Witch containment diary

Chapter 457 Seattle Nursery

"Did that person say anything else?" Hayho asked.

"He said he was sent by an oracle." Mayumi gestured, "The so-called oracle is an omniscient person in the Western Wasteland. Over the years, both whites, Negroes and indigenous people have believed in the oracle. That's the trick. Because oracles can help people avoid demonic disasters and predict when demons will come."

"So awesome, then we have to have a good relationship with the Oracle." Saho's eyes lit up.

"Isn't this letter a sign of the Oracle's goodwill towards us? It tells us where to find our lost companions. It doesn't matter whether we find Yuori, Senior Sister or Chaos Sister, it's great." Mayumi was very interested.

"Da Su, let's go!" Zaosui asked Zhang Su.

"It is not yet known who the oracle is, and the letter itself is like a trap. If the oracle can predict the traces of demons, is it itself a demon?" Zhang Su asked.

"Uh-huh - but I care too much about what the letter says. I have to go without hesitation." Saho pinched his face and pulled it down.

"Then you go to Seattle to investigate first, and I'll deal with this 'Oracle'. No matter if you encounter Yuanori or Reio, you can get her to return to the team. But when it comes to the Oracle, I'll still handle it personally." Zhang Nod solemnly.

"Let's leave tomorrow!" Hayho announced, "Okay, I'm going to bed, you guys should take care of yourself too!"

After Saho left, Mayumi and the others looked at each other.

"Are you taking Remi's flight? You should be there soon." Mayumi gestured.

"It's great to be able to fly again." Zhazhuo said happily.

"But Saho will faint." Qingxiao explained, "We can't ignore Saho's troubles, she is the most troublesome."

"Let's tie up Saho," Natsuki said cautiously, "and tie it up under Remi's belly."

"She's going to struggle," said Zhibang.

"Isn't she going to sleep? If we attack her while she's sleeping, she won't even know what's happening." Qing Xiao came up with an idea, "Let's give it a try."

"OK." Mayumi nodded.


The city was a metropolis in northwestern North America that was abandoned after the Demonic Scourge and is best known for the Space Needle.

"Hum~hum~hum~" Yuanzhi gently held the huge wooden cradle in his mouth and sang a lullaby in a low voice.

Thunder rolled from her throat, and there was silence for ten miles.

Her huge claws trampled the street, pushing aside a row of abandoned vehicles, making a harsh creaking sound as the metal scraped against the concrete.

In the cradle lay many human beings, men and women, young and old.

They all rested happily on the thick blanket, looked at Yuanzhi Cat with trusting eyes, and kept sucking on the pacifier.


Seattle Municipal Public Library.

Yuan Zhi used his claws to push open the glass and placed the basket in the window.

People climbed precariously on the edge of the giant wooden basket, greeted their companions inside with childish words, climbed in, and crawled across the huge space on all fours.

"Oh yeah..."



The library is very high, and it seems like a land of giants to them. They are used to crawling or looking up at the ceiling.

"Good boy, good boy." Each of Yuan Zhi's forked tails had a hunted animal wrapped around it.

With a coyote on her left and a swollen deer on her right, she turned sideways and let her nimble tail lift her prey onto the windowsill.



"There is something to eat..."

"I'm hungry..." They suddenly became commotion, as if summoning a large group of chicks. Hundreds of people crawled over from the depths of the library, salivating over the prey on the windowsill, and biting it with their own teeth.

"One, two, three, four..." Yuanzhi patiently counted his children.


"Raw food..." Several new humans looked at it in shock and trembled.

"If you don't eat, you will starve." Yuanzhi crawled outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the few people hiding behind the pillars of the library with keen eyes, "Are you good children or bad children? "

Their brows were furrowed and they were covered in cold sweat.

These guys who gathered around and feasted on flesh and blood, the youngest were only five or six years old, the oldest was over seventy years old, but like the most naive children, they were completely reduced to animals, eating raw meat, and even weaving love for their mother. Smiling and shouting, as if seeking favor.

Yuan Zhi sniffed.

She smelled three of them, but she remembered she had picked up four off the street last week.

4, the number is important because last month, 4 children died for unknown reasons.

She buried her dead children with sorrow, but when she thought about their deaths, she felt a huge hole in her heart, and this hole needed new children to fill, and it had been so for so many years.

Where did it go?

Yuanzhi crawled silently to a corner of the municipal library.

The three new "children" looked at each other in horror.

"Will it...will it find out?"

"Can you smell it?"

"I'll catch him..." They were frightened, but they were still fighting, and they didn't dare to move. They just raised their heads uneasily.

Enori patiently patrolled around the huge municipal library, checking for signs of vines and weeds growing over them.

She needs to clean up the family's environment for the children and get everything clean so the children don't die one after another. At least he won't die so quickly.

Be a good mother.

Let the babies grow up healthily under careful care. In this regard, no one can compare with her.

Ah - naughty child.

At the top of the library, survivor Jom is crawling hard.

"Damn it... I must escape from this guy... and go back to a safe place."

He grasped the ancient beams tremblingly and looked at the large bookshelf below.

Behind one of the pillars, his companions were looking up and gesturing to him, as if conveying something.

He couldn't understand it, but he kept trying, his heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to break through his ribs.

Qiaomu and his friends entered the ruins of Seattle to search for supplies. They had long heard rumors of a giant cat monster here, but now it seems even more terrifying.

The ultimate giant cat beast, which is about as tall as a building and runs rampant on the streets, holds its two tails high.

This is the "evil beast" from back then!

A ruthless monster that once attacked places like Seattle, Sakamoto, Sydney, and San Diego, and plundered the Pacific coast.

Now it's out on the streets again, and no human defense plan can stop it!

These days, in the library.

He saw old people crying for their mothers.

I saw a grown man who was 1.8 meters tall turned into a child who was afraid of the dark.

I saw athletes unable to walk upright and could only walk on their knees.

I saw intellectuals and college students losing their ability to think and speak. They couldn't even read the books in the library. They were babbling and unable to communicate.

The woman was seen huddled on the ground, drooling from the corners of her mouth.

I saw the little children lying on the blanket, looking at their "mother" outside with infinite admiration, and starting to learn to walk like a cat.

I saw men and women acting coquettishly and wanting to lie on their mother's arms and resolve their disputes by crying.

... If this continues, I will become that kind of thing too.

Cat's "child"!

This personality regression permeates all ages and genders, causing them to give up thinking and courage.

Jom pushed aside the tiles from the vent and climbed onto the roof of the Municipal Library.

The golden rooster weathervane stood beside him. The wind was not light today.

Huh, huh...

That "evil beast" had set strict restricted areas and activity times. If he violated it, he would be caught. As for the consequences, he didn't dare to think about it.

But nothing is more important than getting out alive!

Qiaomu stood on the roof tremblingly, groping and moving carefully, trying to find the nearest neighboring building and then jump over and hide.

He was excited to discover that there was a bank not far away.

The two buildings were very close to each other. He visually measured the distance. If he jumped hard, he might be able to jump over.

Hope surged wildly, he caught a glimpse of freedom, and he moved slowly and hastily towards it.


The huge claws clapped down, blocking his way.

Jom slumped back and fell ignominiously.

He looked up blankly and saw a huge silhouette blocking the sunlight.

"Evil beast" Yuanzhi let out a suppressed purr, and his pink lips spread back, revealing rows of huge fangs.

Found you, lost child.

"Good boy, go back quickly." Yuanzhi said softly.

Qiao Mu's body was almost frozen due to fear, but he gritted his teeth and stood up, facing the bloody mouth, with blood still dripping between his teeth.

"Fuck you!" Joem yelled, clenching his fists and stammering, "You are a monster! I would rather die than be locked up by you!"

Qiaomu trembled violently and stared at Yuanzhi's strange cat eyes.

The atmosphere was almost stagnant, and he spent the few seconds with his heart beating the fastest in his life, convinced that he would be swallowed up in the next second.

"Ungrateful——!" Yuan Zhi stood up on his two hind legs, "I gave you everything!"

She roared violently, swung her claws, and blew up a strong wind.

Qiaomu's body was hit, and it felt like being hit directly by a large truck. The severe pain directly blocked his nervous system. His body rolled on the roof like a rag, splattering blood.

"Oh... my child, mother didn't... didn't mean it." Yuanzhi was startled and gently comforted Qiaomu's body with her paws.

It took a few seconds for Qiaomu to come to his senses. He couldn't even look down at his torn body. He only felt a sharp pain all over his body.

Uncomfortable...I'm going to die...I'm going to die under the teeth of the "evil beast".

"Hold on, hold on my good boy, you will always be good and live well, right?" Yuanzhi looked at Qiaomu heartbrokenly, "Don't run away, promise mom not to run away next time."

"Roar——!" A loud dragon roar sounded from a distance.

dragon? !

Yuanzhi turned his head and stared at the distant skyline.

Are you here to compete for territory?

No matter who dares to affect her career, he must die!

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