Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 218 Lighthouse! We saw the lighthouse!

On the gray sea, on the Mermaid, the flag of the Black Whale Group fluttered in the storm.

The long waterproof boots slowly stepped on the blood-stained floor.

The Flesh Mage pushed his wet hair back, walked carefully past more than a dozen strong women, and finally came to a huge red sofa.

In front of the red sofa, sat a tall, hot, thinly dressed woman with red curly hair, who was like a noble queen, teasing the people around her.

The Flesh Mage said:

"Auntie, I'm back."

Carol blew the pipe in her hand, as if she didn't fully notice the little Flesh Mage in front of her.

The Flesh Mage immediately followed with a sentence:

"Auntie, the Flower Witch refused to join us, the Blood Blade Pirates..."

Huh! Carol exhaled a thick puff of smoke,

"Let's get to the point! That witch lady couldn't possibly join us, after all, we are sworn enemies. But what about that new hunter who appeared in the sea? I feel that he is quite suitable for the style of our Black Whale Group, and he matches the style of many of our cadres, such as the little crow under my command, and the Black Death Doctor..."


The Flesh Mage replied calmly.


Almost at the moment when he finished speaking, a strong iron whip hit his face, and blood-red instantly fell to the ground.

The Flesh Mage had a blank expression, as if he couldn't feel any pain. This was the punishment for failing the mission, and he had to accept it.

Hold on, this is just a small mission, the punishment can't be too heavy, and being beaten by the hot aunt Carol is a reward for many people... The Flesh Mage comforted himself in his heart.

However, the next second, he saw Carol's ferocious expression like a tiger.

Carol played with the iron whip in his hand:

"Did the hunter refuse firmly? If I give you another chance, and find him again in private, what is the chance of him joining?"

Hearing this question, the Flesh Mage was silent for a while.

Carol, who was always irritable, actually asked about this matter.

Is this answer really important... The Flesh Mage answered reluctantly:

"Ninety percent, if we meet alone in private, with his strength, he will lose all confidence when he sees my flesh spell, and with a little temptation, he will undoubtedly be a member of our Black Whale Group, and at that time, the Meat Chopping and Bone Breaking will also be taken back..."

"Ninety percent?"

Carol's mouth curled up slightly, and he leaned back:

"Forget it, in my opinion, only fifty percent, unless you use violence, you can't take the other party down, just like the little black eye on the Saw Shark, only absolute violence can make the hunter tame, I am very interested in this guy.

Also, remember, don't kill him without my order."

As he said, Carol turned the gun casually:

"Remember, this is an order, otherwise, I will make you soak wine."

Order... A drop of cold sweat broke out in the hands of the Flesh Mage.

Why? Why does Carol want the black hunter so much? Why? Is the black hunter's life more precious than his life? Or is it because the Black Hunter is more attractive than him?

The Flesh Mage didn't understand for a moment, and even felt a little jealous.

You know, he who is obsessed with pursuing power is not even qualified to be Carol's lover!

"Forget it, this matter has to be done slowly. After the Blood Blade Pirates are gone, the Black Hunters, the Witches, and this sea area will all be ours sooner or later."

Then, Carol continued to ask:

"By the way, how did they react to this operation?"

The Flesh Mage answered truthfully:

"Mrs. Blood is as sad as ever. The moment the Mad Wolf Fenrir saw the Shell Dragon under my feet, he was terrified.

I think that after this threat, the Blood Blade Pirates will quickly dispatch the exploration ship of the 'Blood Blade Pirates' to the naval research base, and for the sake of time, they will definitely choose the shortest route. No, there is no safe route there..."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Carol's mouth curled up a faint smile:

"Yes, yes, once the ships of the Blood Blade Pirates join this battle and become bait, everything will be easy."

Bait... The Flesh Mage felt a chill inexplicably in his heart.

Because next, he will also take the exploration ship to the naval research base!

He is the general manager of this exploration operation.

He clenched his fist and asked slowly:

"Auntie, I want to ask, what happened to the exploration ships that entered the naval research base? So much so that we need the Blood Blade Pirates to join and become the so-called 'bait'..."

In addition to winning over the witch and the black hunter, this operation has another more important purpose, which is to use the 'show of power' method to make the Blood Blade Pirates join this battle immediately, the sooner the better.

In the past three days, the ten exploration ships that were supposed to return have all been destroyed in the waves of the sea, and there is no news.

In order to stop losing combat power, the Black Whale Group needs a strong enough 'vanguard' and a large enough 'bait'.

This time the warning is that the Blood Blade Pirates will become the 'bait' earlier.

"You are really a curious baby, little cutie..."

Carol lifted up her wheat-colored strong thighs, tilted her head, and passed through the thick fog and the gloomy and turbulent sea.

The Flesh Mage also followed Carol as he looked toward the sea in the distance. At this moment, he seemed to hear the sound of the waves like a dragon's roar.

The aunt replied with a hint of joking:

"Who knows? Maybe it's some kind of huge natural disaster. After all, no one has explored this sea area for too long..."


There was no answer... The flesh and blood mage couldn't help but tremble.

The appearance of the Black Whale Group's aunt and the Black Whale Group's repeated victories made him forget for a moment that the place they were about to go to was already a lost place that had not been explored for twenty years. An ice demon pirate group had never deep place.

Aunt Carol slowly came over and blew the smoke into his face:

"Don't worry, no matter what you encounter, the fourth captain of the exploration team, the Black Whale Group will give you a reward when you return. The value of this reward will not be lower than the meat and bones in the hands of the black hunter."

Under the thick smoke, the blood on the flesh mage's face slowly rolled back into his skin:

"Don't worry, Captain, I will complete this mission and put the witch and the black hunter in a cage and bring them all back!"

"Hahaha! Don't let me down, my little baby!"

Carol smiled, blew in the sea breeze, and poured herself a glass of the strongest wine.

Blood Blade Pirates Base, Red Maple Island Pier, Ship Repair Dock, Night.

At this moment, a group of people stood anxiously on the ship repair dock, watching the ship repairman's performance.

The mad wolf Fenrir paced back and forth in the dockyard and said to the red-haired female ship repairman on the Dagger:

"Little Ami, how much time do we have before the Dagger can complete the repairs! We don't have much time anymore, we must complete it immediately!"

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! I didn't see that I have already used all four mechanical arms! I should install one more mechanical arm. This way, I can spare my time and blow your heads off!

Also, don’t call me Xiao Ami, I’m twenty-five years old! "

Fenrir was sprayed with water.

"How irritable, this little Ami..."

Chen Qi sat on the chair and looked at the small third-level mechanic of the Dagger.

But it’s not her fault.

Due to the damage to a large number of ships, the young red-haired female ship repairman at the ship repair yard had been working continuously for five days and five nights, during which she only slept for five hours.

Fen sat next to Chen Qi, feeling nervous and occasionally shuddering.

Exploration action... Chen Qi vaguely felt bad memories.

Although this operation was initiated by the Blood Blade Pirates, in fact, it was more similar to the investigation mission of the National Meteorological Bureau.

Currently, there is very little intelligence on the entire Lost Naval Base.

There is even a huge question mark about the dangers in the sea areas they are about to pass next.

In addition, compared to ordinary Meteorological Bureau missions, they also have to face attacks from the Black Whale Group.

What a very difficult task... Chen Qi couldn't help but think in his mind.


A loud noise interrupted his thoughts!

"Good for me!"

With the extremely violent punch from the ship repairman Ami, the ship's lights of the Dagger turned on again.

"It's finally ready! Can we sail the boat? No problem, right? Little Ami?"

Fenrir asked eagerly.

The red-haired ship repairman Ami used four mechanical arms and pointed four middle fingers at Fenrir:

"Are you questioning my skills? Among the pirates in the third level, my ship-repairing skills are just a little worse than that of Brie from the Ice Demon Pirate Group."

There should be no problem... Fenrir clenched his fists, showing a nervous expression, and then looked at the Flower Witch and Chen Qi behind him.

Fenrir threw the equipment box onto the Dagger:

"You two, time is pressing. Let's set off now and divide into five exploration ships. Each ship has fifty people. The two of you will follow me. Later, I will explain to you how to enter the sea of ​​distortion. Precautions……"

Chen Qi looked at the ship he was about to board.

The hull design of the Dagger is simple and powerful. Each wooden board has been carefully selected and polished, and the hull lines are smooth.

Of course, although it is an exploration ship, in terms of size, it is far larger than Chen Qi's ghost ship, and it can accommodate a hundred people.

Although it is not as fast as the ghost ship, it has an extremely powerful extraordinary defensive barrier!

This is the Blood Blade Pirates' best defensive barrier at present.

In the distorted sea area that we are going to next, it can be said that this is an extremely important feature.

Chen Qi thought about the next action.

Madam Blood and Aunt Carol will not be directly involved in this operation.

After all, there are only a few Tier 4 legends. Lady Blood and veteran Gale of the Blood Blade Pirates will not go to unknown places before confirming Big Mom's movements.

In other words, this operation will ultimately be a contest between third-order extraordinary beings, and their chances of winning are not small!

As long as he is around, the sea beasts on the sea are less of a threat, but with Fen around, most third-level transcendent beings cannot resist Fen's liberation.

"Well, let's go."

Chen Qi thought for a long time, patted Fen on the shoulder, and followed Mad Wolf and more than 40 other crew members to board the dagger.

"Bon Voyage!"

In the shipyard, the shouts of everyone in the Blood Blade Pirate Group were heard.

The Dagger slowly sailed out of the dock, and under the expectation of everyone, headed towards the misty sea of ​​distortion.

set sail!

Unconsciously, the night fell and the fog became heavier and heavier.

"Sure enough, I was only excited when we set sail."

Chen Qi walked out of the kitchen of the swaying Dagger, took out a cup of fruit pudding, and handed it to Fen on the deck:

"Fen, eat something. This voyage is not pleasant. Why don't you take a rest?"

It has been five hours since they sailed into this sea full of thick fog and a slight smell of corpses.

Sailing in such foggy weather can be said to be a torture for everyone's physical and mental strength.

"Thank you!!"

He gave me food first... Fen took the pudding dizzily, and the flower on her head showed an inexplicable gray. She said:

"Qi, my inspiration tells me that this sea is very dangerous. We must pay attention to safety. You should be careful too."

"Well, I will pay attention..."

Chen Qi and the flower witch Fen leaned against the side of the boat and looked at the sea under their feet.

The seawater presents an unsettling color, from deep blue-black to strange dark green, and from time to time some unknown algae and some strange bubbles float, while also emitting a corpse stench of unknown origin.

The waves constantly hit the hull of the Dagger, making a desolate sound.

Not only that, there are also some deformed small fish that hit the Dagger like crazy.

Coupled with the huge storm, everyone on the Dagger is on edge.

The risk factor of this sea area is extremely high... Chen Qi stays as alert as possible, and then looks at the bow.

Captain Fenrir was on the bow, commanding the crew at the top of his lungs:

"Helmsman! Hold on, you must stay absolutely focused! Don't be confused by the fog!"

"Damn, why are there so many horrible deformed fish! How come there are more after the bombardment just now? Is our meat so delicious! Is it so attractive to you!"

Fenrir put on his clothes more tightly. He was already annoyed by these sudden fanatical sea beasts.

Should I not have come to the deck... Chen Qi complained in his heart.

It was his fault. He caused the carnival of these small fish.

He was almost certain now that his affinity was still useful even for deformed monsters.

Chen Qi looked at the helmsman at the bow.

The Dagger was an extremely expensive ship with a very comprehensive design. It had a total of two places to adjust the direction of the ship, the captain's room and the bow.

In order to observe the conditions on the sea surface well, the helmsman of the Dagger could only adjust the direction of the ship constantly in the face of the strong wind and the smell of rot, and sail on this dangerous sea.

The captain said weakly;

"I know, I know, Brother Fenrir..."

Unconscious... Chen Qi walked up, took out some meat pies, and gave them to the helmsman and Fenrir:

"Are you okay, Mr. helmsman, do you need something to eat?"

The helmsman's face was gloomy, and the whole person seemed to have fainted:

"No, I just want to go ashore! Go ashore as soon as possible! Go ashore!"

The helmsman repeated "go ashore" like crazy.

Fenrir took the meat pie from Chen Qi:

"Go ashore? It's too early!"

The helmsman shook his head, his eyes full of pale bloodshot:

"No, no, Brother Fenrir, aren't we going ashore soon? I can see the lighthouse, the lighthouse!"


Fenrir and Chen Qi were stunned at the same time.

They are only halfway through their current route, where is the lighthouse?

Is there a small isolated island on the sea?

Something is wrong, this helmsman is wrong!


Chen Qi did not hesitate, immediately grabbed the helmsman and gave him two loud slaps!

"Where is the lighthouse?" Chen Qi asked with a cold tone.

The helmsman was already unconscious.

And the strange illusion was a precursor to the fall of countless ships on the sea!

Shadow Demon? Or nightmare fog?

Chen Qi had many possibilities in his mind at once.

No matter which one, if their ship was not handled in time, it might sink into the sea in the next minute! !

The helmsman did not answer, but stared at Chen Qi blankly.

Fenrir touched his forehead and explained:

"Damn it! This guy used too many light skill books and stepped into the light illusion. This place..."

However, before he finished speaking, a ray of light from a distance hit them.


I have illusion resistance, this is not an illusion... Chen Qi slowly raised his head and looked towards the night sky.

In the dark fog in the distance, a huge lamp was hanging high, just like a moon, like the salvation of countless sailors -


Everyone held their breath for a moment.

With the sound of huge waves, the "small lighthouse" hanging a hundred meters high kept descending and approaching them.

The lantern became bigger and bigger in just a few seconds.

A gust of wind rushed towards them, causing the entire Dagger to shake on the sea.

No, it was not so much a gust of wind, but rather a breath full of blood, a breath like a storm.

The fog of thousands of meters was slowly broken, and the thick smell of blood suddenly pressed on the Dagger and everyone.

This is... Chen Qi instinctively took a deep breath, and inexplicably had a familiar feeling.

At this moment, the mad wolf Fenrir took a step back, and his body was extremely stiff.

He had been through many battles, had seen countless storms, had seen soldiers fighting without reason, had seen the sting of bullets through his ears, had seen blades piercing his heart.

Logically speaking, apart from illness, there was not much that could make him retreat.

But at this moment, his body was still stiff, shaking uncontrollably.

This was a feeling he had not experienced for a long time, a primitive instinct called fear.

Thank you for the 100 points reward from I am not a chef to Finn!!! And everyone's subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets! Thanks in a whirlwind spiral style wow wow wow!!! (ω)

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