Witch containment diary

Chapter 349 The rising period of wisdom

Princess Otohime couldn't let go of the pastel pearl necklace, so she took it and weighed it.

"Why does it smell?" Princess Otohime smelled it and frowned slightly.

"Ask yourself!" Hayho said. Princess Otohime tilted her head and didn't understand.

"Anyway, I got my stuff back." Yuanzhi smoothed things over.

"By the way, where did the pearl come from?" Saho had never seen such a beautiful jewelry. If it were her, she would have fallen in love with it at first sight and then stolen it.

"It is the condensation of 'pain'." Princess Otohime stared at the pastel pearl in her hand, "Sometimes, the shell accidentally swallows the indigestible gravel. In order to relieve the pain caused by the gravel in the mouth, it secretes white The pearl layer covers the foreign object, and day after day, year after year, the pearls get bigger and bigger. Our necklace is a tribute from the sea people of the Persian Gulf, and it has a history of 7,500 years."

Each pearl is large, sparkling, flawless, and a wonderful shade of pink.

"It's so precious!" Hayho was very happy. She actually touched such a valuable thing in person, and she felt like she was tainted with Princess Otohime's nobility.

"So, have you caught the prisoner?" Princess Otohime asked curiously.

Hayao stood on tiptoes.

Princess Otohime's big eyes are gentle and harmless, and wet, like a big unsuspecting dog, covered with a layer of mist.

Thinking that there are so many dark and sinful things in the world, Hayao wants to protect Princess Otohime's innocence.

"Not yet, but just wait, we will definitely catch him." Saho vowed, "You should keep the pearls first. We will definitely solve the case."

"Let's get it done before the lights go out, otherwise it will be delayed until the next day and other troubles may arise." Yuanzhi said quietly.

"I'll go do it. Goodbye, Princess Otohime." Hayao said goodbye to Princess Otohime, and then ran out.

In the interrogation room on the first floor of the East Prison Building, Zaohui joined Shui Li to interrogate several key figures in the afternoon cleaning incident.

The interrogation room was small, with only one lamp and a square black mahogany table. The room was cold and eerie, like a square black coffin. Hayho didn't mind this environment and concentrated on preparing interrogation materials.

"He looks very serious. He is such a hard-working kid. He deserves a commendation!" It was the first time Yuanzhi saw what Hayho was trying to accomplish.

"We must resolve the matter neatly and find the culprit who stole the pearl necklace so that Princess Otohime can sleep peacefully from now on." Hayho murmured. Her eyes were focused and she tried to look as professional as possible.

The Shadow Witch gave birth to me. Hayao thought. Teacher Dasu taught me how to read, Princess Otohime treated me as a human being, Muroka bore the pain for me, my senior sister was my role model, and Enori breastfed me.

Therefore, anything involving these people cannot be relaxed.

Working hard had nothing to do with her, but Hayho also started working hard. Once she worked hard, she felt her chances of success were greater than she originally thought.

One after another, the criminals involved in the case came. Shui Li took them out of the prison area and checked them one by one.

"Tell me about the case in your eyes." Hayao interrogated Yang Kui.

"We will lead the team and start working at 2 p.m." Hasegawa Haroi was the first to report to Hayho, looking calm and cold, "I will lead Fukada Shino and the other eight witches to work together. They will be responsible for cleaning the toilets and Ryugu Castle. The lower corridor.”

"Is this Fukada Shino in your sight most of the time?" Hayho asked.

"Yes. It can be guaranteed. I supervised their work, but Fukada Shino went to the Ryugu Gate to take out the garbage once. I didn't see her during this period, and she came back in about three to five minutes." Yang Kui said.

"Objection!" said Hayho.

They all set their sights on Hayho.

"Knowing that she is a witch with a history of stealing, do you still let her out of your sight?" Hayho asked.

"Because the working atmosphere at that time was very good, everyone worked hard, and it didn't look like they were cheating. I also had concerns, but in the end I thought there was no need to intensify the conflict, so I just watched her leave. Now that I think about it, I regret it, after all, it is the chaotic path, no one knows what she will do." Yang Kui said.

"It means, do you think Fukada Shino is a thief?" Hayho asked.

"I didn't say that." Yang Kui sat upright, "You are indeed a keen child. No wonder the Reio of New Tokyo values ​​you so much."

"..." Saho frowned.

After Yang Kui left, the next person to be questioned was Eto Yumei.

She was wearing a striped prison uniform, but her eyes remained cold, as if Anyuan was not a prison to her, but another palace. Mengmei is proficient in necromantic magic. She is tall and has long hair that is spread like a ghost. She exudes an icy aura that makes Yuanzhi almost sneeze.

"At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I led the team to Flowing Water Garden. Because the garden is very large, everyone was basically spread out. Haruka Fukada worked under me, and I basically followed her." Yumei Eto said.

"Can you guarantee that Fukada Haruka will be in your sight most of the time?" Hayho asked.

"No. As I said, the Flowing Water Garden is very large and the terrain is very complicated. It is criss-crossed and there are many things that can block the view, such as those stone sculptures with square pants and sponges. If I were to be her nanny, no one else would be able to do the work. ?" Wei Teng Mengmei sneered.

"Objection!" Hayho questioned.

"Huh?" They turned their attention to Saho.

"Well..." Hayho waved his hand, "Anyway... raise your objection first!"

"Save time, I still need to sleep." Yumei Weito said disdainfully.

Hayao coughed.

"So, do you think it's possible for Fukada Haruka to sneak away from the northwest corner of the garden, near the main hall, and steal something from the treasure house when you weren't paying attention?" Hayho asked.

"Not necessarily." Yumei Eto shook her head, "I patrolled Fallingwater Garden about three times throughout the afternoon. Every time I saw Haruka Fukada, I saw her cleaning the railings on the bridge near the south garden exit."

"Does it take the whole afternoon to clean the railing?" Hayao asked.

"You also know that it is the bridge at the south entrance of the garden, called the Tianhai Horse Bridge. Those railings are very big. If she has never done similar work before, and wants to do it carefully, or wants to be lazy, she must not spend it. The whole afternoon?" Weito Mengmei asked.

"All the working witches are in the garden. They haven't left, and they haven't been sneaking around on the northwest path?" Hayho pondered.

"As far as I can see, no." Yumei Eto said, "But I can't guarantee it."

"How did you become a supervisor?" Hayao was unhappy.

"I'm not a supervisory officer. Do you want to be a supervisory officer?" Yumei Weito sneered.

"..." Saho waved his hand.

After Yumei Weito left. Hayao sorts out the current situation.

"If you can catch the criminal, you will have done a great job. Teacher Da Su will make you a supervisor and wear a golden armband. From now on, you can discipline everyone!" Yuanzhi said.

"I don't want to be crowned a marquis, but I hope the sea will be peaceful." Saho thought of the poems left in the eldest lady's poetry collection. Her brain is getting bigger and bigger.

Yuan Zhi looked around.

"The ninja is gone," she said.

"Ninja, keep a low profile..." Shui Li stood in the shadow of the corner.

Saho sat down in the interrogation room and recorded the clues he had obtained so far in his notebook:

"There are two roads that lead to the treasure house. One is very short. You can go there from the seaweed path at the northwest end of Flowing Water Gardens. It takes 3 minutes to go there and back. The other is very long. You must start from the large basalt corridor in the south and pass through a stone You have to go through the aisle to get to the treasure house. It takes 20 minutes to go back and forth.”

"The entire stone path is filled with the scent of strangers. It should be someone new to An'an Hospital. Currently, the Fukada sisters are the most suspicious."

"Which one is the older sister? Is there any difference between the two?" Hayho asked the ninja.

"The elder sister is Fukada Haruka. The younger sister is Fukada Shino. Among them, the younger sister has a more lively personality and sometimes smiles on her face. The older sister Haruka has a colder attitude." Shui Li said.

"The looks are the same?" Hayho thought.

"No, and they deliberately imitate each other's clothing and behavior. It's just the acquired temperament that is different." Shui Li said.

Hayho continues to write clues:

"As for Flowing Water Gardens, the supervisor Yumei said that Haruka Fukada has been working on the "Tenkai Horse Bridge" in the south and did not use the seaweed path in the northwest corner. However, Yumei rarely sees Haruka, so the suspicion cannot be ruled out."

"As for the palace toilets, supervisor Yang Kui said that Fukada Shino had been working hard, but there was a gap of about 3 to 5 minutes. She went to the south basalt corridor and then to the south gate of Ryugu to take out the garbage. During this period, she was likely to commit a crime. "

"The pearl necklace was finally found in the toilet."

Hayao thought.


If it was a remote crime working in the Falling Water Garden, then she would not have time to deliver the pearl necklace to the palace toilet.

If Xiao was working in the toilet, she would not have time to go back and forth to the treasure house, because the journey from the toilet, the basalt corridor, the L-shaped aisle to the treasure house would take 20 minutes. And she was out of Yang Kui's sight for at most 5 minutes, so she had no time to commit the crime.

How did the two sisters complete the crime so seamlessly?

We have to decipher their modus operandi.

Hayao covered her face with her hands.

"Come on, just say something. In cartoons, NPCs suddenly say something unintentionally, and then suddenly it inspires the great detective. Then I will raise the corners of my mouth and smile, and then there is only one truth!" said Hayho.

"You have to be a smart baby first, but now you are still stupid." Yuori pinched Saho's shoulder, "Actually, as long as I smell the scent of the sisters, if their breath is the same as The smells left in the corridor are exactly the same, which can confirm the fact of their crimes."

"Okay. Let's give it a try." Saho nodded.

The elder sister of the twins, Haruka Fukada, who is responsible for cleaning the Flowing Water Garden, arrived at the case.

"What do you want to know?" Fukada Haruka frowned.

"Report on your work during the afternoon cleaning." Hayho said.

Her reaction was not what Saho expected.

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