Dense raindrops carrying blood-stained petals hit everyone.

Fen didn't listen to Qing Qi's words, and the flowers on her body fell rapidly and fell on the deck, forming a small sea of ​​flowers.

She gasped for air, her voice trembled, and she couldn't even stand still.

In the final analysis, the Flower Witch Fen has not yet completed her promotion, and is just a weak third-level transcendent.

The flower blooms in the blood, but with the current strength of the Flower Witch, it can only last for a short moment.

I can't, can't stop... Fen gritted his teeth and stood hard. Facing the legend, if there was even a trace of slack, the entire Dagger would be reduced to blood foam.

Chen Qi couldn't help but look into the distance.

On the distant horizon, one can see a flag flying high in the storm, and the blade-like smooth hull cuts across the sea.

The main ship of the Blood Blade Pirates' Red Maple Island!

Madam Blood and the generals of the Blood Blade Pirates are on that ship.

However, this does not mean safe...

Chen Qi's eyes turned red and he looked at Carol in front of him.

The Liberation of the Flower Witch has three effects.

First, the perception is reduced and the pain is transmitted. Enemies in the flower rain will have their perception greatly reduced, and at the same time, they will experience the pain of the Flower Witch when she pulls the flowers out of her body.

Second, Flower Guard, the Flower Witch can create illusions to protect her companions and use flowers to resist damage.

Third, as long as the enemy in the rain of flowers has an exposed bloody wound on his body, flowers that absorb vitality and strength will bloom on the wound.

Absolutely powerful liberation... The translucent tentacles behind Chen Qi twisted and expanded, and a large amount of air flow swirled around his body.

However, even with liberation and the assistance of the Blood Blade Pirates, the current situation is still very bad...

Carol, the Queen of Fire, is definitely the overlord of this sea area. Even under the main ship of the Blood Blade Pirate Group, she is still a mountain.

While the end result is victory, the key is the cost.

The price is the life of the Flower Witch.

Every second the Flower Witch holds on, her body will become extremely weak, and her injuries will become 10% more serious...

Ten seconds is not the limit for Flower Witch.

But after ten seconds, the Flower Witch's overdrawn vitality will increase exponentially.

And it seems that Chen Qi itself will also become part of the price.

Unless it can cause a substantial attack or substantial injury to Carroll, Carroll will never give up easily.

Chen Qi silently felt the sound under his feet.

Even Carol is afraid of the deep sea.

Chen Qi took a deep breath, and the tentacles of the Remaining Fire Touch twisted and expanded behind his back, becoming stronger and more powerful.

On the deck, the crew picked up their weapons and looked at Carol in horror, as well as the mad wolf Fenrir at Carol's feet——

Their boss is still alive, and as brothers, they want to save their captain!

But in the face of absolute power, they couldn't even take a step.

The gap cannot be bridged by courage.

Carol stretched out her hand and pulled out the flowers on her neck:

"Hahahahaha! Witch! You really surprise me. I understand why Father Whale wants you so much!"

The panic on Carol's face faded instantly, and then turned into anger, the anger of a high-ranking person.

As a legend, her life was actually taken away by liberation!

Even with Father Whale's orders, she would not be able to let the black hunter and the witch reach the other side of the Sea of ​​Mist intact!

On Carol's body, the mottled black lines spread suddenly, and a large amount of steam was exhaled from between her mouth and nose.

Her body is no longer just flesh and blood, it is the embodiment of steel and iron!

Heart of Steam!

The scalding steam suddenly spread throughout the Dagger, like streams of lava, pressing down on everyone.

Everyone kept moving back, stooped, and some even knelt down on the spot.

In front of them, Carol's figure became impressively tall, like a giant flame dragon swallowing the sky.

There is no doubt that there is only one end close to Carroll right now.

Carol's orange-red hair fluttered in the rain.

Just a look and a simple breath! She can solve it all!


Chen Qi breathed softly and finally asked:

"Fin, can your liberation, within ten seconds, cover me?"

Fen bit her tongue. Her brain had been occupied by the pain of pulling out the blood flowers, and she looked at Chen Qi in confusion.


She nodded hard.


The moment the Flower Witch nodded, Carol took a sudden step, creating a huge pit, breaking through the rain and flower petals, and came to Chen Qi.

Her mechanical hand suddenly opened, turning into a huge ghost hand, rushing towards Chen Qi's head, and then grabbed it fiercely!

The head quickly turns into bright red petals!

Can I have hallucinations the moment I launch the attack... Carol quickly turned sideways, and her vision met Chen Qi's eyes.

Carol's invincible body, mottled runes, dragon-like eyes, and two pistols on her belt——

Chen Qi's pupils couldn't help but shrink with excitement and fear.

The fourth level is the focus of discussion in the player forum...

Chen Qi understands Big Mom's attacks, moves, and even her weaknesses.

As long as Carol does not turn on the "Gunner" mode, her attacks are monotonous, and she is essentially a monster with a sky-high panel.

This feeling of facing the legend directly can be said to be quite unpleasant.

Taking advantage of the gap... Chen Qi used his legs to exert force, dodged behind Carol, aimed at her neck, and then slashed with a knife.


With a sonorous sound of the blade, heavy rain and flower petals fell on Chen Qi's face——

Chen Qi struck at the back of Carol's neck and made a few cuts.

And this small wound quickly expanded, turned into a small flower seedling, grew into a small flower, until it turned into a blood-stained flower——

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Carol couldn't help grinning, laughing loudly, and then grabbed the pistol at his waist.

Fen's liberating effect! Beyond her imagination!

In this state, she couldn't even capture the Black Hunter's movements!

But this made Carol feel excited, more excited than ever.

Only prey that resists is good prey.

Once the flower solution is over, everything will be reversed——

Like a high mountain, Carol spun slightly on her toes, silently turned her head, gathered all her strength, and punched out.

The huge punch force blasted out, setting off layers of waves!

Is it really empty again? It seems that I can't adapt to the liberation of the Flower Witch in a short period of time... Carol smiled until a trace of coldness came from behind her.

Chen Qi exploded with all his strength, and the eight tentacles behind him were like thick arms, grabbing Carol's neck, shoulders, and legs.

Haunted by lingering flames!

A large amount of translucent blue flames emerged from behind Chen Qi, and the power continued to wrap around his arms.


Fen, who was in a state of confusion, widened his eyes. Chen Qi actually dared to approach a legend.

She bit her palm fiercely and stretched her liberation control to the limit!

At this moment, Aunt Carol could not help but be surprised, with a crazy smile on her lips.

On this sea, no one dared to approach her for a long time!

This black hunter aroused her interest!

There was only three seconds - Chen Qi's tentacles suddenly threw Carol into the air, and then, eight semi-illusory tentacles gathered their strength.


Eight punches came out, like a huge steamroller, slamming Carol into the sea!

Boom! A huge pit was smashed into the sea!

“Hoo, ho, ho—”

Chen Qi gasped for air, slowly moved forward, walked to the side of the boat, and wiped the rain off his mouth.

The moment Carol was blasted off the Dagger, everyone fell into a brief silence and looked at Chen Qi in disbelief.

On the sea, legend is an existence that cannot be insulted and is a symbol of absolute strength.

Once, a boatman from Dolphin Island simply bumped into his aunt Carol in a tavern. His family and friends completely disappeared from the sea within a week. No one dared to talk about this time.

In the heavy rain, the mad wolf Fenrir slowly raised his head:

"Black Hunter..."

"Mr. Black Hunter!"

Everyone was filled with shock, in the heavy rain, but faced with Carol's power and the threat of the Mermaid, they were speechless.

Only Fen still works hard to maintain her liberation:

"Run quickly... You will be killed and tortured. Auntie will not let go of the men she targets..."

"Need not."

Chen Qi slowly squatted down, looked at the rough sea, and said calmly:

"Reinforcements have arrived, and she doesn't dare to come up."

"Fen, you can stop. If this continues, your life force will be overdrawn..."

Accompanied by the roar of steam, the main ship of the Blood Blade Pirates, the Blood Blade, had approached the Dagger and launched a bombardment with the Mermaid.

On the Mermaid, many crew members under Carol remained calm.

On the Blood Blade, the crew shouted loudly:

"Everyone! Hurry up and board the ship!!"

You can stop, really... Fen staggered and took two steps.

Gulu, Gulu——

A large amount of steam continued to emerge from the rolling sea.

Under the sea, Carol's entire body was surrounded by seawater——

"Phew, it feels so comfortable——"

Carol closed her eyes, and the pain in her head gradually disappeared.

The opponent's attack actually pushed her out of the Flower Witch's liberation zone, which was exactly what she wanted.

As she escaped the attack range of the Flower Witch, Carol's brain became clearer and clearer, her perception slowly recovered, and her pain disappeared bit by bit.

Then, she slowly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand in the direction of the Dagger——

Suddenly, a small ball floated slowly in front of her along the sea current.

food? Fishing bait? Carol reached out her hand and took it in hers.

Forget it, it’s not important——

Carol was extremely excited.

Unlike other extraordinary beings, Carol could clearly feel that Chen Qi was only a second-level extraordinary being.

And a second-level transcendent actually dared to attack her!

This reminded her of what happened when she was young. When she was robbing a merchant ship, she encountered a black eye from a bodyguard!

At that time, she was only a level three, but because she fought three level three extraordinarys in a row, she was pressed to the ground by a level one with black eyes and pointed a gun at her forehead.

And that black eye eventually became a member of the Black Whale Group, and became a pirate captain who was only interested in money and had no interest in women or family.

After that, very few people who were two levels below her took action against her!

This is humiliation, naked humiliation!

She is one of the most ferocious pirates in the sea, and men below the fourth level can only bow to her.

As the great pirate captain of the Black Whale Group, she would not allow such stain.

Even if the whale father values ​​Chen Qi's value, even if she is injured, she must have the black hunter kneel at her feet!

"Black Hunter!!!"

Carol roared, clenched his fist fiercely, crushed the bait in his hand, and used his strength.

However, before she could exert her strength, a tentacle wrapped around her arm.

Then, a shark bit her head.

More and more tentacles and fangs bit at her.

Carol blinked blankly.

Why, this sea area? Will there be so many deformed monsters appearing in the same place?

Behind her, there were thousands of terrifying monsters, slowly swimming towards her, then opening their bloody mouths, slowly swimming towards her——

Why? Why?

Carol was shocked. She had never encountered such a special situation in all her years in the sea.

Logically speaking, this place is already on the edge of the distorted sea area, and there is no way there are so many sea beasts——

Totally impossible!

Could it be...

Until the next second, Carol had a vague answer in her heart, and a hand like black coal appeared in front of her eyes.

She slowly turned around, and among the countless shadows, blue flames slowly burned in the sea.

The blue beast swam here from the naval research base - Carol paused.

The next second, the flames expanded suddenly, wrapping Carol one hand after another, and slowly covering Carol's head:

"The pirates of the Black Whale...give me the fire of the deep sea...and the hunter..."

Gulu, Gulu——

"Phew, Fen, I told you, it will be over in ten seconds."

Chen Qi squatted on the bow of the Dagger, tilting his head with a puzzled expression.

Why hasn't Carol jumped up yet?

In Chen Qi's plan, after the Blood Blade Pirates arrive, they can quickly expand their advantage by using extraordinary bait and a plan to drive Carol to the bottom of the sea.

The more dangerous the sea, the greater his home field advantage.

In other words, as long as the main ship of the Blood Blade Pirates takes action, their winning rate is very high.

However, Chen Qi didn't expect that his punch actually knocked Carol directly to the bottom of the sea without any movement.

Even the Blood Blade Pirate Group's Blood Blade failed to take action.

Something's not right... Chen Qi had a vague premonition, clapped his hands, and shouted to the pirates on the Beauty:

"Puppies with only muscles on the ship, why don't you run away without your master?"

The Siren in charge of the Mermaid's mouth twitched, gritted his teeth, and ordered the Mermaid to turn around!

However, the Blood Blade soon launched a fierce bombardment, blowing many of the Mermaid's crew to pieces.

The people in the Dagger looked at Chen Qi, not knowing how to express their feelings.

Until a loud voice broke the silence.

"Sorry, we're late!"

In the heavy rain, the people on the Blood Blade looked at the devastation of the Dagger and slowly lowered the ladder:

"Everyone! Come on board!"


Chen Qi stood up, patted his sore hands, and prepared to board the Blood Blade.

And the next second, two soft hands were placed on his shoulders from behind.

In the storm, Fen, whose body was stained with blood, was swaying, leaning on his back with vague consciousness.

At this moment, most of the flowers on Fen's body have withered, which is a kind of torture for people with hemorrhagic disease.


Chen Qi felt the warmth on his back and said softly.

Flowers bloom in blood, and the loss of a large amount of blood has put the Flower Witch on the verge of death.

Facing Chen Qi's call, Fen didn't answer anything, just kept breathing.

Chen Qi could feel Fen's violent heartbeat on his back.

He is already unconscious, unable to speak, and his body is at the limit of his physical capabilities...

In the heavy rain, Chen Qi sighed, slowly squatted down, and carefully carried Fen on his back:

"Fin, don't worry, we're home."


Fen, who was unconscious, hugged Lu Chenqi tightly subconsciously.

Chen Qi slowly boarded the Blood Blade along the ship's ladder.

On the Blood Blade, Lady Blood, veteran Gale, and Little Red Riding Hood looked at the flower witch and wolf Fenrir covered in blood with sad expressions on their faces.

Thanks for the 100-coin reward if there is no abnormality at the moment! ! ! Thanks! There are also monthly passes and subscriptions for everyone! And catching insects! (I’ve been typing too fast recently, there are a lot of typos, sorry or2) Put a sad little blue flower here! !

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