Blank card... Chen Qi's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Blank cards are often special drops from virtual, shadow, and book cracks. They can be used as models for skill cards, career cards, disposable cards, and backpack cards.

If a card maker wants to make cards, blank cards are essential.

Ordinary card maker apprentices have the ability to mass-produce blank cards, but cards with sexual power need to be dropped by specific monsters.

As for the blank card that exudes black energy, there are two possibilities. First, it is a blank card with the attribute of shadow, and second, it is a card with virtual aspect.

Of course, there is another possibility...

Chen Qi's eyes widened.

Under his powerful inspiration, he could feel that the shadow's extremely oppressive spiritual power and the extremely calm spiritual power were intertwined and continuously emitted.

This blank card has two sexual aspects at the same time.

Although there is only one more sexual aspect, in terms of rarity, the rarity of the phantom phase blank card is fifty times that of the single-sexual aspect skill card.

The phantom phase blank card has powerful spatial attributes, coupled with the creeping shadows produced by the Witch Sea, only an ordinary book hammer phase card maker apprentice can create a powerful position card weapon, the creeping shadow tentacles forest.

In the future, if you study photography, you can also develop shadow interpretation skills and tentacle waves.

The third-level calligraphy, hammer, and psychic psychics have already started the violent troop flow, the small steam mechanical soldiers of the hammer, the beast horde flow of the psychic beast tamers, and the position flow of the psychic tamers.

The tentacle wave is a very powerful position card skill. With just one card, you can resist the attack of the shadow beast monster under the laughing moon.

The Blank Shadow Card is a special drop from the Queen of Laughing Moon. If you kill a book or shadow monster with level 3 strength, the drop rate is only 1%.

It actually appeared in this place. At present, many people probably don’t know the value of this blank card... Chen Qi held his chin and asked excitedly:

"I want that blank card. What level of tasks do I need to complete?"

The sea snake captain narrowed his eyes and thought for a while:

"A blank card of a shadow. The shadow tide is coming recently. I think about it. Since you are a newcomer, you can maintain the tentacle grass, or help our Poseidon pirate group build fortifications to resist the shadow tide. "

The sea snake captain raised his lips and pointed at another reward:

"You might as well change to sea mud. This is our specialty. It is a kind of mud-shaped creature that can adhere to the whole body. Bathing in sea mud for a long time will not only allow you to experience an unprecedented sense of comfort, but also give you a special feeling. The scent makes it less likely to be attacked by sea monsters.”

As he said that, the sea snake captain hugged himself with his hands, his face turned red, and he showed a happy expression!


After all, don't do such weird actions... Chen Qi glanced at the Sea Snake Captain.

In addition to the sea goddess on this person's back, there are also various pet patterns on his clothes such as water elves, tentacle grass, sea snakes, and small seahorses.

This is a marine pet lover.

And he didn't notice the specialness of the blank card at all.

Well, I didn’t even have the interest to pay attention at all... Chen Qi thought about it and said:

"Let's just maintain the tentacle grass. I'll take two of them first."

Tentacle grass is a special sea beast that is easily irritable. In the eyes of most people, this is an extremely dangerous job. If you are not careful, you will be tied up by the tentacles.

It’s a hard job that requires strength.

But for Chen Qi, this difficulty is not as good as following the little crow to get the medicinal materials from the sea beast.

wrong! This doesn't even require him to do it.

He has six water elves. With one water elf, he can maintain a tentacle grass position.

He alone can maintain six tentacle grass positions!

No, considering the characteristics of water elves who are 24 hours a day and only need to rest for four hours.

And as long as the rest time of the water elves is squeezed to two hours, the water elves under his command can cover all the tentacle grasslands near Poseidon Island!

Chen Qi said without hesitation:

"I'll take two!"

"Two slices, this will take you at least twelve hours. This is hard work that no one wants to do..."

This is physically demanding work... The sea snake captain showed admiration in his eyes:

"Okay! Brother, seeing as you are suffering from leviathan disease and have worked so hard, I will give you the reward in advance."


Chen Qi's eyes widened.

The Sea Snake captain puffed up his chest and said something to the person in charge, then took out the blank card and handed it to Chen Qi:

"This card is of no use to us anyway, take it! Work hard! From now on, follow us, you will be our family, and we guarantee that you will be promoted to the third level!"

The sea snake captain smiled inwardly.

His spiritual perception could clearly detect Chen Qi's spiritual field.

In the second level, Chen Qi's spiritual force field is already quite powerful.

Under normal circumstances, a blank photo card can be sold for at most 100,000 shell coins!

And with one hundred thousand shellfish, you can give a second-level extraordinary person with good combat power a big pie and increase his loyalty, which is a very cost-effective thing.

More importantly, the difficulty of repairing a piece of tentacle grass is actually quite high, requiring one hundred thousand shell coins.

After conversion, he made one hundred thousand shellfish coins in vain.

[You get a blank card of phantom phase. 】

This gave... Chen Qi couldn't believe it and accepted the card.

The Poseidon Pirates don't even know the huge value of the items in their store.

The Poseidon Pirate Group is indeed a huge grassroots team... Chen Qi accepted the card and said straight to the point:

"By the way, Captain Sea Snake, to be honest, I want to become a third-level lampkeeper. Is there any way?"

"Lampkeeper... let me think about it... huh?"

The sea serpent captain's eyes suddenly widened.

The hunter in front of me actually wants to be a lampkeeper!

Every lampkeeper is an important part of the island's security forces.

Especially after the Laughing Moon, the wave of shadows comes, and dangerous murmurs are heard from time to time in the dark night.

The status of the lantern keeper has been infinitely elevated. The power of the lantern keeper determines the safety of their Poseidon Island at night!

It can even be said that the lampkeeper is the gate to the island!

The status of this position is higher than that of his pirate captain!

The sea snake captain put away the smiling expression on his face:

"You're not an undercover agent sent by another pirate group, are you?"

Without the supervision of the lampkeepers, at night, their carefully arranged tentacle grass formations, black mud traps, and sea vortex traps may be demolished by hostile forces.

Handing the lampkeeper's position to an outsider is like handing the key to your home to an outsider!

In the final analysis, Chen Qi is just a newcomer with unknown origins!

Chen Qi said sincerely:

"How could it be? I am an extraordinary person of the Code of Lamps. What I want is not the position of Lampkeeper, but the career card of Lampkeeper. To be honest, I have been stuck in the second level for too long and am in urgent need of help. A path to advancement.”

"The road to promotion..."

The sea snake captain thought for a long time and said:

"Hunter from afar, after Smiling Moon, the value of a third-level light phase career card has exceeded your imagination!

Unless you have a background, you can only fight for it on your own, and the only way I can think of is to defeat the crazy guy - the shadow of the lantern, and this chance is very slim, and you can't do it even with your strength..."

In the current environment, without the support of a third-level transcendent, a second-level transcendent cannot obtain a third-level professional card... The Sea Snake captain added:

"Of course, there is another option. You officially join the Poseidon Pirates and work for the Poseidon Pirates for three months. After three months, based on your performance, the leader may grant you a lampkeeper career card."

Chen Qi asked:

"Crazy person? Shadow with a lantern?"

There is no doubt that this shadow with the lantern is the goal of his heart! A crazy lampkeeper!

Talking about this person, the Sea Snake Captain couldn't help but frown:

"He was originally the lighthouse keeper of our Stone Lighthouse. However, twenty days ago, after he predicted that the Laughing Moon was about to come, he fell into madness. He gave up his belief in the goddess of the sea and switched to believing in the God of Death with the Lamp. "

"Before he left, he swore that after Xiaoyue, he would kill everyone on Poseidon Island. And, just yesterday, he and Shadow Beast hunted a commercial ship in the dark, causing us losses. We paid 50 million shell coins, thirty crew members, and five second-level transcendent beings like you..."

"And, he swore that when the shadow tide comes, he will let Poseidon Island experience the fear of the shadow tide!"

Having said this, the sea snake captain's pupils shrank, revealing a snake-like threatening look, trying to dispel Chen Qi's thoughts.

Is it the BOSS in the Shadow Tide... Chen Qi thought.

The Shadow Tide is a unique natural disaster after the Laughing Moon.

To put it simply, after being unable to find food, the shadow beasts who were afraid of light gathered together and launched a terrifying general attack!

The scale of these shadow beast tides is huge.

The direction of their attack is usually in places with dense population and light, and the islands above the sea have become the core attack targets of the shadow beast tide.

A powerful wave of shadow beasts, enough to destroy a city, is an extremely terrifying natural disaster.

The shadow tide on Poseidon Island, combined with a C-level shadow phase rift, was the largest shadow beast tide in the month after the Laughing Moon!

The shadow tide combined with the crack is essentially a special type of crack!

"Large-scale shadow tide..."

Chen Qi frowned.

The sea snake captain crossed his chest and said:

"Yes, a large-scale shadow tide. Otherwise, why do you think our Poseidon Pirates would recruit so many mercenaries? There is no doubt that that guy will appear in the shadow tide. If you are lucky enough...

No, just give up! Brother, you are just a second-level transcendent, you can't take away the more than a hundred third-level hunters we invited! "

"Grab monsters..."

Chen Qi closed his eyes.

A crazy lampkeeper, with his current strength, defeating the opponent is not a problem.

But the key point is that if you are in the shadow tide, the lampkeeper who is the BOSS is likely to be killed by other hunters.

At that time, this problem will become a head-grabbing problem!

Is there any way... Chen Qi thought for a while.

It's very simple, just kill the BOSS before he appears in front of the Shadow Tide.

Chen Qi said silently:

"Captain Sea Serpent, you seem to be worried about the Shadow Tide. I would like to apply for a mission to enter the origin of the Shadow Tide to investigate."

As soon as these words came out, the resting hunters and pirates from the Poseidon Pirate Group all cast surprised glances.


The sea snake captain looked in disbelief.

Entering the place of origin of the shadow tide to investigate is an extremely dangerous and important task. It is like a small soldier breaking directly into the local base camp.

However, this task is extremely important. If the scale of the shadow tide, attack route, etc. can be detected before the shadow tide arrives.

Then when facing the shadow tide, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

It was the Sea Snake captain's style to hand over dangerous and arduous tasks to newcomers who didn't know anything. But at this moment, he couldn't help but ask:

"Why? Are you crazy?"

"I am a Light Aspect Extraordinary. I have the ability to deal with shadow beasts. Moreover, I also need a lot of creeping shadow materials."

Chen Qi said expressionlessly:

“If I want to be a true illuminator, I must have the courage to ignore the difficulties and go deep into the darkness.”

Saying that, Chen Qi added in a pretentious manner:

"And I think that if Poseidon Island becomes my home in the future, then I must also have the courage to protect my home."

Home... The sea snake captain didn't know how to control his expression for a moment.

He just treated Chen Qi as a scapegoat with no background, and was ready to entrust him with dangerous and difficult tasks to squeeze out his value.

However, he never expected that Chen Qi would regard Poseidon Island as his home before he even started brainwashing!

And for the sake of this family, he is willing to take the initiative to go deep into the origin of Shadow Tide and detect the enemy's situation!

This is a good man, I wrongly blamed him... The captain of the Sea Snake felt particularly emotional in his heart.

The hunters around him couldn't help but express admiration and whisper to each other.

"A second-level transcendent dares to carry out such dangerous work."

"Who is he? A defector from the National Meteorological Bureau?"

"It seems to be a chef, a newcomer..."

"The second-level newcomers dare to join the Shadow Beast Tide? Aren't they afraid of death? The place where the Shadow Beast Tide originated is estimated to have 100,000 Shadow Beasts! Or even millions!"

"You're new, you haven't been brainwashed by the Poseidon Pirates. That leader is really harmful."

"Keep your voice down."

Everyone shook their heads, but most of the hunters also put on supportive expressions.

You know, the more information about the shadow beast tide, the safer they are!

The sea snake captain stood in awe and put his hands on Chen Qi's shoulders:

"Brother, what's your name?"

Chen Qi said:


The Sea Snake Captain’s tone was full of gratitude:

"Qi, brother! You have the guts! I will give you the origin of the shadow beast tide right away. To be honest, according to our weather tower, within three days, the shadow tide will launch a general attack on our Poseidon Island!

And there were only five people participating in the detection!

Your information may save thousands of us! "

"Well, what kind of reward..."

Chen Qi asked.

The sea snake captain's tone became excited:

"Reward three million shell coins! Brother, in addition to this, I will give you the knowledge of the forbidden genre unique to our Poseidon Pirate Group!"

Three million shellfish, not bad... Chen Qi felt happy because he didn't have much money now.

The sea snake captain added:

"By the way, my brother, if you really finish it! I will give you the sea mud that I bathe in every day!"

Is this a pet that can be given away... Chen Qi said:

"Need not."

"Then I will give you the sea mud that our Poseidon Sect, the saint uses for bathing..."

"Well...there's no need for that..."

Do you have any attachment to Hai Ni Ni... Chen Qi was speechless.

The sea snake captain did not hesitate and handed Chen Qi the chart with the place of origin.

There is a slight danger. I wonder if Fen is gone... Chen Qi took the map and planned his itinerary.

At this moment, a slightly playful female voice interrupted his thoughts:

"Little brother, if we can really provide information about Shadow Tide, we at Tower of Books are also willing to help you make cards for free."

This sound... Chen Qi looked at the sound.

The woman who spoke was sitting on a high chair, shaking her wine glass, and looking at him with a smile.

She has silvery white hair, slender white eyebrows, and a straight nose. She wears a common simple white hunter uniform, but she looks particularly noble and elegant.

Next to her, there were five hunters in the same white uniforms, with cold faces.

White Tower Federation, Hunters of the Tower of Books.

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