Witch containment diary

Chapter 377 Positioning the Ark of Vision

"Weird!" Huo Tuantuan was deeply surprised by his changes.

Under the influence of the magic power of the lotus mist, it changed from a complete gaseous energy group into a suspended image of a little girl. It looked really cute, translucent, and bright orange-red.

The other fire balls were stunned.


"You are so cute..." They pointed at the fire ball.

"Hot..." Lianwu tried to play the sides of it with her fingers, like playing billiards.

The fireballs swirled in the air, rotating at a large angle in the air as Lian Wu expected.

"Little bad guy!" Huo Tuan Tuan touched the bullet's waist.

Lianwu smiled.

"The speaking styles of Huo Tuantuan and Miss Lianwu seem to be very similar," Zhang Su said.

"How similar..." Lian Wu curled her lips.

"Where does it look like..." Huo Tuan Tuan asked.

"It's not like..."


"Don't talk..."

"That way..." several fireballs said.

"Yeah!" Lianwu nodded vigorously. Where does it look like?

Then, she turned to the little girl Huo Tuan Tuan and tried to wave and smile at her, but Huo Tuan Tuan was indifferent, which made her a little annoyed.

"Miss Lianwu doesn't know how to express kindness." Zhang Su came to his senses, "This will be very troublesome, but we can learn it again."

"~" Lianwu asked Zhang Su to come up.

"Do you like your new appearance?" Zhang Su asked the fire ball that turned into a little girl.

"Invisible." Huo Tuantuan has no special knowledge of his own appearance and cannot see himself without a mirror.

"You look a lot like us now, so we can distinguish you from other fire balls. You are really unique. Do you have a name?" Zhang Su asked.

"9, 9!" the little girl said with fire.

"Okay! Then let's give it a formal name 'Jiujiu'." Zhang Su invited Jiujiu to join the team. "Are you willing to go to the human world with us? Be the envoys and diplomats of the fireballs! You can follow Let's go back and forth between the Earth and Flame Bottle Seven, where we will see many new and special things, and we will tell our friends about it when we come back."

Jiujiu's figure flickered like a half-dark light bulb.

It has its own name and a special appearance. Jiujiu seems to be separating herself from the wild and undifferentiated fire balls and consciously cultivating her subjective consciousness.

It agreed to Zhang Su's invitation.

"Let's go." Jiujiu said goodbye to the fire balls.

"come back earlier."


"Pfft." Although Huo Tuan Tuan was reluctant to leave, they also allowed Jiujiu to leave everyone and socialize with humans, becoming a bridge between Huo Tuan Tuan and human civilization.

"Then - let me go!" Jiujiu flew between Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

It's like a little flame goblin, very warm and constantly emitting light.

Lianwu loves Jiujiu very much, and is very happy that Zhang Su can bring her to such a wonderful world and encounter so many new and interesting things.

It's fun, but...

He glanced at Zhang Su. Lianwu sighed in her heart.

Zhang Su! Zhang Su!

He is obviously the kind of person who has a "mission", as if there is some huge task waiting for him to complete, and neither he nor other women can restrain him.

Lianwu always felt that he would bring changes and uneasiness to her life. For example, the incident between Katie and Xiaolong was so outrageous that it would take many years for the shock to Lianwu to fade away.

So even now, Lianwu feels that Zhang Su has a bunch of secrets, and once they are revealed, her knowledge will be refreshed.

But once he left Zhang Su, all the joy and happiness seemed to lose their meaning.

The feeling Zhang Su brought to her was both confusing and uniquely attractive. Zhang Su's company and presence made her life more colorful.

Every time she felt happy around Zhang Su, Lianwu would feel a little worried besides being happy, fearing that Zhang Su would come up with something new to scare her. This feeling is so contradictory, it makes Lian Wu waver between happiness and worry, and even makes Lian Wu fall into an emotional whirlpool that cannot let go of Zhang Su...

"...Bad guy." Lian Wu's thoughts were summarized into a comment about Zhang Su.

"Of course I have committed a heinous crime." Zhang Su said easily, "But until someone who can judge me appears, I have to live like this."

Zhang Su originally wanted to take Jiujiu and Lianwu back to Earth, but turned around and saw a bunch of fireballs flying over.

"Big ship."

"Memories of Box Ships."

"Come!" the fireballs urged.

"It's the 'Ark'!" Zhang Su's eyes lit up, "Good guys, you actually found it!"

During Hong Yan's first long-range reconnaissance, he discovered a large ship stranded in the desert here. The demons also heavily defended it. It seemed to be a very remarkable vehicle.

"Let's go over and have a look." Zhang Su took Lianwu and Jiujiu to the Ark.

Zhang Su was walking along the sand, and when he saw the ark, he couldn't help but stop.

The huge outline of the Ark lay sleeping in the wilderness like the fossil of a dead god. Zhang Su quickly checked it. The alien shell was 5 kilometers long and looked like a multi-functional mobile battleship.

This ship was first discovered by demons, and then captured by the people of the Unbounded Alliance. Following a series of wars and accidents, it fell to the ground again, but the shell was still intact and the material was very good, indicating that its manufacturer may be more powerful than the Unbounded Alliance.

The fireballs flew around the Ark. Thanks to Lianwu telling them about numbers, they can now use digital encoding to convey some complex concepts and form various introductions in the air.

"!" Lianwu thought this ship was very powerful.

"Incredible." Zhang Su observed carefully.

He asked Lianwu to wait outside while he entered the cabin for inspection.

The interior is vast and dark, and most areas are surprisingly intact. There are cold fusion reactors and warp drive-like structures, as well as countless cabins, activity areas, and shipboard weapons.

"The size of the cabin here is prepared for human-sized life, and it seems to be what humans left behind." The armored ghost Lydia checked.

"No, some doors are obviously higher than others, and they seem to be prepared for half-grown giants." Zhang Su walked through the Ark passage, "otherwise my head would have hit the door frame."

"Giants and humans jointly built this ship?" Lydia felt incredible. There were some familiar signs on the ship, which made her feel that it was left by some advanced human civilization.

"It seems that there is a human civilization exactly like ours on other planets and other dimensions. These words are all the words of our earth... but the technology is much more advanced." The more Zhang Su checked, the more strange he felt.

All the general specifications, furniture decoration and architectural concepts are human-like, but it is completely empty and without a trace of people, like a ghost ark.

"It is very suitable to be our mobile base." Lydia concluded, "We can start the warp engine and bring the Ark back to our main world."

"Yes, it's like a very large ark designed for human refuge. There is also an area for preserving animals and plants. There are a large number of cages and hydroponic cabins in the lower area. Although there are no traces of use and the supplies have been emptied, it is obviously The environment is suitable for the growth of Earth's plants if it conforms to the body shape of Earth's animals." Zhang Su was full of praise for Ark.

"People from the Unbounded Alliance also mentioned that our 'human race' is distributed in many dimensions." Lydia pondered.

After arriving at the cockpit, Zhang Su saw an extra-large seat that seemed to be prepared for the captain.

"I think that civilization is indeed a special technological civilization where giants and ordinary people live together." Zhang Su checked the seat, tried to sit on it, and found that it was much wider than himself.

"The giants of that civilization should be the leaders and warrior class, while the villains are the auxiliary class. Only in this way can we prove why the captain's position is so important." Lydia said.

"Perhaps on the contrary, you can't tell anything until you see them." Zhang Su checked the command system of the spacecraft, which stopped due to lack of power. "We need energy."

"Use flame marrow." Lydia said.

After inspecting the Ark, Zhang Su returned to the outside.

"?" Lianwu waved to Zhang Su.

"This ship is perfect, but it has no energy." Zhang Su stood on the wreckage of the ark and said to Lian Wu, "There should be a flame marrow in this world. We now have two options. One is to move the flame marrow back to the earth. Building a flame marrow power station can replace the world's energy supply and drive all the weapons in the world. The other... is to install the flame marrow into the ark, use the flame marrow device to replace the damaged energy hub, and launch the ship , from now on we can travel around like the Unbounded Alliance!"

Lianwu pondered.

If the flame marrow is brought back to the earth, Anxin Industrial will become the world's top ultimate enterprise, and it will also leave its name in history. The endless clean energy "fire marrow" can save all human power plants and petrochemical fuels.

And if the flame marrow is installed on this ark, they can use the firepower and mobility of the ark to move around the world.

Lianwu looked at Zhang Su's expectant expression.

Well, she felt Zhang Su's thoughts.

Zhang Su looked at the ship like a man who found a giant toy that he couldn't put down. This ark has endless possibilities and scalability, and will become the ultimate platform with all functions.

Zhang Su has those mature thoughts, interspersed with some unrealistic youthful fantasies.

How could Lian Wu refuse?

"Put it on this ship." Lian Wu said softly.

"Thank you!" Zhang Su was very happy.

He is also willing to travel with Lian Wu.

Because Lianwu will support him in various times of need, spending the rest of his life together is not only a wish, but also a promise.

"~" Lianwu felt tired.

Yan Ping Qi's exploration was very hard, and she was not able to walk around casually like Zhang Su. The total area of ​​Flame Bottle Seven is about the same as a continent on Earth.

"What's next?" Zhang Su felt that Lian Wu was working hard, so he reached out and picked up Lian Wu. Lian Wu lay on Zhang Su's big hand, holding the spikes on his armor with one hand.

Jiujiu sat on Lianwu's belly, light and airy, like a warm baby.

"~" Lian Wu pointed around.

"We need to transform the geographical environment. Yes, we have to find a way to develop some professional technology for major transformation of geology and climate." Zhang Su thought.

"!" Lianwu gestured.

"Yes, there are also the advanced technologies left behind by the Unbounded Alliance, which need to be brought to the research laboratory of Anxin Industrial for analysis. If we can decipher the technology blueprint, we will have important chips. Just take out a few advanced products and it will shock you. The world." Zhang Su nodded.

Zhang Su was thinking about some plans.

He planned to set up a camp at the entrance so that people entering and exiting could get supplies, blast underground, and dig a large hole to store materials and conduct testing activities to avoid being noticed by outside demons. The geological and climatic conditions of Flame Bottle 7 must be significantly modified so that they are suitable for human activities.

If you want to maximize the benefits of the new technology blueprint and the information left behind by the Unbounded Alliance, you must make a deal with Quantum Bodhisattva. Quantum Bodhisattva is the buyer who values ​​"intelligence" and "knowledge" most in the world. No one bids higher than Quantum Bodhisattva. Quantum Bodhisattva can also help solve black technologies such as climate change...

While thinking, Zhang Su saw that Lian Wu had fallen asleep in his arms.

He took Lianwu back smoothly. Although I can't promise anything to Lianwu, I will ensure that she can live her dream safely in the future, just like now and in the future.

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