Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 208 Gray Hunter's Mission

"Your strength is qualified. Come with me. I will take you to the meeting room of our Black Mine City Hunter Branch."

Tie Xiong straightened his collar, put away the idea of ​​showing off his muscles, and continued to move forward along the gravel path of the open-air training ground.

The last level...

Chen Qi wiped the sweat from his face and looked up at the sky.

The day was already blazing, and before he knew it, it was already noon.

It was indeed difficult to complete the professional assessment of the Hunter Association within one day.

Chen Qi followed Tie Xiong's footsteps and walked along the spiral staircase to the high-rise building of the association's headquarters.

A retro iron door appeared in front of them.

And at this moment, a gray mouse passed by his toes.

The boss is here! Tie Xiong immediately shed a drop of cold sweat, stopped, and finally said:

"Newcomer, let me remind you that at present, hunters are not what you imagined, and our boss is not easy to mess with."

Then, Tie Xiong put his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open:

"Today's time is just when we update the task. You go inside and find our branch association leader Gray Mouse. He will assign you a task."

Tie Xiong kindly reminded:

"Finally, I will give you a piece of advice. It is best to be in awe of our boss's words. Also, learn to refuse appropriately. There are some things that you cannot control."

In the Hunter Association, the more terrifying thing than being insulted and beaten by high-level people is to be involved in tasks that exceed one's own scale.

Gray Mouse... Chen Qi vaguely remembered this person. With the sound of the heavy iron door, he walked into the meeting room of the Hunter Association.

The Hunter Association is an organization that focuses on freedom. Its internal rules are extremely simple, that is, accepting tasks and then completing them.

Whoever completes more tasks, obtains more intelligence, and whoever is the boss of the Hunter Association organization.

Chen Qi looked around.

This was a conference room with a round table. Those sitting on the chairs were all third-level extraordinary people with status.

Before the rift tide, third-level extraordinary people were all powerful leaders.

However, at this moment, there were only three people at the round table. Most of the people were second-level extraordinary people standing.

Three third-level extraordinary people, and more than thirty second-level extraordinary people.

On the main seat of the round table was a hunter wearing a gray coat. He was wearing an old hunter's suit under the coat, and in his right hand, he was playing with a poor little gray mouse.

His face was not very old, about thirty years old, but his hair was already gray, and the exposed skin also showed a very scary old posture, like a shriveled bark.

The president of the Black Mine City Hunter Association branch, third-level shell blade profession, bounty hunter.

High-level shell profession... Chen Qi remembered this person.

The other party was also a well-known existence in Black Mine City, and also a very rare bounty hunter in the Witch Sea.

This is a special profession that can earn special currency by completing bounty tasks, and then exchange extraordinary items and attributes with the special alien merchant Greed.

As a third-level profession, it can already contact the special existence "Greed", and as a shell blade profession, it has extremely strong single-body combat capabilities.

And Gray Rat is a veteran bounty hunter, known as the Gray Hunter in the world!

Beiguo has a lot of knowledge about shells and hammers, and the blade often represents a strong frontal confrontation, and Gray Rat is undoubtedly the best among them.

Even if the touch of the embers is turned on, it is definitely not the opponent's opponent, and it may not even last for thirty seconds...

Chen Qi remembers that this branch director of the association is only one step away from becoming a fourth-level legend.

In addition, the network behind Gray Rat is very large. He is closely connected with the underground world sewers. At the same time, he has a very deep connection with a fourth-level legendary book card maker. In his hands, he has extremely special skill cards and a large number of general skill cards.

And these skill cards can only be obtained when completing major tasks in Black Mine City.

In addition, the gray rat is also the initiator of the sewer route. Through him, one can enter the underground map of the New Sun World, the ‘sewer’.

A key figure in the Black Mine City.

Why would he appear in the meeting room at this time?

Under normal circumstances, the boss of such an association would not come to preside over a small hunter meeting.

Why? Does this gray rat have a big mission?

Chen Qi couldn’t help but guess in his heart.

When Chen Qi stepped into the conference room, Gray Rat adjusted his hat and asked:


"Yes, I just finished the first two assessments and came here to complete the last one."


Gray Rat's eyes turned slightly, and his hands crossed into fists:

"Newcomer, you should know that a new era has arrived. With the advent of the rift tide, we hunters no longer need some boring scraps. What we need are adventurers, fearless people who dare to complete all tasks.

This means that hunters holding the new second-level hunter certificate must have strength beyond ordinary second-level extraordinary people!"

Trouble... Chen Qi felt a hint of something bad:

"I am quite confident in my own strength. Even if the opponent is a blade-like person from the Black Blood Empire, I have the confidence to defeat him."

Chen Qi rotated the collector in his hand.

Under normal circumstances, the person who presided over this meeting should be an ordinary third-level extraordinary person.

But he never expected that Gray Rat was actually the host of this meeting, and he actually talked to him directly.

A mouse climbed onto the brim of Gray Rat's hat, making a crackling sound.

Gray Rat touched the brim of his hat:

"Newcomer, my little mouse told me that you defeated Black Fist. In the past, Black Fist was a good guy, but among the countless geniuses emerging in the Witch Sea, he was just an ordinary person."

Gray Rat continued:

"But being able to defeat him proves that your strength has reached the standard, but hunters are not a profession of fighting and killing, but an adventurous profession. Therefore, before issuing you a hunter certificate, you still need to complete the last simple task."

On the word "task", Gray Rat deliberately emphasized the tone.

The last "simple" task... Chen Qi looked around.

Before coming in, Tie Xiong reminded him to be in awe of Gray Rat's words.

The simple task mentioned by this Gray Rat may be no less than a trip to hell for others.

At the same time, others also looked at Gray Rat.

Gray Rat looked at Chen Qi again, with a faint smile on his lips:

"Newcomer, I just have three good commissions here, how about it? Just in time, you join us, and you are still short of a mission, do you want to take one?"

The commissions of the three association leaders... Chen Qi gently tapped the belt around his waist.

Generally speaking, the commissions issued by Gray Rat are all difficult commissions in the Hunter Association.

His goal is just to get a second-level Hunter Association certificate, and after he returns to the ship, he will discuss with Finn about going to the Blood Blade Pirates.

I can't agree to it casually... Chen Qi replied politely:

"I'm afraid my strength is not yet at the point where I can accept tasks casually. If I am strong enough, I will accept this commission."

The moment he finished speaking, a third-level boxer said:

"Newcomer, you can refuse directly. I have a "sandbag" mission here. The boxing gym in Black Mine City is conducting actual combat training, and there is also a rich woman..."

Sandbag? Rich woman? Chen Qi was shocked. Is there no more normal mission?

Chen Qi suddenly found that many second-level hunters looked at him with envy.

Helping the rich woman and the sandbag mission seem to be good missions?

Chen Qi swallowed a mouthful of water. Unless he had no choice, he would never accept these missions.

The next second, Gray Rat interrupted him:

"Boxer, don't say it. Your missions are simply a torture for newcomers. Newcomers! Don't worry, they are all quite simple!"

"Okay, it's almost time now. Today, I will update our commissions. These are all good commissions that I have worked hard to get for you in Black Mine City."

Then, Gray Rat casually threw two commission papers on the round table.

Chen Qi followed the crowd forward to check the two fresh commissions.

[Looking for clues about the big merchant Jin Li

Client: Magic Bullet Company

Reward: Any new X-series weapon of the Magic Bullet Company (can be replaced at will), 500,000 shells

Time limit: 10 days

Note: If someone wants to buy something from this big merchant, tell him the area where the big merchant appears. ]

New X-series weapons... Chen Qi's eyes flashed.

This is an extremely powerful firearm, which can only be mastered by hammer-related skills. As a mid-term weapon, it is quite powerful.

The content is to find Jin Li, the second in command of the Ice Demon Pirates.

These fourth-level legends will continue to travel in the Witch Sea because of their professional tasks.

But as legends, the items they sell are far more than ordinary merchants.

Everyone started to discuss.

Then Chen Qi looked at the second commission.

[Kill the Shadow of Crime under Black Gloves

Client: An anonymous businessman

Time limit: 2 days

Description: The Shadow of Crime under Black Gloves looked at things they shouldn't have seen. They found that these Shadow of Crime went to the winery under the Blood Blade Pirates. Kill them before they returned to the hands of Black Gloves.

Reward: A bottle of new strength enhancement potion, and a strength-related skill card (exchangeable for shells), 500,000 shells. 】

The moment after reading the two commissions, a second-level hunter couldn't help but curse:

"Damn! Two more difficult tasks! I'd rather be a gigolo!"

Chen Qi analyzed it.

The first task is to find Jin Li.

Although Jin Li is a gentle businessman, she is also a legendary extraordinary person.

It is extremely difficult to get clues about a fourth-level legend.

The second task is to kill the Shadow of Crime...

Chen Qi touched his chin.

The Shadow of Crime is a special extraordinary person cultivated by Black Gloves. Although they have the breath of second-level extraordinary people, they are essentially a monster created by experiments, and their combat power is not strong.

The difficulty of this task is that if there is a problem, it is very likely to offend both the Black Gloves and the Blood Blade Pirates!

Everyone shook their heads. Both tasks are difficult.

Gray Rat collapsed back:

"Don't be so loud. Although these tasks are a little bit difficult, the rewards are also very good, aren't they?"

The high-ranking third-level boxer sighed:

"Gray Rat, the association does not have any extra third-levels to complete these tasks. I recommend that you explain to the client as soon as possible that we cannot complete these two tasks..."

For some big forces, if the commission is not completed, it is easy to get their wrath.

"Well! Let's try, what if? If the hunter completes only the safe tasks within his ability, then he is not called a hunter, right?"

Gray Mouse smiled slightly, and took out another commission manuscript:

"By the way, everyone, there is one last task!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up and came over.

Chen Qi also walked over to check, and couldn't help clenching his fingers.

[Convey the message to the black hunter

Client: White Dove Newspaper, Gray Hunter of Hunter Association

Time limit: one month

Remarks: White Dove Newspaper wants to interview the black hunter, and I also have some information to tell the other party.

Task reward: 800,000 shells, a fourth-level legendary card maker's combat skill card]


Chen Qi's eyelids twitched.

Why is there my commission, and why is the note on the commission "I"?

At this moment, the boxer couldn't help but clench his fists, he hardened, his fists hardened!

A legendary merchant Jin Li, a black glove, and now another black hunter!


He couldn't help but slap the table and said loudly:

"Gray Rat, the last time you accepted the commission from the Blood Blade Pirates to find the Flower Witch, it was already outrageous enough? Now, what does your commission mean?"

Gray Rat's tasks are getting harder and harder!

Gray Rat coughed twice:

"Although the White Dove Newspaper is also looking for the Black Hunter, in fact, I also have something to find him."

What is it? Chen Qi showed a curious look.

As a good young man on the sea, when did he get involved with the president of the Hunter Association?

Could it be that the bounty hunter wants to kill me?

Chen Qi's heart suddenly chilled.

He vaguely remembered that bounty hunters can buy a very special tracking prop in the 'store'. As long as there is a drop of blood or a hair, they can cross thousands of miles and track the other party.

Moreover, as a bounty hunter, Gray Rat's tracking ability is extremely terrifying.

Could it be that I have been on Gray Rat's 'bounty list'?

Chen Qi felt a chill.

Others also asked:

"Gray Rat, what do you want to do with Black Hunter?"

Gray Rat crossed his hands into fists and placed them on his chin:

"Friends, don't you think that Black Hunter and I are a bit similar? Think about it, my nickname is Gray Hunter, and Black Hunter's nickname is Black Hunter?

What if someone confuses us? Or, what if they think we are related?

Therefore, I want to change my title, but I think it's a bit of a cover-up if I change it directly, and it also lacks a sense of ceremony.

So, I want to discuss it with Black Hunter, hoping that Black Hunter can change his title. No, this is unlikely, he should not be willing...

If he can make a statement saying that we are not related, then I can change my name directly, so that the sense of ceremony will be stronger."

Gray Rat explained his motivation and the content of the task in detail.

"So, this task is not difficult, because there is no need to fight with the Black Hunter. You just need to convey the message to the Black Hunter for me and the White Dove Newspaper, and you don't need to fight with him.

I think it should be easy to complete!"

How can it be so easy to convey the message to the Black Hunter?

Easy... Everyone's lips are eager to move, and they can't wait to spit out sweet words.

The gray mouse coughed twice and fell into thinking:

"By the way, I think that the Black Hunter may have the same idea as me when he encounters the title of Gray Hunter, so should I tell him if he minds my title?"

The moment he finished speaking, everyone's expressions could no longer be restrained, and they all looked at the gray mouse.

These three tasks, what's so easy?

And, for this reason, he took on the task entrusted by the White Dove Newspaper.

Everyone turned to the more rational and friendly boxer for help.

The boxer held back his hard fist and said again:

"Gray Rat, although the hunters here have the second-level hunter certificate, they are only second-level extraordinary people. When you accept the task, you must consider the manpower of our association.

You should know that if the task is not completed, those big companies will not do nothing!

You'd better know that the navy and hunters from other companies all want this position, the position of the leader of the Black Mine City Hunter Association."

The boxer shook his head. The president of their hunter association has accepted many such unfinished tasks in a row.

He continued:

"Gray Rat, the red hunter of the Bonfire Company has not had similar ideas? Why do you think so?"

Gray Rat adjusted his hat:

"It's different. Gray and black are very similar in color! And the red hunter is a woman."

What are these two people talking about? After listening, Chen Qi frowned more and more.

Although gray and black are a little similar, why did he change his title? Why make such a fuss? Why spend money to publish it in the newspaper?

No, don't try to understand their brain circuits.

This matter itself is outrageous.

Chen Qi complained helplessly.

However, these two tasks are good tasks!

And the rewards are rich enough.

Although the commission from the Blood Blade Pirates and the commission from the "Black Hunter" are a little difficult, they are not beyond his ability.

Chen Qi walked forward and picked up the two commission papers:

"Gray Rat, a hunter can accept up to four commissions, right? I want to try these two commissions."


Try? Try what? Everyone was shocked and looked at Chen Qi and the commission paper in his hand.

At this moment, Gray Rat spread his hands and blinked.

His little eyes seemed to say to everyone, see, the difficulty of the task I gave is really not high.

This task! Newcomers dare to take it!

And take two at a time!

Thank you for the 300 points of reward from Baishi Mobi to the Flower Witch! I am not a chef to give the Flower Witch 100 points of reward!!! And everyone's subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets! Super invincible Feng Weidong thanks wow wow wow!!! (ω)

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