Witch containment diary

Chapter 400 The Grand Marshal’s Edict

Sun Group Headquarters.

The senior staff have fled, and the remaining staff are destroying information frantically.

"You guys should run too! Go and take shelter! The building will collapse at any time! I'll clean up the remaining things." An Yinlong rushed into the central computer room.


"Manager Long Yi..."

"Let's go too..."

"Shengyang Group is going to be doomed!" They knew Long Yi, and they also knew that Shengyang was now empty. Most of the factories were destroyed in the chaos, and all the middle and high-level managers had fled, leaving them alone to die. That's it, now I no longer hesitate and flee to the shelter in a panic.

Anxin Longyi walked to the computer room terminal and stopped the destruction process.

He took a deep breath, pulled up a chair, sat down, and pulled out all the intelligence files on Sunrise Group's collusion with the Unbounded Alliance and its dealings with devils.

Most of it was encrypted information, but he killed many Sunrise Company managers on his way here and read information from their souls.

He stored all the heavyweight secret documents and then uploaded them from satellite links to major media portals, news websites, the intelligence department of the Human Defense Project, Akazawa Yoshiyo's military intelligence terminal, and various well-known or unknown network storage units. , it can be said to tell the world.

After clicking send, Long Yi knew that all the honor of Shengyang would now perish.

No matter how the New Dongming Kingdom develops, it must rely on the only Anxin Industrial Company that retains pre-war technology and heritage, my sister's company.

Ansin Ryuichi walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at New Tokyo, which had been razed to the ground by the war. The Shengyang headquarters itself was also shaky and could collapse at any time.

...then this can be considered a victory. Long Yi thought silently.

Before leaving, Long Yi left a recording.

I hope that the person who finds it will hand it over, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t find it:

"...I am Anin Ryuichi, and the following is my confession: I secretly harbored the demons of New Tokyo and found a safe settlement for them until they had the opportunity to massacre. All of this was completely selfish. The purpose is for personal revenge and to end the hatred between myself and the Sun Group. It is I, Ansin Ryuichi, who bear the unshirkable responsibility for the destruction and destruction of New Tokyo."

"Death is simply the lightest punishment for a shameful person like me. I have mastered the power of demons through my interactions with demons, and my soul has been riddled with corruption. In the eyes of demons, I and they are almost the same. A creature. You can no longer find me because I have followed the demons to retreat to hell, where I will participate in the endless bloody battles in hell, fighting and consuming each other with endless demons. Before my will is destroyed and my soul dies , I will find ways to kill more demons. This is the only thing I can do in my life that deserves death."

"I have distributed the sins of Shengyang Group. We, a group of guys from the countryside with bad backgrounds, finally defeated the big shots. Father, I am no longer qualified to fulfill my filial piety to you. I hope this news can make you feel at ease." Spend your old age. Brother Kyoji, live as you want and try to live to be a hundred years old. Your life will definitely be wonderful! And sister Lianwu, our family is not good at expressing emotions, but I can finally say it now: I cherish you very much. Every time I see you, it reminds me of my mother. She is also a person who is not good at words but very gentle. You will definitely become a great witch like her. Please do what you like and become what you want to be. Man, my eldest brother will accompany you here. The rest of the way, you have to find someone who truly treats you."

After Long Yi left the recording, he returned to the demon Carmen's army and retreated with the demon.

The flesh-and-blood demon Carmen carefully gathered the remaining demon army, took the captives and returned to hell. She personally supervised the army and was extremely vicious.

Carmen spreads her ten legs and seven slender hands, and is entrenched on the small Hell Gate of the New Tokyo Bay Bridge. Once an enemy she cannot deal with appears, she will immediately escape back to Hell.

She has a beautiful figure, and you can smell a scent just by getting close to her. She is extremely charming, her charming crimson eyes are eye-catching, and her long black hair is loose and curly, which is particularly attractive. Although the body has pathologically proliferated limbs, it is still well-proportioned and beautiful.

Long Yi took one last look at the ruins of New Tokyo, and finally followed the devil into the gate of hell.

Inside is the Flesh Coffin Palace, the realm of the flesh demon Carmen. The sea of ​​blood falls from the sky and washes the earth tirelessly.

This is the bottom of the tenth level of hell. After the demon lords in the middle and upper levels kill creatures, their blood and residual flesh will flow here.

He looked at the crowd entering hell. They were crying, desperate and sad, but there was one figure who did not cry, but was just a little panicked and hesitant.

That's... Sayuri? Sayuri Shida?

Long Yi drove away a few escorting little devils and pulled Sayuri out from the crowd.

"Ah, ah——!" Sayuri was startled.

"You were captured by the devil?!" Long Yi was shocked.

"You are really a devil!" Sayuri was scared.

"How did you end up like this?"

"They asked me to cooperate with Li Yixin to catch the wealth demon, and it worked, but I was driven away by Li Yixin and forgotten by everyone. The demons caught me and I was hungry." Sayuri said frustratedly.

"Lianyang didn't protect you? Shouldn't Lianyang be allowed to go?" Long Yi didn't understand.

"Reio has more important things to do." Sayuri said, "Anyway, I'm just...an ordinary witch."

"Sure enough, I have been watching. The strong men in New Tokyo are very powerful, but they only care about their own affairs. It's shameful. If the meaning of our lives is just to watch them perform from the sidelines, watching them show off those powerful moves and great ability, then what's the use of our efforts? It should never be like this." Long Yi said.

"Ah..." Sayuri didn't quite understand.

"Where do you want to go?" Long Yi hesitated and looked at the gate of hell, "It's too obvious to go back now, and you will be killed."

"I want to go back to the hospital to feed the chickens." Sayuri sat in the sea of ​​blood and hugged her knees. "I want to go back to the big tree behind the school building."

Long Yi looked at the Flesh and Flesh Coffin Palace, where demons were running, worshiping some great demon who had descended.

"What is that?" he asked a moth demon next to him.

"Liluciel, the bride of the King of Slaughter." The Moth Demon observed from a distance, "She came with a large group of bloodthirsty demons. I should also go to sacrifice to the Blood God."

Long Yi understood, and after the demon left, he pulled Sayuri away.

"Listen to me, if you pretend to surrender and repent later, there will be even greater natural disasters in three years. Many demons in this hell have responded to the call to enter the earth and bring the noble mass murderer back to hell, so that she can guide the demons again. Move forward. We can blend in with the attacking army then, and I can send you back to An'an Hospital. Look, there's blood everywhere here! This is the domain of the flesh-and-blood demon Carmen. You have unlimited resources and unlimited opportunities to become stronger. The ceremony to break the throne is very simple, we can buy and sell the books needed to break the throne from merchants in the devil world." Long Yi said.

"I miss my mother." Sayuri said. She still doesn't know whether her mother is dead or alive, and she doesn't know if anyone will check on her safety.

"Who doesn't want to?" Long Yi sighed, "If you want to be resentful, just hate me. I was the one who caused this disaster."

Sayuri was silent for a moment.

She suddenly lay on the ground and drank the blood on the ground. Her tears dripped into the blood and turned into transparent bubbles.

Zhang Su copied down the list from Mihashi Yu and prepared to expose it.

"Master, you are now a member of the National Salvation Committee. Isn't that great?" Chu Xiangyan washed Zhang Su's scarf.

"At least wait a few days before starting work." Zhang Su lay in the temporary barracks, extremely tired.

"Hehe, it's so big." Chu Xiangyan wiped Zhang Su's body with a silk scarf, feeling the ups and downs. "Could this scarf be made by my wife?"

"It's hard to say, but she and I once obviously liked each other, but later on, things became more and more complicated. If the battle with the devil is an external conflict, the inner ghost of a human being is an internal conflict. Then the emotions between me and her are completely conflicts in the private inner world. Now we have tried our best to fight off the devil, and finally found those insiders who can be liquidated, but when I return to Anxinyuan, I still have to find a way to take care of myself. Express your feelings," Zhang Su said.

"What are you afraid of? A strong man is afraid of not having a woman." Chu Xiangyan said.

"There used to be a sea of ​​water, except for Wushan, it was not a cloud. Isn't this a poem that we Chinese people said. The worst thing is 'there was a chance', which means that I feel that we are close enough to talk to each other. She It also saved my life. But now, there seems to be a feeling of drifting away and no books. We also said that I would take a lazy look back at Huacong, half a cultivator and half a monarch. Walking through the crowd, I feel like I don’t want to be distracted anymore Looking for others is partly because of cultivation and partly because of her." Zhang Su said.

"I'm just talking nonsense when I'm tired. Women are not that important. My grandfather, Chu Boyao, married a woman when he was young. Later, he became immortal and she died of old age. My grandfather and grandfather have not found another woman in these hundreds of years. . It can be seen that women are of little use in people's hearts." Chu Xiangyan said.

"Well... you can think about it again."

"What are you thinking about? I'll make lunch for Master, and then you can practice after eating." After Chu Xiangyan finished wiping, she sat on Zhang Su's stomach, put her feet on his shoulders, and laughed.

"Like a fool." Zhang Su said.

Chu Xiangyan heard wet footsteps and saw Edith walking out of the bathroom next to her. There was a beautiful peach core on the huge peach. She looked down at her tightly wrapped bandage, scratched her head and left.

"I don't want to see anything..." Zhang Su closed his eyes, "You go run errands for me, the God of War will lend it to you. Just do something on my behalf and give me some time to breathe."

"Oh? Very good, very good." Chu Xiangyan liked the Martial God. She jumped back on the ground, stretched out her hand to summon the Martial God, and asked the phantom to follow her, and then went out to play.

In the temporarily cleared open space of New Tokyo, a large number of drones are distributing supplies, delivering water, bread, instant noodles, energy bars, and nutritional creams to citizens. She looked up.

The merchant's large transport fleet has arrived in the sky above New Tokyo, casting a huge shadow that almost robs Xiaodongming Island of its sunshine.

China has provided a large amount of humanitarian assistance, distributed food, water and medical care, and restored power supply. Work with human defense programs to ensure effective distribution of aid.

These people were left breathless, Chu Xiangyan thought. It would be enough to prevent the country from being exterminated and the species to be exterminated. If you donate too much and feed them, it would be troublesome.

"Stop sending paper cranes!"

"Why haven't the disaster relief teams set off yet...are they still planning to celebrate the holidays?"

"Everything is bad..."

"Someone is pretending to be the person in charge of disaster relief..."

The square was very noisy.

She ran to find Shang Shuqin, one of the few people Chu Xiangyan knew.

"Sister Shuqin!" Chu Xiangyan ran over.

"Where is your master? He is a member of the National Salvation Committee. He and others hold the highest power in this shabby place. What is his plan?" Shang Shuqin turned his head.

"Is this rebuilding thing worth bothering us with?" Chu Xiangyan didn't care. "Just let the new general do the work. Master needs to rest."

"General, shogun, um..." Shang Shuqin thought, "There is a retro feeling to shogun Akazawa Yoshio, although we don't say so, but everyone knows that it will happen sooner or later. She does pretty well. Acting vigorously and resolutely, a large number of troops were deployed to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos to commit violence and recruit third-party military gangs. However, reconstruction is a long process and requires concerted efforts to avoid secondary disasters. You must know that the Gate of Hell in Hokkaido is now open. There are people on guard, the storm demon Windwell is still heading south."

"I'll do it." Chu Xiangyan was about to try the God of War's fist.

"Don't worry, someone wants to communicate with Zhang Su now, you just go and bring the beacon to your master." Shang Shuqin handed Chu Xiangyan a phone number, "Zhang Su must know a lot of inside information, and he has a lot to say to humans directly. The top leader of the defense plan said, Chu Xiangyan, this is the communication channel of the generalissimo."

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