Witch containment diary

Chapter 366 Taking the Jiaguo Magic Potion

When Zhang Su found Zaosui and Shihua, Shihua was carrying Zaosui on his back to practice his courage.

"It's 1 meter above the ground, don't be afraid!" Hayao's whole body hung on Muroka's back, and Muroka carried her forward.

"Ah! The teacher is here!" Murohua put down Saho and gave a hasty salute, "Hello, teacher!"

"Da Su, what's going on today?" Zaohui raised his head.

"Soraya has made a magic potion that can make you lose your throne. What are your plans? Do you want to become a witch who can break your throne?" Zhang Su asked.

"I think! Then I will be as powerful as my mother." Shihua was very happy, thinking of the power of Xincheng Meiyu.

"I want it too, I want it too!" Haosui stood on tiptoe.

"Ah, then I won't fight with you." Shihua withdrew immediately.

"Let's announce it at the ceremony of the Peace of Mind Ring." Zhang Su nodded, "I think it's best for Zao Sui to drink it in the end. If it's Zao Sui, he can definitely make good use of it."

Saho and Shihua were very excited to say goodbye to Zhang Su.

"The position is about to be lost!" Muroka was happy for Saho from the bottom of his heart, "How could such a good thing happen!"

"Well, it means a lot." Hayho nodded seriously, "The Shadow Witch said that when I become the Broken Witch, she will come to me."

"Everyone will want to see you dethroned!" Shihua was very happy, "And it's at the gathering of the Ring of Anxin. You are the witch leader of the Ring of Anxin, so you should be the strongest among us."

"Hoho, now I have established my reputation as the King of Saho." Saho was very proud. She looked down at her own shadow, her face suddenly became solemn, she squatted down and touched the floor, "Suoying... you miss your mother. ?"

Sui Ying shook his head on the ground to express his agreement.

Hayho was lying on the ground, with the side of his face pressed against the ground.

"I miss my mother too." Hayao communicated with Sui Ying, her fingers drawing circles on the ground in front of her, "I don't want to be a weak witch when the time comes. I want my mother to see the changes and growth, and let her know that I have grown up. Big.”

Because Hayao completely covered Suikage, Muroka looked around and couldn't see any response from Suikage, and Hayao seemed to be talking to himself.

Hayho and Muroka were walking around under the shade of the green trees when they suddenly heard a sound of sobbing, so they walked over to take a look.

"Ha, little one." Saho saw Bakubo wiping tears under the tree.

Zhazhua rubbed his face with his little hands, and his big tears kept falling down. He was still holding a picked branch in his hand.

"Stop crying, what happened?" Shihua stepped forward.

"Woof!" Bamboo waved the branches, angrily drove Shihua away, and continued walking toward the trees in the garden alone, crying.

"You annoying brat." Saho held her head in her hands, "I was much more mature than her when I was young!"

"We can't just ignore Bafang." Shihua turned around, "How about letting Yuanzhi Cat breastfeed her?"

"It's her turn before I even drink?" Hayho was unhappy.

"Let's go. If you go too deep and go to the ancient well or the insect nest, Bakubo will fall." Shi Hua kept up with Bakubo.

Under the east wall of Anxin courtyard, they saw Bafang again.

"Ugh..." Zhazhuang sat on the grass, leaning against the wall, crying without saying a word, still wearing a black skirt and a little yellow hat.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Shihua asked cautiously, "Let's talk to the teacher and let him teach you a lesson."

"You don't need Da Su to take action, I'll take care of it." Saho said nonchalantly.

"...Natsuki..." Bakubo cried.

"Okay, that Natsuki actually bullied the little one." Hayho has always had conflicts with Natsuki, and the century-old dispute between light and shadow broke out, "Let's see how I deal with her!"

They walked to the shade of a tree, and Natsuki fell asleep because she couldn't get any sun. Qing Xiao accompanied him, half of his body was buried in the ground to absorb nutrients.

"Hey. Hello, kind and charming Sister Murohua." Qing Xiao was only on the ground from the waist up, her elbows were on the soil, and she was holding her chin, "What's wrong?"

"Natsuki made the little one cry. I will strictly enforce the rules of the family now." Saho rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight with Natsuki.

"No one cares about you." Qing Xiao teased.

"What did Natsuki do? We have to find out and solve it." Muroka said solemnly, with a serious tone.

"Teacher Da Su is collecting volunteers." Qing Xiao said bluntly, "Xia Xi's wish is to grow up into a great witch, break the throne, fly to the sky, join the sun, and leave us. No one can accept this kind of thing. That's right. Sad about that.”

"Haha, that's it." Hayho shook his head and ignored it, "Natsuki's departure will not have much impact on us."

At night, Saho woke up crying.

She dreamed that Natsuki turned into a ball of light and left everyone. She watched Natsuki fly higher and higher, crying.

He is the invincible King Hayho, why is he crying because of this? Hayho wiped his swollen eyes. Why are you crying because of the annoying Natsuki?

She got out of bed wearing a one-piece white pajamas and walked to Natsuki's bed to watch her sleep. She felt warm even from a distance. Natsuki doesn't need a quilt and puts big characters on her bamboo mat.

"Hey." Hayho poked Natsuki's hand, "Don't leave."

Natsuki was awakened by the poke. She turned her head and opened her eyes for illumination, which made Haoho retreat again and again.

"Huh?" Xia Xi closed his eyes.

"Is it true that you want to leave?" Saho squatted next to the bed, grabbing the edge of the bed with both hands.

"Yeah." Natsuki said.

"Is it okay if you don't leave?" Hayho didn't know why he started praying, "How can Anshin Institute be without Natsuki?"

"Ha." Natsuki turned over and fell asleep again.

Did she hear what she said? Hayho pressed his head.

Before going back to sleep, she took another look at Natsuki. He actually wants to leave us and join the Sun. Wait, doesn’t that mean Natsuki is going to die? The thought of this scene made Hayho feel depressed, even more uncomfortable than knowing the date of her own death.

The next day.

"Is the Kaguo potion ready?" Saho was watching in Soraya's studio.

"It's almost time, we have picked all the fruits." Soraya wiped her sweat. "This potion may only be available in this pot in the past few years, but it is also very effective. Just imagine that you can raise a broken bit every five years." 1 witch, An Anyuan will dominate the world, as long as the spirit world does not come to destroy it."

"Have you ever heard of the magic power of the sun?" Hayho suddenly asked, "The sun witch will leave us and fly to the sky?"

"This is a natural tendency, just like the Chaos Witch's sexual destructiveness." Soraya said, "One day the Sun Witch will also become a real sun."

"Is there any way to stop it?" Hayho asked.

"As far as I know, there is none." Soraya concentrated on the potion without turning her head. "Get ready. I heard that Zhang Su wants you to drink the potion, which is also good. Concentrate on your strength and don't think about others. Is this what the Shadow Witch will teach you?"

"You're an idiot! You don't know anything!" Saho ran away angrily.

She ran to Zhang Su's office on the fourth floor of the prison building.

"Dasu!" Hayho asked about the Sun Witch.

"...There have been many Sun Witches who joined the Sun in history. Natsuki's mother was called Hypania. The authorities needed her fighting power and refused her request to return to the Sun, so she later lost control." Zhang Su and Saho said .

"Ahhh!" Hayho pressed his head with both hands, "If I dominate the world without Natsuki by my side, what's the use of the empire I gained like this!"

"Natsuhi may have deliberately not had more contact with everyone, so that she won't feel too uncomfortable on the day she leaves. Unless her connection with everyone is very strong, sooner or later we will have to say goodbye to Natsuki forever." Zhang Su said.

Hayho couldn't explain what she was thinking, but she just didn't want Natsuki to leave everyone so easily, turn into a beam of light and hit the sun, then disappear, and then become a light that illuminates everyone. Wouldn't that kind of thing cost Natsuki's life?

"No!" Hayho ran away in a panic.

She came to the playground, Natsuki sat on the ground and looked up at the sky, Saho rushed over and hugged Natsuki.

"?" Natsuki remained motionless.

"We can't leave. I've already lost a lot of people, mom, senior, and now it's you again?" Hayho tightened her grip on Natsuki.

"Hmm." Natsuki didn't give a clear response.

Three days later.

On the day of the Jiaguo Ceremony, everyone put on the ring of peace of mind costumes and black cloaks, with only two round holes cut out for the eyes, and gathered at twelve o'clock at midnight.

The night is deep and the cold moon hangs high. The location of their meeting was changed to a natural clearing deep in the forest at the back of the mountain. All the members of the Ring of Peace came to participate. The adults included Dongmei and Delia. The witches who were going to join this time were the Star Witch Soraya and The dream witch Haroi Hasegawa. The witches watching the ceremony were the Fukada sisters. They also wanted to join, but they were not qualified.

"The Bodhisattva has come to take care of the children." Hongyan came to protect them as their god.

"Presenting the essence of dreams," Hasegawa Haroi presented a group of materialized dreams, which are slices of fantasy. She dreamed for half a month before editing the best material.

"You can have a good dream at night." Saho took it and stuffed it into his head, "You have reformed your past, it is very good, and you have the guarantee of the senior sister, you can join the gang."

"Thank you." Hasegawa Yangkui was given a black cloak. She put it on her body and felt solemn.

This place, this gathering of witches called the Ring of Peace of Mind, will become the most solid generation of witch organizations in this country in the future, with the potential to shake the world... Hasegawa Haruki originally thought she was just playing house, but now she is honored to be one. members of this organization. She felt that it was a pity that the confused Saho was the eldest child, as the other children were obviously more capable of leadership.

"Presenting the magic potion of Jiaguo." Soraya twisted her waist and stepped forward, using the hollowed-out Jiaguo to fill the nectar. It looked like molten gold flowing into it. "It can make your magic power evolve a hundred times, making it You have achieved the throne, my lord."

"This is great." Hayho took the potion and held it up.

She looked up at the potion, then turned to look at everyone in the Ring of Reassurance. They were all wearing black cloaks, their faces could not be seen clearly, and pairs of eyes were staring at Haoho through the cracks. There was encouragement, envy, support and doubt in those eyes.

Think about what Xiao Su would do. Hayao took a deep breath and thought to herself. Those tireless teachings gave her a noble feeling.

Hayao lowered his head and kicked Suikage. Suiying... let's just... reconcile this time. We will have plenty of opportunities in the future.

Suikage had never expected anything from Hayao, but it was surprised by Hayao's choice.

"Come on." Zaho turned around from the middle of the ring, "I invite you all to come closer. I know Da Su has asked you all about your ideals. Although I don't know what they are, they must all be great."

Saho raised her neck and took a big sip from it. Powerful power surged in her body. There were swallowing sounds among the witches who were watching, because Saho drank so well.

Endless shadow magic was generated, but Saho's movements stopped.

"Drinking it in one gulp is most effective," Soraya said.

"It's your turn to drink." Hayho turned around.

"Ah?" Soraya was stunned for a moment.

"Forget it, I'll give it to you later." Hayho walked over and handed it to Murohua, "Drink a little, good friend, you will be stronger."

"This is your thing. I shouldn't drink it. But thank you." Shihua took a sip and did not dare to drink more.

"Drink." Saho took some potion and gave it to Yuan Zhi.

"Thank you." Yuanzhi took a lick and smiled.

"Blast, drink it. Blow up more things." Hayho bent down and sucked some from the inside.

"Oh?" Fangzhang felt stronger.

"Qingxiao, do you want to join the Ring of Peace of Mind?" Saho went over with the potion.

"I have never seen such a kind deed from you." Qing Xiao was in awe, "You have virtue in you, I will not refuse you."

"Here you go." Zaho poured a little between Qingxiao's hands.

"If I want to turn the world into a big tree, I will kill you in the end." Qing Xiao thanked him.

"Mayumi." Hayao gave the potion to Mayumi, "Did Dasu ask you about your ideals?"

"No. But I think the teacher just favors you." Mayumi said, a little jealous.

——It’s not about “favoring” me, it’s about believing that I will do the right thing. Hayao's heart was shaken. But she didn't say it.

"Do you want it?" Hayao gave Mayumi a little.

"Just a few drops will be enough." Mayumi accepted.

"Tomi." Saho handed it to Tomi.

"I can't have it." Dongmei refused, "My magic power can be enhanced by casting."

"We are the ring of peace of mind and we will not leave anyone behind." Hayho insisted on giving a drop to Tomi.

"Thank you." Dongmei sighed, "I will make more equipment for everyone in the future."

"Teacher." Hayho handed it to Delia.

"I'm already preparing to lose my position. Drinking it is really useless." Delia knelt down on one knee, "But for you, for us, the leader of the witch assembly, I am happy to accept it."

"Thank you." Hayho greeted.

"This is yours. You should drink it and leave a tenth of it," Soraya said.

"You are not kind, but you are not evil either. You just do what you like." Hayho gave Soraya a drop. "You should drink what you made with your own hands. You deserve it. This belongs to you, not to you." I."

"...Thank you." Soraya and Saho greeted.

"A gift for beginners." Hayao gave the last drop to Yang Kui. She held it in the palm of her hand and licked it dry.

"May you always have sweet dreams with you in the future." Yang Kui said.

"Natsuki." Saho finally walked up to Natsuki, she still looked stupid, "You have never been stupid, you just... thought about leaving us a long time ago."

Natsuki's eyes were clear.

"No matter where you go, we are a ring of peace of mind." Hayho walked up and hugged Natsuki, then gave Natsuki three drops of Kaguo potion, and she tasted it on the back of her hand.

"If there is even a chance for you to stay, don't give up on us." Hayho told Natsuki.

Natsuki nodded.


"The last drop is left!" Hong Yan was happy, "Did you give it to me? The Bodhisattva is so happy!"

"I'm sorry, Bodhisattva." Hayho looked in the direction of New Tokyo and poured the last drop of the potion into the night wind, "Senior, I wish you peace."

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