Fireworks, how do you know I like to watch fireworks... Little Crow buried his head, covering his face as much as possible, glanced at Chen Qi secretly, and asked:

"You brought fireworks?"

This kind of beautiful thing that blooms in an instant and disappears in an instant was something she loved to watch with her grandma when she was a child.

However, in Beiguo, fireworks are only set off during the New Year or major festivals.

At sea, some people also use fireworks as a way to call for help.

Did Chen Qi bring fireworks with him on his trip?

No, I didn’t bring any fireworks with me... Chen Qi raised his head, looked at the sky, and explained:

"After the dream beast dies, the burning corpse falls from the sky, just like falling fireworks. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be some interesting scenes, you know?

When the dream beast dies, it will form a mirage-like scene, in which you can also see people's dreams, such as your dream, the white cloak's dream..."

"Seeing the fireworks of dreams..."

Xiaowu imagined it, she had never heard anything related to it.

And why do you know so much about the dream beast?

Why are you so sure that the dream beast will die?

However, it sounds quite romantic... Little Crow asked in a low voice:

"Why did the dream beast die?"

Chen Qi estimated the time and briefly explained.

At present, outside the crack, it should be morning, that is to say, daylight is high in the sky.

The daylight of the new sun world has the power to dispel filth and disasters. Most of the disasters caused by cracks will be burned to ashes by the daylight.

Moreover, Chen Qi vaguely felt that the Ice Witch had set a second level of restriction on the Dream Beast.

This restriction is most likely 'oil'. Once the dream beast appears under the daylight, it will be quickly burned by the power of the day.

In other words, even a powerful being like the Dream Beast will be burned up by the huge flames the moment it arrives.

The Poseidon Pirates thought they could lift the seal, but after the seal was lifted, the dream beast couldn't even survive for more than a day and disappeared in an instant.

The Ice Witch is truly a terrifying existence... Chen Qi thought to himself, hoping that this witch who specializes in killing humanoid monsters would be able to revive later.

Perhaps, all this was expected by the Ice Witch.

If the Ice Witch was still alive, with his current strength, he wouldn't be able to hit her with even one finger.

If he really encountered the Ice Witch, he would be fucked to death several times by the Ice Witch, and he might even be hung up and tortured.

Fortunately, the current Ice Witch should still be lying in a dusty coffin, and she has not aroused the hostility of the official organization.

The Ice Witch shouldn't be resurrected that easily.

Why do you know so much... Little Crow blinked.

How on earth did they catch this guy on the Saw Shark back then!

No, I must pry open his mouth... The little crow tried hard to make his voice seductive:

"How do you know about the Dream Beast?"

Chen Qi felt the peaceful sea breeze:

"I once took the calligraphy exam at the Royal University of Beiguo. I also read related books and accidentally learned about the Dream Beast."

The little crow bit his lip:

"The entrance examination of Peigu Royal University still tests these?"

Ordinary extraordinary people will never encounter the dream beast in this life!

Yes, they actually took the test, and there was also a theoretical test about encountering dream beasts... Chen Qi answered seriously:

"You should understand that universities in Bei Country always test some knowledge that you will never need in your lifetime."


Although Little Crow felt something was wrong, he still nodded seriously and thought about how to continue asking.

no! Damn the Riddler!

Perhaps, only if she becomes a fourth-level legend can she ask his secret.

Wait, Meng... Little Crow vaguely noticed something.

At this time, Water Elf No. 3 jumped out from behind Chen Qi.

"Wakuwaku (Master! Master! I found it!)"

At this moment, Water Elf No. 3 was holding a pile of yellowed paper.

I wish there were designs for Hai Deng here... Chen Qi immediately took the papers and flipped through them.

Water Elf No. 3 is illiterate, and most of the papers are newspapers from the old era.

The newspaper tells the story of a time when the entire Witch Sea fell into chaos during the dark days.

"There's none……"

Chen Qi searched hard and finally saw dense engineering design drawings in a newspaper.

"Lanterns, energy-driven devices, and special deep blue stones..."

Design drawing of sea lantern!

[Investigator from afar, you have found the design of the ‘Sea Lantern’. 】

mission completed!

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Chen Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart.

In this operation, he almost didn't kill the mobs, and wanted to improve the evaluation of the crack. This is the key to the crack!

"Well done! Three!"

Chen Qi excitedly put Water Elf No. 3 on his lap and gently touched its elastic and soft little head.

Unexpectedly, No. 3, who is usually inconspicuous, actually has a special talent in finding items.


Water Elf Three made a happy sound.

Chen Qi carefully looked at the design drawings in the newspaper.

The sea lantern is an energy lamp specially designed for night use. It is not only waterproof, but can also repel shadow demons, evil birds, black beards and many other monsters.

Moreover, the material used is the deep blue ore from the common D-level hammer phase crack ‘blue crystal mine’.

The price of deep blue ore is not low, but if the sea lamp can really dispel the shadow demon, its material is already quite cheap compared to other similar products.

The energy lamp that specifically dispels the shadow demon is an extremely rare creation.

Good stuff... Chen Qi briefly summarized it.

With the advent of the ‘Laughing Moon Period’ on the sea, his ship also needs a large area of ​​‘exorcism lamps’.

If the design of the sea lamp has been lost, perhaps he can still find the relevant department to exchange for money, or even more expensive items.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Bonfire Energy Company has no better products.

Chen Qi put the design of the sea lamp into the backpack card.

At this time, the crack in the sky also cracked.

The dream beast sang.

With the complete shattering of the crack, the blazing day in the sky sprinkled warm sunshine, gently sprinkled on the beach, and sprinkled on the two people.

The sun is so warm and comfortable... The little crow patted his little face.

As the only survivors, the prompt quickly popped up in front of them.

[The rift is being settled...]

Chen Qi rubbed his hands excitedly.

The only pity is that in this rift, he almost didn't kill any monsters. The only thing he defeated was the statue made by the Ice Witch.

I hope I can get a good evaluation...

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