Witch containment diary

Chapter 386 Another red letter

With the help of Chu Xiangyan's relationship, Zhang Su boarded the "Jade Tripod" main ship of the China delegation and got a VIP room.

The new room occupies a large area and has a wide view, overlooking the entire New Tokyo. Here he taught Chu Xiangyan how to build up his strength and train his armor.

The old folks basically regard qi as a way to maintain health. Zhang Su felt that it would be a good idea to let Chu Xiangyan learn as much as possible about the skills of wrapping armor and Qi armor back home, which would be able to make up for the shortcomings.

He also learned the method of dyeing Qi Jin from Chu Xiangyan.

The Chu family school divides Qi Jin according to the five elements, and stores Qi in categories. When it is needed, it is arranged according to gold, wood green, water blue, fire red, and earthy yellow. This is equivalent to dividing one kind of Qi Jin into five strands, which disperses the power of Qi. , more interesting.

Zhang Su mastered it after practicing it twice, and from then on he could also perform colorful attacks.

"Master, please have tea." Chu Xiangyan brought over the tea set.

She made morning tea for Zhang Su, and brought snacks with her, including steamed dumplings, wontons and fried dough sticks. The food was very traditional.

"Thank you." Zhang Su thought it was good to have such a young apprentice.

Although Chu Xiangyan is a bit stupid when it comes to treating people, he is okay in other aspects, positive in work, and has amazing martial arts talent.

Zhang Su taught her a lot of his own skills, and Chu Xiangyan was able to reproduce it almost as quickly as a replicator.

While he was eating, Chu Xiangyan played in front of Zhang Su a set of boxing combinations taught yesterday, which were exactly the same as those demonstrated by Zhang Su.

Zhang Su had to score high.

"You learn quickly." Zhang Su said.

"I knew it! I can definitely do it!" She was extremely confident and cheerful, and she quickly ran outside with a smile to lift the dumbbells to practice her Qi Jin, hoping to reach her 40th weight as soon as possible.

Twenty-seven or eight, around thirty levels of Qi Jin can wrap the armor, forty levels can achieve the Great Perfection, and then the Qi Armor... Zhang Su observed silently.

If Chu Xiangyan continues to study with him in the next three years, his achievements will indeed be limitless.

Chu Xiangyan was quirky and would sometimes call Chu Boyao "grandpa, grandpa, grandpa". After all, she was Chu Boyao's "grandson, grandson, granddaughter."

Zhang Su still remembers Chu Boyao, who was extremely powerful and ranked among the top five in China, if not the first. He had a wild and unruly personality and had real "power". This bloodline was passed all the way to Chu Xiangyan.

"Lift it up for me! What's wrong with the 400 kilogram dumbbell? I want to lift you high today! Hehehehe..." Chu Xiangyan used both hands to mobilize her energy and made a loud noise. .

Zhang Su sat on a mahogany chair and watched TV.

The furniture on the Shenzhou ship is very retro, giving it a friendly feel.

The news is broadcasting the status of the general election. With the changes of the times, Nagai Hikoshiro, the old bidden who once reached the top of Tokai national politics, now only has 32% of the vote.

The cutting-edge and energetic Mitsuhashi Yu, riding on the momentum of reform, won 65% of the votes and was officially elected as the Prime Minister of Dongming Country.

From this, the future path is finalized, a more dynamic and freer Dongming country?

Zhang Su observed silently.

"Master, what are you looking at?" Chu Xiangyan threw the 400 kilogram dumbbell on the ground, lifted it until he was exhausted, and then came back panting, his face flushed.

"General election." Zhang Su said, "The Chinese fleet's visit to the Dongming Kingdom at this time may also be for the purpose of diplomacy with the new prime minister."

"Wow, clowns from a small country, who cares about who is in charge?" Chu Xiangyan said arrogantly, "This is today, and that is tomorrow, even if we try new tricks, we still can't make waves in the big world! Master, follow me Go back to China, and the vast world will give you a lot to accomplish!"

"I will go." Zhang Su thought that he and Shang Shuqin had a child in a social care center or something.

Although Shang Shuqin obviously didn't care at all, Zhang Su couldn't ignore it.

Especially after hearing what happened to Li Yixin, Li Yixin's parents ignored her completely, causing her to feel abandoned until now.

Victory music blasted from the TV speakers and it was bright outside.

Zhang Su walked over to take a look and found Yu Mihashi's shining, confident face on the advertising screens connected to countless skyscrapers.

From high to low, from glass mirrors to light boxes, the whole city was filled with Yu Mihashi's heroic and exciting expression in a short period of time. It was so exaggerated that it seemed as if the entire New Tokyo belonged to him alone.

This kind of atmosphere can mess up people's minds. Zhang Su guessed that Yu Mihashi must be very excited now.

"He became the prime minister after he broke up with the manager. It seems that we should have less contact with the second dimension." Zhang Su said.

"I don't even understand what the master said." Chu Xiangyan said.

"What do you usually rely on for entertainment?" Zhang Su asked.

"Playing O God." Chu Xiangyan said, "This is China's cultural export."

"Charge less money." Zhang Su continued to look at the lively scene below.

The general election has been finalized, Mihashi Yu will reorganize the cabinet, and there will be an essential exchange and change of power to determine the future.

"It's so lively." Chu Xiangyan looked down, "Master, let's celebrate too, the atmosphere feels good."

"Yeah, it's just like a holiday." Zhang Su observed, staring at Mihashi Yu's big face projected on each floating vehicle, "Whether his ideas can stand the test of time... everything remains to be seen."

"Haha, Mao Zi." Chu Xiangyan opened a bottle of Maotai-flavor wine. She only used products from China and poured a glass for Zhang Su, "Here's to you!"

"Thank you." Zhang Su accepted it.

He took a sip, and the strong white wine rolled down his throat and quickly turned into a ball of flame.

Chu Xiangyan raised her neck and drank heavily from the bottle.

This bottle seemed to be a special gift. It was a gorgeous porcelain bottle engraved with a dancing dragon in relief. The fragrant spirit rolled inside and swayed into Chu Xiangyan's mouth.

"Won't you get dizzy after drinking like this?" Zhang Su felt unbelievable, "You won't vomit, so be careful."

"Oh? Are you faint? Master, I want to eat chicken for nothing!" Chu Xiangyan put the bottle down, and before she finished speaking, she staggered and fell to one side. Zhang Su helped her up, and Chu Xiangyan leaned on her drunkenly. On Zhang Su's arm, "I'm not drunk - Master."

She mumbled confusedly.

After Zhang Su listened for a while, he realized that she was reciting the rules of luck that Zhang Su had taught her in the past few days, such as the small week and the big week, and the circulation of the whole body. She had memorized it as if it were homework, and she was strangely serious.

Zhang Su shook his head, picked up Chu Xiangyan and put him on the bench.

He took one last look outside and promised himself to protect the fate of the people here, as well as this new apprentice with a perverse personality.

Mihashi Yu is popping champagne.

"I defeated Hikoshiro Nagai!" Mihashi Yu was overwhelmed with pride. "He can memorize all the laws of Dongming Kingdom and solve countless major cases, but there is no law that can support him to continue to be elected for a third time... …Our victory is clear!”

He was buoyed by his hard-won election victory, gathering close confidantes and aides in a stylish clubhouse to celebrate.

The champagne corks burst one after another, and the sound of the wine spraying was particularly harsh. He was full of visions for his own future and the future of Dongming Country.

He originally wanted to give an impassioned toast and find some cosplay of two-dimensional beautiful girls.

But his assistant Wan Zi suddenly arrived and whispered in his ear.

There were urgent visits... strange communications.

Mihashi Yu nodded. The person who came to him at this juncture must be asking for something from him. There was no harm in meeting him. He could enjoy the power and the fun of deciding the fate of others.

Perhaps an enthusiastic supporter, Mihashi Yu is very satisfied with his carefully crafted campaign concept.

Nowadays, everyone prefers to live an unfettered life, and after streamlining the organization, a lot of expenses have been saved, and there is inexhaustible money, which can be squandered in the next four years to make people feel more comfortable during these four years.

After the treasury is emptied, the rest will be left to the wisdom of future generations. They will definitely be smarter than the current people.

Mihashi Yu returned to his room.

He saw a woman waiting for him, and when he made eye contact, he was a little suffocated.

Her posture is otherworldly, she stands tall, the flowing silver robe wraps her slender body, and the gorgeous halo is on top of her head, illuminating her mask of tears of mercy, which shines like stars in the light, her skin It also seems to give off a natural glow.

Mihashi Yu's eyes widened and he was so frightened by this vision that he couldn't speak for a while.

She greeted Yu Mihashi slowly.

"Hello, the new leader of the Dongming Kingdom," she said, "I am Mrs. Rosaville, an explorer and traveler across dimensions. I came with a warning, and the terrible fate facing the earth forced me to break the taboo. Intervene.”

"Haha." Mihashi Yu tried hard to look away from Mrs. Rosaville's gorgeous clothes and weird mask, "How...how did you get here? Are you talking about...a doomsday prophecy? It's like that rumor. ? In 2042, I waited for the end with everyone else, and ended up with nothing but a huge profit for a movie."

"Seriously, in about '3' Earth years, the world will face huge natural disasters." Mrs. Rosaville warned, "Many people have accepted this and are cooperating with us to find ways to escape their fate. "


Mihashi Yu frowned, feeling a strange attraction.

This otherworldly lady seems to be able to help him escape the so-called natural disaster for the right price.

"I think it's meaningless." Mihashi Yu shook his head, "If our world is destined to be destroyed, someone will come forward. Talk to my good homie Zhang Su, and he will teach you a lesson."

Mrs. Rosaville took out a red letter and placed it on the table.

Red letter——!

Mihashi Yu was stunned for a moment.

This is a secret letter that is rumored to be used by many multinational financiers, human defense planners and even the military. Such letters were also found on Colonel Takagi Kiyohei during the East Coast Wall incident, as well as Ansin Hideyuki, Providence Company's arms dealer Z... This letter means making a deal with the devil, and means that a large amount of money is missing and flowing under a big network.

"You are asking me to sell my interests to the devil." Mihashi Yu has now figured it out.

"Not demons, we are not demons. You have this misunderstanding because you think there are only demons outside human civilization. We come from a more powerful civilization: the Unbounded Alliance. We sell tickets at fair prices, and our civilization develops Develop efficient technology to transport valuable genes and protect the most elite figures in a civilization from the threat of demons. As the leader of the Dongming Kingdom, you can use resource mining rights and large sums of money in exchange for shipping tickets." Rosa said Mrs. Weir.

"Money?" Mihashi Yu questioned, "What do you want money for?"

"To buy rare metals and biological specimens, we need cash to maintain market stability. Proper capital flow is legitimate and safe. It can avoid our exposure and is also for your safety. If our activities are known to the public, their The anger will burn you to ashes. The human defense plan will also have a reorganization-level civil war. This is not what we want to see. We are thinking of you." Mrs. Rosaville pointed to the red letter.

"Give me a list. How many people have joined the Red Letter? In our country, Dongming?" Mihashi Yu said.

"Very reasonable." Mrs. Rosaville showed a list.

Seeing so many familiar high-level names, Mihashi Yu's face twitched and he was covered in cold sweat.

If this list were made public, the whole world would be excited.

It turns out that few people in this world believe in the human defense plan...

He happened to be changing Dongming's national politics, intending to remove most of the governance institutions and eliminate spending on public education and health care.

Such a large amount of money was originally intended to be used to improve liquidity, promote marketization and corporate scientific research.

But now it seems that most people have already joined the Red Letter, and he only got this opportunity after being elected as Prime Minister.

Or take the money...

"Remember, there is no power in this dimension that can change the rapidly approaching demonic disaster. And I only give you one chance to escape your fate. Before midnight today, if you have not sent the red letter, you do not have to send it again. ." Mrs. Rosaville left the red letter and left.

Mihashi Yu pressed his forehead.

He called each name on the list.

"I know about the red letter. Since I am the prime minister, please cooperate with me." Mihashi Yu said, "There is no hope in this world. Gentlemen, we will go to another world to show our true skills! "

Hokkaido front line.

Yoshio Akazawa, Kati and Miyu Shinjo have been fighting for a month, trying their best to keep the demons out of the defense line, which can be regarded as stabilizing the situation, and it is expected to completely defeat the Gate of Hell.

"...Why is the arms supply interrupted? This is delaying our advance." Akasawa Yoshiyo noticed a problem with the supply line from the south.

Many supplies seemed to be half empty before they arrived, and the soldiers were hungry and fighting with empty guns.

"Aw." Katie hurried back to see her daughter.

"With just one breath and a little strength, we can achieve a complete victory." Xincheng Meiyu looked at the gate of hell, "Shall we continue fighting?"

"There is no reason to give up halfway." Akazawa Yoshiyo looked at Fengxue, "Let the soldiers charge again. As long as the gate of Hell in Hokkaido is sealed, the entire Dongming Islands will be safe."

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