Witch containment diary

Chapter 353 A witch in each hand


"April is the cruelest month. Lilacs grow on the wasteland, merging memories and desires, and let the spring rain urge those dull roots..." Zhang Su read the most complex poem "The Wasteland" written by foreigners to commemorate On this warm April day, take care of Lemi at the same time.

Supervisor Natsuki issued a decree, and the work of Anxin Hospital was suspended. The sweet holiday came soon, like the gears of a relaxing machine, which idled for a while and then gradually stopped, and they were no longer as nervous as before. Right now, except for necessary maintenance, almost no one is working.

The tense situation before made everyone exhausted. Zhang Suxin said. When we feel like we don’t have time to rest, that’s when we need it.

"Ba~ba..." The little milk dragon Lemi crawled around on the table.

It had just had enough sleep and was full of energy and jumping around. Its bones were stronger than when it was born. At least Zhang Su could hold it in his arms with confidence.

Remi walked to the edge of the black mahogany table and tentatively looked down. The ground was reflected in her glass-like pupils, like an unreachable shore.

It tried to flap its wings. Now its wings were soft, just like those of a butterfly. Its bones were soft and crisp, and dark purple veins could be seen on the extremely thin membrane.

cute. Zhang Su tried to touch its wings, and Lemi moved her pointed head and pecked Zhang Su's fingers.

"You can't fly yet, don't jump." Zhang Su moved all the fragile things to the middle of the table to prevent Lemi from walking around and knocking them over.

Remi was born brave. Even though Zhang Su stopped her, she jumped forward and jumped. Its wings instinctively opened, but its body rotated in the air due to its unstable center of gravity.

"Chirp...!" Remi was worried because of the weightlessness, but after a moment, it felt a pair of thick hands under its body.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Su picked it up in time and protected it in the palm of his hand.

"Baba~" Leimi blinked with lingering fear, then folded her wings, lay in Zhang Su's hand, and looked up at him with big eyes.

"Want to eat or play?" Zhang Su asked.

Lemi couldn't express her thoughts very well. Zhang Su put Lemi down on the ground, and then picked up a palm-sized "Traitor Head Xiaoba" stuffed doll for her. She happily rushed over, stretched out her claws, and grabbed it eagerly. Holding it, rocking it up and down, trying to pull it apart, while making a high-pitched little chirping sound.

After playing with the doll for a while, Remi lowered her head and spent about 10 minutes looking at her young paws, and then tried to identify her tail.

At this age, it still regards its own hands and feet as outsiders, and examines the world it encounters for the first time with full curiosity.

"Let's go, let's get you something to eat." Zhang Su stretched out his hand. When Leimi heard "eat", she formed a conditioned reflex and immediately stopped her movements. She then raised her head happily, chirped twice, and boarded Zhang Su's hand. Su's arm stood on his arm.

Zhang Su bent his elbow and led Lemi downstairs, protecting it with his other big hand to prevent Lemi from falling.

Leimi's head leaned lightly against Zhang Su, as if the strongest support in the world was nothing more than this.

He walked across the playground, where everyone was basking in the sun, and surrounded Natsuki, lying on the cement floor, motionless, like a corpse, very quiet, closing his eyes and enjoying the sunshine.

This was not Natsuki's arrangement, but she had walked to the playground and lay down and remained motionless since the first day she gave the order.

The others didn't know what she was doing at first, but later they followed her example and lay down together, feeling nothing but worry.

When there are more people, it looks like a huge sunflower facing up. They lie down on the playground at sunrise and go back to the dormitory at sunset. Many prisoners say they can't remember the last time they were so relaxed.

Zhang Su also wanted to lie down, but he had to settle the matter first.

He came to the kitchen, put Remi on the floor, then opened the cold storage and pulled out a huge goat leg.

"Bah!" Lemi stood up straight, and was immediately happy when she saw the burly giant meat coming.

It crawled over very quickly and lingered at Zhang Su's feet, trying repeatedly to raise its neck and swing its claws, trying to reach the big meat in his hand.

"Take your time." Zhang Su put the meat on the counter and prepared to cut it into small pieces.

Leimi ran to the other end of the kitchen. Zhang Su didn't know what it wanted to do yet. He turned around and saw it flapping its wings eagerly, then flying up like a helicopter, and crashing into the kitchen counter in a dive-bombing posture. !

Scrub - Lemi landed heavily, then crawled to the side of the big goat's leg, slowly pulled it with her small paws, and gently pulled it with her small teeth.

"Love to eat is a virtue." Zhang Su praised it.

"Chirp...!" Remi tore the big goat's leg hard. It shone in the thin sunlight, and the blood was filled with myoglobin, making it look even more delicious. But Lemi couldn't bite it no matter what, and her hot saliva dripped on the table.

Zhang Su chopped off the kitchen knife hard and cut the big goat meat into a fist-sized piece. Then he worked slowly and carefully, mincing it finely to form dozens of small meat strips. He then cut it crosswise and cut the meat strips into small pieces. diced meat. Finally, he pushed to Lemi's side with the back of the knife.

Remi was still struggling with the mountain-like goat legs. She turned around and saw so many delicious little pieces of meat, each of which was enough for her to eat. She immediately bent down to pounce on the food, eagerly accepting the food and devouring it.

"Eat slowly, slower, slower..." Zhang Su patiently divided the pieces of meat evenly to prevent Lemi from eating too much in one go.

It swallowed a piece of meat, happily tilted its neck back and let gravity send the food down its esophagus. After every bite, Remi's wings would flap slightly.

Zhang Su picked up the big goat leg and sent it back. Remi turned around and ran over, grabbing the edge of the big meat with her claws. The whole dragon hung directly on the lamb leg. Zhang Su put the goat leg back into the cold storage, and then discovered that the little The guy also followed in, his claws hooked into the mutton leg.

"Let's go, it's too cold here." Zhang Su held Leimi's tail.

A chill made the dragon feel tired. It loosened its claws and reluctantly let go. Its eyes reflected the countless pieces of hanging meat in the cold storage, and it chirped in confusion.

"A lot of meat, right? These foods are war preparation materials, enough to feed thousands of people for ten years." Zhang Su hugged Lemi back, "I won't let you go hungry."

"Quack." Leimi put her head against Zhang Su's arm, lying comfortably.

Zhang Su took it back and let Lemi continue to enjoy the remaining meat feast.

After finishing eating, Remi seemed to be more energetic. She opened her mouth eagerly as if she wanted to spit out something, and let out a series of vague roars.

"Dracarys (Dragon Fire)." Zhang Su said.

Looking into the air, Remi reflexively exhaled a thin cloud of smoke from its body. It coughed several times quickly, as if it was choked by the smoke it exhaled.

Zhang Su smiled.

"There's still a long time to practice." Zhang Su planned to take Remi to rest, and then stretched out his hand.

Leimi patted the chopping board a little irritably. It stubbornly resisted and did not get on Zhang Su's arm. It had its own persistence.

It breathed loudly again, as if expecting something, and looked at Zhang Su eagerly.

"Dracarys (Dragon Fire)." Zhang Su said again.

Remy opened her mouth suddenly.

Dragon flames spurted out, the light was dazzling, like the flame tail of a comet, and the heat wave was raging.

Zhang Su blocked the dragon flames with his hands, and Leimi was knocked backward by the recoil of the spitting fire. She spun back twice, and then looked at her father with innocent eyes.

"All the praises pale in comparison." Zhang Su picked up Lemi, who felt a little proud and nestled in her father's arms.

After settling Leimi, Zhang Su went to the confinement room of Anxin Hospital to release the sisters.

It is said to be a solitary room, but it is actually the warehouse cellar of Anxinyuan.

Zhang Su walked down the stone steps, and cold air flowed out from the space below. He felt like he had passed through a group of lonely ghosts, and finally reached the door. He knocked on the stone door first, but no one answered.

He pushed the stone door with both hands. At this time last year, Zhang Su still had to push hard to open the old cellar door. Now he has thirty-seventh strength, and the effort required to drive the thousand-jin door is less than one percent of his strength. When the door opened, a smell of pickled vegetables came out.

Sisters Haruka Fukada and Shino Fukada hugged each other tightly. Because of their similar appearance, they were like two leaves stacked on top of each other, and they were indistinguishable.

are you asleep? ...Zhang Su walked up to the sisters and saw them staring at each other very close to each other with their eyes open and bright, as if they had made up their minds to never be separated.

They turned to look at Zhang Su, something seemed to be flickering in their eyes.

[Witch Containment Diary: The Case of Fukada Haruka/Fukada Shino]

Favorability status:

Insult us +50

Imprisoned for no reason +100

Bad conditions +50

Total: +200 favor (adoration)

"What is one plus one equal to?" Zhang Su asked.

"Three." Fukada Shino said.

Ordinary chaos witches also know what is good and what is bad, but the Fukada sisters must be even more confused because of their lack of correct education! Zhang Su secretly said.

He walked over and separated the two sisters with great force, holding one in each hand.

They lay on Zhang Su's big hands, put their hands on Zhang Su's shoulders simultaneously, and stared at him with obsessed eyes, which reminded Zhang Su of predators such as wolf spiders.

"I have seen your resume. You have no father or mother. You lived on the streets of poor Sakagaki in your childhood. You were once trafficked overseas, and were finally adopted by the Fukada family. They are not kind, and they specially tamed you as a pair. The witches went to steal. They were very kind to you, but they made you accumulate resentment. A few months ago, you robbed a gold shop in New Tokyo and transferred all the proceeds from the sale to the Fukada family's account. They were confused and nervous, and hurried Before being traced, I contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to arrest you. The good news is that now the Metropolitan Police Department has also found out the truth and prosecuted their illegal and criminal experiences in the past ten years. The Fukada family has been brought to justice. If this is yours too The revenge plan has been successful," Zhang Su said.

He felt the bittersweet expressions on the faces of the Fukada sisters on both hands.

"After all, you are only in your early 20s." Zhang Su carried them out of the cellar and stood within the maximum range of sunlight that could shine in. "It's not too late to start over."

"We have no idea." Haruka Fukada said.

“We are chaos incarnate,” Shino Fukada said.

"I'm not familiar with the power of witches, but the 'chaos' path should be the most random magic. It is neither malicious nor benevolent. The magic in your body is indifferent to your struggles and struggles and is unpredictable. So in my opinion Come, your nature is to resist constraints, so I give you the maximum chaos called 'freedom'. From now on, you can move freely in this place, do whatever you want, learn, grow, live in isolation, or make friends with other people, it's up to you Choose." Zhang Su put them down and left.

The two sisters looked at each other.

"Free?" Haruka Fukada asked.

"We are free, we don't even have collars." Fukada Shino touched his neck.

"What should I do after I am free?" Haruka Fukada said.

She found that she had been controlled by vague laws and rules before, but now that Zhang Su promised to let them be completely free, she felt that her magic power was blooming freely.

There are no boundaries now, and there is no harm in spreading your wings and flying.

"Play." Fukada Shino jumped up and down outside the warehouse, "Find someone to play with."

"I want to wear nice clothes." Haruka Fukada followed his sister.

"Only prison uniforms are allowed here." Fukada Shino turned around, backed up and jumped out of the warehouse.

"The little ones can wear school uniforms," ​​Haruka Fukada said.

"Let's join them." Shino Fukada said, "We are not tall either."

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