Witch containment diary

Chapter 447 The gathering of civilizations from all over the world

A train in space? What does it rely on for power? Who are the passengers? Where to? Zhang Su is not sure.

In any case, after Chu Boyao left on his own, Zhang Su had to help expel the penguins.

He and the Fairy Boat Fleet bombed the Penguin Empire. Afterwards, people boarded the ships one after another, leaving the overpopulated "beyond" space station, the moon, the Mars base and the asteroid belt, and returned to settle on the east coast of Australia.

"This is our new home!"

"it's beautiful……"

"So vast..."

"The fertile land, the vast sea, and spiders, centipedes and cockroaches are everywhere!"

Cities such as Sydney and Melbourne were torn down and rebuilt, and Hongyan enjoyed the experience of planning urban skylines in the real world.

Broad park squares, neat transportation rails and brand-new schools and hospitals have risen from the ground, and people's houses have been built exquisitely and beautifully.

Expressways pass through the city, forming skyscrapers and apartments at the intersections, while a large number of rural single-family villas appear in the outer suburbs, with lawns in front and gardens and swimming pools in the back.

Because the population is too sparse now, the federation has adopted great discounts. Land and houses are given away for free, and there are also huge rewards for having children.

"What a beautiful city!" Zhang Su couldn't help but praise.

"This is the result of many years of experience in building houses." Hongyan was very satisfied. With a stroke of her hand, a bridge appeared on the ground. "And the spirit world finally released me from Anxinyuan and asked me to join the war. Woolen cloth."

"Joining the war? Has the spirit world been attacked?" Zhang Su asked.

"Well, the devil should be gathering an army and preparing to conquer the spiritual world." Hongyan said as if nothing had happened.

"...Sounds very dangerous." Zhang Su thought of the first impact on the spiritual world.

It is said that there is interference at the level of a demon, leaving the witches unable to resist.

"However, we are still in a meeting to discuss whether to accept assistance from the mortal world." Hong Yan was building a breakwater on the coast.

"It's already come to this, are you still hesitating..."

"Yes, even when they released me from Anxinyuan, they went through a lot of discussions. These nine-seat witches are too bastards." Hong Yan was not happy either.

She was so angry that when her hands shook, the highway on the ground turned into a twist, and Hong Yan was so frightened that she quickly pulled it back.

"Then until they come up with the results of their discussion, we can only continue to prepare for war." Zhang Su said.

"Isn't this good? You can do something interesting." Hongyan licked her tongue and continued to build the megacity in front of her, "I want to build the happiest metropolis in the world. I want to draw districts in the city Blocks, each block has its own businesses, industries and residences, so people don’t have to rush to the city center, they just need to walk around the local area. I also need to use public transportation to connect to every household, saving them time Driving private cars every day blocks traffic. I want to build a train station and an airport. I want to make this city have scenery, beaches, medical care, education, jobs, sports, and fresh air..."

"Save some land for the military and scientific research centers." Zhang Su stared at the emerging metropolis "Terra Star" and planned to set aside some land for the production of demon engines and genetic warriors.

"Hmm... no problem." Hong Yan marked the ground, "I feel like my big city is still missing something. It's missing... um... landmark buildings."

"Create a spectacle?" Zhang Su looked at the city.

Many of the buildings are hand-made, indeed fashionable and novel, but they lack a sense of history.

"Hey, how about collecting landmark buildings from all over the world?" Hong Yanchang thought, "Anyway, human beings will only be able to live in big cities in safe zones for a long time in the future. How about moving all their landmarks back?" Is that great? On the one hand, they won’t feel homesick if they live here, and on the other hand, it can make the city more beautiful.”

"That's the truth. It's better to bring them back than to stay in a high-risk area." Zhang Su said, "But it depends on people's attitude."

After a round of voting, several buildings that citizens would like to see were selected.

Zhang Su went to other parts of the world and moved them back.

He first went to the east coast, pulled up the Statue of Liberty from the sea with its five-pointed star base, checked the rust marks on the statue, and then carried it back to the Star of Terra.

"Oh my God!"

"Isn't that the Statue of Liberty?"

“Our previous vote is true!”

"A few hundred tons of stuff were just moved back?" The residents looked up and were shocked to see the large green-rust-colored statue being moved back to the Star of Terra.

"Moved back! Just leave it there." Hongyan created a ramp in the area where Terra Star extends to the sea, so that people can freely go to the island to view.

Zhang Su placed the statue so that it could hold the torch in its hand.

He felt that the statue was much lighter and smaller than he had guessed before, and it was much easier to repair the snowy mountains than before.

Next is the Eiffel Tower.

Zhang Su went to Paris. The entire city had been razed to the ground in successive years of conflicts and wars. Some demons were active here, but Zhang Su easily suppressed them.

"Ah! (Ah!)"

"bizarre! (What happened!)"

"Tes-vous là pour aider? (Are you here to help?)" the local survivors pointed at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su explained the whole story to them.

These people insist on fighting the devil in Paris. Only now do they know about the return of the outer space survivors and the establishment of the Earth Federation, so they also ask to join it.

So, Zhang Su asked the surviving citizens to enter the more than 300-meter-high iron tower, let them stand firm, and carried the entire tower in the clouds, like an airliner sent to Australia. A total of 1,000 people were saved. Multiple people.

Under the instructions of Red Flame, the Eiffel Tower will be placed in the center of one of Terra Star's neighborhoods, where there will be an empty park.

Hongyan re-cast the foundation. After Zhang Su aligned it, he slowly lowered the tower and landed smoothly. It fit perfectly with the base left in advance and was stable.


"Even the Eiffel Tower..."

"Incredible!" Citizens came to watch one after another, and the atmosphere was warm.

Since returning to Earth, novel things have happened one after another.

What was even scarier was that they saw someone actually walking down from the tower!

“Bonjour! (Hi hi hi hi!)”

"Nous sommes parisiens! (We are real Parisians)"

"Incroyable! (666!)"

The citizens of Paris were excited and beaming as soon as they landed.

Yesterday I was still fighting against the devil, and today I brought my family across half the world to the Star of Terra, a new city rebuilt by mankind!

Sitting on the observation deck of the Iron Tower along the way and enjoying the scenery of Oceania is really the most pleasant enjoyment in this life.

Not only that, before they came, they were worried that Terra Star would be a makeshift garbage town.

But now, all I can see is that the city is bright and beautiful, and everything is in order under the arrangement of invisible hands.

Look at the architecture and the planning. They fell in love with this city as soon as they saw it. It is more fashionable than many old European cities.

After the federal government distributed food to these refugees and planned new housing, their joy reached its peak and they quickly integrated into the life here.

Many of them have traveled to Australia before, and they also show others how to enjoy the scenery here.

"Oh my God, I want to be as good as him."

"It's time to learn the mysterious Kung Fu..."

"What else is he going to move back?" They were looking forward to Zhang Su's next step.

Hongyan checked the size of the city and found that they still lacked a high enough "town treasure".

In other words, every upright city has a particularly tall building to prove its worth, so Hongyan clapped his hands and entrusted Zhang Su to bring back the tallest building in the world.

Zhang Su traveled to the Bay Area to inspect the spectacular Khalifa Tower.

During the natural disaster, most people fled, leaving behind this giant golden tower.

There were some demons wandering inside, so Zhang Su used his energy to punch in from the top of the tower and penetrated the entire tower. He washed it with righteous energy, and the demons were wiped out one after another, leaving them pure and worry-free.

Not bad...it seems like a big enough landmark to be worthy of a future human metropolis. Zhang Su circled around the tower.

The tower is 828 meters high and has 163 floors.

Zhang Su injected energy into the ground, pulled it up together with the foundation, and slowly rose from the ground.

In the air, the tens of thousands of giant glass panels on the tower reflect the sunlight, constantly reflecting light, in various shapes and forms, how beautiful it is.

Zhang Su cared for it carefully, just like holding a jade object, and sent it all the way back to the star of Terra.

Hongyan was overjoyed when she saw Zhang Su coming back.

She quickly found a beautiful enough vacant land, originally used for a commercial center, that was now suitable for putting down this gorgeous building.

"Oh - incredible treasure, no wonder people agreed to move it back, it would be a pity to leave it to the devils and ruins!" Hong Yan coveted it, "You can put it down directly, now our city is really He is the greatest in the world, and there is no need for Bodhisattva to rub it with his own hands!"

"Okay!" Zhang Su slowly put it down.

In the air, the giant warrior god carefully positioned Kalifata, like inserting a delicate embroidery needle into a beautiful tapestry, until it stood smoothly.


"That's really..."

"Bring it back!"

"How could we have such a good thing!" The citizens were surprised and delighted as they watched this great landmark building join the Terra Star.

It towers into the clouds and holds up the entire city's skyline. Such a spectacular scene makes people feel amazed and shocked.

"Next, we need to do some local transformation..." Hong Yan carefully injected magic power and modified the foundation. "Great Mayor Hong Yan is really managing the life and death of a city now. In the future, this place will be filled with hundreds of millions of people. of."

"In this way, everyone can see the civilized landscape of the old world without having to risk going to the wilderness where demons are raging." Zhang Su can also feel people's joy. "The rejuvenation process of human civilization has made a leap."

"However, if we want to perfect it, we still need to go to the spirit world and ask a powerful witch from the ritual path to bless the entire city. Otherwise, cracks will still appear, and if the Penguin Empire invades, we will be finished. We must ask people from the spirit world to help..." Hong Yan pondered.

"Then we have to wait for the people in the spirit world to figure out their position." Zhang Su stretched his waist, "Now, I have to rest too."

Incognito, Zhang Su changed his clothes.

He donned a fully enclosed tactical suit and roamed the planet Terra.

The "Federal New Deal", some would say, is a series of new measures planned by Lian Wu to restore the people's strength and recuperate.

Generally speaking, it is a blessing that greatly reduces people's living costs and injects technology and automation in a timely manner.

Zhang Su strolled into a store and bought a cup of free coffee, starting his day as an ordinary person of the new generation.

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