Witch containment diary

Chapter 375 Things to note when visiting relatives

When she heard that Hongyan was injured, Lianwu immediately packed her things and headed to Anxin Hospital. She had very few things with her and it only took three seconds to pack her luggage.

While she was waiting for Kyoji to go downstairs, she had also finished handling all the company's business in Neo-Tokyo and even Niigata City. The backlog of documents and strategic decisions were properly resolved within half an hour. Anyone who saw this scene would be surprised by Renwu's efficiency. .

From this, the two brothers Anxin Yuan Renwu and Anxin Yuan Kyoji drove to Anxin Yuan and embarked on the journey home.

"I'm going back this time not only to see the 'Hongyan Village' under Hongyan's name, but also to suppress you, my sister. I heard that Zhang Su fell in love with someone else and even gave birth to offspring. I want to see his children. What does it look like?" Kyoji checked his luggage in the car.

"Don't cause trouble." Lian Wu said.

"Why are you causing trouble? I brought a lot of money, red envelopes, snacks, candies, and chocolates." Kyoji stuffed the small red packages in his handbag, "I'll see if I can give you some gifts or something to make everyone happy. I heard there are more and more people there now.”

"The former Anxin Hospital..." Lianwu looked at the traffic on the highway, her thoughts already drifting to the past.

"Well, when we were young, the ancestral house in An'yuan hadn't been sold yet. It was a complete wasteland. It was like a horror movie set. It was perfect for filming all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. I haven't been back for a long time. I don't know if that place is the same. Same as before!" Kyoji said.

The vehicle arrived at Anxin Hospital.

Kyoji looked at the iron gate with a smile on his face.

Seeing things and thinking about people, Lian Wu thought that she had left because she could not accept Zhang Su's passion, and then she was really worrying about gains and losses.

They had been separated for a long time, and the hatred turned into something more twisted over time. Waves of strange emotions and impulses came from deep in her body. She now wanted to see Zhang Su's tall body immediately.

"Ah! Anxinyuan, our hometown. I remember playing hide and seek here when I was a child. I wonder if the toys buried in the soil have been dug out." Kyoji said.

"Welcome to Anxinyuan!"

"Your safety will be guaranteed." The happy robot Roy and the not-so-happy robot Noah greeted them.

"Automation, not bad." Kyoji pushed the door open, carrying his things, and Renwu followed him with his head down.

Zhang Su heard that Kyouji and the Lianwu brothers and sisters came to Anxinyuan and came to greet them.

He appeared at the top of the mountain path and saw Lianwu at a glance. Their eyes collided in the air, like two puzzle pieces colliding together.

Lian Wu's expression changed immediately, with a bit of hesitation and shyness in his eyes. To be honest, this was completely different from before. Zhang Su felt that Lian Wu was more attractive than before.

"Welcome to Anxinyuan." Zhang Su extended his hand and shook hands with Anxinyuan Kyoji. They had hot pot at the ancestral property in New Tokyo last year. "It's been a long time! Please forgive us for our poor hospitality. I hope you enjoy this homecoming. journey of."

"Haha, long time no see." Kyoji patted Zhang Su's arm, "That's so powerful! I'm very happy to be back in Anyuan, and it's really an honor for me to be able to see you."

He has always been a big-hearted type, so he ignored Zhang Su's growing body size. Lianwu measured it with the naked eye. Zhang Su was now 2.2 meters tall. She was really small in front of him.

"I'm sorry..." Lian Wu bowed to Zhang Su.

"Welcome back." Zhang Su also greeted Lian Wu. He turned around and gave Lian Wu some space, knowing that he couldn't say too much to her yet. "You've come a long way, so please come to Yuehua Garden to drink tea first."

"That's the newly built building. It's really nice! It's so majestic! You really made Anxinyuan a good place!" Kyoji was very satisfied with the changes in Anxinyuan.

The original dilapidated gardens are now in full bloom, and the old school buildings and crumbling prisons have been renovated.

Not to mention Yuehua Garden, this landmark building is newly built with modern technology and classical decoration. There are carp flags flying high at the door, which means good luck.

Kyoji fell in love with this place at first sight. He thought that the dilapidated ancestral property would continue to rot, but he didn't expect that someone would really give Anxin Hospital a makeover.

"Hey! Newcomer." Hayho was very sensitive to Ansin's changes. She looked around and checked Kyoji, "Are you a witch?"

"My name is Kyouji, and I am Hasumi's brother." Aninin Kyouji looked at Hayao. This little girl with fierce eyes looked a bit untouchable, "This... is for you."

In order to avoid offending Saho, Kyoji gave her a bag of money and two pieces of chocolate. Saho's eyes lit up and he quickly took it from Kyoji's hand.

"Hoho, there's money to be made for this." Saho quickly turned around and ran away.

"Thank you for the gift!" Zhang Su reminded.

"Thank you!" Saho sped up, "Have fun at Ansinin!"

Kyoji nodded.

It seems that Zhang Su is managing well here, at least the witches are obedient.

"Dad!" When Zhibang saw Zhang Su walking, he immediately ran over, hugged Zhang Su's legs, and asked Zhang Su to pick her up from the ground.

oh! This is the child Zhang Su gave birth to after another love affair. He has grown so big in the blink of an eye, and looks like a five or six-year-old child just after he was born.

Kyoji nodded.

Although the time is short, considering that Zhang Su is so big, it is normal for the child to grow older!

"Kid, here are some candies for you." Kyoji grabbed some candies from his bag and gave them to him.

"Huh?" Zhazhao pinched the lollipop and tasted it. She looked at Kyoji curiously. This friendly, easy-going and relaxed man was a complete stranger to her. She grabbed Zhang Su's clothes and said, "Dad, he is who?"

"This is Anxinyuan Kyouji, Lianwu's brother." Zhang Su introduced, "Mr. Kyoji, this child just calls me father out of habit. He is actually Anxinyuan's child."

"Oh——!" Kyoji nodded, "Now I can understand."

It seems that children are indeed not that big right after birth.

"Baba~" Leimi flew out of the grass and flew towards Zhang Su happily.

He stretched out his hand and let it fall on his fingers. Remi folded her wings and put her head on Zhang Su's shoulders, enjoying the gentle rubbing feeling.

"Well, Dragon's Word, a magical creature, I don't know whose family it belongs to." Kyoji felt that An Yin was really strange, "Can this child eat candy?"

He took out a piece of M\u0026M beans and gave it to Remi. Zhang Su asked Remi to taste it. She chewed the candy with her teeth and looked very satisfied. She seemed to like sweets.

"This child..." Lian Wu pouted. She felt that what happened to Lemi was one of the most outrageous things she had ever seen in her life.

"Ha, this kid! We will find it." Kyoji understood.

Where are Zhang Su's children?

At the entrance of An'an Hospital, they saw a large piece of orange jelly lying on the ground.

It slid on the ground like gel, and when they got closer, it aggregated and formed a three-dimensional gel, reaching out to say hello to them. Soraya strolled beside it.

"Haha, what is this?" Kyoji thought it was funny, "Is it some newly cultivated witch life?"

"This is Zhang Su and I's cub." Soraya said to Kyoji, "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect a guest to come."

"Zai Zai. Ha." Kyoji nodded, then froze for a moment, "Huh?"


Is this the child Zhang Su gave birth to after falling in love with someone else?

With this witch?

The development of this embryo is a bit pitiful! Not even a humanoid figure!

Thinking of this, Kyoji glanced at Zhang Su sympathetically, and then at Soraya.

The two were in love, and the child was born into a golden jelly. Soraya must have gone crazy after encountering such a heavy blow!

"...Is there any progress?" Zhang Sude changed the subject and asked Soraya about the dead world.

"Before the stars return and the world ends, we will prepare the place. We will traverse the trajectory of space and continue to leave a great legacy." Soraya said, then picked up the cub from the ground, and it was in her arms. A big soft jelly ball formed in it, "Now I want to give our cub a bath."

Well, it is indeed crazy. Kyoji nodded secretly.

He winked at Lian Wu, "Sister, this is so tragic, please let Zhang Su go!"

She said she had given birth to a child, but the child couldn't even walk, and it didn't even have legs! Why bother with a ball of jelly?

"?" Lianwu didn't understand.

In Yuehuayuan, Zhang Su served the brother and sister with refreshments.

After a little negotiation, Zhang Su will take Lian Wu to visit Hong Yan.

Kyoji now understands everything. Meier and Zhang Su are both unfortunate people, one is depressed and the other has a jelly.

He felt that he couldn't control it, so he ate biscuits in the teahouse, very leisurely, waiting for fate or his sister to arrange something for him.

"Hey." A voice came. Kyoji turned his head and saw several girls looking at him through the window. The leader was Saho.

"What's wrong? Do you want a gift?" He stood up. There was still a lot of money and candies in his pocket that he had not distributed.

"Are you the brother of Miss An-yuan Renwu? Your surname is An-yuan too?" Hayho put his hands on the window sill.

"Yes, your name seems to be Hayho." Kyouji mentioned this name when he heard Hasumi mutter about it.

"Miss Hasumi is a very important person to us. You are not allowed to take her away again." Hayho warned Kyouji.

"This has nothing to do with me. If you want to ask, just ask Zhang Su." Kyoji was helpless.

"We have to find a way to get Dasu and Lianwu to get married." Zaho studied.

"Kid, this is not that simple." Kyoji said.

"Hello, did you live in Anshin Hospital before?" Yuanori spoke before Saho could talk further nonsense.

"Yes, for a while, this was the hometown of our priests, or the place where we spent our summer vacation." Kyoji explained.

"Then you may know more about this place than we do." Hayho's eyes lit up, "Do you know there are any secret rooms, tunnels, etc. here?"

"Oh! I dug a hole and buried all my childhood toys in it. I will help you dig out the toys. It will definitely be fun." Kyoji thought of the Thomas the Tank Engine, glass beads, and various baseballs from his childhood. Cards, bootleg Yu-Gi-Oh laser cards and Warhammer models.

"I dug it out." Yuanzhi meowed, "It turns out it's yours! I'll give it back to you right now!"

In the past, when they were so hungry that they could not bear it, they had dug three feet into the ground of the Anshin Institute to find something to eat. During this process, they dug out a lot of messy things. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Kyoji had buried them when he was a child.

"Keep it as a souvenir, it's okay!" Kyoji said.

"Is there anything else?" Zaho was curious.

"Yes." Kyoji put on his bag and went out to take the children out, as if he were the king of children. "Anxinyuan has a very large underground palace, a bronze tunnel! Inside is our ancestors. After Dad sold Anxinyuan, they installed it This thing seals the entrance, but I know how to get in, so I will take you to open your eyes. That is the really powerful thing about Anxinyuan."

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