Witch containment diary

Chapter 452 The dragon’s hiding place

Young, healthy and vigorous.

Zhang Su patted Leimi on the shoulder, and a roar came from it, similar to Qi Jin.

Did you actually cultivate "Qi" on your own? Incredible. Perhaps the first dragon in the world that can cultivate, no wonder it is so powerful.

The more Zhang Su watched, the more he felt that Leimi had inherited many of his qualities.

Remi shook off her fatigue, spread her wings, raised her head, and roared high into the sky.

"Want to fly? Then let's fly together! You fly up first, and I will follow." Zhang Su said.

Remi responded with a roar of joy. It trampled the ground with its powerful legs, then fluttered its wings and flew freely into the sky, feeling the strong wind vibration when the high-speed air flow passed over the scales, and enjoying the vast freedom in the infinite world. .

Zhang Su followed him in an instant, reaching the sky. Seeing Zhang Su following up, Leimi screamed even more happily.



"Is there such a thing?!" Priest Kakotel and the indigenous guards around him were shocked.

"The dragon...the dragon is gone! What should we do?"

"Now we have no guardians!" The soldiers looked at each other nervously.

Priest Cacotel frowned and took a deep breath.

He raised the diplomatic agreement in his hand again: "Isn't this our opportunity? Now we are going to the future. As long as the Earth Federation can guarantee our rights and interests, our nation will stand firm. If they dare to do what they did in the past When deception fools us, we will rise up and resist, as always, even if there are no dragons! Continue to unite until tomorrow!"


"Just do it!"

"Goodbye, Feilong!"

"They all worship you as a god." Zhang Su and Lei Mi crossed the sky and stroked the white mane on Lei Mi's neck with one hand.

"Roar!" Lemi didn't know anything. It was just a six-year-old dragon.

It focuses on flying, fighting against the sky, and is fearless. Every sweep of its wings will cause strong vortices.

The dragon's power covered the entire territory, and all life within a hundred miles trembled, feeling the ancient fear inherited by blood from the bottom of their hearts.

"Have you not flown like this for a long time? Fly as you like, I will protect you." Zhang Su encouraged her.

Remi roared excitedly.

It flies higher, penetrates the clouds, and heads to upper space where there is no atmosphere.

Here, the colors of the sun are ever-changing, like the brilliance of glass, the blue sky is stepped on the soles of the feet, and the thin air is no problem for its strong organs.

The most important thing is that the sky is more homely than the earth.

Zhang Su protected Lemi and allowed it to fly freely for the first time in many years. Apparently, Katie had taught it not to fly away at will, so it cherished the opportunity to soar high in the sky.

Playful and soaring until evening.

The sunset turned red, and Remy's scales were bathed in the fading sunlight, and the silver scales were plated with gold. It flew upwards for the last time, riding the spiral updraft and flying higher and higher into the bronze sky.

"Aww--" Lemi was very interested in the higher world, but it was too cold here and it couldn't fly.

"Fly higher!" Zhang Su used his energy to protect it, as if it was equipped with a bubble or an extra rocket engine.

Remi suddenly felt that flying was a hundred times easier than before, and one flapping of the wings was enough to rise a thousand meters.

The temperatures are getting warmer and the air is warmer, not as cold as before.

"Roar!" Remi soared with the help of Zhang Su's power, heading to the outer space filled with stars, all the way up, excited.

Zhang Su took Lemi to a height of 600,000 meters above the ground.


Remi opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the dazzling sea of ​​stars she had never seen before.

This was the boundless dream that it had imagined when it was on the mountain looking up at the sky. Without the obstruction of the atmosphere, the silver-white moon looked so clear, with the lunar base printed on it like a small dot.

It looked back at the ground and roared in fear and excitement.

He has flown to a height where he can have an unobstructed view of the earth, and the vast continent can be picked up like a puzzle piece.

"Look, this is the planet we live on." Zhang Su was beside Lemi and was very pleased. "My Lemi... my baby. After so many years, I finally managed to slow down the momentum of the natural disaster, and finally I can save you." The guardian is by your side. We can protect this world together in the future."

Happiness is beyond words, Zhang Su continued to talk a little more.

Leimi didn't quite know what happened, but she missed Zhang Su very much and was very happy that she could finally fly with her father.

"Ouch." Lemi's tail swung rapidly out of joy.

"Now we should go find mom." Zhang Su patted Leimi, "We all miss her very much."

"Wake up, wake up quickly." Saho tried to drag Katie.

Katy Mancias lay drunk on the floor.

"It must be because you are tired! If you eat this, you will have strength. This is my blood!" Qing Xiao picked the fruit from her hair and gave it to Katie, but she didn't bother to open her mouth at all.

"Are you completely immersed in happiness..." Mayumi carefully inspected the hoards in the underground bunker, "You are really the ultimate war-prepared survival maniac. Sister Kati has prepared enough spirits here to drink for 50 years. It's really I don’t know how much it’s going to cost.”

She studied one of the blue-sealed bottles of Gray Goose vodka, then quickly put it down.

Alcohol was a drawbridge to madness, and Mayumi stayed away from all potentially addictive drinks, not even coffee or tea.

"Ababa, Baba." Natsuki put her hands behind her back, listening to Katie's snoring.

"Will she die?" Zhibang squatted down to check on Katie.

"If you continue to drink like this, you will definitely die. Even if you don't die, the magic power will disappear and leave no trace in the soft muscles..." Mayumi said.

"Ah! I don't want it." Hayho kept pushing Katie, "Wake up soon!"

Recently, Saho often thinks about those beautiful past memories, including the time when Katie drove her pickup truck to play in Gozenmachi in the countryside.

When Katie first arrived at An Yin, she fell like a wild animal. She once regained her memory and glory, her eyes were sharp, and she was sane. Now she has returned to the original state of chaos, as if she has made no progress.

"I have become a smart person now, so I might as well share my extra intelligence with you." Hayho was about to cry but had no tears.

After the natural disaster, Saho wanted to slowly correct one thing around her and turn bad things into good things, but seeing Katie like this, she found it particularly difficult.

"Hiccup-" Katie was finally pushed awake by Hayho, her eyes were bloodshot.

Not even a little alertness left!

Hayho felt that now he could easily kill Katie instantly. She was once hung up by Katie to practice boxing, but now she can beat Katie completely. Although she has indeed become stronger, it is not a pleasant feeling no matter how much she thinks about it.

Katie was wrapped in dirty "fabric". It was supposed to be a very loose T-shirt, but it could no longer be called clothing.

She took a few lazy steps, moving slowly as if she were wading through molasses, fighting her own brain fog with every step.

Thirst drove her to find more drinks. The red U-shaped bar was within reach. She walked forward and tried to grab a glass of whiskey, but the glass was taken away by Haoho.

"You can't catch me!" Hayho hugged the cup and ran away. He took three steps but didn't feel Katie catching up. He turned around and saw her walking towards the wine rack, tremblingly groping for more wine, "Your eyes They are all drunk! Ah! Stop it quickly!"

Bangbang was not wearing armor, so she jumped over and tried to hug Katie from behind. As soon as she stretched out her arms to hug Kati, she felt as if she was hugging a locomotive. She broke free with a "buzz" and was even hit. An elbow and he was knocked to the ground.

"Zhaobao, he fell down." Xia Xi walked over and helped Zhabo up.

"...There's nothing you can do to stop it..." Zhizhang looked at Katie.

"You, don't drink, talk to us..." Haoho felt cold all over, she grabbed the shadow cone and rushed over, scratching the shelf.

Before Katie's hand even touched the shelf, she saw it collapse with a loud noise. Glass bottles shattered all over the floor, making an extraordinary noise.

Her eyes blinked, then she lay down to lick the alcohol.

"Uh-ah-I'm dead." Saho was furious.

"Hold it." Xia Xi looked on.

The roar of a dragon came from outside, and Mayumi quickly walked over to take a look. Through the electronic camera, she found a beautiful silver dragon descending from the hidden valley, and dust fell to the ground, followed by Zhang Su.

"Ah, Dasu is here, help Saho up!" Mayumi shouted.

"Check the pupil dilation." Natsuki pulled away Saho's eyes and looked at her, "It's hopeless, take it away."

"Hey. The degree of sudden death this time seems to be more serious than before." Qingxiao put the fruit picked from the hair into Haohui's mouth, "The soul is back... The soul is back..."

Hayao still didn't respond.

"Like the dead princess, maybe I need to kiss her." Mayumi said.

"Come here." Natsuki said.

"Me? I can't." Mayumi was shy.

"Kissing means that the relationship has reached a certain level of friendliness, but Saho is an unpleasant guy, so who wants to kiss him?" Qingxiao said.

"Let's discuss it." Mayumi said hurriedly, "We can't leave Saho alone, otherwise she will die."

"Come together." Natsuki gestured.

"In order to avoid embarrassment, it is indeed the best way for everyone to come together." Qing Xiao nodded seriously.

They lay down and kissed Saho's face together.

Like injecting electricity into a dying component, Hayao's body bounced quickly and he opened his eyes.

"Wow - wow..." Hayho touched himself up and down, "What happened? Something very happy seems to have happened... Am I a god?"

"Wow." Natsuki spread her fingers towards Saho, then patted her face to wake her up.

With a bang, Zhang Su opened the blast door and entered Katie's underground bunker. .

"It turns out that this is the hiding place prepared back then..." Zhang Su inspected the spacious basement and found that it was fully decorated.

In the past, Katie had been working hard to regain her family inheritance before the natural disaster. After Zhang Su explained the threat of natural disaster, she chose to stay in North America, thinking that she could at least wait for opportunities near her ancestral property.

Unexpectedly, after losing supervision, she only fought against demons and took care of Remy in the first few months. Later, she went outside less and less, and finally stayed in the bunker completely.

"Ouch..." Lemi hadn't seen Katie for a long time.

"Huhu..." Katie drowned in the drink.

"Carty?" Zhang Su walked over.

Katie opened her eyes hazily, and when she saw Zhang Su, she couldn't help but raise her head, with a dreamy expression on her face.

"You're here - you're here again." Katie crawled over and grabbed Zhang Su in a flattering manner, "Give me more, give me a little more."

"No." Zhang Su said, and then pressed Katie's hand back.

Katie opened her eyes and looked up at him, incredulous.

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