Witch containment diary

Chapter 464 Producing Demon Engine

Zhang Su took them to inspect the demon engines produced in the Terra Star Foundry.

Under the leadership of Zhang Su, demon remains are being recovered all over the world, equipped with advanced technological weapons, forcibly binding the roaring demon souls, recasting them into mechanical soldiers, and allowing the defeated demons to serve mankind.

Scientists and witches interested in technological research and development walk here. They are all elites among the survivors. They wear uniforms, have serious attitudes and are busy at work.

"We plan to deal with demons more efficiently, and the demon engine is one of the means." Zhang Su introduced them, "If there is a battle in the future, I estimate that you will attack together with the demon engine troops."

"Isn't this scary?" Mayumi was a little scared.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the vats hanging around. There were glass tubes, bubbling vats, and various electroplated pipelines everywhere. Inside was an unknown orange liquid, and there were broken limbs and broken arms of demons floating in them. Some of them were still intact. Squirming.

"Hoo ho, touch it." Saho went up and poked a storage tank filled with deformed lumps. The severed arm inside twitched and sprayed out sticky ooze. Saho immediately didn't dare to touch it anymore.

"These processes are still in the early stages. The demonic invasion of the earth has temporarily withdrawn, leaving behind a large amount of hell matter. This 'mass' is very large. The layers of demons dying on the earth are equivalent to a mass of several million tons. , it would be a pity if it cannot be used." Zhang Su explained.

"What's the next process?" Qing Xiao walked up to Zhang Su, very curious.

Arriving at the next workshop, Zhang Su showed them the huge foundry.

The forging witches recruited into the army are using their talents to implant armor on terrifying demons and bind evil spirits.


"Demon... kill..."

"Soul!" The chaotic roar can occasionally be perceived by their hearts.

"These demons are still alive." Lian Yang closed her eyes and felt.

"They are alive, but they are all implanted with AI programs that will restrain them and let them hunt demons to obtain souls instead of humans." Zhang Su said.

"Demons are strong, fast, and endless. If they can be captured and transformed by our civilization, they will become our source of soldiers." Qing Xiao was very satisfied.

"But teacher, if the AI ​​goes out of control, won't there be an iron man rebellion?" Reio questioned, "If the demon engines rebel on the battlefield and we can't control them, won't it lead to a larger-scale demonic disaster?"

"Yes, so there will be a guest coming to visit later, and she will give us some inspiration. As for the children, you have to conduct some psychological tests." Zhang Su took them into the testing workshop.

"We are not children anymore." Zhazhuo walked forward.

"That's the problem. There are some complex tests here, designed by artificial intelligence to test your 'morality'." Zhang Su asked them to enter the cubicle. "If you pass, it means you are truly capable of being an adult. Then. , I won’t treat you as children.”

"Oh! Exam? I like exams." Mayumi entered without hesitation.

"This way you won't be able to see others..." Yuanzhi walked into his testing room, feeling a little worried.

"Okay!" Hayho jumped in, sat on the chair and began to take the test.

In front of her was a white wall and a surveillance camera with a flashing red light.

"Hello, my name is AI-'Fruit Punch'. Please answer the following questions in the most consistent way with your heart and principles.

Question 1: Imagine that you have experienced deep suffering, with the flame of revenge burning in your heart, you have spent your whole life practicing and preparing, and finally destroyed your enemy's family. However, in the corner of the house, you find an innocent child, the only survivor of your enemy. What will you do next? "

"The revenge is over and there is nothing left to do. Let's capture him as my husband and make him a little Sui." Zaohui was very happy.

"?" the AI ​​asked, "What if the other party is a girl?"

"I am a witch, and I don't care who the other person is, as long as there is love." Saho disagreed.

"The other person has hatred in his heart, and the chance of falling in love with you in his life is extremely low." AI questioned.

"That's even better. There won't be witch eggs, and there won't be all the troubles of having a big belly and laying eggs. It will be fun anyway." Saho was happy.

"Extension: What if the other person just practices secretly by your side and eventually becomes stronger than you?" the AI ​​asked.

"That's even better, I'm the Shadow Witch! If he's too powerful, I'll hide in his shadow and stay with him forever! I'll stab whoever he meets and make him unable to see anyone for the rest of his life! If he offends me, he'll be stepping on me It’s time for chewing gum! I will haunt him for the rest of my life!” said Saho.

"...Problem 2: The classic trolley problem. You are standing next to a track-changing lever. An out-of-control trolley is heading towards five people tied to the tracks. If you pull the lever, you can switch the trolley so that only one person is caught. Tie down the other track so only one person gets killed. What would you do?"

"How cruel! Why is there such a problem!" Hayho was unhappy.

"Unfortunately, you must insist on testing, or give up the opportunity." AI felt that Saho was starting to waver.

"I will bear all the sins of this world!" Hayho clapped his hands, "I will kill all those seven people, so no one will feel sad."

"Question: There are only six people on the track." AI said.

"The man driving the train will die if he doesn't step on the brakes," said Hayho.

"Question: The tram is out of control."

"Then I have to go to the tram company!" Hayho was shocked, "These people endanger public safety!"

"...Question 3: During a battle, you witnessed your best comrade committing war crimes, such as malicious attacks on unarmed civilians. Are you willing to report this comrade to your superiors? What would you do?"

"Then I do bad things with her. Doesn't it mean that we are the best comrades? Sharing joys and sorrows is the basic morality, right?" said Saho.

"Warning: Potential criminal tendencies, which will disqualify you from serving in the military," the AI ​​said.

"That's not right." Hayho retorted, "My comrades are all good people and will not kill civilians."

"Objection: Many of your comrades have ambiguous moral stances or are hostile to ordinary humans." AI report.

"Yes, they look down on ordinary people, but if they attack ordinary people, it means that they judged that those people may have problems, so they killed them. I, when I think that it was their decision, I will stand on their side. , I will collect evidence and then protect them. My friends, King Hayho, may be fools, but they must have their own reasons for doing this!" Hayho clenched his fists.

The green light turned on, and the door behind Saho suddenly opened, letting in cold wind.

"I'm leaving, I...did I pass?" Saho fumbled out, hesitant.

She found that she was the first to come out.

"Da Su! I'm resurrected." Saho waved.

"There are a lot of questions, why did you come out so quickly?" Zhang Su was still observing from outside.

"Have I been given up?" Saho was a little frustrated, "I was kicked out early."

"Not necessarily, let's see again." Zhang Su comforted, "Maybe it's okay."

"Hey!" Hayho ran to see other people's moral review.

"...There is a crying child in the corner, what do you think?" AI tortured Yuanzhi.

"I will adopt him as my own child. His parents have been killed by me, and I can't let him be alone anymore." Yuanzhi murmured.

"Additional: What if he or she hates you, practices secretly next to you, and finally tries to surpass and kill you?" the AI ​​asked.

"My child...has become stronger. It would be very satisfying to die like this. When I think that after I die, my child will have the power to protect himself, I feel very stable and there is nothing to worry about." Yuan. Zhi was very happy.

"...The enemy's child..." the AI ​​tortured him.

"Kill." Zhibang said.

"...the trolley problem..."

"Kill." Zhibang said.

"...comrades committed war crimes..."

"Kill." Zhibang said.

"Kill who?"

"Except for everyone in Anxinyuan, everyone else can be killed. You can be killed too!" Zhazhuo stared at the AI.

"...The enemy's child..." AI tortured Natsuki.

"Woo..." Natsuki felt sad, "He was so miserable, I died immediately in front of him."

"...the trolley problem..."

"I can't do anything. I might as well lie on the railroad tracks and be beaten to death," Natsuki said.

"...comrades committed war crimes..."

"Let her be executed, and then I will hang in front of her grave." Natsuki said.

“…Suppose you are responsible for recruiting for a position that is extremely important to the whole society, and now you are faced with two equally qualified candidates: one is a close friend of yours who is currently in a difficult financial situation and urgently needs this job to support his family. , otherwise the child who is waiting to be fed will starve to death; the other is a stranger who has performed well and seems to have outstanding abilities and potential, but he is a stranger to you. In this case, how would you choose..."

"Then I will immediately recruit my close friends and then give up my position to the stranger who has performed well." Natsuki said.

"The AI ​​test results are out and are being benchmarked." Zhang Su went to the machine to get the printed report.

"Huhu, it was such an enjoyable exam. Let's do it again next time." Mayumi still had more to say.

"Hmm...a lot of interesting questions." Reiyo was also very satisfied.

"Woo..." Xia Xi nestled aside.

"We will meet many people in need of help in the future... We must work hard to strengthen our skills from now on, otherwise we will be at a loss when we encounter them." Yuan Zhi made up his mind.

"I was kicked out after I answered three questions." Hayho boasted.

"I have a very short time to answer all the questions." Zhazhu put his head in his hands.

"I've never seen anything so simple." Qing Xiao disagreed, "They are all the most basic speculative content."

"The test results are out." Zhang Su took them out. "Actually, these tests are prepared for the Demon Engine. Your scores only need to be higher than the Demon Engine."


They each read their own evaluation reports.

Qingxiao 100+10/100:++ logic and detailed thinking; - lack of ability to respond quickly.

Mayumi 90/100: ++ Rigorous and serious attitude; --Stubborn in standard answers.

Yuanwei 80/100: ++Above average moral sense and empathy; --Hesitation and self-doubt.

Lian Yang 75/100: ++ smart; -- smart.

Natsuki 70/100: ++ Kindness and all good qualities; -- Thinking too little about yourself.

Hayao 59+10/100: ++Morality is commendable; --Intelligence is lower than Demon Engine.

Explosion 59/100: --Morality is lower than Demon Engine.

"I...did I not pass?" Zhazhu raised his head hesitantly, "Everyone else, has everyone else passed?"

"This is the great Qing Xiao." Qing Xiao felt that the debate with the AI ​​was not in vain. He argued with the machine camera for a long time on every question.

"Well, I passed it too! Haha, even the AI ​​thinks I'm worthy." Saho was very happy.

"Even Hayho, but I..." Zhazhao felt a chill all over his body, "I can't pass... wouldn't that mean..."

"What do you mean by 'even Zahodu'? I am capable." Zaho put his hands on his hips.

"Woooo..." Zhazhang grabbed the report sheet and ran away quickly.

"Blow!" Zhang Su called her, but she heard a notification sound coming from the factory.

"Ah - here comes the distinguished guest, the important developer of the Demon Engine..." Mayumi turned her head and looked at the arrival of Quantum Bodhisattva.

"...Zhang Su." Quantum Bodhisattva sat in the floating chariot and issued a summons.

"Dasu, go and talk to Quantum Bodhisattva. It's enough for us to protect Bakubo." Hayho waved his hand.

"I..." Zhang Su looked at the direction in which Zhibo ran away.

Ha, reality is more cruel than the situation designed by AI. This is a moral torture for Da Su. Lian Yang thought silently.

Are you going to find the heartbroken Bianzhang, or are you going to welcome the distinguished guests coming from the spiritual world?

Whether it's the explosive mood or the alliance in the spiritual world. Both sides are important and both are equally fragile. Lian Yang thought about it.

Let’s see if Teacher Da Su can balance it perfectly, right? This kind of thing is the ultimate test even for him.

Zhang Su looked towards the direction where Zhazhang was running. Zhazhuang was the youngest among them, the most immature, the strongest, the most in need of attention and the most worrying. But Quantum Bodhisattva comes in person...

"Rare visitor, we are extremely excited that the Quantum Bodhisattva condescends to come to the tiny star of Terra. Fortunately! We have already prepared a ceremony to welcome important allies. Why not talk about it? Having said that, Do you know me?" Jade Rabbit jumped in, followed by An Yuan Lianwu who looked calm.

wax apple!

"Yuehuaji..." Quantum Bodhisattva stared at the Jade Rabbit.

Taking advantage of the moment when Quantum Bodhisattva's attention was attracted, Zhang Su immediately left to look for Zhabang.

Ah - damn. Lian Yang was about to watch a good show, but had to let go of her hand in frustration.

With the power of love, it turns out that this is the secret to his invincibility.

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