Witch for All 1994

Chapter 500 Testenango


First there was a thunderbolt, and then a torrential rain poured down on the sky. The majestic King of Greygus, under the power of heaven and earth, was like a small boat, drifting along the waves. If it was not careful, it would completely capsize.

Roy James stared at the heavy rain outside the royal city, and his gloomy middle-aged face with a delicate short beard and mature charm was reflected on the glass.

Gregos was crumbling.

He thought this in his mind, looking beyond the majestic five walls of the royal city, he seemed to see the boundless rebel army.

The royal city is built in the center of the mountain range. The four huge territories of the ancient Legos can only be connected to each other through the royal city. If it were when the ancient legos was strong, this ability to centralize power and control the transportation arteries could make the royal city eternal. If it falls, even if it is surrounded on three sides, it can still obtain enough resources from the last territory and counterattack.

The enemy, unable to communicate with each other on three sides and having to use uncertain factors to communicate with difficulty, would inevitably focus on one and lose sight of the other, allowing the royal city to counterattack.


Our last territory that can provide resources, the territory of the great 'City Guardian Oslov', was forced to rebel by our 'greater' Queen Alison Ed VI.


...Royal James moved his eyes towards the palace. The white giant built on the mountain range was finally dyed black, and an uneasy and ominous atmosphere spread from it.

He was silent, and after a moment he forced out a stern smile, sighed and whispered:

"Perhaps in a few days, when there is a new king or queen in the royal city, Ed VI will be called the Mad Queen... Unfortunately, she is still the queen now."

Royal palace, inner hall.

Another corpse was carried out from the palace, and the blood had covered the huge hole in the center of the inner palace. The ministers stood uneasily, while the guards wearing red pointed hats, red robes and silver armor were removing the body. Another struggling prisoner beheaded.

The smell of blood permeates the air.

A door carved from stone stood empty among the blood and skulls.

A more senior guard in blue robes took one look at the number of remaining prisoners and walked to the door.

In front of the 'door', a woman who was studying some crazy runes that were difficult to understand turned around. She had golden eyes and black hair that was rare in Gregos. She was tall and beautiful.

The lady was holding a book in one hand. There was no emotion in her beautiful face. She said in a cold voice:

"What's wrong? Captain of the guard."

Her voice frightened the captain of the guard, and her eyes frightened the captain of the guard.

Captain Charlie dared to swear to God that this woman must have been transformed by some kind of ghost, just like the rumors in the market... Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why a weak woman would make him, a veteran warrior, afraid.

Charlie took a deep breath and whispered:

"Prime Minister, the number of prisoners is not enough..."

He was stuck before he could finish his words, because the Prime Minister, Evelyn Morton, whose power in this Guregus was only inferior to the queen, looked at him with a look that looked down on an imbecile.

Prime Minister Evelyn Morton raised her chin slightly with an indifferent expression:

"Gregus is in crisis, but you, captain of the guard, bother me over such a trivial matter? The Royal City is a big city with a population of hundreds of thousands... ah, hundreds of thousands of people. There are not enough prisoners, so go ahead and arrest them. "

After giving the order, the prime minister turned his attention to the door and made gestures to ask the palace wizards to strengthen their magic power.

She raised her hands high and shouted to the uneasy ministers and wizards:

"Soon, the door will open; soon, we will be able to save Gregos and let this land be shrouded in the queen's glory again!"

On the throne, the crazy queen wore long hair and a laurel wreath, sniffing the smell of blood with a look on her face.

In the dim light, her face seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

But if you look closely, you can see her crazy eyes, like a nightmare that cannot be dispelled.

Just a hundred kilometers away from the city of King Gregos, in a place called Sunset Town, the leaders of the rebel army were having a meeting in a headquarters that had been transformed from a tavern.

"Attack the royal city? You must be crazy!" Amos, who coordinated logistics and brought a trace of order to the rebels, had a serious face. "Gentlemen, you are considering attacking a royal city that has not been breached for a hundred years."

Behind the table where the map was placed, a sturdy man dressed as a knight said in a deep voice:

"There has never been an uprising that did not require sacrifice. Mr. Amos, if you have any doubts about my determination, I can stand at the forefront during the attack and be the first to climb the city."

"I'm not questioning you, Julius." Amos looked away, "The royal city has been surrounded. We can surround it and force the mad queen to surrender. As long as she surrenders, we can hang her. That evil prime minister, we..."

A rough-looking man with blond hair at the table said coldly:

"...We can put Eddard VII on the throne? I heard that girl is also crazy, just like her mother. This way we have a new crazy queen, which is great."

Julius, who was dressed as a knight, slapped his hands on the table and said in a low growl:

"But that's legitimacy! Alex."

The blond man, Alex, known as Brave, stared at his partner:

"We have shed too much blood for legitimacy! Besides, can you guarantee that Ed VII is the true royal bloodline? She is an illegitimate daughter! And the biological father is unknown. I have heard rumors..."

Amos listened silently to this eternal quarrel.

No dynasty can be easily overthrown. Legitimacy is the most cherished thing in the entire Gregoires.

Rights come from orthodoxy.

Power also comes from legal principles.

Even Ed VI, Her Majesty Alison, who is known as the Mad Queen, will only abdicate and become a crazy baroness. And the next queen or king will never be born from the rebels, but will only be selected from the Ed bloodline with 'legitimacy'.

"I won't continue to argue with you, Julius, but the illegitimate daughter of Ed VI must not inherit the throne. I would rather choose a side king than the second crazy queen. That girl, but with her Together with my mother, I was able to smile and watch as Lord Oslov’s two sons and one daughter were burned alive by monsters.”

Alex gave in, ending the long debate.

And Julius also gave in, silently accepting the result of a slight deviation in legitimacy.

Amos breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Julius ask:

"By the way, where is our saint?"

In the tavern, people were shouting:

"She's been away."

"I seemed to have seen her going to the observation deck before."

"She has her sword and her attendants."


Amid the commotion, Amos shouted:

"My friend Julius! Shall I go find her for you?"

He really doesn't want to stay here anymore.

Breathing the cool forest air, the pure starry sky and moonlight under the night sky, the beauty and comfort made Amos breathe a sigh of relief.

How one tolerates failure does not mean how one enjoys success.

Now that the rebels are close to victory, all kinds of voices are coming out.

Orthodox faction, unorthodox faction; royalist faction, royalist blood faction; reformist faction, industrialist faction... Amos never thought that there would be such a thing within the rebel army that simply aimed to 'save the entire country' Many factions.

Today it might just be Alex and Julius quarreling, but tomorrow it will be someone else quarreling, and the day after tomorrow there will be a new quarrel.

Amos looked at the bright moonlight with a heavy heart.

"We haven't won yet..." he thought, driving his horse forward.

Along the way, he met many rebels stationed everywhere. Following the trail, he came to the observation tower where he could see the royal city from a distance.

Under the red brick tower, the saint's servant, a young man named Allen, was sitting on the steps with his sword in his arms, half-closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

Seeing Amos coming, he stood up quickly:

"Mr. Amos!"

Amos was extremely happy every time he saw this young man with a righteous and passionate heart. All the heavy worries seemed to be driven away, and he smiled and said:

"Alan, you look like you're about to fall asleep."

"Hey..." Allen smiled and looked away, then turned back and said, "Ahem, sir, are you looking for Miss Vera?"

"Well, the headquarters is also looking for her." Amos walked into the tower.

"She's right up there." Allen pointed upward.

After exchanging pleasantries, Amos walked up to the tower and walked along the spiral staircase to the observation room on the highest floor.

I don’t know when it started. Saint Vera dislikes getting close to people more and more. She often appears alone in such inexplicable places. She even reluctantly agreed to bring her followers with her after being told countless times by the leaders.

Entering the observation room, he frowned at the dilapidated place.

And in the ruins of the open-air observation room that had mostly collapsed, a lady wearing a ribbon helmet, silver scales, and a white and gold cloak sat on the brick wall.

She heard the sound and turned her head.

She must be young, her delicate face is still childish, her long black hair is spread around her body, and her fair skin has the beauty of a young girl.

Saint Vera.

This girl who always takes the lead and wields the holy sword 'Vivaldo' has empty eyes:

"I heard a voice, shush, a very soft voice."

She stretched out her hand wrapped in a silver chain glove and held it in the direction of the royal city:

"There is a voice calling me, and it has been getting stronger and stronger since that day. Mr. Amos, my headache is becoming more and more obvious, and it is getting more... painful. I, I feel like my head is melt."

The saint who went into battle despite being sick... Amos fell into guilt, and he comforted:

"Vera, you can have a good rest, didn't the doctor say? Your illness will be cured as long as you have a good rest."

"Rest..." the saint repeated confusedly, and then she showed a sunny smile, "I will do it."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Amos feels...

Saint Vera's beautiful sky-blue eyes seemed to be glowing faintly, and...the color seemed a little lighter?

What disease can make the color of eyes become lighter...or is it my imagination? Amos thought so.

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