Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 211: The Flower Witch's Amazing Cooking Skills

The Flower Witch tried to maintain a normal expression:

"Qi, you're back!"

"Well, Fen, do you have any good news?"

Why does the Flower Witch seem so happy... Chen Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

There shouldn't be any major incidents on the Flower Witch side.


Fen led Chen Qi onto the houseboat and then asked:

"Qi, you should know my future legendary title, right?"

The future title, Fen's dream is to complete the will of the Ice Witch and then become a new legend... Chen Qi thought for a moment:

"Well... Vegetable Witch?"

You still remember it! Fen couldn't help but pout, and continued:

"You should know that my title is not only elegant, but also has a lot of meaning."

Is this title really elegant? I feel it's not as good as the Earth God Witch... Chen Qi couldn't help but complain.

Fen wiped his nose:

"In fact, my cooking skills are also quite good!"

Chen Qi smelled it, and there seemed to be a smell of vegetables on the boat.

It is dusk now, just in time for dinner!

The Flower Witch prepared the dishes in advance.

The Flower Witch can also cook... Chen Qi had to sigh that Fen, who was born into an aristocratic family, was indeed different from many aristocrats in many ways.

Unless they were aristocrats in related professions, few aristocrats would cook by themselves.

Now, his spiritual power points were still sufficient, and he had also completed the task this morning.

It was just right that he could enjoy the food of the Flower Witch for dinner!

Chen Qi excitedly followed the Flower Witch into the restaurant.

At this moment, in addition to him and Fen, there were seven pitiful and helpless deep-sea elves on the table.

However, compared to the deep-sea elves, Chen Qi's eyes were instantly attracted by the green light on the table.

Elf mushroom soup, hair kelp soup, green mucus jelly, vegetable salad, dew juice...

All extraordinary delicacies!

Chen Qi swallowed a mouthful of water.

This was the first time he had seen such a green dinner in the New Sun World.

The Flower Witch took off her cloak and revealed her face.

At this moment, the wound on her face has improved, and her face is covered with bright flowers again.

The Flower Witch said proudly:

"Hehe, the skills I learned are all extremely elegant cooking skills!"

"This is too much."

Chen Qi looked at the large table of dishes.

Even if his appetite increased, it would be difficult to digest such a large amount of food in one breath.


Flower Witch Fen touched her nose:

"The rest is for the water elves."

Water elves? Chen Qi was slightly startled and looked at the water elves on the table.

I saw a large bowl filled with a large amount of green liquid. The whole soup was like an evil potion prepared by a witch in the depths of the forest.

Deep Sea Water Elf No. 2 drank a cup of green soup lightly and said to the water elves:

"Waku Waku (Too weak! If you want to become stronger, you must be as brave as me!)"

Deep Sea Water Elf No. 2 bravely took another sip.

As long as No. 2 likes it... Fen said proudly:

"These are the dishes that my teacher and nanny taught me! Unlike ordinary dishes, they are extremely nutritious! Moreover, pets can also develop quickly after drinking them!"

Deep Sea Elf No. 1 looked at the green dishes with horror:

"Wakuwaku (Master! Can I drink this?)"

Chen Qi slowly looked down to the ground.

I saw that No. 3 was already lying on the ground, unable to get up!

And at the corner of its mouth was the green liquid.

No. 4 stepped forward, tasted a mouthful, and instantly jumped on the spot and fell to the ground.

Two Deep Sea Elves have already fallen!


Are you sure you are not making dark pet dishes? Chen Qi took a deep breath, looked at the Deep Sea Elf again, and looked at the Flower Witch who was full of expectation.

"Try it..."

The little yellow flower on the Flower Witch's head moved around, and she was looking forward to Chen Qi's evaluation.

I don't seem to have room to retreat...

This kind of food is unpalatable, but I have to eat it because of politeness...

Chen Qi sat down, picked up a small bowl, and used a spoon to scoop a bowl of green unknown liquid.

Everything must be tried...

As a lamp person, you should maintain curiosity.

Chen Qi suddenly picked up the bowl and drank the unknown liquid.


The green liquid bloomed in his taste buds, and then spread to his whole body!

Painful bitter melon that strengthens the heart, kelp that improves blood, spinach that strengthens strength, carotene that improves vision, and extraordinary leeks that strengthen the waist...

This small soup contains at least ten kinds of highly nutritious extraordinary vegetables.

[You take vegetable tonic soup, physical fitness +1, strength +1, and resistance to disease increases slightly in a short period of time. 】

It can also increase attributes...Chen Qi said softly.

Recently, his attributes have fallen into a bottleneck period.

So that's it, the cooking skills of the flower witch are indeed quite powerful.

This method makes all the vegetables into juice and then mixes them together, while ensuring that the effects can be integrated and there is no conflict!

Chen Qi looked at the small hands of the Flower Witch, and there were still some small leaves.

Fen must have spent a lot of time on this dish.

But! It tastes so bad!

It tastes so bad!

Chen Qi resisted the nausea and drank the bowl of liquid in one gulp.

They are all supplements!

Fen asked:

"How is it?"

Chen Qi resisted the urge to vomit:

"It's very good. There are no shortcomings except that it tastes bad!"

"Oh...is it so unpalatable!"

A sad little blue flower immediately appeared above the Flower Witch's head.

She has extensive experience in eating grass and taking drugs, so she has lost her ability to judge many dishes.

"It's very bitter..."

Chen Qi couldn't describe the feeling at this moment, and couldn't help but glance at the Deep Sea Elf 2.

I saw that the Deep Sea Spirit No. 2 was not afraid, drinking this green tonic soup as if it were water.

"No. 2..."

Chen Qi couldn't believe it.

You know, the previous No. 2 was just a weak water elf.

Deep Sea Spirit II seems to have adapted to all this:

"Waku Waku (Master! For power! I am willing to give anything!)"

"Wakuwaku (In order to return to the arms of my master! I want to become stronger!)"

For the sake of powerful power, what does it mean to eat an unpleasant meal?

The Deep Sea Spirit II is extremely determined.

Hiss... Chen Qi was shocked. He never expected that one day, he would be involved in his pet beast.

The Flower Witch took another sip and said in a very low voice:

"Sorry, sorry, I grew up eating these, so I thought..."

The Flower Witch took out a freshly baked flower cake and handed it to Chen Qi.

Due to various reasons, Fen has been taking medicine since he was a child because of hemorrhagic disease. Coupled with his rich experience in eating grass, his tolerance for this kind of food is far beyond that of ordinary people.

This also led to her misjudgment of the taste of food.

Cake... Chen Qi curiously took the cake and took a bite.

After tasting the slightly bitter but long aftertaste of the green soup, the freshness given by nature still seems to remain in the mouth.

But the sweetness of the cake, like the warm sunshine in spring, instantly dispels all the bitterness and coldness!

The super delicious flower cake... Chen Qi even felt that even the cake with soul seasoning was not as good as the cake in front of him.

The Flower Witch really knows how to cook...

Only desserts though.


Chen Qi praised sincerely.

Hehe... The Flower Witch took a small sip of green soup and smiled proudly.

Immediately afterwards, she handed Chen Qi a bottle of dreamy potion like stars from the backpack card.

"Qi, the potion made using Dream Butterfly as the main material is ready!"


So fast... Chen Qi slowly took a bite of the elf mushroom and looked at the potion in Fen's hand in surprise.

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