Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 222 Congratulations, you won the jackpot!

Chapter 222 Congratulations, you won the grand prize! Rolled five...

Abandoned naval base.

With the arrival of the Flower Witch, the sharp cracks on the countless steps gradually calmed down, and like a big mouth that slowly closed, it kept closing, turning into a ditch, a small crack, until it turned into a line - —


Until the last moment, two rotten hands grabbed the edge of the crack and used brute force to prevent the crack from closing.


A man dressed in a shabby hunter's uniform couldn't help but show his fangs and make an old voice:

"The tide is coming. This abandoned place has been visited by many, many guests recently——"

As the sea breeze blew by, the blue flames slowly fluttered under his mottled cloak, like slowly flowing waves.

Then, he raised his head slightly and looked at the man in the distance with his blue eyes under the cloak:

"Little fellow of the Black Whale Group, this is a pretty good crack. Why don't you go in and play? This crack has not yet reached its capacity limit. This is a quite fun place."

The blue beast... The Flesh Mage touched his forehead. He had just arrived on the island and he had encountered all the monsters he should have encountered!

"I listen to you, senior! I really want to go down and catch someone!"

The flesh mage smiled slightly and continued downward along the crack.

At the same time, the Black Lantern Dragon slowly opened its huge mouth, and its scales made a crunching sound.

The blue eyes under the cloak slowly raised and looked at the huge body of the black lantern dragon, and his hands shook:

"The difficulty of my hands... Really, as the years go by, I actually feel afraid of the difficulty of my hands..."


It was accompanied by a huge thunderstorm in the sky.

The black lantern dragon's lantern emits a dazzling light, and blazing spiritual power begins to condense in its mouth.

[Under identification...]

【A great success in identification】

Chen Qi looked at the prompt in front of him.

[Crack Name: The Last Soldier (The Trial Place of the Blade Witch)

Grade: C

Sexual aspect: blade, dice

Crack distortion: 10% (This crack has been controlled by perfect rune power and contains extremely special power)

Rift Mode: Single Player Combat

Crack level limit: none

Limit of number of people in the crack: no more than fifteen people.

Description: The trial place of the Blade Witch has more detailed inspiration and special powers. 】


Chen Qi touched his chin and looked at Qi Di in front of him.

It had been a long time since he'd entered a crack.

Moreover, this is the first time that he has entered a combat rift that is completely 'controlled and contained'.

"I didn't join the extraordinary organization, but I entered a rare 'training ground' crack so early."

Chen Qi touched his neck.

Some extraordinary professions have the power to transform cracks, such as the famous fourth-level extraordinary "Crack Transformer" of the Huazhui phase and the "Purifier" of the scale phase.

Because of these powers, many cracks can theoretically be controlled by humans and used to their own power.

After many cracks are transformed, they will become resource acquisition areas, such as the Black Earth, the hometown of the Flower Witch, and the mines in Maro Town.

The transformed cracks will be safer and can even become a source of resources.

Of course, absolutely safe resource cracks like the Black Land are extremely rare. Most of the controlled ‘ cracks ’ have a certain degree of distortion and threat.

The higher the level, the harder it is to control.

These cracks are often accommodated by specific organizations, and within the organization, people will be sent to deal with the cracks regularly.

For example, the navy has a blade-like ‘sea battle’ rift, which is specially used to train naval soldiers, and at the same time provide the navy with resources and a large number of spiritual points.

Another example is White Pigeon Newspaper Agency, which has a B-class "Moonstone City in the Mirror" that specializes in light imaging crack exploration. They will put newcomers into Moonstone City full of monsters to test their investigative abilities.

Therefore, in the absence of a tide of cracks, promotions mostly rely on the cracks within these organizations.

At this moment, the flower witch Fen reminded:

"Qi, please be careful. This crack may not kill your body, but it may torture your spirit——"

"My spirit?"

Chen Qi showed a puzzled expression and looked at the Flower Witch in front of him.

Fen finally said again softly:

"If you can't hold on, then choose to give up, give up your brain, and wait until the crack ends. I will be here..."

“What do you mean, give up your brain?”

Chen Qi asked curiously.

However, soon, a fine mist of blood appeared on the face of the Flower Witch, and with the whining sound of the wind, the Flower Witch disappeared into the blood mist.

No, to be precise, everyone around him disappeared into the blood mist.

The next moment, his eyes were also covered by thick blood mist.

The whistling wind sounded.

The smell of burnt blood... Chen Qi held the long knife at his waist and kept vigilance as quickly as possible.

As the blood mist gradually disappeared, a land full of scorched earth appeared in front of him.

The night was falling, but the sky was burning with an ominous red glow, and a strange red moon hung in the sky.

The air was filled with thick blood and despair, and the whimpering wind blew across his face.

On this battlefield shrouded in the aura of death, the ground was in a mess, broken blades and broken armor were scattered on the ground, and corpses were piled up in mountains.


Chen Qi asked suspiciously.

Many blade cracks are battlefields, but the current scene is still slightly beyond his expectations.

The huge sense of emptiness and an unprecedented sense of tranquility made his heart beat faster.

"What exactly is this trial..."

Chen Qi frowned and showed a puzzled expression.

Logically speaking, he should have obtained enough information after the great success of his inspiration appraisal.

But at present, it seems that his information is pitifully little.

There is no goal, no clearance conditions--

And this war is over, and there is nothing I need to do.

What on earth should I do? I entered a broken crack? Chen Qi was confused for a while.


Suddenly, the sound of a long knife falling to the ground sounded.

Chen Qi moved his feet gently and looked in the direction of the sound.

Passing the pile of corpses, a bright red figure proudly sat on the top of the pile of corpses.

It was wearing a dark red light armor, like a flame in the night, both beautiful and dangerous, with long black hair casually draped behind its back, blood beads sticking together, floating with the wind.


With a sigh of relief, it slowly stood up, picked up the long knife from the pile of corpses, and walked towards Chen Qi.

Da! Da! Da!

The sound of leisurely footsteps continued to come.

"Who is this person——"

The other party should be a very important person in this crack.

The other party was getting closer and closer to Chen Qi——

Chen Qi couldn't help holding his breath and asked:

"Who are you——"


However, before he could speak, it casually turned the long knife in its hand, and then gently stabbed forward.

Chen Qi instinctively drew his knife, but the opponent's speed was too fast——

Pure panel crush——

The bright red blade pierced his heart, and his body made a painful wail until his brain——

Chen Qi looked down and saw his body standing there in a daze.

I was killed instantly... An idea came into Chen Qi's mind.

The next moment, the bright red fog swallowed him again——

The sound of the wind whirred.

Chen Qi opened his blurry eyes again and looked at his heart.

His heart was intact, and he returned to this place again.

At this moment, the crack prompt popped up in front of him again.

[You are dead.

Evaluation: Like an ant that was randomly crushed to death. ]

[The crack is being identified again...]

[The identification is a great success...]

[Crack name: The last soldier.

Description: The monster on the pile of corpses won the war, and your identity is the last trash on its way home. It only needs one knife to kill you.

Reminder: The strength of the monster depends on your level when you enter the crack.

Clearance conditions: Defeat the enemies on the pile of corpses or until the time is up. ]

The trash that was killed in one blow... Chen Qi's mouth twitched, and the cold feeling in his heart still did not dissipate.

[You successfully identified the three important characteristics of the crack. ]

[Blessing of Immortality: The crack lasts for three days. During these three days, once you die, you will return to the origin of the crack. 】

[The power of the dice: In this rift, as the death deepens, you can give your enemy the corresponding negative bonus to all attributes. (Up to 100 times)]

[Trial Land: In this rift, your ability to learn extraordinary skills increases significantly. You can hone your own strength through battles, and then quickly digest your skills and gain a strong understanding. In battle, you have a small chance to break through the limits of your own skills. 】

Chen Qi quickly scanned the BUFF in front of him.

A copy similar to a game, a copy that is constantly challenging.

The first characteristic is what happened to him just now.

As for the second one, the more I die, the stronger I will be.

Chen Qi quickly focused on the third one.

The extraordinary learning ability increases significantly, and the understanding is very strong!

Chen Qi was shocked.

These two can be said to be god-level BUFFs!

In short, skills that originally took a month to master may even be mastered within a day.

Even the Book-Appearance Holy Land of the White Tower Federation can hardly provide such a powerful BUFF!

You know, even if you have a skill card, you still need to spend a lot of time and spiritual points to fully master the skill, and this crack directly accelerates this process.

This is the trial place of the Blade Witch, worthy of being a copy in the main line... Chen Qi couldn't help but sigh.

Even if you don't mention the final clearance reward, this copy itself is a very high reward!

Chen Qi couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

[Tryer, please choose your difficulty! (Depending on the difficulty, the final pass reward is also different.)]

[You will randomly select a term and select multiple terms. ]


This inspiration!

Chen Qi couldn't help but smile.

Soon, a large number of terms appeared in front of him.

These special inspirations often appear in the cracks of the dice phase.

And those who stick to the dice phase can get one more random opportunity in these random options.

In the player forum, the cracks of the dice phase have always been popular among the majority of players!

The randomness of the dice phase crack can make a monotonous crack produce two difficulties and multiple changes.

In the player forum, the main line of the Black Blood Empire is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, and the giant blade dice crack ‘dungeon’ is the most popular crack copy!

Therefore, Chen Qi himself also likes the cracks in the dice, and he also has a lucky dice given by the Variety Monster Palu.

Select the entries... Chen Qi looked at these entries excitedly.

[Agility increase: enemy's agility +20%, score +50]

[Physical Strengthening: The ‘enemy’s’ blood volume increases by 20%, and the score +50. 】

[Physical Strengthening 2: The ‘enemy’s’ blood volume increases by 50%, score +100]

[Blade Strengthening: The blade in the hand of the "enemy" is strengthened, with a score of +50. 】

[Burning power: All attacks by this "enemy" will have a permanent burning effect, with a score of +50. 】

[Power of Charm: The "enemy" becomes more beautiful and will cause continuous mental charm to you, with a score of +50. 】

[Remaining blood posture: When the 'enemy''s blood volume is less than 20%, it will enter a state of rage and the score will be +100. 】

[Ghost Form: The enemy 'obtains' the special skill "Ghost Form", which allows him to be invincible for three seconds twice, with a score of +100. 】

[Remote Bow: The ‘enemy’ will unlock an additional special large bow with a score of +50]

[Double knife form: The 'enemy' gets two knives, a fire knife and an ice knife, with a score of +100! 】

[Corpse Pile Resurrection: In addition to the enemy, the surrounding corpses will resurrect continuously and attack you, with a score of +100. 】

In front of him, more than fifty entries appeared that increased the difficulty of the enemy.

Chen Qi silently scanned these special entries.

Depending on the choice, the difficulty will also change qualitatively.

Among them, 0 to 150 points is a difficulty, 150 points to 300 points is a difficulty, 300 points to 400 points is a difficulty, 400 points to 700 points is a difficulty, and 700 points to 1000 points is a difficulty.

Among them, as long as you can get 400 points, you can get an A-level evaluation!

In the end, Chen Qi weighed it again and again, eliminating some extremely terrifying options, and chose [Spiritual Pollution-Light], [Physical Strengthening II], [Blade Strengthening], [Remote Bow], [Strength Strengthening], and [Stage with Remaining Blood] 】.

"50+100+50+50+50+100, exactly 400 points, you can get the A-level score."

Chen Qi itself has good mental resistance.

Among them, physical strengthening and blade strengthening are the more basic choices, while the long-range bow is an option with lower side effects in Chen Qi's opinion.

Chenqi itself is a melee style. As long as it can maintain close combat, it can effectively avoid the opponent's long-range capabilities.

The mental pollution is light, and Chen Qi's own mental resistance makes him almost immune.

Among the 100 entries, Chen Qi believes that the one with more room for manipulation is the posture of remaining blood.

Compared with the corpse resuscitation that tests the ability to clear the field, and the dual-sword form that purely enhances combat power, this is already a pretty good choice.

This entry tests his own explosive ability and blood control ability.

As long as you can control the blood volume and complete a wave of burst control, you can maximize the power of this entry!

There should be no problem... Chen Qi took a deep breath, confirmed the options, and chose a safe score.

In fact, according to inspiration, the strength of the 'enemy' is determined by his own level.

And now, his strength far exceeds that of an ordinary second-level transcendent.

In other words, for him, level A is not very difficult.

"Am I too safe..."

Chen Qi fell into thinking.

Thinking about it carefully, he may have been frightened by the threat of dismounting from the crack just now.

Then, he took out the lucky dice...

As expected, after the rift ends, there will be a random reward option, and this dice will also play its true role.

I hope the lucky dice will bless me... Chen Qi said silently in his heart.

At this time, the final prompt popped up.

[You will randomly select the last entry: 5 to 100! 】

Chen Qi took a deep breath.

Random entries, this is also the most exciting part of the dice cracks!

A random dice can determine the difficulty of a crack!

[Throw or not? 】


Lucky Dice helps me! God of twenty-sided dice, help me! God help me! Lady Luck helps me!

Chen Qi prayed fiercely in his heart, and the five twenty-sided dice began to spin crazily. Finally, the five dice slowly stopped.

Chen Qi's pupils couldn't help but shrink:

"Five, five, five——"

Five 20 results!

What kind of luck is this!

[Congratulations, you cast five 20s, the total points are 100, you won the jackpot! 】

A bright red prompt pops up.

[You get a random entry: Blade Witch.

Your enemy will turn into a Blade Witch, and your score will be increased by 500! ! ! 】


Wait, how much does the rating add?

However, before Chen Qi could react, he vaguely heard the sound of a long knife falling.

Chen Qi turned his head sideways, opened his mouth slightly, and looked at the enemy at the top of the pile of corpses.

The enemy's figure slowly stood up under the light of the red moon, like an ancient sculpture about to collapse. She slowly removed its heavy helmet, revealing long bright red hair and a pair of bright red eyes of a witch.

The wind slowly blew, and her bright red hair fluttered in the wind.

She licked her tongue, her lips curled up slightly, and gently took one step, two steps in the direction of Chen Qi...

[The trial begins! May you have a good time, distant traveler! ]

Chen Qi looked at the lucky dice in his hand, and then looked at the bright red eyes in front of his eyes——

Thanks for your monthly tickets and subscriptions! Thanks (ω), I wrote it in a hurry, so there may be a lot of typos! Correct it immediately! Put a handful of scary little black hole flowers here.

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