Witch for All 1994

Chapter 3 The Characteristic Magic Age

After finishing lunch, Jiang Zhenling led Jiang Han to the door.

"Where's your broom?" My sister asked doubtfully, and then sighed: "Sister, it's not okay for such a big person to be careless."

Jiang Han only felt a moment of suffocation. If Shang hadn't been reborn into this strange world, he would never have been taught by his sister. But it is true that those who are unfamiliar with the place can only rely on others.

After her sister sighed, she took Jiang Han back to the room on the second floor.

"Broom, if you don't rely on it when you go out, you have to rely on the No. 11 bus." My sister said a cold joke popular in this era, took down a well-maintained broom from the shelf in Jiang Han's dormitory, and threw it away. When it was in Jiang Han's hand, he warned: "Don't put it in the room after you use it next time. Although you like it very much, it is more convenient to put it on the broom stand in the hallway."

Jiang Han tightened his grip and nodded. The broom was heavy, but he could feel the magic power from his body pouring into it.

My sister seemed to sense something and looked around. She thought for a while, and didn't rush out. She observed Jiang Han's room for a while. Then she walked to the desk in the room and took a piece of wood about one meter long from a small shelf at the left end of the desk. He grabbed the staff and took down a witch's hat from the bookshelf on the desk.

She glanced at Jiang Han: "Are you really sick? You don't even have a wand."

Fortunately, my sister was used to her sister's weirdness today, so she didn't say anything more. She just put the witch hat gently on Jiang Han's head, and then pinned the medium-length wand to the waist of her clothes.

The two sisters walked to the door.

My sister picked up a broom at the entrance, opened the door, then turned to look at Jiang Han and said, "I will fly in front in a moment, you follow. Don't fly too high, just follow, and don't try to fly too fast."

"Well..." Jiang Han responded.

Although she didn't know how to fly, she figured out a way. Standing at the door of the entrance hall, he adjusted his hat in the mirror beside the door, and kept glancing at his sister from the corner of his eye. Whatever her sister does, she just does it.

Jiang Zhenling first touched the tail of the broom to the ground, turned sideways and sat on it, and lightly tapped the broom with her toes, and the broom floated...

It doesn't look difficult.

Jiang Han copied his sister's actions, sitting sideways on it and floating up. When riding a broom, you can feel a very close attraction emerging from the pole, and you seem to be sitting on an invisible cushion. It's not hard at all, it's very relaxed.

The younger sister glanced at her and asked doubtfully: "Sister, are you visiting relatives?"


Jiang Han really hated the words 'relative' and 'sister'.

Hearing her denial, Jiang Zhenling tilted her head and looked at her in disbelief, then organized her words and said: "Usually you just sit astride it and eject, but you took off so honestly on the side today that I'm a little uncomfortable with it. "

She got stuck mid-sentence, thought for a moment and then said very sincerely: "Sister, your ladylike appearance makes me sick."

"..." Jiang Han felt that if he continued to speak, his sister might be angry and hurt internally.

Before his sister could say anything more 'directly sincere', Jiang Han tapped the ground with his toes to float better, and the cool air made him feel happy.

Flying is not difficult, or it is simpler than Jiang Han imagined. It is as simple as controlling which direction her legs go. She has mastered the flying skills after floating for a while.

She played for a while, and her sister had locked the door and floated to the same height on her broom.

"Follow me, don't fly too fast and don't go too far!" My sister's voice was much louder, but in the air it sounded quieter than before. She pressed the front end of the broom with one hand and began to accelerate forward slowly.

The flight was not too fast, allowing Jiang Han to follow without any pressure. He was able to explore this familiar yet unfamiliar city while relaxing.

Different from Nanxiang in the previous life, this coastal city in the 1990s was not as prosperous as the place in the 1990s. Skyscrapers and shocking sky gardens can be seen everywhere, making people feel the powerful engineering power of the Witch.

There are not many pedestrians on the streets above ground. Ordinary people ride bicycles and take buses to travel. Many witches can be seen flying on broomsticks in the sky. Their flying skills are varied and eye-opening. Some witches wear toad glasses from the 1980s and are wrapped in cotton clothes. They fly at speeds that are definitely faster than ordinary airplanes. With.

The city seems to be divided into the ground and the sky. Countless small islands are floating in the sky, where the witches' buildings are built.

Jiang Han turned around and saw that the whole community where his home was located was also a large empty island, floating quietly in the air, like a scene in a fantasy world.

Although Jiang Han was a road addict in his previous life, it was much easier to identify directions while flying in the air than driving on the ground, as they were almost always straight lines.

The final destination is a weird-shaped sky island, which is a semi-circular ring with a large number of shops built on both sides, like a street floating in the air. The reason why it has a weird shape is that it is turned over from the left to the right side of the semicircle. The left side is a normal sky island, and the building on the right is built under the sky island. There were many witches riding broomsticks around it.

There is also a small floating island of about 20 square meters near this sky island. There is a street sign "Vientiane Trade Street" on it. From time to time, witches stop on it to rest and then fly to the trade street. It is a prosperous place. color.

Stopping on a platform in the commercial street, when landing, a witch wearing a jungle green cloak came up to her. She was wearing a sand-colored hood. After walking over, she greeted with a warm voice that was somewhat characteristic of the times: " Hello, comrade, do you want to store your broom?"

Jiang Zhenling grabbed her own broom, took Jiang Han's at the same time, and handed it to the witch: "Hello, comrade, what is the charge?"

The witch took out a small notebook and jotted down a few notes: "It's free from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. today, comrades, please register your name."

Jiang Zhenling walked over, wrote the names of the two sisters, took the voucher and put it in the pocket of her robe.

Comrade Witch carried the broom on her shoulder and walked to the guard room on the parking platform to store their brooms.

I have to say that this era may be a bit barbaric, but most people who call each other gay are credible. This is probably a kind of credibility that truly exists in society.

Jiang Han followed his sister, trying his best to make himself less curious.

The shops open on the street are all weird witch shops. One shop sells flying high-backed chairs that can replace brooms, another sells various scrolls, and some comrades distribute "literary and artistic books". The song and dance troupe's application posters, and some shops even have announcements of "forest development, ocean development, buying xx materials".

There are also many distinctive slogans: "Seize the opportunity, dare to seize the opportunity, be brave enough to seize the opportunity" and "As economic development progresses, the female population will keep up."

The entire trade street is both Western and Eastern, magical and even fantasy.

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