The roar of the steamship is getting louder and louder!

Accompanied by the roar of steam, everyone ran back and forth on the deck like ants on a hot pot.

On the Dagger, the helmsman shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Adjust the port side! Start the last hidden energy, replenish the protective shield, and keep the lifeboat ready at any time!

If the intelligence officer finds an abnormal ship, report it immediately!"

Mad Wolf Fenrir also walked out of the captain's room and took out a high-end Eye of Navigation machine:

"Black Hunter, and Miss Witch! The current situation is not optimistic! This is the currently known intelligence."

Fenrir turned the button, and the machine in his hand began to make a sound.

"Dagger, someone sent the information about the Flower Witch, the Black Hunter, and the Trial Ground to the entire Witch Sea through the signal tower."

"At present, according to the observed ships, more than 15 ships from different forces have entered the Distortion Sea. At the same time, the Blood Blade Pirates are deeply involved in the battle with the Black Whale Group and cannot provide effective fire support."

"Dagger, you must leave the Distortion Sea and reach the territory of Red Maple Island--"

The situation does not seem very optimistic... Chen Qi patted the machine.

The Flower Witch frowned. The feeling of being hunted by multiple forces was simply the worst.

Fenrir, the mad wolf, lit a cigarette and said with a self-deprecating smile:

"The last time so many forces were alarmed was on the eve of the rift tide. The treasure map of the deep-sea hunters, and the four major pirate groups were all frantically looking for treasure."

"And now, with the rift tide, the greedy treasure hunters in this sea are far more than 'four pirates', but the arrival of the Ice Demon Pirates is also good news. I heard that the Ice Demon Pirates are on the side of the witch."

"It's all because of me..."

The flower on the head of the flower witch Fen couldn't help but bend down, and whispered.

She not only has the flower witch's career card, the blade witch's relics, and detailed information on all the trial places, but also the ice witch's prophecy...

Fenrir, the mad wolf, took out a sea chart:

"Everyone, if you want to return to Red Maple Island and Black Mine City safely, we are now gambling. My suggestion is to rush directly to Red Maple Island, but as a price, the probability of us being besieged by other ships will increase significantly.

What do you think?"

Fenrir, the mad wolf, gave a bold plan.

Since we are surrounded, we might as well charge straight ahead!!

Maybe we can even run into the Ice Demon Pirates!

Wait, we are surrounded... Chen Qi looked at the sea map.

The Distortion Sea, Red Maple Island, the Navy's abandoned research base, and the Black Mine City -

Because of the whirlpool, if you want to get out, you must pass through the Distortion Sea.

Because of this, although it is on the sea, in fact, the Dagger does not have many options.

Of course, this is just their perspective -

In Chen Qi's opinion, this sea route is very spacious! You can drive anywhere!

First, continue to go deeper along the Distortion Sea, and the destination will be the dangerous Fog Sea.

However, neither the Flower Witch Fen nor Fenrir will ever agree to this option.

In addition, there is the dangerous sea area in the Distortion Sea itself!

As a taboo place, there are far more dangerous sea beasts on the Distortion Sea than the Black Lantern Dragon, and far more dangerous weather than the fog.

Of course, no matter which option is chosen, it is a bit too exciting for everyone on the Dagger.

But in the current situation, this is indeed a very good choice... Chen Qi touched his chin.

Just take a detour to avoid most of the hostile ships.

Fenrir squatted down, spread the sea chart on the ground, and began to plan the next route.

However, a large number of danger marks made him unable to start.

Chen Qi said silently:

"Mad Wolf, Fen, I have a good idea."


Chen Qi took the pen and casually drew a light stroke on the dark black area on the sea chart:

"I think these places are quite spacious, right? Let's go around along this route!"

Spacious? What's the reason? Everyone on the boat raised their heads and looked at the Black Hunter and the route on the sea chart in disbelief.

Spacious, isn't it a terrifying place with no one?

Is the Black Hunter always so fierce when driving a boat?


Mad Wolf Fenrir was silent for a moment:

"Mr. Black Hunter, are you sure there is no problem? This sea area is the activity range of the Black Lantern Dragon. In addition, there are many ferocious and brutal ghost fire fish."

If it were anyone else, Mad Wolf would have slapped him long ago.

However, Chen Qi's "fishing in the storm" made Fenrir feel a strong feeling:

That is, if you follow the Black Hunter, you will have meat to eat! It's safe!

If it weren't for the Black Hunter, their Dagger would still be in the abandoned research base of the Navy, fighting against the Black Whale Group.

Fen also asked:

"Is this really feasible?"

Fen looked at Chen Qi suspiciously.

The more she looked at Chen Qi, the more mysterious she felt that Chen Qi was!

There should be no problem... Chen Qi explained:

"Everyone, you should know that I once relied on luck to get a treasure of the deep-sea hunter.

Among them, in addition to 'Fishing in the Storm', I also got a copy of the Deep Sea Hunter's 'Monster Hunter Guide'. This guide records the weaknesses and habits of most monsters. Therefore, even if you go deep into dangerous sea areas, , I also have enough confidence. "

Fen: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"!"

There is also this matter!

You actually have a monster-killing guide for deep-sea hunters!

Fen couldn't help but feel shocked. She had followed Chen Qi for so long, and a huge question in her heart was finally solved.

The mad wolf Fenrir also suddenly realized:

"I see, no wonder, Mr. Hunter, your title is Black Hunter..."


Chen Qi said honestly.

In fact, he does have the knowledge to deal with many types of monsters.

However, he rarely uses this knowledge.

Everyone looked at each other with no objections.

I started writing in the morning and carefully planned a chart.

Chen Qi silently turned around and looked at the ruins at the center of the navy's abandoned research base.

Under the ruins, there seemed to be a huge monster hiding, a monster that was ready to move.

We have to leave quickly... Chen Qi shouted:

"Okay, in that case, everyone, just follow this route! Break out of the encirclement!!"

"Yes! Captain! Everyone, get going!"

The mad wolf Fenrir shouted loudly.

Accompanied by the roar of the boiler, the Dagger's engine was turned to full capacity, and like a fast fish, it surged into the depths of the mist.

boom! boom!

The sound of thunder and lightning continued.

Under the dark night sky, the Dagger was like a small boat, traveling alone and tenaciously through the storm with raging winds and huge waves.

The rain poured down like a waterfall, lapping mercilessly on the deck, making a dense and rapid sound, intertwined with the roar of the waves hitting the ship's side to form a thrilling symphony.

Under the bottom of the ship, dark shadows kept crawling, trying to get closer to the fast-moving ship.

The crew members held the rope tightly and staggered, but did not dare to relax at all.

Once they are blown away by the wind, they become food for these shadows.

"It's raining heavily."

Chen Qi stood on the bow of the boat, letting the wind and rain wash over him. His eyes penetrated the rain curtain, looking for a way forward in the chaos.

Chen Qi dropped an extraordinary fishing bait and at the same time released a strong 'expulsion intention' towards the 'monster' under the sea.

As the bait fell into the sea, countless shadows under the deep sea quickly entangled and twisted together, like a herd of beasts entangled for food.

As the monster left, the speed of the Dagger increased.

As expected of a black hunter, he is really rich in knowledge... The crew members in the storm took a long breath.

It's almost solved... Chen Qi clapped his hands:

"Crazy Wolf, we are about to leave the Sea of ​​Mist, and the rest of the route will be left to you."

"No problem! Leave it to me! Black Hunter! Thank you for your command!"

Fenrir, the mad wolf, shouldered his sword and agreed boldly.

After Chen Qi finished the command, he leaned next to the box, took out the remaining fire hand he had at the Blade Witch's trial site, and played with it carefully.

The appearance of the Hand of Ember is like a ball of solidified flame, the size of a palm.

Inject spiritual power and try to manipulate...

Chen Qi took a breath.

With the injection of spiritual power, part of the flame began to burn, and then quickly turned into a long burning hand, and then flew in the air.

Soon, the length of this hand reached two meters, and then the flames became fierce and brutal! Start twisting and twitching!

So long! So twisted!

However, it is so difficult to control...

Chen Qi tried to use his spiritual power, but was completely unable to control it.

"Qi, the hand of the remaining fire is forged from the deep blue fire, and this flame requires great spiritual power. Therefore, violent spiritual power is more suitable for controlling it..."

As Fen, the Flower Witch, spoke, she sat next to Chen Qi very naturally.

"Violent spiritual power?"

Chen Qi followed Fen's method and manipulated the Hand of Ember Fire.

Soon, one, two, or even three flame hands began to emerge from this small flame...

However, Chen Qi soon felt a lack of spiritual power and stopped operating.

"Phew, is this the hand of the remaining fire? It's so expensive..."

A smile appeared on Chen Qi's lips.

The high consumption is not the shortcoming of the Hand of the Ember;

The fire of the deep sea is considered an ultra-rare resource on the rift tide!

In the Witch Sea, any relic that is related to the deep blue fire is extremely powerful.

The touch of residual fire on his body should also have a certain relationship with the fire of the deep sea.

Tick ​​tock!

In the storm, Fen slowly raised his head, and the flowers on his head were beaten by the heavy rain.

At this moment, Deep Sea Spirit No. 2 came over with a leaf umbrella to protect the two of them from the rain.

In the storm, Fen suddenly wiped his eyes and said:

"Qi, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in the current situation, nor would you be chased by Aunt Carol, nor would you be targeted by the Black Lantern Dragon, nor would you be in such a situation..."

In Fen's opinion, it was her relationship that led to this series of events.

She is the one who started this story.

Fen... Chen Qi looked at the heavy rain in the distance:

"this is nothing……"

"Besides, in terms of the navy's reward order, my reward may not necessarily be lower than yours."

As the main character, the Flower Witch is closely related to the main plot.

However, the treasure obtained with the Flower Witch and the speed of growth are far beyond other events!

This trip to the trial land has greatly improved Chen Qi's strength.

Blade solution, plus the heart of the bonfire, the hound step, the super sense skill, and the hand of the embers...

The foundation is solid, and now I can almost find a way to advance to the third level.

It can be said that if there is no flower witch, he would not have grown so fast!

The flower witch lowered her head, leaned on Chen Qi's shoulder, and whispered:

"Qi, the harvest of my trip is the witch relic "Blade Key", plus the fourth-level career card in my hand, my bounty will increase by at least 30 million shells!"

"Blade Key? Domain relic?"

Chen Qi asked in surprise.

This thing, in the forum, is an item that only fourth-level extraordinary people can control!

Fin nodded:

"Yes, a relic used to release a large-scale blade release beyond the rules. Although it is just a replica, it still has 20% of the performance. In addition, it is also the key to open the exclusive crack of the Blade Witch..."

Open the exclusive crack of the Blade Witch, plus release a large-scale blade release...

This is Fin's harvest!

The witch's relic is really good, but it is useless to me...Chen Qi comforted:

"Don't worry, Fin, it will be fine, and by then, it is not certain who will cause trouble to whom."

Chen Qi looked at the remaining fire hand in his hand and smiled slightly.

His record on the sea is getting more and more amazing. In the eyes of some people, his bounty value may not be lower than that of the witch.

Fen lowered her head, put her head on her knees, and said silently:

"Well, Qi, according to the prophecy I got, war and disaster are coming. If you want to live, you'd better retreat into the city and retreat into a safe organization..."

Chen Qi answered decisively:

"Not interested at all! Fen, hiding is useless. Only by stepping on the top of the wave can you gain a foothold."

Fen was stunned for a moment:

"Only by standing on the top of the wave...what you, my teacher, and my parents said is really like..."

In the heavy rain, Fen spoke out her worries, and then looked into the distance.

On this sea, I am money...Fen slowly raised her head.

However, at this moment, it was just as if she had confirmed her statement.

In the storm with dark clouds and thunder, turbulent waves were rolling on the sea surface.

And under the gloomy dark clouds, a flag with a black bottom slowly emerged from the horizon, rising higher and higher!

On the black flag, there was a huge black whale, accompanied by a huge roar, and the whole ship seemed to emit a huge whale roar!

This ship... Chen Qi frowned.

The ship in front of them was not an ordinary black whale pirate ship, but the ship of the cadre, the Queen of Gunfire, Aunt Carol!!!

A fourth-level legendary ship!

"Adjust the port side! Retreat at full speed!"

Wild Wolf Fenrir roared.

And at the bow in the distance, Aunt Carol blew a puff of smoking hot gun barrel:

"After three rounds of wandering! Finally found it!

Let me say again, this trip, we will only capture alive!"

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