Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 113 Set off to the Sea of ​​Cracks!

"Believe in luck, do you really think that luck can prevent us from encountering the overlords near the coast?"

The Flower Witch asked seriously.

That is the Siren Gorge of the Crack Sea, a place famous for sea beasts!

The Flower Witch often raised the flowers covering her eyes, revealing bright eyes.

She smelled the breath of lies on Chen Qi!

Although the Flower Witch is simple, she is extremely sensitive in many aspects...Chen Qi thought about it and replied:

"Three points of luck, three points of caution, and four points of strength."

Sure enough, it's not believing in luck...The Flower Witch faintly sensed it.

Although Chen Qi talked about luck, in fact, he was probably trembling in his heart.

There is no doubt that for a newly promoted second-level extraordinary person, the Siren Gorge is a place of fear.

He can make money by opening a restaurant, and after working for half a year, he can also buy a few photography skill cards.

It is obviously such a difficult thing, but he didn't take the initiative to ask for compensation.


Why not afraid at all?

The Flower Witch suddenly understood something.

Could it be that he is so courageous because of me?

The Flower Witch blushed, and a swaying little pink flower appeared on her head.


I will definitely make medicine in the future and repay him well.

"What a dazzling little pink flower, like Aho-Mao, what is a pink flower?"

Chen Qi complained in his heart.

The Flower Witch uses flowers to express emotions, so there are a lot of flowers of the Flower Witch recorded on the player forum.

For example, the white flower symbolizes daze.

The blood-red flower symbolizes absolute anger.

However, pink flowers are extremely rare.

It seems that pink flowers will only appear when you are very happy or shy.

Chen Qi frowned, he could probably guess what the Flower Witch was thinking.

However, the Flower Witch seemed to be a little self-indulgent...

Chen Qi himself wanted to go to the Siren Gorge.

Even if the Flower Witch didn't come, he would go to the Sea of ​​​​Fissures.

Chen Qi clapped his hands: "Okay, Flower Witch, let's get ready. You take a rest. Tomorrow, we will go to the Sea of ​​Fissures, how about that?"

Chen Qi handed the Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1 to the Flower Witch as a cushion.


The Flower Witch happily sat cross-legged on the Deep Sea Water Elf, swaying like a tumbler.

Chen Qi opened the sea chart of the Ice Demon Pirates.

The Siren Gorge is located in the east of the Sea of ​​Fissures, and there is a Siren Island next to it.

Now, under the influence of the tide of the rift, this island has gathered a large number of adventurers.

Their first destination is the Siren Island near the Siren Gorge.

Even if the Deep Sea Water Elf Booster is used, it will take at least three days.

On the way, Flower Island and Honey Island can be used as transit stations for temporary rest.

First of all, no matter what, to go to the Sea of ​​Fissures, there must be a reason and a covert identity.

Cook is the best identity.

Chen Qi prepared to sell some barbecue and octopus balls on the dining boat during this voyage.

Although his spiritual field has changed now, the aura of the cup phase has not changed because he has just been promoted.

How can an honest man who is good at barbecue and cooking be a bad person?

Go to Moonstone City to buy some barbecue ingredients, food and fresh water, and buy some oil for the steam engine of the small houseboat.

And chef clothes.

The flower witch can completely solve the problem of first aid kits and other medical items.

In addition, if you go on a long voyage, it is best to prepare some things to relieve boredom.

For example, Monopoly game, or marbles, or Gwent.

If it doesn't work, you can pinch the deep sea water elves.

Finally, you have to find a way to send the flower witch to the white tree land to squeeze out all the will-o'-the-wisp oil.

Chen Qi clapped his hands:

"There are not many things to prepare. The most important thing is intelligence. If Teacher An arrives at the Siren Island before me, I can ask her for intelligence."

After making a plan, Chen Qi started to act.

After the preparations are completed, we set off to the Sea of ​​Fissures!

It should be pleasant to travel with the Flower Witch!

The Flower Witch also smiled. She also felt that sailing on the sea would be quite pleasant.



In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The Sea of ​​Fissures.

The sky was covered by heavy dark clouds, like a huge black curtain, with loud noises and lightning from time to time, like the roar of the goddess of the sea.

"I'm so sleepy, why should I drive myself?"

Chen Qi drove the small houseboat tiredly in this dangerous sea area.

In the Sea of ​​Fissures, in addition to sea beasts, the weather is more extreme than that in the near sea due to the pollution of the cracks.

During the three-day voyage, they encountered three storms!

Fortunately, he and the Flower Witch worked together to successfully survive the storm.

Now, the Flower Witch was soaked and tired like a collapsed slime.

Chen Qi shook his head. He overestimated the long-distance sailing ability of the small houseboat.

After this operation, I can no longer save money. I must upgrade the small houseboat from head to tail.

"I hope I can get ashore soon..."

At this moment, a black ugly fish emerged from the sea with a huge black head.

The black ugly fish, a stupid sea beast that will hit the boat with its head, is not a threat and has no value.

There is no doubt that its target is Chenqi.

Chen Qi turned his head and glared at the ugly black fish, his tired eyes were extremely fierce.

The ugly black fish immediately retracted the idea of ​​sticking and slipped away.

Just like humans can scare humans away with their eyes.

Chen Qi found that if he expressed some angry emotions, many weak sea beasts would run away directly.

The ugly black fish is of little value.

Chen Qi shook his head.

During the long sea voyage, he just wanted to go ashore as soon as possible.

And due to the lack of radar equipment, he didn't know how long it would take to reach the Siren Island in the Sea of ​​​​Fissures.

This feeling of anxious torture is simply crazy.

Judging from the weather, if he doesn't reach the island again, he and the Flower Witch will definitely encounter another storm.

And at this moment, Chen Qi heard a roar.

A huge steel ship passed by him.

The flag on the ship is a raging storm, and in the storm, it is a scale hammer symbolizing order.

The storm hammer is the symbol of the navy.

This is a navy ship!

Chen Qi looked into the distance.

At the end of his vision, he saw a dark island.

Siren Island!

"Finally arrived!"

Chen Qi cheered in his heart.

If he sailed for another day, he would definitely go crazy on the boat with the Flower Witch.

In front of the island, in addition to the navy giant ship just now, there are dozens of giant ships, like giants, surrounding the Siren Island.

Deer Head, Ironclad Armored Ship, Storm Hammer Navy Ship, White Dove Travel Ship...

For adventurers who are not afraid of death, cracks are resources, oil, and money!

As the Siren Canyon is densely cracked, many forces do not want to miss this precious opportunity!

Chen Qi confirmed that there was no problem with his dining ship flag, speeded up, and headed for the port of Siren Island.

The small houseboat stopped between the two large ships.

His small boat looked pitiful, weak and helpless in front of these large ships.

"Is my boat too small..."

Chen Qi looked around excitedly. Except for the fishing boat, his small houseboat was actually the smallest.

Except for some small merchant ships, all the ships that dared to come to the Siren Island were fully armed ships!

"Huh! The air of the land!"

Chen Qi let out a long breath.

He walked to the side of the Flower Witch and patted the wilted Flower Witch.

"What? I want to continue sleeping..."

The Flower Witch hugged the Deep Sea Water Fairy and didn't want to get up.

You are still lying in bed?


Chen Qi said speechlessly:

"Miss Witch, get up, we are here."

"Are we here!"

The Flower Witch got up suddenly and put on her cloak immediately.

Go ashore!

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