Witch containment diary

Chapter 410 The Seed’s Shelter

Natsuki walks around in the underground shelter of the Svalbard Seed Vault.

She exuded a powerful light and warmth that maintained the temperature of the shelter.

After leaving Ansin, Natsuki has been trying to find the place where the sun rises first, but it is very unfeasible to chase the sun eastward, and there is a sea blocking the way.

She finally chose the North and South Pole, where there is extreme daylight and she can get sunshine for at least half the year.

Every summer, from March 21st to September 23rd, Natsuki stays in the Arctic Circle. She will go to the Antarctic after the extreme daylight disappears in the North Pole.

Due to the natural disaster that occurred on June 6, Natsuki was stranded in the Arctic Circle and eventually settled in the Global Crop Refuge in Svalbard.

Even if human civilization collapses, this place will still exist.

The five-meter-thick steel and concrete structures form isolated low-temperature orchards, protecting the earth’s botanical heritage.

Several Frost Demons blocked the passage. They were just enjoying the Arctic cold, but had no intention of forcing a breach through the blast door.

As a result, about 400 survivors have been living here for two years, relying on the light and heat brought by Natsuki.

They didn't notice the girl who had blended into the refugee crowd at first, but later they realized how precious her existence was.

In such freezing conditions, Natsuki was nothing short of a god.

At first, many people committed suicide, but the remaining survivors were inspired by Natsuki's existence and continued research projects, trying to extract the best resources from the earth's plant gene pool.

A crop that can feed most people under extreme conditions, codenamed "Abundance."

Natsuki often walks around here, about twelve hours a day.

Only later did people notice that, like the sun rising, she walked along an unchanging trajectory, passing through different areas of the shelter, emerging from the east, taking the elevator down to the ground floor from the west, and then walking through the passage below. .

There was almost no need to rest, at least they didn't see Natsuki take any rest.

For this reason, they also cooperated with Natsuki's movement trajectory, working at sunrise and resting at sundown. They also placed the plant production thermostat in a place where Natsuki would pass by, so that the light radiated from her body could shine on the plants, causing them to grow five times underground. It is still growing in the severe cold ten meters deep, cultivating generations of crops, and completing harsh agricultural experiments.

"Seeds." Natsuki muttered.

She passed by the storage room on the lower floor. Rows of huge black cabins filled the vast room. Each cabin had a high-strength metal explosion-proof door in front of it, which could withstand attacks from ground-penetrating missiles and nuclear bombs, protecting tens of thousands of different Variety of plant seeds.

The ancestors of nearly all major crops and their wild versions lie dormant here, frozen, waiting for researchers to take them out for breeding.

"Nurture room." Natsuki muttered to herself again as she walked into the next room.

She was not familiar with the others, but the scientists respected Natsuki.

Hydroponic agronomists are cultivating seedlings under ultraviolet lamps.

As soon as Natsuki arrived, they quickly removed the spotlights and let the natural light brought by Natsuki warm the crops.

Natsuki finds their work very interesting. Different crops appear on the tray every day. Today is a tray of spinach and lentils, both of which have been genetically edited.

Spinach has been infused with fortifiers that allow you to bulk up your muscles after eating it, and lentils have been modified to be heat-resistant so they can thrive in boiling water.

One day, these seeds will once again send their fragile roots into the Earth's scarred crust.

They all thought so, thinking when Natsuki didn't come, thinking even more when Natsuki passed by, hoping, looking forward, wanting to see the research results of this deep ice refuge come to light again.

"Food." Natsuki saw some food.

She didn't really need to eat, but she still picked up a small green cookie and ate it.

They are vegetable nuggets with a very soft and crunchy bite and a mild flavor.

She remembered that this was a type of algae that came from a huge algae tank. In the other direction, when she passed by before, she saw the algae growing desperately with the help of light and temperature.

Thanks to previous ideas and attempts, as well as the light brought by Natsuki, the scientists at the shelter realized "Chlorella Survival Science" after the natural disaster.

Chlorella has a strong reproductive capacity, a large amount of protein, and various vitamins and minerals. A bucket of chlorella can meet a person's energy needs for a day.

The four hundred people at the refuge farm about a thousand barrels of chlorella, becoming self-sufficient in food while still having a surplus! Minimum maintenance of physiological conditions was achieved.

They eat algae, algae eats me, they eat me, I eat algae. Natsuki could easily think of such a logical chain.

All life on earth feeds on the sun. She felt like a perpetual motion machine, but it didn't last long, because she felt that her magic level was much lower than before, and the energy was lost during the transmission process.

Sooner or later her stored sunlight will run out, and she will have to go up to the ground to replenish the light.

Otherwise, you will die.

The sunlight fades, withers, and becomes shorter. Natsuki felt herself getting shorter. To change from the sun to a dwarf star.

"Look, this is our latest development." Dr. Ling was very happy today and took the initiative to share the new results of the hydroponic farm with Xia Xi.

Dr. Ling remains optimistic even under the most difficult conditions. Although he is very old, he often jokes with everyone.

Sometimes he cheerfully informed them that the rescue team from outside was coming, sometimes he used the loudspeaker to inform them of the New Year's party projects, and sometimes he suddenly danced during the meal and pretended to have received telegrams from other human survivors.

People found it interesting at first, but then gradually stopped caring about his bravado. But he still entertained himself.

As he operates agricultural machinery, Natsuki sees a plant hanging in the air.

It looks so cute and reminds Natsuki of her former child Qingxiao. It is full of vitality. Its leaves are divided into five petals and spread out like an elephant's ears. It is juicy, translucent, and moist, like jade.

The most amazing thing is that its rhizomes, like vines, are several meters long, stretching in the air and moving very quickly, as if they are trying to draw something from the air. The waxy flowers are gathered in clusters.

"It's done, it's rich!" Dr. Ling introduced, "Look, it's the earth, just like the incarnation of Gaia's will. It's as delicious as rice and soybeans, and it's a prolific tuber crop like potatoes and cassava. , have a strong conversion effect on minerals and are resistant to lodging. These leaves and flowers secrete repellent pheromones and do not require pesticides. These rhizomes can purify toxins and radiation residues. They are full of treasures. They can be planted anywhere, including the Arctic. Deserts, or deep in ruins. It grows very fast, and its fruits can feed many people. If only we could develop such a good thing before the war..."

Dr. Ling kept talking and Natsuki was thoughtful.

"I'm leaving," Natsuki told them.


"Where to go?"

"Can't leave! If there is no sunshine..."

"Ah..." The researchers were startled.

Natsuki shook her head.

She left her planned walking route and headed straight for the exit of the shelter.

"She can't leave without the access code."

"Is she going to give up on us?" People were panicked, but they quickly followed Natsuki.

In the past few years, they have relied on this light to survive.

Once Natsuki exits the shelter, the remaining people will run out of fuel stocks extremely quickly.

"I want to go outside to add some sunshine." Natsuki pointed to the dark door.

"Our research has finally made progress..."

"I don't want to die..." They were extremely worried.

"There are frost demons outside this door. Once the door is opened, the frost wind will pour in, which will be terrible. We will freeze to death in a few seconds." Security Captain Kerry warned.

"Let me out, I can help you." Natsuki said.

A fierce quarrel suddenly broke out in the crowd.

"Don't tell her the password... We can still live for a while, and we can even live for ten or twenty years with chlorella!"

"But if she doesn't have the supply of sunshine, she will die of exhaustion sooner or later. We have no way to restore the witch's magic power, and we don't even have basic supplies."

"Maybe she can bring something back?"

"Then should we freeze to death?"

"Humanity outside has perished. There's no point in going out! You can't find anything!"

"Can't we rely on ultraviolet lamps to provide her with sunlight?"

"The password is in Captain Cree's hands. She doesn't know it. We just don't tell her."

They were noisy and some words were not worth saying in front of Natsuki, so they asked Natsuki to stay at the gate and returned to the atrium area of ​​the shelter.

"Captain, when the natural disaster struck, you closed the door in advance, causing thousands of refugees to die outside and freeze to death. She didn't know it yet, but a group of people were left outside to freeze to death! If she opened the door and saw What do you think she would think about those frozen corpses in the corridor outside? Will she come back to take care of us?" said a surviving noncommissioned officer.

A trace of fear and shame appeared on Security Captain Kerry's face.

"There may be poison gas and nuclear radiation everywhere outside, and the cost of opening the shelter door is unimaginable." the surviving noncommissioned officer added.

"The components of the sensor and camera are damaged, which means that the outside temperature has dropped again. Something big must have happened. We don't know anything about that. What if there are all monsters and demons outside? Letting her out is equivalent to killing her. ." said the engineer representative.

"She is the sun path witch, she must get sunlight, natural sunlight." Dr. Ling spoke as a representative of the plant breeding team, "We cannot imprison her here forever."

"Then the lives of these four hundred of us are not lives? It has been more than two years, and now it is four hundred and one, because a baby was born yesterday, born by researcher Kristen. We can also establish a self-sufficient life here. As a self-sufficient community, our lives will last for a long time,” said the resident representative.

"I also agree that if the child is left here, maybe she will die, but we will all survive. If the door is opened and she is let out, not only will she die, but we will also freeze to death, adding to our casualties in vain. We We all survive by her natural heat. Without her, we wouldn't even be able to get the fuel for the heater," the engineer representative said.

"Besides, how can we decide her life or death? Let her find a way out on her own. She deserves it if she can't get out. Who let her in in the first place? We can't let go of an active heat source anyway," said the resident representative. .

"Listen to me, maybe the outside world has begun to rebuild, and they need the precious seeds from our seed bank." Dr. Ling suggested, "We can save them, we can save them all. We have the largest number of seeds in the world. Seeds, the best seeds, and abundant fruits can be planted and sown for survivors... In the future, these seeds will take root and sprout in real fields! Think about it! Really thousands of hectares of fertile land! The banks of big rivers , the wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers...shouldn't we work hard for this little chance?"

"That's ridiculous!"

"If you want to die, you can die!" they shouted.

"Vote." Security Captain Kerry took a deep breath, "We vote."

After two hours of voting, Kerry counted the votes while the surviving NCOs recorded the votes.

Kerry read off vote after vote, plus, minus, plus, minus, for, against, for, against.

401 survivors, including the newborn, also participated in the vote. His mother Christine, who named him Lazarus, voted against letting Natsuki leave the shelter.

"...224 votes in favor and 177 votes against." The sergeant looked at the result in disbelief.


"How can it be?"

"We are against it!" The opponents were anxious.

"Let her out!"

"That's enough! She has helped us enough!" Supporters also shouted.

"This is a lie!"

"We must not let her go!"

"Leave the sun behind!"

"Lock up the sun!" The opponents became more vocal and the crowd was furious.

"Don't think we are weak, but we have conscience. The end result is that more people want her to leave! More people support her! It's time to go!" Captain Kerry said angrily.

They became silent for a while, but still looked angry.

"She has waited long enough." Security Captain Kerry shuddered.

She came to the door and told Natsuki the password to leave.

Natsuki was very happy, entered the password, and the door was rumbling open.

The outside world is waiting for her, and the sun is coming.

"They want me to leave." Natsuki felt incredible, "Thank you."

"I read 150 more tickets for the supporters." Security Captain Kerry said, "Run quickly, they will come to arrest you soon."

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