Why does Whale Father want Black Hunter so much? Why? Little Crow's heart is constantly stirring up huge waves.

Although Black Hunter's record is rich, compared with the seven long-famous pirates, it can only be regarded as a small ripple.

The Blood Hunter's fingers moved slightly, revealing the card in his hand.

It was a dark black card. On the front of the card, there was a girl wearing a black court dress, drinking bright red wine, and looking at the meteor shower in the sky.

The Witch of Disaster, the occupation card of the Light Shadow, is an ominous symbol in the legend. It has the terrifying ability to create disasters and drive shadows.

In the legend, this occupation card will only appear before the eve of the disaster.

Legendary occupation card!

Everyone's eyes were attracted.

Even some third-level male pirates couldn't help but lick their tongues with curious eyes.

Siren's eyes sparkled, and she clenched her fists and said:

"Lord Blood Hunter! I will complete it, even if I am disfigured, even if the Black Hunter breaks my beautiful arms! I will do my best to dedicate the Black Hunter to you!"

According to the current intelligence, the Black Hunter is at most a deformed and crazy third-level extraordinary person.

And third-level extraordinary people, no matter how powerful they are, have weaknesses.

Physical exhaustion, immunity to toxins, disease, fire, fatigue, shipwreck...

Third-level extraordinary people were killed by a knife, and hundreds of cases can be found in history.

In the raging wind and waves, everyone has the possibility of taking down the Black Hunter!

The opposite of the difficulty of the task is the rarity of the legendary occupation card!

Everyone's heart couldn't help but beat.

"Lord Blood Hunter, can this witch occupation card change your appearance?"

"Lord Blood Hunter, can a man do this task?"

"Lord Blood Hunter, I have it, I have an extraordinary item that can change gender!"

In the eyes of many pirates, gender is not important for the real strong.

The scarred face of the Blood Hunter showed no emotion, and he said calmly:

"No problem, as long as you bring the Black Hunter back, this occupation card is yours."

This group of shameless guys... Siren clenched his fist and showed a look of contempt.

Then, the Blood Hunter drew out the long knife at his waist, and his tone was extremely calm:

"If you are not satisfied, you can also use this occupation card to exchange for the treasure of the Deep Sea Hunter."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

It can still be exchanged!



Cheers continued to ring out one after another.

Amid the cheers, the Blood Hunter slowly stood up:

"Little Crow, Siren, the Rift Sea, the black whale blood, the sea beast research, and the task of monitoring the Poseidon Pirates, are all handed over to you."

Monitoring the Poseidon Pirates, sea beast research, black whale blood... Little Crow and Siren couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

These tasks are not small tasks! Especially the task of monitoring the Poseidon Pirates!

The Black Whale Pirates and the Poseidon Pirates are only superficially friendly.

However, the Poseidon Pirates have been hiding their big plan from the Black Whale Circle.

The two sides have secretly assassinated each other's personnel through the hands of the Hunter Association, but there are more than hundreds of cases.

Therefore, since the beginning of the rift tide, eleven of the main persons in charge of monitoring the Poseidon Pirates have died!

Letting them do this task is tantamount to letting them die!

In the Black Whale Group, disobeying orders is tantamount to death.

Little Crow and Siren lowered their heads, bit their lips, and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, sir!"

The Blood Hunter still had no expression change:

"All cadres, after receiving the rewards, go upstairs. Doctor Black Death has prepared a new ship for you."

Go out... Everyone was stunned.

In order not to expose the location of Whale Island, they have never seen the ground of Whale Island!

And now, they can take the initiative to go to the ground of Whale Island.

Everyone took a deep breath and said in unison:

"Yes, sir!"



Above the base, above Whale Island, Pirate Port.

The sky was dark, dark clouds rolled, and the huge wind sound was mixed with heavy fog, burying everything in sight.

The pirates followed the steps of the Blood Hunter, pushed open the heavy door, and walked out of the interior of Whale Island.

When Little Crow and Siren walked out of the door, they were shocked by the behemoth in front of them.

In the heavy fog, there were terrifying black giant ships one after another!

However, unlike traditional steam giant ships, these giant ships do not have the common open chimneys. Instead, they are larger in size and more ferocious cannons.

At the same time, there are huge chains wrapped around the side of the ship, and a huge sea beast wrapped by the chains.

Just like a giant carriage, there is a huge sea beast in front of each giant ship!

Nearly three-quarters of the body of the sea beast is hidden in the sea water.

Despite this, the full picture of the sea beast can still be felt from the heavy breathing.

This terrifying giant beast like an elephant, from the hill-like head, you can see the ears like a huge piece of cloth floating on the water.

In the thick fog, it is so majestic and so terrifying!

"Goddess of the Sea! What on earth is this?"


"Black Elephant Ship! It is a Black Elephant Ship, collected by Doctor Black Death, and only exists in the drawings!"

In the exclamations, the little crow and the siren were also shocked.

Controlling behemoths or giants is a terrifying power that can only be accomplished by the beast-controlling kingdom, which is in charge of teleportation, and the black-blood empire, which is good at enslavement and control!

However, this terrifying war machine belonging to the country actually appeared in the hands of the pirates of their Black Whale Group!

I don't know how much time passed before the pirates of the Black Whale Group slowly calmed down and stopped exclamating.

At this moment, a big pirate slowly walked out of the black water, causing everyone who had calmed down to take a step back.

He is Doctor Black Death, one of the great pirates, and the big man responsible for all the research of the Black Whale Group.

Little Crow, who is also a doctor, can feel the horror of this doctor even more. He is an almost crazy doctor. All the naval research materials discovered so far are in the hands of this doctor.

At the same time, he is also the biggest supporter and initiator of the weaponization of sea beasts and aberration warfare. At the same time, he also organizes the All Diseases Association with the Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom Hua Xiang and has close ties.

Against all odds, he combined the chain technology of the Black Blood Empire, the beast manipulation skills of the Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom, and the navy's data to create one terrifying aberration after another.

Doctor Black Death walked out of the distant shore, opened his arms and said:

"Everyone, I believe you already understand that after the arrival of the Laughing Moon, the difficulty of sea navigation will increase exponentially!

Moreover, Steam Hand, Magic Bullet Company, Bonfire Energy, and Steel Furnace, the companies that the country of Bei is proud of, are driving their terrifying torrent of steel!

Take a look at the islands around Moonstone City, Maro Town, Devil Town, and the Moonstone Outer Islands. Those originally barren and desolate islands are being constantly transformed, and now they have become maintenance bases for mechas and ships! Become an unbreakable steel wall outside Moonstone City! "

City walls, bases... There were laments from the crowd, and few of them paid attention to the affairs of the country's offshore islands.

In the past hundred years, it has been a deserted land that no one cares about, and even pirates have no interest in visiting it.

Doctor Black Death continued:

"You should have heard that on land, those terrifying forces like the Iron Divine Soldiers, even the natural disaster beasts in the cracks, cannot defeat the Iron Divine Soldiers in the end!"

There was a commotion among everyone. Bei Country's steel mechas had always been a concern for the pirates, but in the tide, not many of them paid attention to this issue.

Doctor Black Death made a scared ugly face:

"The huge power of the Steam Hands started their actions a few months ago.

And now, the Steel Divine Soldiers of the Steam Hands are trying to rely on their steel ships to come to this sea to challenge the overlord of our Black Whale Group! Come and crush us! "

Mecha is the most terrifying war machine in Bei Country.

A mecha requires at least five B-level cracks, ten steel factories, countless D-level crack minerals, and a large number of hammer-phase transcendents to forge it.

This power, which is comparable to a 'miracle', is a power that the Black Whale Group cannot possibly master.

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

Even if they traveled across the sea for many years, they could not dissipate their awe of the Iron Divine Soldier.

At this moment, Dr. Black Death showed a satisfied smile:

"Now, this problem has finally been solved."


Doctor Black Death snapped his fingers.

A low and long roar came from the depths of the ocean floor, like an ancient behemoth being quietly awakened from its slumber.

The water began to surge uneasily, and black waves rolled.

Along with the waves that kept coming, one after another, the walrus figure that seemed to be carved from pure black marble slowly emerged from the sea. Its body was huge and majestic, and every muscle contained immeasurable power.

In the thick fog, they rose like a mountain, shrouding everyone.

Everyone stepped back one after another. Just looking at the figures of these black walruses, they couldn't stop trembling.

At this moment, Dr. Black Death could not help but clenched his fists excitedly:

"The black walrus has a maximum length of more than 30 meters and a maximum weight of more than 500 tons. Its huge strength is enough to drive any steel ship! Its steel skin is enough to block any cannonball! The high-pressure water column shot by its trunk can easily Capture a hundred-ton ship! It will become the new overlord on this sea!”

Everyone couldn't help but feel happy. Doctor Black Death's description was so exciting to them.

"The fully-renovated navy, the hunters of Bonfire Energy Company, and the Blood Blade Pirates, these guys who claim to be kings can only tremble all over, waiting for us to crush them!"

"And all this is because of Father Whale's strategy!"

The moment the Black Death Doctor finished speaking, the pirates let out an overwhelming roar, a roar that shook the sea:

"Father Whale! Father Whale!"

"Conquer! Conquer!"

Boom! Boom!

The black walrus began to sail toward the mist.

Along with the hesitant roar, Dr. Black Death silently raised his fingers and roared in a crazy tone:

"Warriors of the Black Whale Regiment! We have been sleeping for too long. We have slept so hard that they have forgotten our terror! We have slept so hard that we dare them to touch our treasures!"

"Now, warriors of the Black Whale Regiment! It's time to set off!"

"It's time to let those who don't know the heights of the sky know who the treasures and crevices of this sea belong to!"

"It's time to let those who offend us know what the breath of the giant beast is."

"It's time to let them all know who is the overlord of this sea!"


Amidst the overwhelming noise and the undulating waves, the Styx ferryman picked up the oar and set off a huge wave. The huge fleet of Black Whales sailed towards the sea of ​​rifts, towards Moonstone City, and towards the Blood Blade Pirates. go.

In the afternoon, Blood Blade Pirates, a sunny ward.

"I don't know, I don't know the teacher's information! You..."

"No, don't come here!"


The Flower Witch woke up from her nightmare and stood up suddenly, then hit Chen Qi's head with a bang.

Pain - Chen Qi tried hard not to spill the medicinal soup in his hand on the ground.

The Flower Witch often falls into a coma due to her injuries.

Therefore, Chen Qi originally planned to pry the little mouth of the Flower Witch and feed her medicine.

"Did you have a terrible nightmare?"

Chen Qi asked curiously.

Fen, the Flower Witch, was stunned and looked at the surrounding rooms.

A simple ward by the window, with a faint fragrance of flowers and comfortable sunshine.

And Chen Qi!

With a woman I don't know... Fen stared at Chen Qi in front of him, blushing and explained:

"No, it's not a very scary nightmare."

No, judging from the force with which you hit me just now, this is definitely a terrifying nightmare... Chen Qi rubbed his sore forehead with his hands.

Jin Li, who was following Chen Qi, rubbed her little hands and said excitedly:

"Witch, hello..."

Is she a nurse... Fen glanced at Jin Li and said with a smile:


Then, Fen immediately turned his head, no longer paying attention to Jin Li, and stared at Chen Qi.

Fen, isn't this rude? The other party is a guest of the Ice Demon Pirates. Aren't you curious about her dress... Chen Qi was about to cough twice and introduce Jin Li.

However, the next second, he saw Jin Li rubbing her hands together excitedly, intoxicated with joy.

Forget it, let’s not introduce it yet… Use a spoon to stir the medicinal soup in the morning:

"Fin, are you feeling better?"

Flower Witch Fen's injuries have damaged her roots and her heart.

This is the price of liberating beyond one's own level.

Fen touched his forehead and whispered softly:

"I've been basking in the sun every day recently. With my new skill 'Summer Sunshine', I've gotten better. Today, I should be able to go to sea."

Photosynthesis? Summer sunshine? That skill of learning the sunflower shake?

Chen Qi nodded.

It turns out that the skills that the Flower Witch told him before were not some kind of stage performance skills, but real magical skills.

Chen Qi continued to ask:

"Fin, what nightmare did you just have? Are you so scared?"

Fen calmed down for a while, then clenched the quilt with both hands:

"I dreamed that the two of us were on a small boat, and you were killed because of me, and then I treated you and wanted to resurrect you..."


Was I beaten to death? By whom?

In the Flower Witch's mind, would it be so easy for me to die... Chen Qi couldn't help but complain:

"Then what?"

Fen's tone was extremely weak:

"Then countless giant black elephants like mountains, pulling iron boats, surrounded us from all directions on the sea. I can't save you at all..."

Black elephant... Chen Qi touched his chin.

On the Witch Sea, the Black Elephant Ship of the Black Whale Group is a very powerful and terrifying ship.

Prophecy dream... Chen Qi dragged his chin and then asked curiously:

"What next?"

The Flower Witch tightened her grip on the sheets again:

"Then I fell into the sea. In the deep sea, a coffin slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea. Among them, the voice of my teacher came. My teacher told me that this sea will be destroyed.

A terrifying god of the deep sea is gathering and being born on this sea...

And now, only I, only me and the other witches, can stop it! "

The Flower Witch's eyes reflected fear, and her hands trembled slightly, as if there really was a terrifying ancient god of the deep sea in front of her.

Ancient God of the Deep Sea, this should refer to the power of the whale beyond the edge... Chen Qi continued to ask:

"What then? Finn?"

"Then the teacher hugged me..."

Fen said, suddenly paused, and slowly looked at the excited Jin Li beside Chen Qi:


Jin Li clasped her hands together and said with great enthusiasm:

"Do you have any instructions? Miss Witch!"

Fen thought for a while and said in a weak tone:

"Can you go out? We have some private things to talk about."


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