Witch containment diary

Chapter 373 Gorgeous Braised Heaven

The fleeing Needle Ship arrived at the edge and prepared to jump its engine.

Their bodies are small and their engines are weak, so it takes a while to prepare.

Thinking that the enemies on the ground would not fly so high into the sky, the ship members felt their tense hearts ease a little.

Many of the acupuncture ships carried captured fire balls, which were trapped in their respective containment units. They were originally round gases, but were compressed into square shapes by the special containment chambers.

"Friend, friend..."

"go home……"

"Hot..." The fire ball missed its partner on the ground.

"Go back to your home ark and use it as fuel for the engine." The Alliance crew sneered at the captured fireballs, "You will be a great source of contribution."

"Fly - fly -"

"Come up...!"

"Help, help..."

"Coming -"

The fireballs suddenly became restless.

They bumped into the containment box and seemed particularly excited.

"What are they doing?" The crew member turned his head.

"Warning: Abnormally huge energy fluctuations on the ground have been detected!" All the acupuncture shipboard artificial intelligence sounded the alarm.

"Look down there!"

"what is that?"

The retreating Unbounded Alliance crew members watched this scene in horror——

All the surviving fireballs on Flame Bottle Seven, as if to save their friends who were about to be taken away, now most of them are gathered together and burning themselves desperately!

Let's put it together!

The scorching flame bottle seven heated up rapidly under the burning of the fire balls. The air was filled with heat, the earth trembled, and spectacular flame pillars erupted from the ground, forming a bizarre and vast flame vortex!

It stood high above the earth, eclipsing the original fireball celestial body of the Flame Vase Seven, and cast thousands of feet of red light towards the ground, piercing the sky.

At the top of this pillar of flame - is that man!

The brilliant flames help me ascend to the clouds!

Zhang Su was blown up into the sky by the immeasurable pillar of flame and jumped over the clouds.

At this time, the flame pillar had penetrated the mothership itself, burning its frame until it melted like wax. The hot wind blew wildly, disrupting and blowing away those bodies that had not yet had time to rise to a sufficient height.

Elder Krohn tried his best to hold on, but desperately noticed that Zhang Su launched another attack.

"The vision is clear, they are as disgusting as bugs stuck on a spider web." Lydia saw a large number of machines nailed to the edge of the flame bottle trying to escape.

Zhang Su waved his long knife, and the shadow of the knife instantly submerged those machines.

Chop, chop, chop again.

Three swords! A total of seventeen ships were defeated. Each ship was large enough and carried between 5,000 and 20,000 crew members, which meant that nearly 200,000 people were annihilated in these three attacks.

"Your KDA has surpassed many people in history." Lydia was satisfied with her bloodlust.

Before Zhang Su could launch his next round of attacks, he felt the flame pillar below burst.

With a terrifying explosion, the fire storm formed by the fire balls burst out with brilliant power, sending out a giant shock wave in the air that covered the entire Flame Bottle Seven!


The explosive flames raged, and the fireballs exploded with all their strength, blasting through the sky in an instant.

The entire fleet was burned in the explosion, leaving only the echo of countless people being burned to death.

The combustion consumed all the oxygen in Flame Bottle Seven, and the entire Silver Corona fleet was also destroyed!

"Prepare to fall," Lydia warned.

The fireballs were exhausted after the super giant shock wave just erupted, and the flame pillar that supported Zhang Su to the top of the cloud disappeared immediately.

Zhang Su was not sure whether the fireballs had any advance plan, but they did send out fires that covered the whole world and protected their home.

He fell down, and with him fell countless burning corpses and ships, like thousands of scattered fireballs.

Zhang Su looked at the smoldering flame bottle seven. The whole world was swirling in chaotic flames and smoke, like a gray storm.

Not a single ship made it out alive.

"Catch you..." The surviving fireballs moved left and right and caught Zhang Su just as he was about to hit the ground.

Zhang Su was breathing on the ground.

There are not many oxygen bottles built into the armor. He needs to return to Earth to replenish oxygen, or collect resources from the wreckage of the spacecraft.

After being slashed by Zhang Su, penetrated by the flame pillar, and finally impacted by the fire storm, the huge anchorage mothership now hit the ground and a big crater appeared.

Zhang Su remembered that there was another "Ark" here, and it should have been captured by the people of the Unbounded Alliance.

If you carefully search the ruins, you should be able to find that the Ark can be converted into Zhang Su's own Ark of Tomorrow, and they can travel to various places, truly anywhere in the world!

"came back……"



All the ships of the Unbounded Alliance exploded and were destroyed, and all the captured Huo Tuan Tuan were rescued.

They happily run towards their waiting partners on the ground, touching and merging with each other, as if expressing their friendship to each other.

Many of the companions had basically lost any vitality in the big explosion just now, and they burned feebly on the ground, like piles of small flames.

Zhang Su went to inspect the wreckage of the mothership and killed those who were still alive.

"Spare me—prisoners—be friendly—" Several survivors of the Unbounded Alliance crawled out from the refrigeration cabin.

They were located in the coldest part of the spacecraft and were not burned to death, but they were badly beaten in the impact.

To be honest, they are grotesquely alien in appearance. Zhang Su does not need labor or live in exchange for anything with the Unbounded Alliance. Due to this conflict, they will never have a basis for mutual trust.

So Zhang Su executed the surviving Unbounded Alliance crew members.

"Pickaxe." Zhang Su arrived at the ruins in the center of the anchorage and retrieved Hongyan's pickaxe.

"Just for...this thing..." Elder Krohn sighed in the ruins of the hub, counting down the remaining life force.

"You shot and wounded my friend. You hunted her down like an animal. You have no respect for our civilization. Now everything can be settled. Pay for your ignorance and arrogance with blood," Zhang Su said.

Elder Crohn recalled that just eighty standard hours ago, the Silver Corona fleet was a complete and powerful fleet with 120 ships and hundreds of thousands of crew members. It was like a complete small civilization, with a fleet as a unit. A mobile city-state for survival.

Now they are all killed by one person and a group of flames.

The explosion of each ship represents the death of all personnel, and with it so much memory and legacy are lost. Elder Krohn was sighing endlessly at this moment.

"There is no place for truth in the universe." Elder Crohn's tentacles were scorched and withered, and his body gradually shrank.

"The truth exists, but you can't see it anymore." Zhang Su turned around.

When Elder Crohn heard Zhang Su's words, he suddenly felt infinite desire in his heart. He wanted to gain another minute and second of his life to pursue wisdom, continue to explore and develop in the world, and complete his intellectual pursuit.

But death has prepared its chariots and horses to drag it away.

Krohn, Elder of the Silver Crown of the Unbounded Alliance, died.

"Huo Tuan Tuan! You have won!" Zhang Su went back to greet the Tuan Zi.

These fireballs are exhausted, and many have fallen into the exhaustion cycle of life.


"No more..." The surviving fireballs expressed regret and condolences to their companions who were burned out in the battle just now.

"He died to protect everyone, the most heroic one among us." Zhang Su walked around the dead fire balls.

These groups gradually lost their self-awareness, but their last thoughts were still attached to Zhang Su.

This man successfully defeated the Unbounded Alliance, rescued all the fireballs from the fate of slavery, and made all their sacrifices meaningful.

Zhang Su saw these dead flames approaching him, forming balls of faded will-o'-the-wisps around him.

"Thank you……"

"Ah, I'm dead..."


"It feels so familiar." Zhang Su felt it silently.

"The life essence of the fire balls is 'breath', the strong breath of flames. You can welcome them like guiding the flowing air." Lydia scanned.

"Want to come with me?" Zhang Su saw the dead fireballs forming several streaks of fire and approached Zhang Su.




Zhang Su extended his hand to greet him.

Colorful sparks spontaneously fell on his hand, gradually converging into a larger air current.

"...Thank you for your recognition. Let's walk the next road together." He guided these breaths into his body.

The breath of fire circulates around his meridians and can also be guided to the surface of the skin, forming a tight-fitting armor without any obstacles.

After these dead fire balls turn into pure "breath of fire", they regain their heat and burn vigorously as if they are alive.

Zhang Su turned to the surviving fire balls.

He raised his hand and guided the flame breath from his body to form a brilliant fire lotus.

The petals overlap in layers, as if they are the traces of the dead fireballs proving their existence again in this form.


"Dance!" The fireballs were very happy to see their dead friends again in this form.

In this way, this battle will never be forgotten. Every time I see a ray of flame blooming when Zhang Su drives his energy, I will be reminded of the will and deeds of the Huo Tuan Tuan.

"You are an amazing tribe." Zhang Su said.

He raised his head and felt the countless flames flowing in the seven worlds of the square flame bottle, and the energy in his body became stronger and stronger.

The burning breath left a burning sensation on the skin and blood vessels wherever it passed, filling in the shortcomings of his own breath.

Forty strong energy, completed.

Zhang Su felt that every part of his body was filled with infinite power, which was very different from the original state of being damaged and broken.

This energy has reached the upper limit of the human body's capacity. Before he completely breaks through the life form, this is the limit of human beings.

After the inner content is complete, it is externalization.

Zhang Su cast the remaining breath on the outside of the black beast armor to form a complete airflow coating, which can greatly weaken the damage of any material or energy attacks, weakening or deflecting their power.

Used in conjunction with the Noble Phantasm, basically no attack can hit him, and the lower-quality demon legion will be unable to do anything to Zhang Su.

Flowing air, great success. Wrapping armor, great success.

As long as Zhang Su conquers the last luck trick "Qi Zhou", he can unfold his external incarnation, drive the gas phase giant, and conquer mountains and seas.

"If you want to complete the Qi Armor, you must at least develop 1,000 Qi Jin outside the body, which is the 40+1,000 mode..." Lidya searched for Zhang Su's current situation.

"It's a long road to practice." Zhang Su returned to the open Seven Flame Bottle Wilderness.

"The leader..."

"Can talk..."

"Follow you……"

"Big brother..." The fireballs stuck behind Zhang Su, jumping up and down.

Because Zhang Su has been recognized by Huo Tuan Tuan and can show traces of flame airflow on his body, they regard Zhang Su as a trustworthy leader.

"The next step is to repair the entire Flame Bottle Seven." Zhang Su said.

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