At this moment, the warships of the Black Pig Shark and the Black Whale Pirates were sandwiched from both sides!

Someone had to pay the price of his life to escape from this encirclement!

Levin also took out his shotgun, his eyes full of despair:

"It's over."

The deep-sea elves without the command of No. 1 were running around everywhere. The damn Black Pig Shark dared to attack his master!

The whole house ship was in chaos, and the situation of the Blood Blade Pirates was not optimistic.

The red-haired younger brother behind Fenrir said in panic:

"Brother Fenrir, we have no way out. We need a bait team. I am willing to take the initiative to become a bait!!"

Bait... Fenrir clenched the wolf tooth broadsword in his hand.

Soon, the Black Pig Shark will start the next round of attack, and the Black Whale Pirate Ship will also start the next round of bombardment.

At this time, the best choice is to send a team with the ability to fight alone at sea to attract the Black Whale Pirate Ship or the Black Pig Shark to buy time for them to escape.

However, in the final analysis, this requires extremely strong personal sea combat capabilities.

"We need to organize at least ten people, and they must all be above the second level, and have experience in fighting sea beasts! It is best if they all have the ability to walk on water!"

"My water combat capabilities are too weak, and our ships can't gather together to resist the black whale shark..."

Fenrir racked his brains and thought.

Who has strong sea combat capabilities?

Black Hunter.

Unless the Black Hunter joins them!

In the Siren Gorge, the Black Hunter demonstrated a strong sea combat capability. If the Black Hunter joins, perhaps they can really break through the siege.

However, as a price, at this moment, the Black Hunter must also give up his ship! This ship burning with ghost fire!

But is the Black Hunter really willing to sacrifice himself and become a bait... Fenrir turned his head again, ready to seek Chen Qi's help.

However, in the next scene, his pupils suddenly contracted.

I saw Chen Qi standing on one foot beside the boat, with the tentacles behind him twisting excitedly, looking down at the black pig shark under the seabed, as if admiring a prey.

Killing intent... Fenrir was startled, he could not see the fear he should have in the eyes of the black hunter.

And, most importantly, the black pig shark, which should have continued to attack, kept retreating, kept retreating, and kept making warning roars!

Black pig shark, is it afraid... Fenrir couldn't help but clench his big knife.

"Black Hunter, please listen to me..."

"Fenrir, let your crew stop the shells, and then you follow my orders, I will deal with this big guy in the sea."


Fenrir was stunned, the other party actually tried to compete with him for command!

"No. 3, now, stop the ship!"

"Wakuwaku (Yes, Master!)"

No. 3, who has been getting smarter recently, slowed down the speed of the ship.

Chen Qi faced the sea breeze, jumped off the boat, and stood lightly on the sea.

Now, after mastering the sea walking, he no longer needs the water spirit version of water walking to walk on this sea.

Chen Qi stood firmly on the sea, ripples appeared on the soles of his feet, and the black cloak danced with the waves, as if it had merged with the turbulent sea.

"Jump off the boat on your own initiative..."

At this moment, Fenrir was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

What a joke?

The sea is the territory of sea beasts, and humans, because they have ships, have the qualifications to compete with sea beasts.

The water walking that the wizard is proud of is only a baby's crawling under the unparalleled speed of the black boar shark in the sea.

Taking the initiative to fall on the sea surface is tantamount to cutting off his own arms.

Chen Qi swung his long knife.

Although it was a bit reckless, this land called the sea was the most suitable place for him to fight.

At this moment, the use of deep-sea affinity is no longer affinity, but a threat.

In Chen Qi's eyes, the black boar shark is not that dangerous.

The fear of the deep sea is not invalid.

To be exact, it was covered.

Chen Qi's eyes were burning with the fire of battle.

This should be the first time he met a serious tamer in the New Sun World, a popular profession in the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom!

Among tamers, the most common one is the bond flow.

The third-level ability of the tamer is the bond contract, which can sign a contract with a pet with high affinity, and then feel the consciousness of the pet, pass one's own thoughts to the pet out of thin air, and use one's own ability to strengthen the pet, and at the same time, let the pet gain more possibilities.

In the continuous adventure, the pet will become stronger and stronger, and will actively protect the owner. Even at the fourth level, the pet can achieve evolution beyond the limit.

But in addition to this, there are many schools of the underworld for tamers, such as the control flow, that is, through various means, to strengthen the bond contract and transform it into a control contract.

Especially when facing powerful beasts, the conventional bond flow is useless.

Only chains and restraints can drive these terrifying beasts.

The black boar shark was bound by the chain, so it had the courage to take the initiative to attack Chen Qi.

Chen Qi kept moving forward, and his long knife gently cut through the water.

Although the control flow seemed powerful, it concealed a huge hidden danger.

That is, the control flow often implanted a special control chain in the body of the beast.

Once the chain was destroyed, the contract of the tamer would be meaningless.

The status of owners and pets will also be instantly reversed.

Just now, Chen Qi had seen chains stained with blood from the wounds of the black pig shark.

The opponent buried the control chain into the body of the black pig shark.

He must let the black pig shark understand who is the master of this sea area.

Interesting, instead of retreating, he actually dared to move forward... The shark keeper silently stretched out his five fingers:

"I am really looked down upon. There is no need to be afraid, pig shark, bite him to pieces!"


The black pig shark made a huge sound of pain, and the scarlet color in its eyes was even worse!

It opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Chenqi under an order that could not be disobeyed. Huge waves rose from the sea, like a huge sea train!

This is one of Black Pig Shark's strongest moves!

Pig Shark Train!

Chen Qi didn't retreat at all.

The moment the pig shark was frightened by attacking him, his trainer had already lost control of the pig shark.

The moment the pig shark approached him, Chen Qi let out a breath, turned his hand slightly, and took a step forward. A jet-black flame ignited from the tip of the knife.

The embers bloom! Take the Blade of Fury!

Shadow Blade Slash. Big Spiral!

The blade ignited a huge black flame, and the tentacles on Chen Qi's clothes were like countless spider arms, piercing into the pig shark's skin, and combined with his body and blade to form an extremely fast spinning slash.

The body rotated with the blade, and in just a few breaths, ten gyrations struck the pig shark's body.

The huge black flame was like a continuous spiral blade, violently tearing apart the wounds on the pig shark's body, as well as the internal chains.


Chen Qi exhaled, and the flames behind him gradually dissipated with his breath.

It's over... He turned back silently, wiped the shark blood off his face, and walked towards his house boat.

The pig shark instantly collapsed on the sea surface.

The shark farmer in the distance was shocked when he saw this scene. The pig shark he controlled, the strongest move, Pig Shark Train, was actually evaded!

However, he still stretched out his bloody finger.

The black hunter has some abilities, but this power is far from being able to defeat his black pig shark. His black pig shark is very strong and cannot be injured by the blade...


"Wakuwaku (water bomb!)"

Before the shark keeper could issue the control command, he was attacked in the face by Water Elf No. 4 and blasted directly into the sea.

The shark keeper extended his hand.

"Ola Ola!"

Water Elf No. 4 slammed the shark keeper into the sea.


The shark keeper struggled in the sea. He grabbed Water Elf No. 4 and threw it into the sea.

"Damn it, even a mere water elf dares to attack me."

Then he climbed back onto the boat and prepared to drive the black pig shark again.

Now, he wants everyone to feel the anger of the black pig shark! Feel the wrath of the sea!

And the moment he raised his head, the black pig shark had turned back, its scarlet eyes aimed at him.

The shark keeper instantly felt a strong murderous intention.

"I am your master! Lord—"


Before the shark keeper could finish speaking, he was already in the huge mouth of the black pig shark accompanied by huge waves.


Blood spilled on the sea.

The restraints have been lifted…

If it is an ordinary situation, if you want to get the black pig shark out of control, you will need a deeper attack.

However, the moment the black pig shark saw Chen Qi, it began to break away from the shark keeper and tried to hug Chen Qi.

And the moment it attacked Chen Qi, it had already begun to repent and feel fear.

It's so fragile, it's gone now... Chen Qi turned back silently and walked towards the ship.

You know, the third-level animal trainers in the Kingdom of Golden Flowers and Birds have the strength to fight giant dragons.

This shark keeper was actually knocked over by the water blast bomb of the deep sea elf, and he had no power to fight back against the black pig shark.

As a beast tamer, he doesn't even have basic fighting skills, and he can't even master his own pet beast. He is unqualified... Chen Qi, who is a professional beast tamer, commented.

Sure enough, there is still a huge gap between the beast trainers of the Bei Kingdom and the beast trainers of the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom.

The shark keeper's animal training skills are intangible and unintended. Let's practice them again in the next life.

Chen Qi cut off the flesh and bones and put it away, then walked slowly back to his small house boat on the waves.

At this moment, Fenrir, who was watching the show on the bow of the ship, and the crew members of the Blood Blade Pirates were already confused.

What just happened? Why is the shark farmer gone? Why did the black pig shark look back? Why can the black hunter be so calm?

Didn't it say that in the newspaper? Is the Flower Witch at the top and the Black Hunter at the bottom?

For a moment, they didn't know how to express their feelings at the moment, how to organize their own language, how to describe the black hunter's manipulation.

Only Levin subconsciously screamed:

"Fuck me!"

Thank you Mo Se Fuyun for the 500 reward to the Deep Water Elf. Thank you very much for your subscription and monthly pass! !

ps: There may be a lot of typos, please correct them immediately! Recently, I have been a little anxious and restless about finding a job, and I have been struggling a bit with updating and writing. Now I finally found a job and became a part-time author, trying to get rid of these twelve o'clock updates.

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