This banquet was not formal, but a temporary trade fair, without tedious explanations and auction procedures.

Just like a simple market, amidst dancing, food, and piano music, people who wanted to exchange took out extraordinary items, and if someone liked them, they would exchange them with items and money.

As for the security measures of the trade fair, only a special eye of navigation was set up on the ceiling to record what happened at the banquet.

Once a special situation occurred at the banquet, the White Dove Ship would trigger the alarm system to ensure the safety of the trade fair.

There should be nothing for me to do... After dealing with the things on the table, Chen Qi left the table and looked around the entire banquet.

As the bald chef said, most of the people here are from the Moonstone City Company, and there are not many pirates.

If a few pirates are excluded, this is an ordinary trade fair.

A good opportunity... Chen Qi straightened his clothes.

In the market, this kind of transaction without any agency fee is rare.

Perhaps, I can also do a business... Chen Qi took out his two useless skill cards from his backpack card.

‘Dragon Charm’, ‘Empty Skull Head’.

These are two skill cards that are very difficult to deal with.

I wonder if I can use these two cards to exchange for something useful.

If it was the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom, Dragon Charm would definitely be snapped up... Chen Qi shuttled through the noisy banquet, trying to find a reliable seller.

At this moment, an old and bitter voice caught his attention.

“I only want the skill card of the virtual phase, and only emptiness can be exchanged for emptiness.”

Chen Qi tilted his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

On the floor of the banquet, sat an old man who was out of tune with the banquet.

He was wearing a wet white cloak and sitting cross-legged on the ground.

His arms were bony, like dry branches, and some seawater kept flowing out from under the cloak.

The aura of a third-level virtual supernatural is really rare...

This kind of cloak dress is likely to be a member of the Sea God Pirates!

The Sea God Pirates, plus the Black Whale Pirates, appeared on the same ship at the same time?

Are they going to take revenge in the near sea? Chen Qi thought.

The navy just won the victory on Siren Island, and the Black Whale Group is not a kitten who will be beaten obediently.

They are bound to take a big action and take revenge!

Chen Qi remembered that at this time, the Black Whale Group would occupy the islands near the coast, set up weather observation stations, and establish their own territory in the coastal area.

However, compared with these things, Chen Qi is more concerned about the skill card in the hand of the cloaked old man.

A traveling merchant shouted:

"Hey, hey, hey, old man, I will pay three million shells to buy the card in your hand!"

Hearing three million, the cloaked old man did not move, and repeated coldly:

"Only nothingness can be exchanged for the 'nothingness' in my hand."

Chen Qi observed the card in the old man's hand.

The card face was empty, and on the back of the card was a dark and deep book with blood eyes!

The virtual book appearance... Chen Qi was shocked.

As a strategy master, he knew this card.

The knowledge of nothingness, a one-time skill card of the virtual book phase, is used to clear the negative effects caused by using too many skill cards.

The more frequently skill cards are used, the more confusion and even madness will occur in the brain.

Because of this, even nobles with sufficient resources cannot quickly create a powerful extraordinary person.

In many cases, extraordinary people must rely on their own accumulated learning to master extraordinary skills.

The knowledge of nothingness can clear the negative state caused by excessive use of such skill cards!

Although the knowledge of nothingness still has many limitations, it is definitely a rare good thing for Chen Qi who is developing at an accelerated speed.

However, the skill card of the virtual phase is as rare as the virtual phase extraordinary person.

Many people want to exchange it for money, but they are directly rejected.

Fortunately, he just happened to have a virtual phase card.

Chen Qi walked over, squatted down, and took out the 'Empty Skull Head':

"Can I exchange this skill card?"

The function of the Empty Skull Head is a one-time skill that resists mental attacks at the cost of giving up thinking, and then triggers blind language after death.

For Chen Qi, this skill card is useless.

But for the extraordinary people who have entered the virtual phase, this seemingly useless card is particularly important for their extraordinary path.

The moment he saw the card, the body of the cloaked old man made a gurgling sound of excitement.

"Ritual, ritual..."

He murmured in his mouth and took the card:

"Give up thinking... Good... I want..."

The cloaked old man didn't say anything nonsense, he quickly handed the 'Knowledge of Nothingness' to Chen Qi and completed the transaction.

And at the moment of completing the transaction, Chen Qi was instantly stared at by a bunch of people.

The price of the Knowledge of Nothingness can be hyped up to more than 10 million! It is also a skill card that many nobles purchase every year.

Before they could speak, Chen Qi coldly cut his finger with the card:


Before everyone could react, the Void Knowledge Card turned into ashes in Chen Qi's hand and merged into the blood.

[You have used Void Knowledge. ]

Sorry! This card is very important to me, I won't sell it!

In front of everyone, Chen Qi licked his tongue.

It felt really good!

It was like having a sturdy ear pick, carefully cleaning the dirt in the brain.

My whole body and mind feel comfortable!

So cool!

Most of the virtual skill cards are recognized as junk cards.

I didn't expect to meet a virtual supernatural person and complete this transaction.

Everyone looked at this scene, shook their heads, and gave up the idea of ​​​​grabbing treasures.

"This trade fair is still a bit of a level."

After the transaction, Chen Qi immediately walked towards the banquet, like a professional Taobao, looking at the people around him.

I wonder if I can get another high-level skill card of Deng or Yingxiang!

Chen Qi promoted his dragon charm.

Is there anyone's dream of marrying a dragon girl? Or being the husband or wife of a dragon? Sticking with a dragon?

Dragon charm, you deserve it!

At this moment, he heard the voice of Siren again:

"My little sister is short of money recently, and is selling Yingxiang's skill card. Is there anyone willing to buy it!"


Chen Qi's sight was instantly attracted to it.

I saw that the tall Siren was standing behind a black-haired girl.

The black-haired girl sat on the chair with an unhappy look on her face.

Because the Siren behind her was bending over, burying the black-haired girl's head in the waves of her chest, and then constantly stroking the black-haired girl's chin with her slender index finger.

Just like playing with a stuffed bear.

The black-haired girl looked like she had lost all hope in life.

Chen Qi could feel that this black-haired girl wanted to kill the Siren behind her and chop her up!

This black-haired girl was also a third-level extraordinary person, and her sexual appearance could not be confirmed...

Before Chen Qi could speak, the Siren turned her head.

She noticed Chen Qi again and the water elf on his head:

"Little chef, we meet again. Is there anything you want? Sister will buy it for you, as long as you lend me the water elf on your head to play with~"

"Wakuwaku (stupid human!)"

The water elf No. 1 on Chen Qi's head was instantly angry and swelled up. It didn't want to be played with by anyone other than its owner!

Even if others got its body, they would never get its heart!

The Siren was enraged when she saw the disgusted expression of the water elf!

She smells so good and looks so good!

A little pet actually rejected her!

You know, she has been loved by small animals since she was a child! Cats and dogs all like her very much!

I like this kind of little guy who resists the strong... Siren said with a hint of compulsion:

"Little chef, 100,000 shells, let your water elf accompany me for one night! It is comfortable with me, and I can also let you accompany me at night. This opportunity is rare~"

As she said, Siren exuded a trace of the terrifying aura of a third-level extraordinary person, as well as the smell of perfume!

Threats and temptations!

A guy who is easy to get...

Chen Qi clenched his fists.

At the same time, next to him, the captain of the White Dove Carriage, the bald chef, blinked at Chen Qi frantically.

Siren is a great guest of their White Dove Carriage. If she cannot be satisfied, the consequences will be disastrous!

In their opinion, letting a water elf accompany Siren for one night can earn 100,000 shells, which is not a loss.

The atmosphere became a little anxious.

No, Water Elf No. 1 is my chief working pet.

Moreover, Siren is a member of the Big Mom Pirates. Once the water spirit is handed over to the other party, it is impossible to get it back.

Chen Qi remained calm and was about to refuse.

Suddenly, a cold voice broke the anxious atmosphere.

The black-haired girl sorted out the cards in her hand and said coldly:

"Sister, shut up, we are not here to play with men. If you are lonely, go to the gigolo club, don't go crazy in such a public place."

Someone actually spoke for me... Chen Qi was shocked.

I went crazy? Siren lowered her head and looked at the black-haired girl on her chest.

She just wanted to play, but she was actually scolded!

Then, the black-haired girl continued to add:

"Besides, don't you feel ashamed to embarrass a little chef? What's fun about a little chef?"

As she said that, the black-haired girl who had no desire to live finally turned her head and wanted to see what the chef looked like.

Her eyes met with Chen Qi's for a moment.

At the moment their eyes met, the black-haired girl opened her mouth slightly, and her facial expression suddenly froze, as if she had seen something that could not be looked at directly!


The black-haired girl suddenly paused, with an extremely tangled expression on her face.

Finally, after three seconds of calm thinking, the black-haired girl took a deep breath and said coldly:

"Little chef, you come to my room now."


Chen Qi frowned and took a look at his white chef uniform with gold thread.

I am a chef, not a gigolo?

I was designated?

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