Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 154 Expansion of the marine animal breeding base

"Wakuwaku! (Master, this is so big! So much energy!)"

The curious Deep Sea Water Elf No. 3 came over and hugged the energy core.

Puff! Puff!

The Deep Sea Water Elf No. 3's body instantly emitted some green ghost fire as if it was electrocuted.

The water elves have a strong ability to absorb extraordinary elements. When they absorb too many elements, their bodies will undergo permanent evolution.

However, the Deep Sea Water Elf itself has absorbed powerful deep sea elements, and it is difficult to evolve again.

I don't know what the Deep Sea Water Elf No. 2 will become when it falls into the hands of the Flower Witch.

"Don't play, No. 3, then you will become a ghost fire elf that scares people all day long."

Chen Qi took No. 3 off the ghost fire core and touched No. 3's soft body.

The body temperature of No. 3, which had just been heated up, was just right and could be used as a hot water bottle.

He found the white tree root exposed above the water, sat on it, and took out the sea chart of the Ice Demon Pirates and the treasure map of the Deep Sea Hunter.

I have to admit that the Deep Sea Hunter lived up to his legendary name.

Even the Deep Sea Water Elves with the difficulty of a finger are rare treasures.

The more Chen Qi gets along with the Deep Sea Water Elves, the more he thinks these guys are cute and capable.

Under normal circumstances, even the beast contract of the trainer is difficult to cooperate so closely with the pet.

Now, with just a glance from Chen Qi, the Deep Sea Water Elves can understand his orders.

Unfortunately, the treasure of the Deep Sea Hunter is the treasure of the Deep Sea Hunter after all.

The treasure of the Deep Sea Hunter in the near sea has long been found, and the rest of the treasures are all in the depths of the Sea of ​​Fissures.

In the depths of the Sea of ​​Fissures, due to the cracks, the weather of the entire sea is extremely abnormal.

Maelstroms, volcanic eruptions, snowstorms, blade rain, ghosts and spirits...

No one knows what will happen when sailing in the sea.

At present, the small houseboat can't even withstand the simplest storm.

"Before the next voyage, we must get a new ship."

Chen Qi clapped his hands.

However, it is also difficult to buy a ship that can withstand the special energy core.

Unimaginable sky-high price... Chen Qi shook his head, stood up, and began to renovate the White Tree Land.

First, expand the breeding area, place floating cages, and special feed boxes to divide a special activity space for the sea clouds.

Then divide a planting area for planting sea sugar cane and beautify the environment of the White Tree Land.

The sugar powder produced by sea sugar cane is a very good seasoning.

"Planting area, breeding area, and a work area..."

Chen Qi looked around and found a large tree trunk with a protrusion. He placed a small wooden stool, a small table for food and books, and a box for items to build a simple open-air workbench.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Chen Qi and the deep sea elves worked hard.

After a busy period, the sea beast base was successfully upgraded.

Chen Qi sat on the wooden stool and began to prepare to deal with the sea clouds and ghost fire fish.

Suddenly, a soft, slippery green tentacle pulled the corner of his clothes.

Chen Qi looked down.

It was the tentacle hair of the little green algae.

The little green algae blinked its scarlet eyes, showing its scarlet fangs, and pulled the corner of his clothes with its tentacle hair.

"La La La La! (Master, I want a place to sing!)"

"La La La La! (I want the sea clouds and ghost fire fish to listen to the beautiful singing!)"

A place to sing, and why do you call me master like the deep sea elves... Chen Qi fell into thinking.

The siren is also a typical group creature.

When he went out to sea, he never thought that he would bring back a little siren.

But since he brought it back, he couldn't let it run around.

"Please wait for me..."

Chen Qi took the black knife and went directly to the center of the white tree land, the tall big white tree.

It took some time to build a small "bird's nest" singing platform on the branches high up on the big white tree by stacking branches.

Not bad... Chen Qi jumped down from the branch of the white tree.

"Little Green Algae, if you want to sing in the future, you can sing on it."

Then, Chen Qi took out the 'Siren Harp' he got in the Siren Land.

With his musical talent, it would be a waste to keep the harp with him.

It's better to give it to Little Green Algae.

Chen Qi handed the harp to Little Green Algae.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The tentacles of Little Green Algae trembled with excitement, like a wriggling group of seaweed!

This little harp was given by the sirens to the adult sirens who had achieved great singing! It was also the respect of the adult sirens for Chen Qi's singing!

I didn't expect that the master would hand over such a precious thing to the little one!

Could it be that the master recognized my singing! The little green algae excitedly picked up the harp and played a song of praise:

"La La La La! (Praise! Praise my great master!)"

"La La La La La! (Praise! My great master, you will rule this sea!)"

"La La La La La! (Praise! My great master, humans will eventually crawl under our tentacles!)"

What are you singing?

Why does this little green algae look more and more like a monsterized cultist? Chen Qi touched his head.

I hope it won't mess around.

Chen Qi clapped his hands:

"Little Green Algae, you can sing, but you must sing songs that are good for physical and mental health. You cannot sing some weird songs, especially dangerous songs, such as songs of death."

"Otherwise, I will treat you like a salted fish."

Chen Qi emphasized.

If the little siren is allowed to mess around, there will definitely be a lot of ghost fish and sea cloud corpses in the land of white trees.


The little green algae nodded obediently. It swung its fish tail, held the little harp hard, and jumped to the singing platform of the big white tree.

Then it straightened its chest and held the little harp in its tiny hands and tentacled hair.

The tentacle hair and the little hands work together to pluck the strings.

"La la la la~"

The sound of the small harp is clear and melodious, floating in the sea breeze together with the singing.

The surrounding sea surface began to ripple subtly, and the fighting fishes and sea clouds also became quiet. They raised their heads one after another and jumped around in the water, like fans of small seaweed.

As if to celebrate the establishment of a new home, Xiao Green Algae played with great earnestness.

Pretty good music... Chen Qi listened, and suddenly, a special prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[You listened to the song of growth, and your development speed increased. 】

"Song of Growth..."

Chen Qi was slightly startled.

Little Green Algae, you also know this song!

Songs of Growth, songs that breeders, planters, and bards of the Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom are good at, can slightly increase the growth rate of animals and plants.

For Chen Qi now, this song can help him better digest his extraordinary power.

In addition, it can also help Hai Yunduo and Ghost Fire Fish produce new materials faster.

It doesn't improve much in speed, but it's still a good song.

Amidst the melodious singing, Chen Qi took out the shears for shearing sheep and the razor for scraping will-o'-the-wisp oil, and then glanced at Deep Sea Elf One.

Do it!

While Hai Yunduo and the will-o'-the-wisp fish were intoxicated with their songs, the deep sea elves were like gangsters, tying Hai Yunduo and the will-o'-the-wisp fish in front of him in batches.

"Hey hey hey."

Chen Qi used his hands to play with the sea clouds and the will-o'-the-wisp fish.

After a while, a small jar was filled with will-o'-the-wisp oil, and a wooden box was filled with Haiyunduo's perfume cloud hairs.

Due to market conditions, will-o'-the-wisp oil cannot be sold at an exorbitant price now. Instead of using it as a commodity, it is better to keep it for your own use.

The value of perfume cloud hair is quite high. Even if you don't contact someone who specializes in purchasing luxury goods and sell it at a low price, the value of this batch of perfume clouds can be sold at least four million!

An unimaginably high price!

Chen Qi tidied up Hai Yunduo's cloud hair and put it into the backpack card.

"It has to be sold as soon as possible."

Haiyunduo's cloud hair attaches great importance to the maintenance of the environment. If it is left in the backpack card for too long, the quality will be greatly reduced.

After a busy day, the sea beast base became orderly again, and the deep water elves also learned how to pluck the hair of the sea clouds.

Chen Qi looked at the sky, and before he knew it, it was already afternoon.

It's time to go back to Maro Town.

"Little Green Algae, trained will-o'-the-wisp fish, and Hai Yunduo! I'm leaving first! If you encounter an unexpected situation, hide and don't fight hard."

After Chen Qi gave instructions to Xiao Green Algae, he got up and headed to Maruo Town.

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