Witch containment diary

Chapter 388 Soldiers are very simple

Under the setting sun, I looked back at the ice-covered mountains, which were full of human remains. The demon dragged the humans back and prepared to make the bones into souvenirs.

Countless baggage and tanks were lost, and many light and heavy weapons were forced to be abandoned. As many as 7,000 non-combat casualties died from freezing damage and strong winds. This number made Akazawa Yoshiyo's heart bleed.

The devil came in pursuit, Wilwind crushed many defense lines, and Akazawa Yoshio attacked four times a day, rushing to support various parts of the Hokkaido defense zone.

Many of the bunkers that had been built with great effort were blown away, leaving crimson stains of soldiers' blood that discolored the soil.

The defeat required an emergency meeting. Akazawa Yoshiyo took Miyu Shinjo, Kati and three other human generals to form a joint meeting. The three witches and three humans reached an equal meeting.

"It was only after the Sky Spear was launched that it was discovered that there were no qualified special-purpose polymerized energy crystals. The soldiers filled up conventional energy batteries in desperation, and finally there was such a ridiculous bombardment." A general said.

"You didn't devote yourself to this war wholeheartedly." Akasawa Yoshio crossed his arms on his chest.

"They are all people from New Tokyo, they are fools, they are traitors! They are bureaucrats... ungrateful, everything has been taken away, there is nothing, and we are allowed to be slaughtered. It is as if we are left to cut off the future, so that They can get out of this...! Mihashi Yu is a coward!" Katie cursed, "I want them to die!"

"...This, this is too serious." A general couldn't help but say.

"A witch shouldn't behave like this."

"Please restrain!" Human beings are very nervous.

Akazawa Yoshiyo was thoughtful and asked Katie to continue scolding.

"Ouch - there are so many of us, why should we be turtles... and rush to New Tokyo to ask for an explanation? Our planes and cannons are very powerful against demons, and they are even more crushing when attacking New Tokyo's garrison. They won't give it. Let's grab our resources. Don't you want to be the Prime Minister for fun? Go to Tokyo and seize the Prime Minister's position..." Katie said hoarsely.

"This is rebellion!" one of the most loyal generals was furious. "We just suffered a defeat, but you want to rob the capital?"

He gave an order, and the elite soldiers on duty outside and the garrison in power armor began to mobilize, preparing to control Kati who was speaking arrogantly.

"Shackle me! Send me back to An'an Hospital. The front line is boring. I won't play anymore." Katie didn't care.

Shinjo Miyu glanced at Akazawa Yoshie, Akazawa Yoshie remained calm, Shinjo Meiyu probably guessed what she wanted to do.

Then she should just go with the flow.

Xincheng Meiyu stood up and suddenly cast a defensive wall, knocking over the three generals and restraining them.

When the soldiers outside the door rushed in, they saw their three frontline human commanders being pinned to the ground unable to move, and it was difficult to even speak!

"Ah?" Katie was stunned.

"These three humans are trying to put the blame for the defeat on Kati Mancias. I will not let this happen. I want to defend the rights of the witch." Miyu Shinjo stood on the table and announced.

"Ouch!" Katie didn't know what was happening and just echoed.

Colonel Moritani separated the soldiers and walked in.

He followed these witches from the battle at Hongye Mountain, through the battle at Kaguraku Mountain, to today, and he was also frowning at this time.

"Witch rebellion?" Colonel Moritani picked up his pistol and signaled the frontline soldiers with his other hand to prepare for pressure. There was a special dark gold spear that could lock the magic power.

"Please listen to me. I am Shinjo Miyu. I have been on the front line for ten years, but today's defeat is still unheard of. Now that New Tokyo has cut off supplies without authorization, you only need to look at the temperature of sleeping at night and the food. We know from the standard that we have no hope here, we will either freeze to death or be killed by the demons who break through the defense line." Meiyu said.



"The people in the rear don't need us anymore..." The soldiers witnessed today's fiasco with their own eyes and knew about the shortage of supplies.

Supplies are limited and funds are not in place. They can only consume lives like livestock and are completely unable to attack and win.

"Now, it has been many days since New Tokyo elected its new Prime Minister Mihashi Yu, but so far he has not shown any sign of goodwill to the frontline soldiers. Even if we fight to the death to kill all the demons, who will care? Why not let a truly loyal general be the leader? Prime Minister! Don't forget, the Human Defense Plan tells us to be loyal to humanity, not to this corrupt and perverse shogunate. Let's go to New Tokyo to ask for an explanation!" Miyu Shinjou raised her arms and shouted.

"oh oh--!"

"In this case..." The soldiers were a little shaken.

Some of the veterans have shown firm eyes. At least Xincheng Meiyu is an old witch who has been working on the front line for more than ten years. Her words are quite weighty.

"You mean to make Yoshiyo Akazawa the leader?" Colonel Moritani frowned.

"Be loyal to General Akazawa Yoshie. She is the backbone of our army. Every shot you fire and every step you take on the battlefield is a note in the rhythm of her war. In fact, you have already served her. Now we are just You have to use your strength in the right direction." Shinjo Miyu knelt down on one knee to Akazawa Yoshio.

Akazawa Yoshiyo took a deep breath, knowing that the end was now over.

"...You are now taking desperate risks and plotting evil. This is a serious matter. Are you really willing to listen to my orders?" Akasawa Yoshiyo asked.

"Listen to you!"

"Go to New Tokyo!"

"Can I also be a member of Parliament?"

"Let's do it! General!" They were all happy.

Colonel Moritani stepped forward and asked Akazawa Yoshio in a low voice.

"Does Zhang Su agree?" he asked. Zhang Su has always been Mori Gu's comrade-in-arms and benefactor, and they also know that they cannot succeed without Zhang Su's support.

"I know he will agree. Believe me, if he refuses, I am willing to be killed by him personally." Akasawa Yoshiyo whispered.

Moritani immediately took a step back and shouted loudly to the soldiers: "We are very simple and were born to be loyal to our country! Now that Dongming is abnormal, let us go to New Tokyo to solve the problem! How can we defeat the devil together with the insects? ?”

"Come on—!"

"Let's go!"

"At least go to a warmer place..." The soldiers were satisfied.

Colonel Moritani personally arrested three generals, relieved them of their duties and imprisoned them, tied like potatoes.

Akasawa Yoshie's fire line awarded Colonel Moritani the title of Major General Moritani and put him in charge of supervising military affairs.

"Immediately stop the military trains heading to Hokkaido to load new recruits, clear the vehicles, and let them switch to Aomori Prefecture, and we will take the military trains back, so that we can go south in a short time." Akasawa Yoshiyo arranged, "All the way Restrict military discipline and refrain from burning, killing, and looting."

"Yes." Major General Moritani arranged to send messages to the garrisons, second-line security and retired personnel in various parts of Dongming at the same time, asking them to help deal with Mihashi Yu's people, and calling on all parts of Dongming to rise up in opposition.

Akasawa Yoshiyo immediately organized his army and gathered many soldiers.

She spoke with the support of Kati, Major General Moritani and Miyu Shinjo:

"Soldiers! You have made huge sacrifices to defend Dongming. How can New Tokyo and the headquarters repay such bravery?" Akasawa Yoshiyo pointed to the war zone in the night sky behind him. Today's defeat made many people pessimistic and disappointed. , even more filled with anger.

"They abandoned us in this bitter cold place without weapons or supplies, while the cabinet ministers and new prime ministers of New Tokyo are still drinking and eating meat, praising such bravery with gold-plated medals and a few words. Is this enough? "

Bitter noises rang out in the crowd, feeling the same as what Akazawa Yoshio said.

"For a year, we wanted to win a great victory like the Battle of Mount Kaguraku. We trained hard every day and fought to the death. However, the supplies from the south are now too low to ensure that you are fed and clothed. Our comrades and partners sacrificed in vain. This kind of obstruction is no accident, but solid evidence that they have evil intentions!"

"We have always hoped that Mihashi Yu can stabilize the order of Tokyo. However, he and the newly elected cabinet did not know what tricks they were playing. They misappropriated funds and brought the defense line to the verge of collapse. Today's defeat is not our shame, but the new Tokyo National Government Shame!"

Akazawa Yoshiyo paused and looked at the obvious bursts of anger in the crowd. Many soldiers were shaking with uncontrollable anger.

"Listen, we will unite against Mihashi Yu's cabinet, go to New Tokyo to end his sins, and save this country! Don't be afraid, history will judge us fairly, because righteousness is on our side!"

"Righteousness is on our side!"

"Righteousness is on our side!"

"Righteousness is on our side!" Deafening cheers rang out as the soldiers cheered for this bold speech.

In the army, people all felt a powerful vibration reverberating in each other's hearts. Akasawa Yoshio had sounded the melody of war without knowing it, making their blood boil.

Akazawa Yoshiyo was very satisfied. The goal this time is what she has always wanted to accomplish since she established the Worrying Society.

Hunting country!

New Tokyo.

"At 24:00 on the evening of June 6th...well, it's June 7th, and the demons still haven't attacked. There are only a lot of wars breaking out at the gates of hell around the world. At least New Tokyo will not be torn apart by four demons." Zhang Su was preparing to sleep on the Jade Cauldron.

"Master, watch me do somersaults." Chu Xiangyan rolled from one side of the room to the other, spinning in circles in the air, breaking several light bulbs, and the room suddenly became dark.

"Don't mess around." Zhang Su said helplessly.

The only light in the room was the TV curtain.

He saw breaking news that a large-scale fighting was taking place on the Hokkaido front line, and the situation seemed unfavorable.

"Why do weak people fight? They will die now." Chu Xiangyan said.

"You can't say this in frivolous terms. They are also devoting their full efforts to the cause of mankind." Zhang Sudao.

"I shatter the earth! I beat the devil with my hands! In the past, I was cautious and cautious, but now that a master has taught me his unique skills, I have infinite courage and the ambition to cover the sky with one hand!"

Chu Xiangyan clenched her fists. There were some preliminary traces of armor wrapping on them, but only the hands were as rich in color as the hardened armor. Her strength had greatly improved compared to the original, which fueled her arrogance.

Zhang Su turned his attention back to the battle situation. He flipped through the news. The more he read, the more he felt something was wrong. "Generally speaking, they will embellish the frontline battle reports. Such straightforward words show that today's battle was indeed a miserable loss."

He suddenly began to worry about Akazawa Yoshio and the others.

The three position-breaking witches should at least be able to protect themselves when facing the Legion Commander-level Storm Demon, lest they be trapped by the force of defeat.

Suddenly, the phone rang, it was Kazama Yihuai.

"...Zhang Su, there was an incident of a witch 'walking alone' on the front line. He led his troops southward. Small-scale conflicts occurred along the way. His message to attack Mihashi Yu was sent to the TV station, but no media dared to publish it. Only the troops stationed in Dongming were there. "Response, do you have a clue?" Fengjian Yihuai asked.

"How do I know?" Zhang Su had no idea, "You must be very nervous."

"I cannot allow this country to be disrupted." Kazama Yihuai said, "I want you to talk secretly with the rebels. If you know them, you can let them withdraw their troops honorably."

"I'm not happy to do this kind of thing." Zhang Su said.

"Do you want to be in power? Are you obsessed with power? Would you rather sit back and watch the civil war divide the entire Dongming?" Kazama Yihuai questioned.

"The occurrence of this kind of thing shows that there must be a basis for this kind of thing to happen. Behind a successful uprising, I am afraid there are tens of thousands of unsuccessful attempts. If you ask me about my attitude, I can only say that we cannot rely on A centrifugal Dongming goes to resist the devil. If you really want to protect mankind, you should support this force. If I have the opportunity tomorrow, I will also speak to the public and call on them to join the so-called 'rebellion.'" Zhang Su said .

"I have nothing to say to you. You just want to make money from this." Kazama Yihuai interrupted the communication.

Zhang Su put down his phone unhappily.

"Master, who dares to go against you? That means he will die miserably, die miserably, die miserably!" Chu Xiangyan spoke cheerfully.

"Sleep." Zhang Su went to rest, "You ask the non-combatants in China to evacuate as soon as possible. This is no small matter."

"Yeah, I won't leave! Even if all the non-combatants leave, it doesn't matter." Chu Xiangyan went outside to inform others, letting the fleet disperse, and then came back, "What are you going to study tomorrow?"

Zhang Su's mind was full of considerations about the future. The Hokkaido army went south to rebel and attacked New Tokyo. The impact of this incident may be much greater than they imagined.

"Go to bed later." Zhang Sufu stood up, "I will teach you more powerful martial arts. I hope you can protect yourself in the increasingly chaotic era."

"Excellent, excellent, master is the best." Chu Xiangyan was eager to try, as if she had infinite energy, thinking only about using the newly learned kung fu to kill the enemy to pieces!

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