Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 215 Things Only You Can Accomplish

In the fog, the captain of the Black Whale Group clenched his fists.

"Damn it! Lady Blood is here. Do they want to give up their base? Originally, we could have given two perfect gifts to Whale Father and Auntie!"

"What should we do, Captain! Isn't the hunter who attacked the black pig shark going to be caught? According to the investigation, he still has our flesh and bones on his body! That should be our Black Whale's stuff..."

"Shut up! Now is not the time! Didn't you see the Sharp Blade Ship of the Blood Blade Pirates? Let's go."

"Don't worry, as long as the other party dares to set foot on the sea, sooner or later, the hunter and the witch will become our prisoners!"

The crew of the Black Whale Group in the fog shouted, but their ship was like a stray dog, completely ignoring the screams of the crew of the other two ships in the sea, and left here without looking back.

The fourth-level legend, Lady Blood's slash...

Chen Qi and the Flower Witch were both messy in the wind.

The sharp wind raged on the sea!

Just a snap of the fingers, and two such fierce knives were slashed!

After the rift tide came, there were more and more level 3 transcendents, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger, but even so, level 4 legends were still rare.

In the game forum, those who could reach level 4 were also the top players.

The weak level 3 transcendents were like weeds in front of experienced legends. Only when the release skills were activated, the level 3 had the strength to compete with the level 4 legends for a short time.

But it was only a short moment...

Chen Qi felt the roar of the wind in his ears.

Madam Blood was not the first legend he had seen. Before that, the captain of the Ice Demon Pirates, Ditto Palu, and Aunt Corolla were also level 4 legends.

However, this was the first time he saw a legend take action.

The roar of this kind of power and the vibration transmitted to the heart were simply terrifying.

Madam Blood's weak and depressed image became taller and taller in the eyes of him and Finn.

There was no need to speed up... Chen Qi walked out of the captain's room and looked at Finn on the deck.

Finn looked at Lady Blood on the bow and patted her rich chest:

"Qi! Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

Legends are like huge monsters on the top of ants. The fear of a fourth-level blade legend is engraved on instinct.

A second-level transcendent like Chen Qi can't resist the pressure of legends at all.

I'm not that scared... Chen Qi patted Finn's back and said softly:

"Don't worry, we will be fine. We are here to negotiate terms."

On the bow, Lady Blood's melancholy face rarely showed a smile:

"Welcome to Red Maple Island, Mr. Hunter, and Miss Witch! Please follow us!"

The person who received us turned out to be the current leader of the Blood Blade Pirates... Chen Qi and Finn were a little flattered.

Chen Qi drove the ghost ship and followed the leader ship of the Blood Blade Pirates through the thick fog and finally arrived at the dock of Red Maple Island.

Red Maple Island, the Blade Ship, in the brightly lit living room.

In front of Chen Qi was a black table filled with all kinds of food, but most of them were roasted pigs and lambs cooked with heavy oil.

In the corner of the living room, several high-ranking members of the Blood Blade Pirates were standing and talking.

"Is that the successor of the Ice Witch - the Flower Witch?"

"The flower on her head is really scary!"

"Who is the other one?"

"Black Hunter, I heard that the Black Whale Group already knows his details."

"His aura seems to be only level two, can I fight him!"

"Shut up! The other party is our benefactor! Do you dare to win?"

Knowing my details... Chen Qi frowned, and in front of these high-ranking members of the Blood Blade Pirates, the mystery on him seemed to disappear.

And Fen, who was on Chen Qi's right, took advantage of his inattention and leaned towards him.

The first to arrive in the living room was the Mad Wolf Fenrir, who poured two glasses of wine:

"I'm really sorry, the Black Whale Group has withdrawn personnel and sent out new teams in recent days, and we don't have any actual contact information! In addition to the matter of the 'brewery', we can only give these simple contact information!"

After not seeing each other for a few days, there were several more obvious scars on the thick arms of the Mad Wolf Fenrir.

Then, he raised his glass and said:

"Thank you for your help, both of you! If it weren't for you, the Blood Blade Pirates would have suffered huge losses!"


Fen looked at the wine and frowned.

Fenrir laughed boldly:

"Don't worry, Miss Witch! Thanks to Mr. Black Hunter's subordinates, we have dealt with all the wines with the cup poison!"

"You two, I've been waiting for a long time."

At this moment, Mrs. Blood also walked into the living room, lifted her long skirt, and sat down.

Chen Qi looked at the leader of the Blood Blade Pirates whose husband had been missing for a long time.

Madam Xue was over 1.7 meters tall, wearing a crimson robe, and her bright red hair was very long, almost reaching her waist.

However, with such close contact, Chen Qi did not feel the strong murderous aura that a fourth-level extraordinary person should have from her.

On the contrary, it was a kind of melancholy, loneliness, sadness, and inferiority.

Madam Xue's hair was a little messy, with a few freckles, and a few tear marks at the corners of her eyes.

Well, to put it simply, she was like a poor, beautiful widow who had lost her husband... Chen Qi said:

"Hello, Madam Xue."

Madam Blood tried her best to raise the corners of her sad mouth:

"Hello, Mr. Hunter, and Miss Witch. It's an honor for me to meet you two."

A nervous little flower appeared on Fen's head:

"No! It's my pleasure!"

Madam Xue smiled hard and said:

"Miss Witch, when I was young, I heard my father say that your teacher, the Ice Witch, stood on the rocks, alone, and killed the Twelve Touches of the Deep Sea Titan, protecting Moonstone City."

Fen asked doubtfully:

"You know my teacher?"

"Of course, our Blood Blade Pirates still have some historical background. Not only do we know about the Ice Witch, we can even say that if the Ice Witch hadn't defeated the Twelve Touches, I wouldn't be alive until now...

Also, I also know your identity, Mr. Black Hunter..."


Chen Qi was surprised.

What, someone knows Chen Qi’s identity! A curious little flower couldn't help but appear on Fen's head.

Could it be that she could finally dig out the details about Qing Qi?

Chen Qi stared at Madam Xue's bright red eyes.

Does he know I have a deep sea affinity?

He is now wearing the Touch of Ember, so logically speaking, not many people should know him.

Madam Xue said softly:

"One of the treasures of the deep-sea hunters, the Touch of Fire. Many people thought that this flesh-breeding costume had completely disappeared. They didn't expect to see this special flesh-breeding costume again today!"

"The Blue Beast's flesh and bones were broken, and the tide of cracks made these two pieces of equipment come back at the same time... However, in a long time, there are only a few people who know the origin of your equipment."

After being seen through, is this the leader of the Blood Blade Pirates? He is really knowledgeable... Chen Qi couldn't help being surprised:

"Yeah, but I had quite a lot of luck in getting this piece of equipment."

The other party actually knew the origin of these two pieces of equipment.

Once the origin of the Ember Touch is known, the terrifying fact of the tentacle monster does not exist at all.

"I see!"

Fen couldn't help but feel secretly happy and secretly touched Chen Qi's little tentacles!

The flesh-breeding suit of the deep-sea hunter! What I am saying is that there is no way that Chen Qi is some deep-sea monster!

Fen continued to ask:

"Well, Madam Blood, do you think the Black Hunter has any other identity?"

Fen believed that the well-informed Madam Xue might be able to strip Chen Qi clean.

What other identity... Mrs. Xue was confused by the question and fell into thinking:

"Miss Witch, isn't he yours?"

Mrs. Blood has always felt that the Flower Witch has a very high status, and has always believed that the Black Hunter is a servant of the Flower Witch.

A small pink flower suddenly appeared on Fen's head:

"No, it's not me..."

Why is the witch so panicked? Did I say something wrong? Mrs. Blood asked:

"You are not his superior? Master?"

Madam Xue preconceptions about the second-level aura on Chen Qi's body and believed that the Flower Witch was Chen Qi's master.

In the eyes of Mrs. Blood, the third level has absolute suppression power over the second level, and the Flower Witch can completely press Chen Qi to the ground and beat him, but Chen Qi has no chance to resist and can only let the Flower Witch ravage her. .


Chen Qi was confused.

Are all the masters here?

Too much! Lady Blood!

Unlike others, in front of such a top boss, Chen Qi's tentacles were completely unable to create any sense of mystery.

No, is that a level relationship... Madam Xue nodded.

It seems that she misjudged Chen Qi's strength and status.

However, now is not the time to pry into the secrets of your allies.

"Sorry, it was my misjudgment. Fenrir, please take out the documents and the long-sealed Book of Edge..."

"Understood, ma'am!"

Fenrir took out the special 'Lock' backpack card, took out a stack of translation documents, and a book engraved with the Blood Blade.

Mrs. Blood put the translated document on the table:

"Mr. Hunter, the last document you gave us was the document of a naval researcher, and this researcher is also my father."

"Researcher? Father?"

Chen Qi touched his chin.

Mrs. Blood sighed:

"Yes, Mr. Hunter, the predecessor of the Blood Blade Pirates was the Navy, so among the founders there are some famous naval heroes.

And this document is a study of deep sea research, an experimental document to artificially create a deep sea titan.

The black pig shark you encountered before was also a special experimental subject. "

"Abyssal Titans artificially created?"

Fin couldn't help but exclaim.

The Deep Sea Titan is a terrifying existence that rivals or even surpasses the fourth-level legend!

Artificially creating Titan-level monsters is the greatest sin among all sins!

Even the Kingdom of Golden Flowers and Birds is a taboo among taboos.

"The research is more than that. The scale of this research is far larger than I knew, and this research operation is called Operation Black Blood."

Mrs. Blood sighed helplessly:

"The former navy has studied forbidden things in the deep sea. However, with the arrival of the White Tower Federation's knowledge hunters, even if they have knowledge, they will be punished.

All the navies involved in this incident were massacred. Only a few powerful navies and lucky ones survived, and these precious research documents eventually disappeared.

The originally brilliant research base was also wiped out by Bei Kingdom's 'Hand of Steam' and turned into a bad soil that was untouchable. "

"Of course, some deep-sea monsters survived and became terrifying existences in the sea..."

Speaking, Madam Xue suddenly looked at Chen Qi:

"Mr. Hunter, perhaps in the eyes of some high-ranking navy officials, you are a monster born because of research. After all, many people in the Sea God Pirates are experimental subjects who escaped from this research."

The navy's research on sea beasts... Chen Qi suddenly felt a sense of malice.

According to Madam Xue, even if he did nothing, he might be pursued by the navy with all his strength.

At this point, Madam Xue placed her right hand on her chest, bent slightly, and saluted Chen Qi:

"Sir, this document is very important to our Blood Blade Pirates, thank you again."

"The Blood Blade Pirates will not forget their benefactor, Fenrir."

Fenrir handed a book engraved with a blood blade to Chen Qi.

This is... Chen Qi was secretly surprised and took the book.

The book is not thick, but it reveals a special atmosphere.

The most eye-catching thing is the bright and bloody mark in the center of the book - an exquisite blood blade pattern, and the blade seems to still have undried blood, revealing a heart-pounding cold light.

"What is this?"

Chen Qi asked with pretended curiosity.

Mrs. Blood whispered:

"The book of blade solution can let you master a blade solution style. This book is a treasure of our Blood Blade Pirates.

Therefore, I want to use this book as a reward. The moves recorded in this book are enough for you to kill a third-level extraordinary person who is good at defense with one move."

Chen Qi vaguely felt the envious eyes of the people on the wall of the living room.

The liberation skill, as a big move, is much more difficult to learn than ordinary skills.

Generally speaking, this special reward will only be given to third-level extraordinary people with outstanding military exploits in the organization.

Chen Qi swallowed a mouthful of water.

He actually got a book of blade solution moves when he was at the second level, and it was a very popular blade phase.

The only regret is that he is not a blade phase!

Finn looked at the book in Chen Qi's hand and muttered:

"That, Madam Xue, Black Hunter is not a blade..."

Madam Xue immediately answered:

"The moves in this book do not require blade phase, only combat power and the mastery of strength. Of course, please rest assured that although they are universal, their power is definitely worthy of being called a blade solution."

Chen Qi flipped through the book of blade phase.

This blade solution move requires a desire for war, strength, and a violent mood...

A blade solution move that perfectly matches his current state.

Chen Qi closed the book:

"Thank you..."

Madam Xue lowered her head:

"No, compared to your help, this book is far from enough as a reward."

No, it's pretty good! A universal blade solution move is enough to be the finale product of the auction...Chen Qi carefully put the book into the backpack card.

And suddenly, the smile on Madam Xue's face gradually disappeared, and she became melancholy again.

"You two..."

Madam Xue's tone became a little trembling, and her hands clenched her skirt.

Fenrir saw the sad expression of Lady Blood and couldn't help but clench his fist.

Chen Qi and Fen said in unison:

"What's wrong?"

Lady Blood hesitated for a long time:

"To be honest, I have something to entrust you with."


Lady Blood sighed and replied:

"Yes, one thing, I'm afraid only the two of you can do it."

The thing that only the two of us can do... Chen Qi's face became serious, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down his neck.

"Only the two of us can do it..."

What? Only the two of us can do it? A curious little pink flower appeared on Fen's head, and his imagination ran wild.

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