Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 159 Teacher An's Basic Course

I hope the frontier hunter group of Edge Hunters won’t come too early... Chen Qi muttered in his heart.

If the hunter group enters the White Tree Land and discovers his White Tree Land assets, the consequences are unimaginable.

If I'm not careful, I'm very likely to be caught and publicly executed, or even sent to the court... Chen Qi organized the following language:

"Teacher An, I hope you won't encounter the offshore overlord or the ghost ship."

Now the Offshore Overlord must be allowed to avoid the limelight. After all, the Offshore Overlord in the offshore is just a juvenile body.

"Well...Qi, you must be careful too."

An An looked at Chen Qi uneasily.

Although Chen Qi now has the strength to face ordinary sea beasts alone, if he encounters an offshore overlord, he will be chewed to pieces by the sharp teeth of the offshore overlord in an instant.

Chen Qi was lucky and did not encounter a vicious sea beast, but if he did, he would have to master the ability to fight the sea beast.

An's short, lucky-cat-like hands firmly grasped the staff and turned it like a sledgehammer:

"Qi, I have a certain understanding of fighting deep sea monsters, and I also know how to use spiritual power. If you encounter a bottleneck in your practice, you can always come to me."

Although she majors in spells, she also knows some basic fighting skills!

Teacher An's private lessons... Chen Qi lowered his head and pondered.

Although he has skill cards, in fact, after practicing, he found that it was still difficult for him to achieve a perfect level in many details.

An has a unique understanding of the perception and manipulation of spiritual power.

More than ten years of basic spiritual power control practice, as well as powerful talent, gave An the title of An Aotian.

"Thank you very much, Teacher An."

Chen Qi smiled slightly,

In recent times, he has obtained many skill cards and extraordinary props.

Even if these skills are upgraded with spiritual points, it will take a while to fully learn them.

Moreover, so far, he has not practiced his strongest weapon, cutting flesh and bones.

Now, with the touch of the remaining fire and the ability to cut flesh and bones, he at least has an attack power that rivals that of a third-level blade-phase transcendent.

Before going to sea next time, you must complete the training of these skills and weapons... Chen Qi secretly made a plan.

But unfortunately, he could only practice the touch of residual fire and the practice of cutting flesh and breaking bones in the land of white trees.

The two chatted for a while longer, and before they knew it, the night had darkened and the bonfire became fainter.

"It's late at night,"

An waved her little hand like a lucky cat and said with a smile: "See you tomorrow, Qi."

"See you tomorrow."

Chen Qi yawned.

After the two said goodbye, he was exhausted and walked along the newly built stone road to find the newly built hotel in Maro Town.

Then, the moment he entered the room, Chen Qi lay down on the soft bed with a thud.

I hope you can spend the next time well.

Chen Qi turned his head, looked at the water elf beside the bow, and slowly closed his eyes.

Half a month later, at noon, in the land of white trees.

The sky was gray, and the rolling dark clouds seemed to indicate the coming of a storm.

Chen Qi sat cross-legged on the roots of the white tree, digesting the knowledge he had gained these days.

At this moment, another prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[You have fully mastered the shadow feet, and your agility has increased by 8 points. You can add strength to your feet to achieve more powerful movements and more powerful kicking skills. 】

[You have fully mastered the Shadow Armor. You can instinctively gather energy in parts of your body to form an armor that can withstand attacks to withstand damage to your body. 】

"Finally finished……"

Chen Qi took a long breath.

In the past half month, he has been extremely honest, living a life of two o'clock and one line every day.

Get up in the morning and buy groceries.

Then go to the land of white trees and deal with the will-o'-the-wisp fish and sea clouds,

In the afternoon, practice skills, as well as the use of flesh-cutting, bone-breaking, and lingering fire touch.

Run a restaurant boat at night to make money and gain spiritual points.

Occasionally, I would visit Teacher An to practice my spiritual perception and help her with some trivial matters in Maruo Town.

However, these boring exercises were very fruitful... Chen Qi checked his panel again.

60 inspiration, 42 points of constitution, 28 points of strength, 34 points of agility!

Chen Qi lowered his head again and looked at the reflection in the water.

Calm and unhurried, he has the demeanor of a young master.

Although there is not much muscle growth on the outside, the bones and blood in his body have been qualitatively strengthened.

Relying on the extraordinary vegetables and the extraordinary fruits he obtained before, his physique has been able to compete with the cup-shaped second-level extraordinary people.

His whole life now is extremely fierce.

The increase in agility mainly comes from the physical skill cards. Before and after, a total of 15 points of agility were added.

Inspiration has not been improved. At 60 points of inspiration, his natural inspiration is too high. Unless he obtains calligraphy props, it will be difficult to increase it.

The current panel properties are considered to be quite balanced hexagonal panels.

As a newly promoted second-level transcendent, this is already a pretty good attribute.

Based on the attributes on the panel alone, he can already fight against late second-order extraordinary beings, and even third-order extraordinary beings with weak foundations.

If coupled with the touch of lingering fire and the ability to cut flesh and bones, it can even resist ordinary third-level transcendental beings head-on!

"Perhaps, I can now have a chance with An, who doesn't use large-scale spells."

Chen Qi recalled these days of practicing with An.

Unlike what he imagined, An did not fight with him, but taught him the boring practical skills of spiritual perception.

An originally wanted to teach Chen Qi the meditation method, but found that Chen Qi's inspiration perception reached an astonishing 60 points!

An sighed from time to time. In her opinion, if Chen Qi had inspiration, he could be among the top students in the calligraphy department of the Royal University of Beiguo.

Unfortunately, Chen Qi had chosen his only criterion and could not become a calligrapher.

In An's eyes, Chen Qi was still too weak, so she did not conduct practical training with Chen Qi, but only conducted some basic courses.

An mainly taught Chen Qi how to rely on powerful spiritual perception and cooperate with his own five senses to master the prediction of the enemy's intentions.

Under An's practice, combined with perception and dynamic vision, Chen Qi can now predict the enemy's moves before the enemy's moves are formed.

At this time, Deep Sea Elf No. 3 swam over:

"Waku Waku (Master! Your newspaper!)"


Chen Qi took the newspaper.

These days, because he was fully devoted to improving his own abilities, he could only learn about the little crow, the ghost ship, and other things through newspapers.

Chen Qi opened the White Dove Times.

"The emperor of the Blood Blade Pirates has become seriously ill, and Mrs. Blood has become the actual ruler."

"The mysterious vortex near the coast, the super crack leading to another world?"

"Reporter Pelle interviewed the ghost captain, and the ghost captain said that he would slaughter merchant ships wantonly! They are bound to become the king of the coast!"

They are all some boring news. Is there still no news about the little crows... Chen Qi put away the White Dove Times and turned to look at the Witch Times.

"Mrs. Blood is suspected to have been bewitched by the aunt and murdered her husband, the Blood Emperor!"

"The famous teacher of the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom will teach you how to taste seafood with your body~"

"Sexual physiognomy professional divination! The divination questionnaire designed by the famous fortune teller will help you choose the right sexual physiognomy."

Chen Qi looked at the Witch Times, which were all conspiracy theories or marginal news.

Although there is no nutrition, it has surpassed the White Dove Times in sales.

Since there was no big news and the Witch of Flowers was not found, the sales of the White Dove Times dropped rapidly.

In the tavern in Maro Town, the sales of the Witch Times have far exceeded those of the White Dove Times.

Chen Qi put down the newspaper. At present, it seems that the actions of the Little Crows are still a mystery.

"Woo woo woo..."

What sound? Chen Qi turned his head and looked into the distance.

On the sea, a large amount of fresh blood was flowing.

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