Witch containment diary

Chapter 425 Uncovering her seal

"I saw unusual readings from the machine. It's very strange. It seems to me that after drinking the potion, your body has obviously begun to recover. Why are you still drinking his blood?" Lianwu said.

"Do you think I'm fooling him?" Edith curled up on the hospital bed.

"Yes." Lian Wu nodded. She felt that all this was poor Zhang Su being played with in the palm of her hand.

She put Haoho, who had been brought over just now, to the door.

"I'm an adult now, but I'm still being thrown around!" Hayho walked away angrily.

Lianwu stared into Edith's eyes.

"Quite simply, he's still loyal to me," Edith said.

"Why are you like this? It's because you said that if you survive, you can help me, help us together, so that I can truly enter his heart... That's why I allowed you to survive." Lian Wu tried hard to express his thoughts.

"You have entered his heart a long time ago," Edith said. "You see, your presence makes him weak."

"What do you mean?" Lian Wu frowned.

"Originally, in other worlds, he was a fearless demon slayer and demon nemesis. In the end, he entered hell alone, dragging countless demons and human civilization with him to be buried with him." Edith stretched out her hand to touch the air.

Many folded images appeared in the ripples, and Lian Wu frowned and looked at Zhang Su in those images.

He went to a distant place, and countless demons, cities, and burning worlds appeared in the mirror image. Demons swarmed in groups, covering the sky, and he crushed them with his own strength.

Never stop, no regrets, already numb.

"These are all hallucinations." Lian Wu didn't believe it. "They are not like the Zhang Su I know."

"Indeed, they have not happened in the world you live in." Edith murmured, "Then what is reality? The reality is that he is willing to stay in one place now and wants to marry you. That constantly beating ambition. Your presence did soften him. Although I don’t know how you did it, you should be proud of it. Even hell will celebrate it! Just imagine, a person who would have caused hell The people who have caused endless trouble and burned the seven hells have now decided to give up when things get better."

"I don't know what he thinks." Lian Wu was a little worried, because she felt that what Edith said was true.

"That's what he thinks. I know. Only when the rate of change of the two world lines reaches a certain level will they enter into a divergence, and now is the point of divergence." Edith waved her hand in the air, "So Among the many stories, the one presented to you and me today is the most unique one. Aren’t you satisfied?”

"But what's the use of doing this besides testing his 'loyalty' to you!" Lian Wu snorted coldly.

"I want you to believe me, believe me again." Edith said, "The devils are gathering outside now."

"The detector has detected that an army of demons is gathering in orbit, preparing to go straight to the moon." A trace of worry flashed across Lian Wu's face.

"You and even Zhang Su are irresistible now. You must let me join the battle. However, although my body has recovered, there is still a contract that must be destroyed. It was a contract between me and the human defense plan a long time ago. Signed by the Generalissimo, it restricts many of my choices, including working for forces outside of the human defense plan. Only by tearing up the contract can I truly fight for the moon," Edith said.

Lianwu thought quickly.

"But if that contract with the Generalissimo is destroyed, can't you also join the devil?" Lian Wu said, "That means you are completely free, and you can return to hell at any time."

"That's right, smart Lianwu." There was a hint of mockery in Edith's words, "The decision is in your hands, and I won't tell Zhang Su. It's up to you, but you have to know that next time No matter the scale or intensity of the wave attack, you cannot stop it. If you want to survive, you must rely on me."

"..." Lianwu touched the moon rabbit in her arms. The power of her ancestors can be controlled, but it is difficult for her to control it now.

"Puff." Yuetu looked up at Lianwu.

Should he succumb to Edith's will and let Zhang Su tear up the contract and give Edith her freedom?

While Edith may help fight the demonic tide, she may also fall entirely on their side. Even if the Blood Army will reject Edith, there are so many forces in hell, and she can join a neutral group of demons at any time, leave the world, and watch the human world perish.

The devil's attack will break out within 30 hours. By then, the "Kanata" residential station in the earth's low-Earth orbit and the moon will be attacked.

Akasawa Yoshie has not yet recovered from the last battle of Scarlet Garden. She was hit by Lilucier when she retreated, and her life was in danger for a time. Now she is only 70% of the level in her heyday.

The other human survivor forces are in even more dire straits and have no ability to protect themselves, so there is no talk of sending troops to assist in defense.

Zhang Su's strength is strong enough, but he can only defend the moon or the orbital residential station, and can only save one of the two.

There are 60,000 people living on the lunar base, and 300,000 people on the "Kanagata" orbital residential station.

Abandoning the moon meant blowing up Lianwu's own magic source, and abandoning the residential station was also a cruel choice. He finally escaped to the sky on a rocket, survived for a few years, and then was killed.

Undoubtedly, helping Edith is the best choice.

After weighing it in her heart, Lian Wu looked at Edith, but felt that her eyes were deep, as if she already knew what Lian Wu would say.

Zhang Su faced off against Quan Sheng Edith in a mental battle.

"The date of birth is ruined." Edith made two figure sevens with her hands.

They fit together to form an inverted cross, from which a red light flashed.

Zhang Su suddenly felt that he was being killed, and not only died at this moment, but also was annihilated in many world lines.

All possibilities are destroyed. This is the real "massacre", and it is a super massacre targeting one person!

Zhang Su came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and put the memory of the massacre out of his thoughts.

The strength of Shengsheng Edith is incredible. The birth date destruction is one of her most powerful powers. It can erase the existence of someone or something from the rule level and kill them all.

If attacked properly, it can even cause the demon to be killed repeatedly, and even if it is reborn, it will become a weakened version after multiple kills.

Once she locks onto her target, she maneuvers quickly and uses her superb martial arts and experience to win with incredible speed. Zhang Su thought silently.

He originally wanted to fight her hand-to-hand and drag her into the realm of close combat, but Edith's tactics were completely demonic, with deadly moves that blocked his route of action. Once she is suppressed by Quan Sheng Edith, she will feel that everything she does is wrong. She has calculated everything. Even if she speculates thousands of times, she still feels like there is nothing she can do.

In her previous life, Edith once called this technique "desperate deployment."

In other words, it suppresses the opponent's choices in battle and prevents them from acting normally.

Zhang Su silently realized this ability and learned to use it, trying to make the next opponent he encountered also experience this kind of despair.

"Sure." Lian Wu came to him, "Love."

"Yes." Zhang Su stood up, "I'll go find the contract she signed with the Generalissimo and tear it up."

When he broke through the atmosphere and descended, Zhang Su saw the demons arrayed in low-Earth orbit. There are very few demons active in interstellar space. Most low-level demons cannot escape gravity. Only some cosmic demons can wander high in the sky.

The cosmic demon was born out of people's fear of deep space, so its appearance is bizarre, sinister and twisted, matching those of grays, aliens, etc. with big eyes and slender arms. At this time, he was staring at Zhang Su coldly, watching him return to Earth.

Probably because he knew he was incapable of doing anything, Zhang Suxin said. Demons will invade the universe.

Here he could see the moon and the residential station "over there". The two were at an angle, covering each other, and they were both targets of the devil. Once the high level demons are in place, the attack will begin.

The enemies included about four or five legion commander-level demons, as well as more than 20,000 space demons and medium-sized demons that could fight in space... Zhang Su felt very uneasy. Unless Edith is allowed to fully recover his strength, or he can break through to more than 600 qi, it will be difficult to fight against him.

Like a meteor, he crashed into Castle Castle at the junction of Europe and Asia, the former headquarters of the human defense program.

Qi Jin pushed behind him like an advanced engine, the wind whistled beside his ears, and the track formed a long sky-breaking track behind him. If any survivors looked up now, they would probably think of themselves as a diving fighter plane. Zhang Su thought.

Only when he leaves the earth must he use all his energy to push himself above the first cosmic speed, so that he can escape from the earth and go to the moon. When descending, it is relatively simple. As long as you park yourself within the capture range of gravity, you can reach the surface from the outer atmosphere in about 60 minutes.

Soon, Zhang Su was standing on the streets of Junbao. The arches were crumbling in front of him. The abandoned streets were full of rubble and faded propaganda banners.

An automatic defense artillery guarding the street spun around and aimed at Zhang Su. He knew that its motion sensor was still working, but he did not dodge, but looked at its black barrel.

After a while, it seemed that Zhang Su was not a demon, and the muzzle gradually moved away again, moving very slowly, like a powerless old man.

Rapid-fire artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, tactical nuclear weapons... Zhang Su recalled the past, when most of the ancient buildings were demolished and transformed into fortresses and military camps. A large number of weapons were deployed in this important town, but they ran out of ammunition and failed to defeat the devil.

He walked forward. Here was a palace with a hemispherical dome, surrounded by rows of pillars supporting the wavy roof. It was extremely beautiful. The stone tile floor withstood the scorching heat for days and was unmaintained. As humanity perished, the demons did not bother to clean up these ruined buildings that meant nothing to them.

As if walking into a large cemetery, Zhang Su walked forward.

The radio was still running, issuing the Generalissimo's call, and he heard the loud voice:

"Compatriots! Comrades! Don't lose hope! We still want to take back this world!"

In the square where the streets meet, Zhang Su saw the statue of the generalissimo.

It raised one arm high, as if directing humans around the world to fight against demons. The statue is five stories high, majestic and mythical.

The statue is covered with human bones, all of which are generals and soldiers at all levels. There are countless people who experienced torture before their death, and even their bones are covered with scars. The feet of the statue of the Generalissimo were burned black, and the man hanging on it was almost burned to death. The demons must have done this on purpose to humiliate the Generalissimo.

"Unite! Take courage! We will rise again and take back what belongs to us!" The Generalissimo's voice was slightly distorted due to radio wave recording and playback, but it was still loud.

The broadcasts are located across the city, hung from colorful tiles, glass domes and telephone poles, and half of them are still working.

The service life of electronic components is long enough to send humans away. Pre-recorded words still have an uplifting effect, but no one listens.

As the only remaining audience, Zhang Su headed all the way to the capital bunker. The Generalissimo's voice continued to ring over the city, triggering echoes in the streets and alleys.

“Compatriots, never lose hope in our struggle!”

“Never lose hope in our fight!”

"Losing hope in our struggle..."


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