Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 186 Evolve! Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1!

I would have such a dream...

Chen Qi was slightly puzzled.

Although he has an affinity for the deep sea, to be honest, as a normal player, he is not very interested in tentacles, nor is he interested in kidnapping innocent merchant ships.

You know, the final result of appearing on the sea in this image is that he will be treated as a heretic on the sea by the Beiguo Meteorological Bureau.

But, it must be explained, otherwise...Chen Qi imitated the opening move of the Flower Witch and said, shaking his hands:

"Do you know?

In our Beiguo Witch Sea area, there are many mysterious legends, among which there are some unpopular legends, such as the legend about the man in yellow. It is said that on the sea, the man in yellow can extinguish the storm, which is the nightmare of fishermen.

According to the "Dream Study" by the well-known book lamp dreamer Flo, dreams are usually chaotic, opposite, and complicated.

So, these are all normal, and everything you see is also false. I have no idea of ​​becoming an ancient god of the deep sea."

Chen Qi finished a paragraph in one breath and explained hard.


The little crow took a deep breath and showed a slightly thoughtful expression.

Although Chen Qi thought this was a little abnormal.

But as a doctor, she thought it was too normal.

She was a doctor after all. Although the degree of perversion in Beiguo was far less than that of the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom, it was also unique in terms of brain circuits.

Many people have the dream of becoming a natural disaster at sea.

But in fact, the human-shaped deep-sea natural disasters in the Witch Sea often die quickly.

The little crow smiled calmly and said in a calm doctor's tone:

"People with sea beast disease have a chance to dream about these things. I can understand. When I was a child, I also dreamed that I grew crow wings, cat ears, devil horns, tentacles, etc. I also wanted to become a disaster witch and rule the world. There are also some strange diseases, such as biting my fingers and arms..."


Wait... Chen Qi looked at the picture in the distance and found a clue.

Ten points, there must be eleven points wrong!

In simple terms, his face is a little round, a little handsome, and his figure is very tall.

I can beautify myself in my dreams? Is this scientific?

Moreover, the expressions of enjoyment of these people entangled by tentacles are also wrong!

It's about like this: (\u003e v \u003c)!

Why do I feel that this expression is a little familiar...

There is a blind spot!

I only saw the scene in the distance.

Suddenly, a huge deep-sea elf jumped out of the sea and fell into the hands of the man in yellow.

Then, the man in yellow began to touch the little head of the water elf with his hands frantically, and at the same time, the tentacles loosened from these people.

And all the people on the merchant ship who were loosened by the tentacles showed jealous eyes!

Then, Water Elf No. 3 showed an expression of '(\u003e v \u003c)'.

In the hearts of water elves, no one doesn't like the master's comfortable massage techniques.


It turned out that this was the dream of Water Elf No. 3. Was it because of the form of the black hunter... Chen Qi fell into thinking, and then looked at the Deep-sea Water Elf No. 3 in his hand.

Deep Sea Elf No. 3 shivered shyly and showed a happy expression:

"Wakuwaku (Master! So handsome!)"

Chen Qi coughed twice and said seriously:

"Let me reiterate that this is the dream of the water elf. I am a serious adventurer on the sea. I don't have any boring ideas. It has nothing to do with me..."

He said, how could he have such a strange dream!


Am I being tricked... The little crow was silent for a long time, and then said:

"I don't have those strange ideas either. Those are the ideas of my friend Siren. She thinks about becoming a sea monster every day and capturing all the men in the Witch Sea."

"Huh? Friend?"

"Well... I have a friend."

The little crow smiled slightly and pretended that she didn't say anything.

Chen Qi smiled and looked at the sea in the distance.

To be honest, although the little crow looked strange, it was actually much more normal than he imagined.

Countless dreams burned in the flames.

Joking, the two sat on the beach like sitting in a movie theater, watching those illogical and extremely vague movies in the distance.

White Cloak dreamed that he received the gift of the Dream Beast and became an evil being on the sea. Finally, in the storm, he turned into a shadow demon of the abyss.

Little Crow dreamed that he was admitted to the medical school of the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom and made a lot of money. At the same time, he was not recruited by the Intelligence Bureau of Bei Kingdom, but became an excellent fourth-level cup phase legendary healer, but stayed in a small town as a village doctor.

She also dreamed that she performed human alchemy and resurrected her deceased grandmother and deceased relatives at the cost of losing her arm.

There was also a dream of the Dream Beast, in which Chen Qi and the Dream Beast merged and evolved into a natural disaster that swallowed the sea.

And Chen Qi was surprised to find that his dream was actually a battle with a huge finger of the deep-sea hunter, and finally defeated the finger of the deep-sea hunter after a difficult fight.

Not only that, but he also relied on the water elves to develop the massage industry and hot spring services, and relied on the offshore overlord to develop the bodyguard business, making a lot of money, and finally captured the legendary creature Sea Lantern Fox, and finally stayed at home, became a big merchant in Beiguo, promoted to the fourth-level legend, and enjoyed the dream of life.

When the little crow saw it, he was stunned, and believed more and more that dreams were strange.

"I actually had such a strange dream..."

Chen Qi smiled.

In addition, there were illusions from other strangers.

In the flames in the distance, a woman wearing white noble light armor and a high ponytail led a little girl with flowers on her arms out of the monastery many centuries ago. With only a self-defense dagger, she killed an adult blood moon sea dragon.

In the huge waves, the lightly armored woman stood on the back of the sea dragon full of spines and slowly opened her eyes.

In the blazing flames, her blood-stained eyes seemed to cross time and space, staring at them...

"Ice Witch..."

The little crow recognized the person in the flames. Her appearance was the legendary Ice Witch.

Nowadays, the Ice Witch in people's impression is a god who blesses safe sea voyages like the goddess of the sea, but in some history books, the reason why the Ice Witch is called a witch is because of her bloody and cruel fighting mode.

The Ice Witch specializes in killing the evils on the sea!

"I won't be targeted, will I?"

The more the little crow thought about it, the colder she felt. She was now one of the masterminds of summoning the Dream Beast. In terms of reputation, she would soon surpass the Black Hunter.

"Don't worry..."

Chen Qi looked carefully at the distant picture and fell into thought.

The people around the Ice Witch were mostly young Flower Witches.

When they were young, Flower Witches didn't have many flowers. They looked quite cold. How come they became so humorous when they grew up?

In other words, this period of time happened more than ten years ago.

As the flames continued to burn, a man in a blood-stained robe stood on a small boat.

The person the Ice Witch was staring at was not them, but the Blood Hunter of the Black Whale Group in the depths of the Sea of ​​Mist. Behind the Blood Hunter was a dark ship wrapped in chains.

This should be the battle between the Ice Witch and the Black Whale Group... Chen Qi thought.

At this time, the flames slowly became smaller, and the dream slowly disappeared...

The blood hunter will hunt all betrayers... The little crow subconsciously bit his finger.

"It's almost time."

Chen Qi glanced at the time and stretched his body.

They had to leave quickly. Although the Dream Beast was dead, the huge impact it caused would inevitably attract the attention of the Beiguo Meteorological Bureau.

"Next, we have to recycle the Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1..."

Chen Qi looked at the sea.

Where is the Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1? No. 1 should have been resurrected with full blood, right?

Chen Qi looked at the sea in the distance.

After No. 1 was revived, it swam around in the sea. It looked around curiously on the sea, especially the dream of its master.

Suddenly, a blue crystal rich in deep sea breath caught its attention.

What was that, was it the drop of the Dream Beast, or something else... Chen Qi raised a question.

"Wakuwaku (delicious!)"

However, before Chen Qi could react, Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1 excitedly swam towards the deep sea crystal, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed it in one gulp.



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