The wind and rain outside the house became stronger and stronger, and the sound of flames could be heard faintly.

Little Crow was like a magician cutting cards, showing the skill card in her hand.

She is also an extraordinary person with a cup of shadow, and she has just been promoted to a cadre of the Black Whale Group.

The extraordinary resources he received as a leader of the Black Whale Group far exceeded his imagination.

Little Crow waved his hand gently and displayed the six photo skill cards.

Chen Qi chooses carefully.

A powerful photography skill card, even if the price is reduced by 30%, may still cost more than two million shell coins!

He only has five million shellfish in cash now, so he can't take it all.

Moreover, although he has eliminated the side effects of using too many skill cards, blindly absorbing knowledge may still lead to the madness of book reading.

Chen Qi ran his index finger across them, checking them one by one.

Dance of Shadow Stream, a flower and shadow skill card, summons two dark shadows that imitate oneself to dance wildly, causing high mental attacks. It requires mastering superb dance skills and a small understanding of flower or shadow.

The production of shadow soldiers and the hammer shadow skill card can be done by refining negative emotions and merging them with the materials of the shadow demon to create your own shadow soldiers. You need to master the small amount of understanding of shadow or hammer, and master the pre-moves' Element extraction', 'Element refining', etc.

Twisted crawling, phantom phase skill card, sacrifices half of one's own mental value, crawls on the ground, and emits ear-piercing wails to scare away enemies. As long as you believe in the code of shadow, there are no conditions for use.

Armor of Shadow, blade shadow skill card, a way to advance the power, which can turn the power into stronger black power and improve one's own defense. It requires mastering the power and a small amount of shadow understanding.

Shadow Foot, lamp shadow skill card, body skill, greatly improves agility. It requires mastering a small amount of shadow understanding, strength, and 18 agility points.

The Spear of Darkness, a shadow skill card, can create a pitch black spear with bare hands. It requires a small amount of shadow understanding and meditation.

Chen Qi made a selection.

Although the Dance of Shadow Stream is powerful, it is more suitable for professions such as dancers and has nothing to do with me.

Although the Shadow Soldier is good, it requires too many prerequisites to truly master it.

The twisted crawling skill itself is very useless. It will only be of some use when you follow the evil path and evolve into a dark creature.

The Shadow Spear is an attack move used by first-level extraordinary beings, and is completely inferior to bullets in terms of power.

Chen Qi finally focused on the Shadow Armor and Shadow Feet.

Among them, Shadow Armor is an advanced use of energy, focusing on strengthening the defensive power of energy.

As a melee extraordinary person, although Chen Qi himself has high physical fitness, he lacks defensive skills. With the Shadow Armor, he can greatly improve his defense.

An excellent skill card that complements his weak defense.

And Shadow Foot is also a pretty good movement skill.

In the player guide, body skills and perception skills are all skills that second-level extraordinary people must learn, and they are also important ways to improve agility.

These two skill cards should be a bit expensive... Chen Qi thought about it and tapped his index finger:

"I want these two."

Little Crow picked up the card with two fingers and flicked it to Chen Qi's hand:

"You have a good command of the breathing method. These two skill cards are really suitable for you. Let me think about it. One card costs 2.5 million shells and two cards cost 5 million shells.

If you don’t have enough money, give it to me when you have time. "

Five million shellfish…

Chen Qi blinked and stopped looking for cards in his backpack.

These two skill cards are both very practical skill cards. If placed on the market, they could be sold for at least 10 million!

The price of five million is equivalent to half the price!

Little Crow put away the other cards:

"There is no need to use items to pay off the debt. If it is not enough, you can owe it first."

Little Crow thought for a while, it was too difficult for a chef to come up with five million shell coins at once.

Chen Qi confirmed:

"Are you sure five million? Isn't that too cheap?"

Cheap? Do you really have that much cash? Little Crow rubbed his temples:

"Because of the black whale blood and the black hunter, I have been mentally unstable recently. This is my apology for attacking you just now."

"And there are not many buyers of photography skill cards. Selling them is a troublesome thing in itself."

Chen Qi did not hesitate. He took out the white shell coins from his backpack card and quickly counted them.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, one hundred thousand...

Chen Qi stacked the five million shell coins and handed them to Little Crow.

All the hard-earned money was quickly emptied.


The little crow took the thick shell coins and blinked.

The chef in front of me could actually take out five million shell coins in cash!

Chef, do you make so much money? The little crow stared blankly at Chen Qi for a long time.

"so good……"

Little Crow couldn't help but said it.

She was like a girl who had been ill for many years, sitting slumped on the hospital bed, looking out the window at her peers who were noisy and enjoying their youth.

Although she couldn't believe it, at this moment, facing Chen Qi, whose strength was lower than his, she only felt full of envy in her heart.

There is no pressure from parents, no oppression from superiors, no intrigues among friends, no hostility from black hunters and witches, just sail on the sea as you like.

Most importantly, you can eat delicious food every day!

Free life, free sailing... The little crow smiled, and then disappeared in an instant.

Chen Qi miraculously escaped from the Black Whale Group, but she didn't.

Taking advantage of this time, she took out a radio-like thing from her backpack card and started to tinker with it.

Chen Qi was not idle, and directly used two skill cards.

The cards dissipated at the fingertips and merged into the blood.

[You have mastered Shadow Foot Lv1]

[You have mastered Shadow Armor Lv1]

A stream of heat quickly spread throughout the body... Chen Qi circulated the spiritual power in his body, and some black energy appeared in his limbs.

Both are upgradeable skills, up to level three!

Relying on the accumulation of tasks, he now has 8,000 spiritual points.

Shadow Foot and Shadow Armor, upgrade to level 3, each requires 3,000 spiritual points.


The 6,000 spiritual points he saved disappeared in an instant.

[Your Shadow Armor has been upgraded to level 3, increasing the strength of Shadow Power. At the same time, your defense has become more handsome. ]

[Your Shadow Foot has been upgraded to level 3, your body movement has been improved, and your agility has increased by +7 points. ]

Chen Qi felt the magnificent extraordinary power in his body.

Second-level skill cards, like meditation and body building, also need to spend some time after use to fully master and play a real role.

Da Da Da!

Chen Qi frowned and looked at the little crow in front of him.

I saw that the little crow took out a radio at some point and kept fiddling with it.

This is... Chen Qi remembered that the radio in her hand was an extraordinary prop for extraordinary communication.

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