Cack, cackle, a group of pitch-black crows dropped the bounty from the sky and quickly left.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the port.

"Hey, what are you kidding? Who sent this bounty in!"

"How dare you throw the Black Whale Corps' bounty into our navy's territory."

"Go and catch the person who spread the bounty!"


Chen Qi took off the bounty that was covering his eyes and opened it.

This bounty was made of parchment, and on the back, there was a deep red blood shark with a strong smell of blood.

This format is not a bounty from the navy, but a bloody bounty from the Black Whale Corps!

Compared with ordinary bounties, the bloody bounty has a greater reward, and you can get the bounty without complicated steps.

The Black Whale Corps will fulfill its promise as soon as possible and give the greatest respect to the person who completes it.

Even if the person who completes it is the enemy of the Black Whale Corps, they will give rewards.

Once, Captain Palu of the Ice Demon Pirates and Little Red Riding Hood of the Blood Blade Pirates had asked the Black Whales for rewards many times.

On the sea, the Black Whales' bloody bounty order was far more convincing than the extremely troublesome Navy bounty order.

In the Witch Sea, the last person wanted by the bloody bounty order was Little Red Riding Hood of the Blood Blade Pirates and the mechanic of the Ice Demon Pirates.

And all of these people are well-known people in the Witch Sea!

Chen Qi's mouth widened slightly.

There are only two people in this bounty order.

He and the Flower Witch!

If the Flower Witch can be caught, the bounty is as high as 50 million shells, and the Black Whales even promised to give a fourth-level legendary career card!

For him, the bounty is as high as 30 million. In addition, the Black Whales promised that as long as he is caught, they will also give a third-level career card!

In addition, it is different from the Navy's bounty order.

In this bounty order, one point is emphasized:

Catch alive!

If the body is captured, the Black Whale Group will not give any reward, but will eat them alive.

"Catch alive, is it so serious..."

Chen Qi's mouth curled up a smile.

Even if the Black Eye Captain did not tell his story, he still became the wanted person of the Black Whale Group!

The Flower Witch has the secret knowledge of the Witch Sea, so for the Black Whale Group, they want the witch alive!

But why do they want me alive?

Chen Qi thought for a moment.

The biggest possibility is the Touch of the Remnant Fire, which is a lost equipment. Maybe someone knows this rare equipment.

The second is because of his performance above the sea.

They want Chen Qi to join the Black Whale Group and become one of them.

No matter which possibility it is, it is not good news...Chen Qi threw the bounty order into the sea and started the engine.

At least now, the Black Whale Group does not know his true identity.

Chen Qi was not afraid, but curled up a faint smile!

Since you are already in the waves, it is better to enjoy this storm instead of escaping!

Let the storm come even harder!

Chen Qi started the small houseboat and headed for the offshore, his white tree base.

And in a place he didn't notice, a familiar sight was staring at him.

The young black-haired girl sat on the wooden box, turned her head and looked at the small houseboat in the distance.

She looked at the back of the owner of the small houseboat just now, and always felt a little familiar.

She blinked her smart big eyes:

"No, he can't be alive, he's dead"

Besides, even if he is alive, how could a sick person come here.

The black-haired girl opened the bounty order of the Black Whale Group and muttered to herself:

"It's a poor guy who was targeted by the aunt, poor Miss Witch, poor Black Hunter."

She shook her head. Many things are not something that a little doctor like her can stop.

Then, she sighed and headed for the ship on the Siren Island:

"Today's weather should be good, but it's a pity that I didn't get to eat barbecue before going back."



On the vast sea, the storm was raging like an enraged beast.

The sky was originally hung with a ray of sunset, but now it has been swallowed by thick dark clouds, and it has become a deep gray-black like ink.

The heavy rain poured down, as if to drown the whole world in this endless rain curtain.

Unprecedented storm!

Chen Qi stood on the board, holding a bucket, and kept pouring water from the boat into the sea.

As he left the Siren Island, a special prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[You have completed the task-Traveling Assassin:

Description: Traveler, you have completed a journey with a witch!

Travel evaluation: A (You went deep into the legendary Siren Gorge and saw the legendary Siren.)

Reward: 3000 spiritual points. 】

His second-level professional task was successfully completed.

3000 spiritual points, a huge income!

However, at this moment, Chen Qi had no time to celebrate the completion of his mission.

Because his small houseboat was about to be flooded!

This storm was enough to swallow the small houseboat!

The small houseboat was being ravaged by the waves!

Such huge waves, the small boat could not withstand it at all.

Chen Qi could only think of a way to remedy it.

"Number one, number three, number four, stabilize the boat!"

"Little green algae, stop singing your rain-praying song, the storm is already strong enough!"

"Haiyunduo, come back to me, don't pretend to be a dark cloud!"

The deep sea elf stuck to the small houseboat and kept stabilizing his body.

Chen Qi tried his best to survive this storm.

This was the first time he encountered such a severe storm!

Absolutely, absolutely must survive this storm!

"I can survive it!"

Chen Qi shouted.

The moment he finished speaking, there was a huge roar!


Chen Qi gradually stopped his movements and looked at his feet.

Some hot smoke came out from under his feet!

A smell of burnt fragrance!


The speed of the small houseboat dropped instantly!

Chen Qi pulled his wet hair back.

The engine of his small houseboat finally exploded! Exploded!

When it rains, it rains...

Unexpectedly, he encountered such a bad luck just after leaving the Flower Witch.

"Is my luck too low..."

Chen Qi leaned weakly on the boat and looked at the heavy rain.

If the Flower Witch was there, she could still perform a magic trick for him.

Alas, I miss the first day of the Flower Witch.

Chen Qi sighed and took out the sea chart of the Ice Demon Pirates.

His current location should be at the edge of the offshore area.

Now that the engine is scrapped, he can only activate the backup engine, the 'Water Elf Engine'.

With the current state of the Water Elf, it will take at least three days for him to return to Moonstone City.

No, it may be five days...

Chen Qi shook his head.

If he stays on the small houseboat for three days, he will definitely go crazy, and he may even do something very strange to the deep-sea sea elves.

Although the small houseboat is fast, its ability to resist storms and attacks is really too poor.

"After returning, we must upgrade the ship..."

"Think in a positive direction. It is impossible to encounter a worse situation."

Chen Qi comforted himself.

Then, the next second, he heard a roar in his ears!

A huge merchant ship gradually appeared behind him.

Chen Qi immediately stuffed the small green algae into the sea, then looked up and looked at the huge merchant ship like a mountain.

Even in the storm, it still stands!

The distance between the two ships gradually narrowed, and the huge travel ship became clearer and clearer in Chen Qi's eyes.

Chen Qi's sight moved up.

The people on the deck were busy, wearing raincoats and helmets, trying their best to deal with the storm.

In an instant, a busy golden-haired sailor noticed poor Chen Qi.

However, before Chen Qi could speak.

The sailor looked terrified, and in the storm, he shouted to Chen Qi:

"Brother! Run, the ghost ship is catching up!"


Thank you for your subscription and votes! Thank you so much!

ps: I have been attacked by various things in school recently (especially the hateful thesis), so the update is a bit late, sorry.

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