Witch containment diary

Chapter 371 Named Unbounded Alliance

Facing the Constellation Fleet, Zhang Su first gathered the fire balls on the nearby wasteland.

"Go find your companions quickly." He sent a message through a translator.

They nodded, one after another, jumping on top of each other's heads, until the last ball of fire could no longer jump up the tower of friends.

They stand in the wasteland like a bunch of candied haws. The ones below want to move, while the ones above emit fixed-frequency energy waves to attract partners, like a signal tower.

Not long after, more fireballs came over.

Some of them had just been released from the fleet. They gathered together in fear and formed a big group.

Some emerged from the ground, as if they had lived under the dunes before.

"It hits the boat."

"It's powerful."

"It helps."

"We win."

Huo Tuan Tuan communicated with each other and found out that Zhang Su had defeated the fleet, so they all turned around and looked at him with admiration.

These fire balls are as small as a palm and as wide as a building. They roll slowly and sparkle.

"Why did they arrest you?" Zhang Su asked.

"I don't know." The fireballs didn't know.

"What are your abilities?"

"No." The fireballs studied it.

"Become a pillar of flame." said the largest fire ball.

"What is the use of the Flame Pillar?" Zhang Su asked.

"I don't know." They don't know very well.

The fire balls seem to be of no use at all? !

Zhang Su analyzed for a moment.

"...How did they come? At least, you saw these people coming." Zhang Su asked.

The fireballs studied it.

"Porphyrin, porphyrin..."


"Suddenly appeared..." The fireballs all shared their experiences.

The general idea is that a large number of abnormal fluctuating air masses suddenly appeared in the sky, almost colorless, reflecting the position of those aircraft.

Then not long after, real aircraft all appeared.

Zhang Su was thinking about similar means.

Maybe a "space jump"?

The so-called fluctuating air mass should be the refraction of the space atmosphere caused by the action of a strong magnetic field, and should be colorful.

However, due to living conditions, Huo Tuan Tuan can only distinguish between red, gold, and yellow in Flame Ping Seven, so the color of the air balls is not indicated.

This "alien multi-ethnic alliance" seems to be adept at traveling between different dimensions.

"Just stand behind me." Zhang Su asked the fireballs to calm down.

They lay flat across the vast wilderness like clusters of smoldering red wildfires.

Elder Crohn asked the Constellation Fleet to exercise restraint, disarm and abandon its firepower.

Except for the subordinate commanders and soldiers who have subjective initiative, Elder Crohn uses Gestalt thinking to control the controllers of other ships to avoid differences and struggles between different races.

There are so many races in the league.

Once in a battle, ships of various races can easily develop thoughts of self-preservation. Only the unified will of the elders can ensure that the fleet maintains its formation.

Especially when facing such a powerful... "Devil Man", the pure black armor is not sure whether it is heavy or light for its body.

He holds the command weapon in his hand and carries a long stick-like object similar to a backup energy source on his back.

In the limited time, Elder Crohn did his best to study Zhang Su.

"Codename: Devilman

Race: Demon? Humanity? (Common intelligent creatures in the C-type universe have origins such as being made from clay, evolving from apes, and creating gods)

Motive: Unnamed. Related to "pickaxe".

Attack power: Planetary level, the weapon held by it has unlimited blade rules and can cut or destroy everything (Supreme Demon God Rules). With full power, it can completely destroy any planet with a diameter not exceeding 40,000 miles. If you want to resist, you need to express resistance equal to the rules of the Supreme Demon God.

Mobility: subsonic ~ weak sonic (sonic medium is the basic air in the anchorage)

Resistance: Medium rules (defensive power at the upper level of rules. If you want to hit, you need to express absolute hit and killing methods higher than the upper level of rules)

Durability: The stick-like object on the back has a high energy density, which seems to supplement it. Preliminary measurements indicate that it will take more than 7500 hours of battle to cause significant damage to the Devilman.

Skills: Master level, after slight contact, the target will show bizarre and outstanding martial arts, be familiar with extraordinary battles, and have experienced many battles.

Intelligence: Standard (average in the common universe) ~ Advanced (above average in the common universe)]

Regular attacks are more difficult to defend against than fleet weapon energy attacks and missile damage.

It can penetrate energy shields and alloy materials provided by the technological world.

Not only that, it is also the rarest demon rule among the rules. Demons can fight against all civilizations in infinite dimensions, so the blade rules can also suppress the limited defensive means such as magic shields and magical talismans in their resource base.

Demons, supernatural entities, evil spirits, weirdness, extraterrestrial demons... all point to the immeasurable disasters in hell itself.

Elder Crohn looked at Zhang Su below, full of vigilance.

"Why does it want a pickaxe?" The commanders pondered, and the think tank system also began to analyze.


34% chance: The pickaxe is a significant souvenir in its civilization.


34% probability: The pickaxe is a teleportation prop that facilitates time and space travel.


31% probability: The pickaxe is the source of its power and can be greatly strengthened once absorbed.


1% probability: Others.

"Once I get the pickaxe, I'm not sure whether the other party will become a more powerful demon."

"If we take the pickaxe back to the interstitial space, it will be impossible for it to chase us."

"The world linked to the other end of the tunnel is the C-type universe we are dealing with - Blue Earth. Detailed data needs to be analyzed after returning to subspace."

Staff members analyze under pressure.

"Earth?" Elder Krohn asked.

"Agent Moen is researching. It is under the alias 'Mrs. Rosaville' and has efficiently penetrated the civilization. However, the recent exploration results have not been synchronized. Our Silver Corona fleet knows very little about this 'Earth'." Headman Commander retrieves information.

"Prepare a single airdrop warehouse. I'll go down and negotiate with it." Elder Krohn set off.

"Elder?!" The commanders were all surprised.

"While I'm buying time, I'll recharge the fleet and prepare to go to Earth. Let Agent Moen pick us up. If we go to Earth to act like a god-level civilization, we might be able to get a chance." Crow Crow Elder En sat upright in the hub, "Its desire to attack is lower than that of ordinary demons. It should not be a real demon. Don't overestimate its strength or will."

Buying time, by the time he reacts, they will have already escaped with the help of the warp engine.

"The jump engine will be completed within 6 minutes." The technical officer reported.

Zhang Su looked up at the Constellation Fleet.

The largest ship in the center is the mothership, which is also the anchorage for the needle ships next to it.

After Zhang Su used a knife to cut off a corner of the formation, the remaining ships automatically filled in and returned to a complete formation. The spacing was roughly equal, natural and flawless, and seemed to be consistent with certain physical laws.

An airdrop pod landed on the mothership, and multiple mechanical guards walked out of it.

The appearance of these mechanical bodies is quite unique, ranging from one-eyed humanoids to full-metal enclosed circles to cable-wrapped soft-armored crabs.

They are surrounded by a being that looks like an envoy or leader. It has a fat body with a large number of small tentacles on its wrinkled skin. It is wrapped in flowing robes, like a tapestry reflecting the stars of the universe.

The head of this thing is also very strange, it is completely transparent, only the luminous lines etched on the edge clearly outline the outer edge of the face.

"I am Elder Crohn." said the fat headless life form, "Commander of the Silver Crown Fleet of the Unbounded Alliance. I am here for goodwill."

"Unbounded Alliance?" Zhang Su asked.

"We are a multi-civilization traveling fleet with the core located in the interstitial space, exploring, communicating, and more importantly, uniting in different dimensions. Our beacons can track traces of demons, just like here, in Flame Bottle Seven, we detect I received a signal that a large number of demons were retreating, so I moved in. I didn't expect that I would have a conflict with you, Your Majesty." Elder Krohn explained.

Zhang Su did not answer in a hurry, but asked the armored ghost Lidia to release her murderous intent.

The process was very short, and the killing intent only lasted 0.1 seconds.

During this period, the robots reacted instantly and tried to defend themselves.

But because Lydia withdrew her murderous intent, they chose to return to calm and did not enter combat mode.

Elder Crohn was indifferent to the killing intent.

"...I have raised my murderous intent to the highest level, but the other party still didn't notice it! Only those robots had some extra reactions." Lydia said, "Why didn't Elder Crohn react to the murderous intent?"

"Because they don't know how to fight." Zhang Su thought silently.

The super-standard duel competes on two elements.

One is "experience", the precious experience of fighting against powerful opponents, and the experience of witnessing war on the front line. Short-term memory only lasts a few seconds, but long-term memory can be preserved for a lifetime and is further divided into explicit memory and implicit memory.

The second is the "nerve bottleneck". It takes time for sensory transmission to the nerves, and it takes time for nerves to make decisions. Organisms rely on electrical signals to communicate, so nerve reflexes also have limits.

In order to strengthen himself enough to fight against demons, Zhang Su believed that the advantage of human beings lies in using experience to break through neurological bottlenecks.

Because they are too familiar with the nature of battle, under the influence of intrinsic memory, people can skip the "perception" part and directly let the nerve center issue instructions, and even defeat the enemy's aircraft first.

This is also the ultimate martial arts that Zhang Su has been exploring in his previous life, and he himself has begun to get a glimpse of it.

If Elder Crohn cannot capture this fleeting killing intent, it means that this alliance civilization really lacks "extremely strong individual combat power", at least in terms of martial arts, it cannot compare with him.

"Why capture the fire balls?" Zhang Su asked.

"These aborigines?" Elder Crohn replied calmly, "Our Borderless Alliance's policy is to collect all the populations and resources from different dimensions, bring them to a safe mother ship, and then leave quickly to avoid the threat of demons."

"Have you asked them for their opinions?" Zhang Su asked.

"Diplomacy with them will extend the time we stay here. Our fleet usually moves in and out quickly and will never stop for too long." Elder Crohn said eloquently, "For their well-being, we must act as soon as possible. This It is also in their own interests. Please note that before our arrival, these beings were still enslaved by demons and performed hard labor."




The fireballs looked up at the sky and pointed at the huge mothership.

Apparently many of their comrades were captured and taken to the Unbound Alliance's mothership. Now they have accomplished nothing and have no choice but to bounce around behind Zhang Su, hoping that he can help.

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