Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 202 The Terrifying Deep Sea Water Spirit


Chen Qi looked at Levin in confusion.

Levin rubbed his hands tenderly:

"Captain, you should know that the White Pigeon Newspaper will give a large reward to those who provide clues. According to my observation, these Blood Blade Pirates will also pass the news to the newspaper, and I also want to-"

Levin whispered:

"Captain, I want to make some extra money!"

Although he gained a valuable skill card in this operation.

But in order to board Chen Qi's pirate ship, he rented a steamboat.

Levin wanted to exchange a little money from the White Pigeon Newspaper through "first-hand information".

Chen Qi thought for a while.

There is no doubt that the black pig shark is one of the big monsters that endanger the waters of Black Mine City.

In the port of Black Mine City, people are in panic because of the black pig shark.

And now, he defeated the shark breeder and seriously injured the black pig shark. Although it can't be called a big event, it is also a positive news.

Levin, you shouldn't dare to say anything.

It just so happens that this report can save his reputation.

As the tide of the crack continues to deepen, more and more forces will arrive at the sea of ​​cracks, especially those that specialize in hunting monsters.

At this time, a good reputation is still particularly important.

Levin will never say bad things about me, my reputation may be saved... Chen Qi nodded inwardly.

After getting a positive answer, Levin turned around and clenched his fist excitedly:


Chen Qi looked at the happy people of the Blood Blade Pirates and drank a small sip of red wine.

This atmosphere of defeating a strong enemy and celebrating together is pretty good.

After the Blood Blade Pirates finished dealing with the matter, Chen Qi stood up, said goodbye to Fenrir, and returned to his houseboat.

Finally, he sent Levin back to the original place, and then returned to his small houseboat.



After sending Levin away, Chen Qi canceled the ghost ship mode of the small houseboat, took off the touch of the remaining fire, and then changed into the chef's clothes.

"So tired——"

Chen Qi returned to the bedroom and stretched his muscles.

The remaining fire bloomed, and the damage to the body caused by the Blade of Rage was more serious than he had imagined.

Just one knife consumed a lot of his energy.

Body aches often come from overwork.

"Wakuwaku (Master! Do you want a massage?)"

Deep Sea Water Elves No. 4 and No. 5 jumped up and down. They had become professional masseurs under Chen Qi's training.

"No, you should also have a good rest——"

Chen Qi touched the obedient water elf and went to the room of Deep Sea Water Elves No. 1.

"I don't know how No. 1 is doing?"

Chen Qi slowly opened the door of the water elf's room, and the moment he opened the door, a huge blood-red eye was aimed at him.

That eye was extremely red, and it looked like stars and flesh and blood gathered together! Thousands of eyes twisted and stared at him!


Pillar of the Abyss?

Chen Qi woke up instantly, quickly retreated, and pulled out the black knife!

The next second, these countless blood eyes rushed towards him like a huge wave!

Chen Qi retreated quickly, but the space in the houseboat was too small, and he had no place to hide.

It was too fast... He could only rely on instinct and take out the long knife!

The next moment, the wave submerged him!

But to his surprise, there was no pain, and no mental pollution.

Instead, Chen Qi felt a soft and bouncy feeling in his head.


Chen Qi blinked and took away the thing that blocked his vision.

I saw that a very elastic deep-sea elf was hugging his head.

"Wakuwaku! ω! (Master!)"

Number One? Chen Qi looked at the soft deep-sea elf number one in his hand with a surprised look.

Deep-sea elf number one finally woke up.

It actually successfully digested the power of the Dream Beast... Chen Qi was overjoyed!

You know, even with the bonus of the tamer, it is difficult for a pet to digest the power of the Calamity Beast, even if it is just the power of the Fall.

And No. 1 actually digested the power of the Dream Beast in such a short time.

From the appearance, Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1 has almost no changes.

Among them, the only change is the change of the eyes!

In simple terms, it evolved from O^O to ω!

However, its power has been greatly improved.

"This is your masterpiece--"

Chen Qi looked at the countless black fog around the room, and countless twisted bright red eyes.

Illusion... Chen Qi touched it with a knife and cut through the illusion in front of him.

In other words, the Deep Sea Water Elf has the ability to create illusions!

Generally speaking, only the third-level Flower Hammer Magician can have the skill to create illusions.

However, illusions often have a huge weakness, that is, they will be immediately seen through when facing people with strong perception.

This is a special profession that restrains warriors but is restrained by mages.

My perception ability is not weak... Chen Qi looked carefully at the illusion around him.

As a person with high sensitivity, he was unable to recognize this illusion at the first time.

Chen Qi squatted down, and attached a very special spiritual power to the surface of the illusion, which could prevent others from peeping inside.

This spiritual power is like a small film that blocks people's perception outside!

"So strong!"

Chen Qi couldn't help but mutter.

You know, only a third-level illusion master can create this level of illusion!

"No. 1!"

"Wakuwaku (Master!)"

Chen Qi thought for a while and commanded:

"Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1, create the illusion of the Flower Witch."

"Wakuwaku (Understood, Master!)"

The Deep Sea Water Elf's eyes lit up, and a lot of blue light came out of his body.

Then, a squatting witch slowly raised her head and stood up from the ground.


Chen Qi looked at the 'Flower Witch' in front of him.

Her figure was tall and twisted, and her skin was like an ancient tree eroded by time, but it faintly revealed a decayed gray-green color, as if covered with a thin layer of oil paint.

The petals on her head had long lost their former brightness and became dim and twisted, but they still exuded a strange charm.


Chen Qi was shocked.

Rather than saying it was a flower witch, it was better to say it was a corrupt witch!

This is not right... Chen Qi, like an excellent Pokémon trainer, stretched out his hand again and commanded:

"No. 1! Create my illusion!"

"Wakuwaku (Master! Got it!)"

The Deep Sea Elf raised his head, and a blue light came out of his body.

Then, a black shadow emerged from the fog and slowly stood up.

His head was covered by a wide black hood, and the edge of the hood was covered with sharp tentacles, like a circle of black thorns, and under the tattered hunter's clothes, there were some twisted, indescribable black tentacles.

Moreover, there were a lot of dislocations in the joints and limbs, which made him even more terrifying.

Am I so scary... Chen Qi touched his chin.

"Wakuwaku (Master! How?)"

The Deep Sea Elf No. 1's eyes were full of stars.

Chen Qi thought for a moment.

The essence of illusion creation is to use spiritual power for 3D painting.

Therefore, not only the mastery of spiritual power is required, but also strong artistic ability.

And lack of basic artistic ability, it is easy to draw some terrifying paintings.

Many extremely terrifying paintings come from random graffiti.

As a pet, Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1 does not have the ability to draw "human structure" at all.

Therefore, it is very reasonable that the illusion created has a certain degree of "distortion".

However, being able to "distort" so horribly is also a skill... Chen Qi squatted down, smiled, and touched No. 1's head:

"Well done!"

As a pet, Deep Sea Water Elf No. 1 can do this, which is already very good.

You know, many professional illusionists find it difficult to generate these distorted and terrifying illusions.

In any case, he has a super "water elf" that can create illusions.

"Waku Waku!"

The Deep Sea Water Elf jumped happily and jumped onto Chen Qi's shoulder.

Chen Qi touched the Deep Sea Water Elf. After running for a long time, his energy has reached its limit.

He is going to take a good rest after practicing meditation.



Black Mine City, White Dove Newspaper Branch, dusk.

In the center of the newspaper office, there are several large wooden desks piled with newspaper drafts, documents and manuscripts.

Pelue tied her blonde hair into a ponytail, then picked up the camera she had been thinking about:

"Thank you, boss, I need a camera that can perfectly record everything now."

The newspaper owner is a thin middle-aged man, he shook his head:

"Pelue, this is a second-level light phase taboo sealed by the Federation, and it is also the only creation that your current body can withstand.

But this does not mean that you can face the monster in the deep sea like the Black Hunter alone. You must be thankful that you were not killed by the terrifying Black Hunter."

That is the benefactor of my newspaper...Pelue accepted the camera like a happy kitten:

"I know, I know, I came to the Black Mine City, so the biggest news in the Black Mine City! It must belong to our White Dove Newspaper!"

Pelue patted her chest confidently, making a crisp sound.

The newspaper owner sighed:

"Alas... Perlu, sales are important, but the current crack tide is enough to swallow us. You must be careful. You don't have to risk your life for a lamp reward."

"I know, boss, but in the tide, we in the White Tower Federation have no choice."

The energetic Perlu frowned for a moment, which was very rare.

Then, the newspaper owner looked at the time:

"By the way, Perlu, today is your induction day. There are two guests outside the door. They claim to have clues to big news. These two people are handed over to you."


Perlu nodded gently, took the camera, went downstairs, and pushed open the door of the newspaper.

And outside the door, two "intelligence agents" were waiting for her.

"Good afternoon, both of you."

Perlu bowed to the two people and handed them two chairs.

In front of her, there were two people who had been waiting for a long time.

A third-level extraordinary person, and a second-level extraordinary person.

A blond boy, and a man with a cloak...

Both of them looked anxious, and the cloaked man smelled so good... Perlu looked at the two with interest, then clapped her hands and said:

"You two, what information do you have? The White Dove Newspaper will pay you the corresponding reward based on your information."

It's the end of the month before I know it, thank you all for your subscriptions and monthly tickets!

ps: Sorry, I need to take half a day off, my condition is too bad, I need to make some adjustments, the next chapter is too weird, I confess or2 (pious)

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