This medicine is so strong, the spiritual energy in my body surges out like crazy, and the effect covers my other medicines, and the healing medicine is far superior to the medicines on the black market...

During the battle, Little Crow quickly suppressed the doubts in his heart and punched again!

Time is tight now, we can’t think about these things!

There is only one thing on her mind right now, and that is to kill the ice golem in front of her!

Meteor punch!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The little crow smiled ferociously. She could only enjoy the pain of the medicine eroding herself, ignoring the screams from her body and punching out one punch after another.

Death covered in blood and soil is not an honor!

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The ice golem was defeated steadily.

Well done, little crow... Chen Qi opened his shadow feet, and fluffy shadow hair appeared under his shoes, and quickly approached behind the ice golem.

Perfect timing for output!

Chen Qi quickly lit the black knife in his hand.

cut! cut! cut!

Clang clang clang clang clang clang!

The ice golem's engine roared loudly. At this moment, it was attacked from both sides and could not move or even punch.

In the intensive rain-like offensive, the engine of the ice golem's body roared loudly again.

Last energy, start!

An unprecedented heat spread to Chen Qi's hands.

The golem's engine melted!

Generally speaking, the appearance of this move means that the life of the golem is about to disappear like the candle in the wind!

"Final blow!"

Chen Qi stepped on the demon statue's body and jumped into the air!

Shadow Blade Slash and Dragon Slash!

The scalding black fire flows from top to bottom, like a meat-sawing knife, tearing apart the rune boulder above the ice golem's head.

The little crow also shouted loudly:


The little crow with red eyes no longer hesitated. She took a deep breath and threw her strongest punch at the cost of damaging her bones.

Explosive punch!


The two of them completed this earth-shattering blow almost at the same time! Then pull away quickly!


The ice golem also released the huge power of its engine at this moment!

Along with a roar, huge wind and dust swept across this isolated island in an instant!

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the noisy island slowly returned to calm.

At this moment, only the sound of breathing is left, and the sound of breathing gradually becomes calm——

"Whirring whirring……"

The little crow vomited blood and struggled to get up, but it was unsteady and finally fell to the ground with a thud.

The power of the potion was backfired on her body.

The experimental subjects who received the drug were only stronger for a while.

Have we won... She raised her head hard and looked at the center of the smoke.

In the legend, the Ice Witch was a nun, but she was a cold and ruthless witch.

What she likes most is to make those cultists feel the hope of victory and give them despair.

If the golem guard she set up also left other mechanisms behind, then...

"It doesn't seem to matter. To be able to reach this point, we are already good, not bad, very good..."

The little crow crawled forward with his hands, raised his head with difficulty, and looked into the distance.

On the body of the ice golem, stood a young man covered in dust and blood.


Little Crow said softly.

Chen Qi put the tattered golem engine into the card, then walked over and squatted down:

"Hey, little crow, if you can't hold on, just lie down on the ground for a while. With your current injury, you will die if you make any big movements."

Little Crow is a drug addict, and his fighting style is so reckless that he is like a berserker.

From the beginning to the end, Little Crow was facing off against the extremely powerful ice demon, looking like he was killing him.

If she continues to fight, she may not turn into a female berserker who only thinks about killing.

Chen Qi took out the healing potion from the backpack card, opened the cork, and then gently placed it on the little crow's mouth:

"Drink some medicine and take your time first."

Then, he picked up Little Crow's arm and wrapped a bandage on it.

Why do you call me little crow? Do I look weak? Also, it hurts... The little crow lying on the ground opened his mouth and took a sip of the potion.

A warm feeling gradually spread throughout the body, and the pain in the body gradually weakened.

At this time, the little crow slowly raised his head and asked curiously:

"Qi, where did the medicine you just took...come from?"

Although Little Crow's main field of research is sea beast research, he also has good pharmaceutical skills.

In order to be able to unleash the strongest combat power, the medicines she left for herself in her backpack were all good products from pharmacists on the black market.

Due to the relationship between the drug-receiving test subjects, Little Crow has rich experience in drug testing.

She originally thought that what Chen Qi threw to her was some weird potion.

Under normal circumstances, she would not drink Chenqi's potions at all, because the effects of these potions would most likely be overridden by her powerful medicine.

However, the potion that Chen Qi just gave her was actually more effective than the potion that she carefully prepared!

However, even the simplest healing potion is superior.

Especially Dragon Breath Potion, which is an extremely rare potion. Although the medicinal materials are easy to obtain, there are very few pharmacists who can make Dragon Breath Potion!

These potions often do not fall into the hands of ordinary people.

Could it be that the potions merged with each other and produced new effects?

She believed in the efficacy of these potions and even said they were made by the Flower Witch!

Now, is it time to ask this question... Chen Qi thought for a while and replied:

"I relied on cooking and working with a top pharmacist to get the medicine."

"We are both about to die, and you still lied to me..."

the little crow retorted.


With that said, the little crow drank the potion and got up hard:

"Qi, now, it is estimated that the White Cloak has almost completed the ceremony, and they have no time to care about us. Do you have any last words for me..."

The corners of Little Crow's mouth were bleeding. At this moment, she had given up hope of living and stared at Chen Qi.

Damn guy, full of secrets!


This little girl is so young, why does she think about her last words every day? Chen Qi was slightly speechless:

"Cheer up, little crow. When we go back, I'll rub the deep sea elf for you!"

Chen Qi could tell that as a deep-sea controller, the little crow had long wanted to hug the deep-sea elf, rub it hard, and suck it hard.

Rub it for me... Little Crow looked at Water Elf No. 1 who was blocking her from the gun.

Under the impact of the golem, it had turned into a water elf ice cake!

"Don't worry, you'll recover after a dip."

Chen Qi said, picking up the Deep Sea Spirit No. 1.

"You two, you are very strong! But, can we talk later?"

Suddenly, a knight with a triangular helmet interrupted their conversation and appeared behind them.

Taking advantage of the situation... Chen Qi turned his head.

"damn it……"

The little crow knocked the ground with his fist.

The triangular helmet knight captain glanced at the shattered ice golem:

"You two, you two are really strong. If it were somewhere else, I would quite like to get to know you two, but I am a hunter, and hunters must follow the orders of my employer.

And you two are very suitable to be sacrifices. "

Sacrifice...the little crow gritted his teeth.

This damn white cloak actually wants to drive them all away!

Although they won, judging from the results, their situation became even worse.

Chen Qi put the weapon on his waist and was no longer polite:

"Hey, dog in white cloak, let me remind you, this is the monster sealed by the Ice Witch. If it is really born, not only us, but you will also die.

Your dog's life is more important than your employer's orders, isn't it? "

The captain of the triangular helmet knight said coldly:

"In the Poseidon Pirates, orders are both orders and fate. Little captain, our lives are not in our hands from the beginning. Before we make it, we can witness the arrival of the deep sea monsters. Why not?"

As he spoke, he made a 'please' gesture.

I really want to see it coming... Chen Qi asked:

"Little crow?"

The little crow tried hard to take a step forward and said weakly:

"Let's go take a look..."

Chen Qi took Little Crow's right hand, supported Little Crow, and walked toward the altar deep in the valley.

They walked through the dust of tragic defeat and stepped on the long ladder.

Finally, we reach the high point of the valley, where the altar is located.

On the empty altar, the white cloak had arranged everything.

The circular formation built with black blood is a sacrifice of the ancient deep sea.

Octopus brains from the deep sea, a large amount of precious black whale blood, as well as the Sea Crown of the Poseidon Order, the butterfly powder of the Dream Butterfly, and the awakening song of the Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom Band...

Everything is ready, all that's left is the infusion of spiritual power.

White Cloak knelt on the ground and murmured:

"The ice witch's seal, eroded by hundreds of years, is no longer able to withstand my virtual phase technique."

"In the end, our Poseidon Pirates won. Even the Ice Witch could not escape the pursuit of Death with the Lamp. All we could do was to set up some weak seals..."

Little Crow's hands were shaking slightly.

White Cloak turned around and looked at Chen Qi and Little Crow:

"Two of you, the ancient existences of the deep sea are not uncontrollable. They are not just simple beasts. They are symbols of certain emotions and power. In the legend, the existence I am about to summon represents a dream.

And those who give him sacrifices will receive blessings from the deep sea. "

Fantasy... Chen Qi touched his chin.

At this time, White Cloak continued:

"However, as a symbol of fantasy, it longs for those who have illusions and those who have hope, and the sacrifice must also have hope."

The white cloak put his hands on the ground and injected his own spiritual power and blood:

"You two, tell me your last words. I will fulfill all your last wishes for you."

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