate.

"Huhu..." Zaho turned over, crawled back, knelt on the ground and picked up the cup of immortal delicacies, and then turned to Hong Yan.

"So you guys are being ridiculous!" Hongyan sat on the ground angrily. Natsuki touched Hongyan's head with her hand, and then looked aside.

"Here you go." Hayho gave Hongyan the immortal delicacy to drink, "Dedicate it to our greatest Bodhisattva."

"Is this unanimous approval by everyone?" Hong Yan blinked.

"That's right!"

"Hongyan is the most powerful!" Everyone supported her as the patron saint of the hospital.

"Huh, Bodhisattva, drink first and then talk." Hongyan smacked his mouth, and then drank the immortal delicacy in one gulp.

She suddenly felt a source of joy erupting from the bottom of her heart. It was a fountain of joy in the true sense. It penetrated through the whole body from the soles of her feet in an instant, bringing a burst of goosebumps along the way, and the nerves were beating fiercely wherever it passed.

The familiar sweetness gave Hongyan a feeling of love and relaxation, and all the tension disappeared from her body. The garden in front of me suddenly seemed more vibrant, and the atmosphere of the night became extremely gentle.

"Shu~Tan~~" Hongyan stretched, leaned back, and fell on Natsuki. She blinked, everything seemed endless and colorful, and she wanted this feeling to last forever.

"It's like everything is magnified and brightened." Zaoho spun around, leaning down and inhaling the scent of early spring flowers. "These little wildflowers now smell more delicious than the fragrant cake."

Hongyan lay down lazily, Natsuki sat there, Princess Otohime danced tirelessly, and Mayumi worked on the questions eagerly.

Yuanzhi ran in the garden, and Qingxiao swayed from side to side regularly, full of energy. Youfalin and Xiaofeng hugged each other and rolled on the grass.

Like a wind-up toy, Zhibao quickly ran circles in the garden.

Talking and laughing, Saho looked around at what felt like good times and pure joy, a sense of unity that connected them together. It's like I can read other people's thoughts, and it feels familiar. but still……

Saho saw Soraya dancing on the spot, venting her irresistible joy. She spun rapidly on the spot, dancing with her bare feet on the grass and stones.

The hem of her skirt flew, her jewelry jingled to the humming melody, and infinite energy hissed and burned in her veins.

"Soraya!" Saho stepped forward, picked up the Zaizai dancing on the ground, and held her in her arms, "I've already told you, I can make potions! Now you have to apologize to me! Then you You have to tell me the potion you know!”

"I'm telling you, of course there's no problem." Soraya spun to Saho's side and whispered into her ear, "In a cup of black tea, pour valerian root extract, add four drops of lavender oil, and put a piece on top Mint leaves. Brew on a clear night and bottle when completely cooled. This is a drowsy potion used to put people to sleep quickly."

"Oh! I understand it completely." Saho couldn't wait to try it. She felt that she was already a master of potions.

"The immortal delicacy is so delicious. You are indeed a master of potions. I shouldn't question you." Soraya admitted.

Hayao felt relieved. It was great to be recognized by others!

"This is me, I am King Saho!" Saho said.

"What formula did you use?" Soraya asked curiously.

"That's simple, some fruits or something." Saho subconsciously wanted to say it, but thinking that potions are secrets to every witch, "...I won't tell you."

Soraya let out a burst of laughter, then turned her body and twisted her waist to leave. Saho felt that Soraya was so beautiful. She seemed to have been born to dance for such an occasion. She was decorated with beautiful clothes and noisy accessories. Although there was no music in the graceful dance, Hayao could already hear the distant and exotic ringing of bells and the elegant and long strings.

Her thoughts were also lengthened by the power of the celestial delicacy, and Saho felt unprecedentedly free and happy.

"Teacher Da Su!" Zaohui jumped to Zhang Su's side, "I won! I defeated Soraya fiercely!"

"Soraya asked me what ingredients I took you to buy this afternoon." Zhang Su said.

"Huh?" Saho was stunned for a moment.

"I didn't tell her. But she seemed to have her own guess. She drank the immortal delicacy herself, so she might be able to guess what formula was used." Zhang Su said.

Hayho pressed her head, and she found that her brain seemed to be more alert after drinking the fairy delicacy.

"Soraya just wanted to cheat on the recipe for the fairy delicacy!" Hayho felt a little scared. "She deliberately bullied me in front of everyone during class, just to show me my skills, but she wanted to test this magic potion. The precious , precious...immortal delicacies."

When Saho thought about the evil witch Soraya and the trouble she might encounter, her expression suddenly turned bad. She felt the urge to retching.

"Now that you know it, what do you want to do?" Zhang Su asked.

"I'm going to fight with her." Hayho rolled up his sleeves.

"That won't solve the problem." Zhang Su said.

Can't solve the problem. When Zaosui looked up, the bright moon hung in the corner of the dark sky, covered with dark clouds. The children below were playing, and the night was bound to be long. But her mind couldn't sort out the facts. Soraya, an adult witch who has lived for an unknown number of years, is trying to find out the secret of the potion from a child!

Just now, Saho felt a kind of happiness connected by "immortal food" from them, but now she felt deeply separated.

"Why is Soraya doing this?" She looked at Zhang Su desperately.

He sat on the grass. After every lap of the run, Zhizhang returned to Zhang Su, exaggeratedly hugged her father in her heart, then pushed him away with a smile, turned around and ran another lap towards the garden, spreading her arms like a small airplane.

He gives help and support to the children. Hayho also wanted to hear some correct explanation.

"No reason." Zhang Su's reply was ambiguous, "Her habit."

His eyes were a little cautious. Hayho felt that there was something he wanted to say but didn't say it. Da Su's eyes were calm and reserved, extremely reliable.

"What's your habit?" Hayho wanted to ask.

"Selfish." Zhang Su said, "Put your own interests first. To do this, you can harm the interests of others."

"So she wants to know how to make Xianhui, what will happen if I tell her? Anyway, everyone is in the same group." asked Hayho.

"Then no one will put you at the center of the Immortal Food Banquet from now on. And Soraya can provide more Immortal Food. You can't control what she does with the Immortal Food. Maybe she sells it." Zhang Su said.

Hayao felt a chill.

"It's disgusting to be selfish," said Saho. "She hurt a kind person like me. I don't want to be a kind person anymore."

"I am also selfish, otherwise Lianwu would not leave. Egoism is nature." Zhang Su said.

"Humph, I'm so angry." Hayao was disappointed, "It would be nice if there were more selfless people! What's mine is everyone's, and what's everyone's is mine. Everyone is selfless."

"There are many types of selflessness. Some people are selfless just to make other people think better of them. Isn't this also selfish? In the final analysis, selflessness is not a virtue, and selfishness is not a sin. No one will be judged because a person is selfish. It is not illegal to arrest him," Zhang Su said.

At this time, Zhizhang ran around the garden again, rushed back to Zhang Su, and threw himself into his arms. This time, even with the power of Xianchu, Zhazhao was really tired from running, and he lay down on Zhang Su. He rested on Su's arm, half-expanded his soft little face, and opened one black eye to look at Haoho.

"Then what should we do? Since everyone is right." Saho pinched his face.

"Analyze specific issues in detail. The key is to analyze the good and the bad in line with your original intention. In my opinion, your heart is very good, and it is very suitable for innate recognition of good and evil. There is no need to teach it later." Zhang Su stood up and prepared to explode. I took him to rest, but he was still too small.

"I'm good, Soraya is bad." Saho said.

"Although it is a bit arbitrary, it works." Zhang Su said, "It is good to love others, and it is bad to hate others. Both have limitations."

"You can't solve the problem by classifying it as good or bad," said Hayho.

"Of course not, it only solves the small things in our daily life. If the picture is bigger, looking at all human beings, as well as witches, and all the problems, only four words can solve this contradiction." Zhang Su said.


"The world is for the common good."

Hayao pondered.

Zhang Su walked out of the garden.

"Hey, Da Su." Zaohui called.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Su turned around.

"I can't be a dick anymore." Hayho made up his mind.

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