"Pinch me!"

Fen, the flower witch, looked serious.

Pain is the natural antidote to hallucinations.

The Flower Witch likes to be pinched? You said it... Chen Qi pinched the Flower Witch Fen's face with his thumb and index finger without any hesitation.


Very comfortable.

The kind that makes people can’t help but squeeze it for a while.

Chen Qi turned his fingers slightly and increased the intensity.

Show no mercy.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, that's enough, it's true——"

Fen, the flower witch, raised her head, blinked hard, and once again joined the others in looking at the distant waves.

The huge head of the Black Lantern Dragon is like a hill, plunging into the sea in search of the bait it just dropped.

A huge wave column rises!

No, no matter how you look at it, that wagging tail looks a bit like a big dog... The flower witch Fen also pinched her red face, disbelieving the scene in the distance.

The black lantern dragon is actually attracted by the small extraordinary fishing bait!

Is this true? This is a dragon king level monster!

Huh, there should be no problem... Chen Qi reluctantly let go of his hand, looked at the black lantern dragon in the distance, and took a long breath.

As long as it is confirmed that the Black Lantern Dragon will be attracted by the extraordinary bait, then the crisis can be declared to be temporarily lifted.

If this black lantern dragon moves even a little bit, their entire Dagger will fall into this sea of ​​distortion and drink a pot of sea water full of nutrients!

The Black Lantern Dragon's brief departure allowed the entire Dagger crew to gradually come out of the crisis of death.

The Dagger speeds up immediately!

You know, most of the sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Abnormality are extremely aggressive.

And they actually managed to witness a Dragon King and survived.

"Thank God!"

"Who just said you entrusted your wife and children to me?"

"Who just confessed to me?"

"Who just said that if the Black Lantern Dragon dies, he will stand on his head and drink this glass of abnormal water?"

"Haha! Brother Fenrir, I want to drink a glass of wine!"

"What exactly was the move Mr. Black Hunter just used? It was actually able to drive away a natural disaster-level ferocious beast."

"Yes, what kind of move is it? Is it the domineering power of the black hunter?"

Everyone was surprised, happy, and full of questions, and they all looked at Chen Qi.

This feeling of being stared at by everyone... Chen Qi lowered his head and found that Fen was also staring at him.

The colorful eyes under the flowers were wide open, with a look of curiosity about the baby.


It's over, I have to explain... Chen Qi thought about how to get through.

While Chen Qi was thinking, the mad wolf Fenrir raised his head and walked over:

"Mr. Black Hunter, is the move you just performed the legendary 'Fishing in the Storm'?"

You actually know?

Chen Qi couldn't help but blinked.

This is exactly the name of the move he just used to extraordinary fish bait!


Chen Qi nodded confidently.

You know it very well! Fenrir!

It's actually true! The mad wolf Fenrir tried hard to control his expression, as if everything was expected:

"It's actually the move of the legendary deep-sea hunter. According to legend, this bait can attract sea beasts.

In order to fight against sea beasts, deep sea hunters often use this move to attract other sea beasts to form a perfect hunting ground. Now, this move can be reproduced. Mr. Black Hunter, you have also obtained the deep sea hunter's treasure!

According to legend, he defeated the sea lantern fox, a natural disaster beast, precisely by relying on extraordinary fishing bait..."

Fenrir tells a legend of a deep-sea hunter.


Extraordinary fishing bait also has this kind of history... Chen Qi thought about it carefully.

Extraordinary fishing bait, it seems, probably does have such an effect, but because of his own relationship, he has never paid special attention to this.

Isn't it because of my charm? Chen Qi was slightly disappointed.

"Deep Sea Hunter, that's it..."

Fen fell into thinking. This was the first time she heard that Chen Qi actually mastered the deep sea hunter's moves.

Chen Qi is really a man full of mystery!

With Chen Qi's current strength, it is not a rare thing to obtain a deep-sea hunter's treasure.

At this time, the sailor of the Dagger shouted loudly:

"Boss, scales seem to have fallen off the Black Lantern Dragon! Do you want to salvage it?"

Scales? Chen Qi lowered his head and found that some hot scales had indeed fallen from the sea under the recent bombardment.

This should not be the power of the cannonball.

Now, the Black Lantern Dragon is in a special skin-changing period.

Fenrir shouted loudly:


The professional sailors of the Dagger were fast and immediately operated the salvage machine to salvage the thick scales.


Three thick pitch-black scales fell on the deck.

Chen Qi walked over and touched him gently.

Rough, hard, hot...

[Scales of Black Lantern Dragon:

Description: The light and extremely hard black dragon scales have extremely strong spiritual power conductivity on the inside and can be used to make extremely rare armors. At the same time, the surface of the scales also has strong spiritual power absorption properties, and most of the spiritual power can be absorbed. When the attack hits the scales, the power will be diluted by 80%! 】

Extremely strong spiritual power conductivity, coupled with spiritual power dilution... Chen Qi was slightly startled.

The material of this Black Lantern Dragon is very strong!

The dilution of spiritual power means that the scales can be made into powerful magic armor, or the shell of a ship!

"Good stuff!"

The people on the Dagger all sighed that this was a big gain.

Although there are only three pieces, no matter what, these are the dragon scales of the Dragon King.

"Okay, stop looking, this is not our trophy!"

Fenrir said cheerfully:

"Mr. Black Hunter, the scales of the Black Lantern Dragon are a good thing. I think that although your ship has good speed, it lacks defense.

When I get back, my name is Xiao Ami, and I will help you install the latest defense system on your ship? How about using this scale to strengthen the windows and doors of your ship? "

Defense system!

This is not a small amount of money. If it is the latest defense system, it will even be worth more than his ship itself... Chen Qi said secretly.

This is also the biggest shortcoming of his ghost ship.

Fenrir's move was really arrogant!

Chen Qi nodded:

"Thank you very much."

Fenrir laughed and said:

"Hahaha! No need to thank you! Mr. Black Hunter, if it weren't for you, our lives would be dead. Even if I give you the Dagger, it won't be a problem!"

No, if it weren't for me, the black lantern dragon wouldn't have arrived so soon... Chen Qi shed a drop of cold sweat and looked at the black lantern dragon in the distance again.

The mad wolf Fenrir also followed Chen Qi's line of sight and looked into the distance:

"These things on the Dragon King's body are all treasures. According to legend, among the lanterns of the Black Lantern Dragon, there is an extremely rare light jade, which is the perfect material for lanterns.

It's a pity that these things are legendary playthings and have nothing to do with us people!

However, if this mission can be completed perfectly, maybe Mrs. Blood will give me something good like a blade. "

Scales, lamp phase, light jade... Chen Qi touched his chin.

As the dragon king body that dominates the offshore sea, this black lantern dragon is full of treasures!

This black lantern dragon is much richer than the offshore overlord!

Chen Qi swallowed a sip of water. If he could take off all the scales on the black lantern dragon, he could build a super-hard ship. If he could get the light jade, he could get super powerful lantern material.

And the next second, something unexpected happened.


After eating the bait, the Black Lantern Dragon not only did not leave, but roared at Chen Qi, and then swam to the front of the Dagger at an extremely fast speed.

In pursuit!


What? Do you still want to eat? A drop of sweat broke out in the morning.

In order to satisfy the Black Lantern Dragon, the seemingly ordinary extraordinary fishing bait just now actually consumed a lot of his spiritual power.

He doesn't have any extra spiritual power now to make a luxurious version of extraordinary fishing bait for Black Lantern Dragon!

The helmsman was shocked:

"Brother Fenrir, Lord Black Hunter! It's the Black Lantern Dragon, the Black Lantern Dragon! It's on our route! Do we want to take a detour?"

Fenrir was shocked. It was the first time he encountered such a thing.

The black lantern dragon actually ran in front of them!

Chen Qi looked at the black lantern dragon.

He vaguely understood what Black Lantern Dragon meant.

It has two meanings.

The first time it meant: "It feels so good, I want to eat it again!"

Is the extraordinary fishing bait I made so delicious... Chen Qi himself almost wanted to take a bite.

The second meaning is probably - "I have something good for you!"

The mad wolf Fenrir looked into the distance, hesitating.

If they change their route, it means that it will take them longer and there will be a greater chance of encountering other sea beasts.

Fenrir couldn't help but ask Chen Qi:

"Mr. Hunter, how about it? Should we change the route?"

Chen Qi touched his chin and said:

"I don't think it's necessary. It didn't attack us directly, which means it's in a good mood right now, so we might as well go with it.

Maybe, it's leading the way now. "

lead the way!

Fenrir was surprised and suspected that his ears had heard wrongly.

The black lantern dragon roared just now, was it guiding us?

That is the incarnation of natural disaster in this sea area!

This extraordinary fishing bait from the deep sea hunter is so powerful!

Could it be that the black hunter's bait contains a charm potion made by the Flower Witch?

Surprised little flowers also appeared on Fen's head. As a young lady living in the Beast Control Kingdom, she could clearly feel that the Black Lantern Dragon did not show enough murderousness.

Following the Black Lantern Dragon to the Naval Research Base was something she never dreamed of doing.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, but after experiencing what had just happened, they were willing to believe in their savior.

As long as they have the Black Hunter's extraordinary bait, they are not afraid of the Black Lantern Dragon!

When it really didn't work, they would use all their strength to cover Chen Qi, replenish his demons, and let Chen Qi make more extraordinary baits.

Fenrir stepped forward and shouted loudly:

"Then listen to the Black Hunter! Move forward, follow, Black Lantern Dragon, move forward at full speed!"


The crowd let out an overwhelming roar.

The Dagger is unstoppable, sprinting through the sea of ​​distortion!

Late at night, abandoned Lost Island, naval research base, dock.

Under the light of the lighthouse, this long-abandoned naval research base is brightly lit.

Fifteen warships of the Black Whale Regiment were parked in the port.

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, a large warship with a red skull flag flying gradually entered the dock from a distance.

"We finally arrived. It went surprisingly well. As expected, the black lantern dragon was scared away by the blood poisonous gas I released. As expected of me..."

The Flesh Mage waved his hand, signaling for the ship to dock and moor.

After successfully arriving at the shore, the Flesh Mage couldn't help but smile happily:

"Auntie is indeed an auntie. Everything is under her control. If it weren't for the ships of the Blood Blade Pirates, we wouldn't dare to speed up in that sea area."

Immediately afterwards, the flesh mage turned around and asked the investigator behind him:

"How's it going? What's the situation with the Blood Blade Pirates now?"

The investigator replied:

"Sir, according to the radar, the aura of the Black Lantern Dragon appeared again in the nearby sea area. At the same time, the signal of a ship also appeared. The Black Lantern Dragon and the ship have intersected. At present, it seems that the Blood Blade One of the pirate group's ships has been destroyed."

"A ship was destroyed..."

The flesh mage couldn't help but frown and looked into the depths of the naval base.

In order to safely enter the Blade Witch's ruins and obtain the Blade Witch's treasure, they also need the help of the Flower Witch and a key called 'Witch'!

The Flower Witch is the indispensable key, and the Black Hunter is the one that Big Mom Carol specifies!

The Black Hunter and the Flower Witch can be disabled, but neither can die!

The Flesh Mage asked:

"Who is on the ship? Are there witches and hunters?"

"Sorry, sir, our radar signals and intelligence are not yet able to come up with this result."

The Flesh Mage murmured:

"Forget it, the two of them should not be so lucky that they won't encounter that giant dragon..."

The Flesh Mage, as the commander of this operation, started pacing back and forth on the deck.

Then, he opened his mouth and commanded slowly:

"If an exploration ship is eaten, it means that the Black Lantern Dragon has consumed at least fifty second-level extraordinary beings and a bunch of extraordinary spiritual power items!

Even if it's a natural disaster, it should be full and happy now! "

A perfect opportunity!

The flesh mage touched his chin.

According to the information he has received so far, the reason why the ships of the Black Whale Group do not dare to act rashly is because of the terrifying black lantern dragon, except for the mysterious blue beast at the naval research base.

At present, the Black Lantern Dragon has just eaten, and its appetite must be greatly reduced! Must be digested!

We just took advantage of this opportunity to arrange a transport ship to transport back all the information, weapons, and captured sea beasts obtained from the naval base.

The Flesh Mage commanded loudly:

"Black Lantern Ship No. 7, Black Lantern Ship No. 8, and Ship No. 9, obey my orders! In five minutes, immediately cross the Sea of ​​Abnormality and return!

At the same time, Salvage Ship No. 11 immediately went to the center of the Sea of ​​Abnormality to salvage the wreckage of the Blood Blade Pirates! Recover all the equipment as much as possible! "

"Then, increase the brightness of the lighthouse, and Black Shark One and Two will take charge of the battle. If a warship is destroyed, other exploration ships will inevitably go to investigate after receiving the signal. At that time, we will make a sneak attack and launch a sea battle! "

"As you command!"

"As you command!"

Along with the neat steps, the roar of the engine began to sound.

What a great harvest... The flesh and blood mage showed a happy smile, followed Carol's example, sat on the sofa, lifted up his trouser legs, drank a glass of red wine, hugged the snatched beauty, and kissed her Take a sip and enjoy the beauty of this moment.

Aunt Carol is indeed Aunt Carol!

In this sea, the Blood Blade Pirates are their toys, their weapons, and completely consumables for their Black Whale Group.

Everything is according to plan!

Next, it’s time to harvest!

The belongings of the Blood Blade Pirates, the Black Hunter and Miss Witch, and the treasures of the naval base are all ours.

The mission is so simple. Except for the blue beast, there is no threat in this sea area... The flesh mage drank the red wine and enjoyed the wonderful roar of the ship.


However, the next moment, the screams of the crew were suddenly heard in the distance.

"What the hell! Who's howling?"

The Flesh Mage turned around and looked at the Black Whale Regiment warship that was out at sea.

However, a strong bloody wind, like a huge giant, pressed heavily on him, making him unable to open his eyes for a while.

The sound of the waves is getting louder and louder!

Why is it so dark in front? Why so foggy?

The Flesh Mage slowly raised his head. Above their newly built lighthouse, there was a lantern, a lantern that was constantly hanging high in the sky.

He lost his mind for a moment, leaving only one question, a simple question:

Now, can the warship force of the naval research base defeat the Black Lantern Dragon?

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